Angular2 observable with JSON root element - javascript

This is my first time ever working with angular observables and I'm a bit confused on how this works. I was given a mostly functioning angular CLI app that I just need to wire up to my already existing API.
I have a service with this function
public getApps(): Observable<ApplicationInterface[]> {
return this.http.get(url);
Then in my component, I have
public data: ApplicationInterface[];
ngOnInit() {
.subscribe(params => {
fetchData() {
.subscribe(data => { = data;
My api endpoint returns a JSON structure of {"applications": []}
I can't seem to figure out how to access the array in that JSON hash.
If I console.log(data) in the subscribe block, it is the API response with the applications key that I expect, but if I change the data assignment to = data.applications, ng build fails with Property 'applications' does not exist on type 'ApplicationInterface[]'

You should design the interface to be aligned with the response. If the response is object, than you need to have it like this also in the interface.
Try something like this (using the new HttpClient):
interface ApplicationInterfaceResponse {
applications: ApplicationInterface[];
public getApps(): Observable<ApplicationInterface[]> {
return this.httpClient
.map(response => {
return data.applications;

If your return is of type ApplicationInterface[], then it's an array of ApplicationInterfaces, thus does not have a property called applications on it. This has nothing to do with your observable; it's fine. Rather, you've mistyped your variable.
If you don't need any other properties of data, you can map the value:
public getApps(): Observable<ApplicationInterface[]> {
return this.http.get(url).map(data => data.applications);
However, I recommend against this in most situations. If your object changes in the future, then you have to change this function and all attached subscriptions. Instead, you should create an interface for your response (your response right now does not match the type you're giving it), and use values of it as necessary.

The simplest fix is to indicate the correct form of the data that is returned by your service method since it doesn't actually return an array:
public getApps(): Observable<{applications:ApplicationInterface[]}> {
return this.http.get(url);
Now in your subscribe, you can get at the array as you would expect
.subscribe(e => = e.applications)


Can't get data from .pipe(map())

Got some problems with observable.
I have a function, with one returns me an Observable.
public getData(userId) {
const data = this.execute({userId: userId});
return {event: "data.get", data: data}
private execute(input: SomeDto): Observable<SomeRefType[]> {
return this.databaseGateway.queryMany(DatabaseCommand.WebRecordGetbyparticipantid, {
parameters: {
prm_contextuserid: input.userId,
prm_filterparticipantids: null,
prm_filtertext: null
}).pipe(map(res => res));
Type what pipe(map) returns
What I'm got when trying to return or log data
Question: Why .pipe(map(res => res)) don't work? What am I doing wrong?
For sure, I can read data from .pipe(take(1)).subscribe(data => console.log(data)), but, how can I return data from construction like this?
Thanks everyone! Have a good day!
As said in the Rxjs documentation observable are lazy computation.
It means the as long as you don't subscribe to them they won't do anything. It exists two ways to trigger a subscription.
Either within a ts file using .susbcribe() or within a view when calling an endpoint.
If you're using nestjs it would be when calling the url defined within a #Controller('') with an http verb like #Get('path')
By convention you suffix observable variables with $: data$ = new Observable<any>().
At some point you'll have to convert the observable to a promise. Best to do it early and convert it using firstValueFrom immediately after the query.
Then convert your caller to an async method to use the returned value.
public async getData(userId): Promise<{ event: string, data: SomeRefType[] }> {
const data = await this.execute({userId: userId});
return { event: 'data.get', data };
private execute(input: SomeDto): Promise<SomeRefType[]> {
const res$ = this.databaseGateway.queryMany(DatabaseCommand.WebRecordGetbyparticipantid, {
parameters: {
prm_contextuserid: input.userId,
prm_filterparticipantids: null,
prm_filtertext: null
return firstValueFrom(res$);

Extracting data from subscribe() method

I don't really know how to extract the values from the subscribe() method.
getMessages(): any {
this.gatewayMessagesState$.subscribe(data => data.gatewayMessages
.map(Message => Message.message));
gatewayMessagesState is an initial state that contains some data. gatewayMessages is a map with gatewayIds as keys and arrays of Message objects as values. Message has message field that's just a string. I would like to extract an array of messages for a given id. How can I do that?
What you probably want to do is to populate another Observable with the data so that you can access it elsewhere in your project without the need for calling the API more than once.
To do this, you create what is known as a Subject (in this case a BehaviorSubject) and you can populate that with data when your API call returns a response.
Then, in order to access this data elsewhere, you can create a "get" function to return the Subject (which is itself an Observable) whenever you need the data.
Here is an example:
my - data.service.ts
myData: BehaviorSubject < number > = new BehaviorSubject < number > (0);
callApi() {
(data) = > // Assuming data is a 'number'
getMyData() {
return this.myData.asObservable();
Now to use this in a component:
(data) = > {
/* Use the value from myData observable freely */
Or you could rely on the Angular async pipe (which is a very convenient method for dealing with observables in your code).
You are not specifying if getMessages is in a service, component... in any case, I suggest returning the Observable without subscribing to it in the getMessages function
// this function could be anywhere
getMessages(): Observable<string[]> {
return this.gatewayMessagesState$.pipe(
map((data) => data.gatewayMessages.get(this.gatewayId)),
map((yourMap) => yourMap? => theMessage.message))
Now, if you need to extract this value, either from a component, a service, etc... then, just call this function and then subscribe to get the result
Let's say getMessages is in a service file for example
Your component
constructor(private theService: YourService) {}
anotherFunction() {
this.theService.getMessages().subscribe((myMessages) => console.log(myMessages));
Or let the async pipe subscribe to this observable
Your component
messages$!: Observable<string[]>
constructor(private theService: YourService) {}
anotherFunction() {
this.messages$ = this.theService.getMessages()
Your component html
<ng-container *ngIf="messages$ | async as messages">
<div *ngFor="let message of messages">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
I this you want to retrieve the data as an observable of messages as string, you can define the function return as this and using pipe and map operatoes from rxjs,this is code below is my proposition
getMessages(): observable<string[]>{
return this.gatewayMessagesState$.pipe(map((data) =>
data.filter((f) => ===this.gatewayId)),
map(item => item.message));

Angular 9 typecast issue after http response

I have a component which retrieves a student info from an api upon its initialization.
This is the onIniti code on my cmponent-version1
ngOnInit(): void {
if(!this.student) {
(response: Student) => {
this.student = response;
error => console.log(error)
and here is the function inside my student-service-version1
getStudentDetail(id: number): Observable<Student> {
return this.httpClient.get<Student>(`${this.studentsUrl}${id}/`, this.baseService.httpOptions);
Everything works fine. Now, just for didactic purpose (I'm new to javascript/typescript), I'd like to refactor my service in order to use a single get function which returns the list of students when called without parameter, and instead return a student detail info when called with a specific id.
This is the students-service-version2
getStudents(id?: number): Observable<Student[]> {
return this.httpClient.get<Student[]>(`${this.studentsUrl}${id}/`, this.baseService.httpOptions);
return this.httpClient.get<Student[]>(this.studentsUrl, this.baseService.httpOptions);
Given that the signature of my function states it returns a students array observable, in my component I need a sort of typecasting from Student[] to Student. This is how I do it:
ngOnInit(): void {
if(!this.student) {
(response: Student[]) => {
this.student = response[0] as Student;
error => console.log(error)
This doesn't work so after the init, student var remains undefined. I do not understand why, everything seems correct to me (although this refactoring it's not a good idea. Again, I just want to understand the error behind)
I'vs also try
this.student = response.pop() as Student; Same result, not working.
ngOnInit(): void {
if(!this.student) {
(response: Student[]) => {
// Hope, this.student will have type as any, public student: any
this.student = ! ? response[0] as Student : response as Student[];
error => console.log(error)
Always, try to return an array to avoid conflicts. In the above code,
the ternary operator will do your work. As, if you have an id that
means you are asking for particular student information otherwise you
are asking for all student records.
your service should be yelling at you right now because you're lying to the compiler... your return type isn't Observable<Student[]> its Observable<Student[] | Student>... i don't agree with the principal of one function for both single and list gets at all, but you could force it to be a list in the single case...
return this.httpClient.get<Student>(`${this.studentsUrl}${id}/`, this.baseService.httpOptions).pipe(
map(student => [student])
no typecasting will convert something to an array if its not an array. you need to explicitly make it an array if that's waht you want.
Overload the signature of your method as follows:
class StudentService {
get(id: number) | Observable<Student>;
get(): Observable<Student[]>;
get(id: number | undefined): Observable<Student[]> | Observable<Student> {
if(id !== undefined)
return this.httpClient.get<Student[]>(`${this.studentsUrl}${id}/`, this.baseService.httpOptions);
return this.httpClient.get<Student>(this.studentsUrl, this.baseService.httpOptions);
Notice how the method has been renamed to make sense in either case, how the return type is correlated with the presence of the id parameter, and how the check has been modified to accommodate the possibility of 0 as a valid id.

Angular subscribe within subscribe: data doesn't load at the same time within view

I know it is bad practice to call subscribe within subscribe but I don't know how to handle it differently with my special case.
The code as it is now works, but my problem is that if I update my website for example every second, parts of the table are loaded first and other parts are loaded afterwards (the content of the subscibe within my subscribe).
I have a service containing a function that returns an Observable of a list of files for different assets.
Within that function I request the filelist for each asset by calling another service and this service returns observables.
I then iterate over the elements of that list and build up my data structures to return them later on (AssetFilesTableItems).
Some files can be zip files and I want to get the contents of those files by subscribing to another service (extractZipService). To be able to get that correct data I need the name of the file which I got by requesting the filelist. I then add some data of the zip contents to my AssetFilesTableItems and return everything at the end.
The code of that function is as follows:
getAssetfilesData(assetIds: Array<string>, filter: RegExp, showConfig: boolean): Observable<AssetFilesTableItem[][]> {
const data = => {
// for each assetId
return this.fileService.getFileList(assetId)
map((datasets: any) => {
const result: AssetFilesTableItem[] = [];
// iterate over each element
datasets.forEach((element: AssetFilesTableItem) => {
// apply regex filter to filename
if (filter.test( {
this.logger.debug(`Filter ${filter} matches for element: ${}`);
// build up AssetFilesTableItem
const assetFilesItem: AssetFilesTableItem = {
type: element.type,
asset: assetId
// save all keys of AssetFilesTableItem
const assetFilesItemKeys = Object.keys(assetFilesItem);
// if file is of type ZIP, extract 'config.json' from it if available
if (showConfig && element.type.includes('zip')) {
this.extractZipService.getJSONfromZip(assetId,, 'config.json')
.subscribe((configJson: any) => {
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(configJson);
const entries = Object.entries(jsonContent);
entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
const key = entry[0];
const value = entry[1];
// only add new keys to AssetFilesTableItem
if (!assetFilesItemKeys.includes(key)) {
assetFilesItem[key] = value;
} else {
this.logger.error(`Key '${key}' of config.json is already in use and will not be displayed.`);
return result;
// return combined result of each assetId request
return forkJoin(data);
I update my table using the following code within my component:
getValuesPeriodically(updateInterval: number) {
this.pollingSubscription = interval(updateInterval)
.subscribe(() => {
getAssetfilesFromService() {
this.assetfilesService.getAssetfilesData(this.assetIds, this.filterRegEx, this.showConfig)
.subscribe((assetFilesTables: any) => {
this.assetFilesData = [].concat.apply([], assetFilesTables);
Edit: I tried ForkJoin, but as far as I understandit is used for doing more requests in parallel. My extractZipService though depends on results that I get from my fileService. Also I have a forkJoin at the end already which should combine all of my fileList requests for different assets. I don't understand why my view is not loaded at once then.
EDIT: The problem seems to be the subscribe to the extractZipService within the forEach of my fileService subscribe. It seems to finish after the fileService Subscribe. I tried lots of things already, like SwitchMap, mergeMap and the solution suggested here, but no luck. I'm sure it's possible to make it work somehow but I'm running out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated!
You are calling this.extractZipService.getJSON inside a for loop. So this method gets called asynch and your function inside map is not waiting for the results. When result does come as your items are same which is in your view they get refreshed.
To solve this you need to return from this.extractZipService.getJSON and map the results which will give you a collections of results and then you do forkJoin on results ( Not sure why you need to forkjoin as there are just the objects and not API's which you need to call )
this.logger.debug(`ConfigJson found for file '${}': ${configJson}`);
const jsonContent = JSON.parse(configJson);
const entries = Object.entries(jsonContent);
entries.forEach((entry: any) => {
// code
complete code should look on similar lines :-
getAssetfilesData(assetIds: Array<string>, filter: RegExp, showConfig: boolean): Observable<AssetFilesTableItem[][]> {
const data = => {
// for each assetId
return this.fileService.getFileList(assetId)
map((datasets: any) => {
// iterate over each element
datasets.forEach((element: AssetFilesTableItem) => {
return this.extractZipService.getJSONfromZip(assetId,,
})).map((configJson: any) => {
// collect your results and return from here
// return result
// return combined result of each assetId request
return forkJoin(data);
I have created a Stackblitz( which work along the same lines. You need to use concatMap and forkJoin for getting all the results.
Hope this helps.

How to prevent observable emitted value from being mutated

I'm subscribing to observable and unshift a new element into the resulting array which mutates data. How can I prevent data mutation on a service level by throwing exception if someone tries to mutate data instead of doing deep copy?
I have an angular service to get the list of states from API based on country code. It's a singleton service meaning same instance is shared between different modules and their components. I'm caching the response with ShareReplay(). When in my component I subscribe to the observable and mutate the result (by unshifting a new value to the array) the cached data gets mutated. Right now I'm doing deep copy on a result which is fine but I want my observable to throw exception if somebody tries to use the service and mutates the original value instead of doing deep copy. I also tried to make service return deep copy of the observable but that didn't work, guess lodash doesnt know how to deep copy observables, unless I ditch shareReplay(), implement my own ReplaySubject on service level and make next() method return deep copy of emitted value maybe ?
export class StatesService {
private states$: Observable<State[]> = null;
constructor(private _http: HttpService) {}
getStatesFromCountry(countryCode3: string, freshData: boolean = false): Observable<State[]> {
let code = Object.keys(CountryEnum)
.filter((key: any) => isNaN(key))
.find(key => key === countryCode3.toUpperCase());
if(!code) return Observable.throw("Country Code was not recognized. Make sure it exists in CountryEnum.");
let url: string = `api/states?country=${countryCode3}`;
if (freshData) return this.getStates(url);
return this.states$ ? this.states$ : this.states$ = this.getStates(url).shareReplay(1);
private getStates(url: string): Observable<State[]> {
return this._http.get(url)
.map(response => response)
.catch(error => Observable.throw(<ApiError>JSON.parse(error)));
private loadStates(): Subscription {
const usaStates$ = this._statesService.getStatesFromCountry(CountryEnum[CountryEnum.USA]);
const canStates$ = this._statesService.getStatesFromCountry(CountryEnum[CountryEnum.CAN]);
return Observable.forkJoin(usaStates$, canStates$).subscribe(
([usaStates, canStates]) => {
this.statesList = _.cloneDeep(usaStates.concat(canStates));
//Here if I unshift without doing deep copy first, other
//components that are using this shared service will now
//receive a mutated array of states
this.statesList.unshift(<State>{id: null, code: 'All'});
error => { ApiError.onError(error, this._notificationService, this._loaderService); }
You should be able to use Object.freeze on the value (somewhere).
const test = [1,2,3,4];
test.unshift(0); // error will be thrown
Cannot add property 5, object is not extensible

