Image Blured in Iframe - Fix with CSS or JS? - javascript

on my site I have an iFrame which contains products that I sell.
When viewed on a desktop PC it's fine, but when viewed on a mobile / tablet device the image doesn't resize properly. The image in the iframe is blurred because it has been stretched to fit the screen. If you rotate the device or resize the screen by even a pixel it fixes it.
An example product is here:
Click and view as a mobile device
I have a css attached to the iframe so I can control what happens inside, but I can't figure this one out.
I've applied this to the canvas but it just stretches the image, it doesn't resize it:
height:100% !important;
width:100% !important;
It seems to be getting controlled by some js from the origin server, is there something simple that I'm missing here?
Thanks in advance

Try using attributes height="100%" width="100%"


Preventing jumps with responsive images?

I'm using the picture element with srcset so the same image but with different resolution is downloaded based on the device screen size.
It's max-width: 100% on the image's styles so when it downloads it forces the content below to move.
Is there any way to tell the browser to reserve that space using CSS when using srcset?
I'm also interested on a JavaScript answer if it's not possible.
You could set the image height based on the image width. So the only thing you need to know is your cameras aspect ratio. If the images have different proportions, weve got a problem...

Prevent iframe from loading responsive design

My app has a functionality that loads another route in a iframe. The intention is to change some layout settings, colors etc and see how that page will look in the browser in its final and original version (100% in a desktop or laptop).
The problem is that the iframe is loaded in a div that has something like 2/3 of the system's width (it's a Bootstrap column). This is smaller than our media-query breakpoint and the iframe content is loading the responsive design. But that breaks the rule in paragraph one.
I needed it to be a miniaturized version of the original page.
Is there a way to achieve this result?
What I am trying to do is somehow similar to this on Google's PageSpeed:
THe difference is that Google takes a picture and in my app the user must be allowed to interact with the page, browse other links, click buttons etc. It is a screen simulator/previewer but not responsive.
As CBroe mentioned, the problem is that the CSS for the page loaded within the iframe is using the size of the iframe as it's viewport size. You'll want to size the iframe according to how you want the actual page to display (1200px wide, for example) then use a scale transform to reduce the size of the iframe.
Your HTML could look like:
<iframe width="1200" height="600" src=""></iframe>
Then rescale using CSS:
iframe {
transform: scale(0.3);
transform-origin: top left;
Here's a live example:

Viewport issue on mobile devices

I have an issue I'm struggling to overcome. I deployed my site, and noticed that the viewport logic is broken for STOCK browser on Android device. Chrome browser on the same Android device works. Also, iphone6 works, but iphone5 doesnt. I'm dynamically determing the viewport values depending on width of screen.
Here is a test version of the site:
I can't change the design and layout, and the site needs to be centered in the middle as it is now.
Does anyone know why on on android stock browser it would NOT work, but on chrome on same device would?
anything will help, thanks!
You would have an easier time doing the responsive layout if the hero image was an actual img tag instead of a background image. You can get the background image to not become cropped by adding the CSS:
On a side note, you need to make sure that the containing elements inside article#what-is-spaniard have percentage widths.
From what I have seen, this isn't an issue of browsers, just lacking the proper code
Providing solution without seeing the code is quite tough.
Still giving you a suggestion of resolving it.
Just an idea. Try changing the background size in CSS as below :-
background-size: cover;

galleria javascript crops topand bootom of images when viewing in Firefox Chrome and IE

galleria javascript crops top and base of images when viewing in Firefox Chrome and IE
However in Safari this issue does not exist.
Please see the issue here
no compare the squirrel image with its original
right click on any image and you will see how the script is not displaying the the full image.
We are using galleria. js full screen for a wordpress theme and all our images are the same size so there is no height issue the images we will use are 1600x900
If any one can help please advise. We need to display the entire image.
Thanks all.
I believe that's how galleria is supposed to behave. In full screen mode it fills the screen, so it will crop the top or sides, whichever extends beyond the aspect ratio of the browser window.
In full-screen mode, if you have a wide browser window, it'll crop the top/bottom. If you resize the browser window to portrait orientation, it'll crop the left/right.
You can control this behavior using the image_crop option.
F.ex if you want the image to always fit, set this to false.
Try to set in your css:
.galleria-image img {max-width:6000px !important;}
this works for me, I think there is some trouble in Safari with the attribute max-width of the image. You could use this simple trick or improve this technique adding some conditional css, so for example setting max-width to a specific value only when option "imageCrop" of galleria is set to true. Let me know if this works also for you!

Supersized 3.0 view through iPhone

Using the supersized script on a new site. Same thing happens with the demo site.
When I view it through my iPhone / Android, not seeing the bottom of the site, basically unable to scroll down.
Does this have to do with the CSS or that this script does not work with ?
Did not know that jQuery not capable of working on mobile devices. Guess that why they came up with jQuery mobile...
The issue, as far as I can tell, has to do with the inner block having an absolute position and a height:100%. That prevents the page from scrolling.
Change the position to relative and the inner block shows up below the background.
Change the height to auto and the background does not resize.
The best compromise I've come up with is to add the following to my CSS:
#media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
.focus_wrapper { poxsition:relative; height:auto;}
The image is displayed in the background but if the foreground item is longer than the screen, the background image terminates and doesn't repeat. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

