Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed angular.js - javascript

I have a view controller with the following code that fetches data from api server:
$scope.recent_news_posts = localStorageService.get('recent_news_posts') || [];
$http({method: 'GET', url: 'http://myapi.com/posts'}).success(function(data) {
if ($scope.$$destroyed) {
$scope.recent_news_posts = data || [];
localStorageService.set("recent_news_posts", $scope.recent_news_posts);
In template:
<md-card class="news-item" ng-repeat="post in recent_news_posts track by post.link" ng-click="openExternalLink(post.link);">
<span class="md-headline">{{ post.title }}</span>
<div class="md-subhead" ng-bind-html="post.content"></div>
<img src="{{ post.image }}" class="md-media-lg">
And sometimes I getting reports from sentry like:
[ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track
by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: post in
recent_news_posts track by post.link, Duplicate key: function link(),
Duplicate value:
I read article and added track by, but this didn't help.
I suppose this is maybe because ng-repeat function not finished in time new data from server came. But don't know how to fix this.

Check your data which comes from API. Probably there are some items which have exactly the same post.link inside. If you use track by then the item which is used for tracking needs to be unique!


ng-repeat not rendering data from array

I am working on a web app where non-profit organizations can create a profile and be easily searchable by various parameters. In the "create and organization" form, I have a nested array where the organization can add donations that they need. The array is storing ok (I can add multiple donations), however when I try to display it using ng-repeat, nothing renders. When I don't use the ng-repeat and just display via {{ ctrl.organization.donations }} the information shows up with brackets and quotation marks.
Here is the code that I use to add the donations (via the newOrganization controller):
function NewOrganizationController(OrganizationService, CategoryService, $stateParams, $state, $http, Auth){
var ctrl = this;
CategoryService.getCategories().then(function(resp) {
ctrl.categories = resp.data;
ctrl.donations = [{text: ''}];
Auth.currentUser().then(function(user) {
ctrl.user = user;
ctrl.addNewDonation = function() {
var newDonation = ctrl.donations.length+1;
ctrl.donations.push({text: ''});
ctrl.removeDonation = function() {
var lastItem = ctrl.donations.length-1;
ctrl.addOrganization = function() {
var donations = this.donations;
var allDonations = [];
for (var key in donations) {
if (donations.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var donation = donations[key].text;
var data = {
name: ctrl.organization.name,
description: ctrl.organization.description,
address: ctrl.organization.address,
donations: allDonations.join("/r/n"),
category_id: this.category.id
.controller('NewOrganizationController', NewOrganizationController);
Here is the code that I am using to display the array on my show page (this is what shows up with brackets, i.e. donations needed: ["food", "clothing"]):
<h5>{{ ctrl.organization.donations }}</h5>
This is the ng-repeat code that is not rendering anything to the page:
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="donation in donations track by $index">
{{ donation }}
I've tried to use .join(', ') within the {{donation}} brackets, but this isn't recognized as a function.
edit: After taking AJ's suggestion here is a screenshot of what appears...anyone know how to fix this?
seems that my array is showing up in table form, with each row containing one character
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is a link to the github repo in case you want to look at anything else or get a bigger picture.
You need to use the same variable name that works in the h5
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="donation in ctrl.organization.donations track by $index">
{{ donation }}

Create a favorite list in AngularJS

I want to create a favorite list in my application based on user selection. In my app, I use a long JSON file with a bunch of text which is loaded with $http.get().
This is code for displaying content in my view.
<div class="card" ng-repeat="list in items | filter: { id: whichid }">
<div class="item item-text-wrap"
ng-repeat="item in list.content | filter: { id2: whichid2 }"
<h3>{{ item.name }}</h3>
<p>{{ item.description }}</p>
The basic idea for creating a favorite list is to save displayed text in the array. After that, I can easily print that array in a template for the favorite list.
So the problem is how I can save text/data form expression ({{ item.name }}, {{ item.description }}) to the array? Or if anyone has some other idea for making that favorite list.
Pass the item details to a function defined in your controller using ng-click and push it into an array as shown below :
<div class="card" ng-repeat="list in items | filter: { id: whichid }">
<div class="item item-text-wrap" ng-click="favouriteThis(item)"
ng-repeat="item in list.content | filter: { id2: whichid2 }"
<h3>{{ item.name }}</h3>
<p>{{ item.description }}</p>
In your controller :
Write the "favouriteThis" function to push the favourited item every time the user clicks on it :
$scope.favouriteList = [];
$scope.favouriteThis = function (item) {
$scope.favouriteList.push(item); // make sure to check for duplicates before pushing the item, the logic for which i've not included here.
As you have all the favourited item details in the "$scope.favouriteList", you can use that information in your favourite list directly. To make it more accurate, while checking for duplicates you can also record the number of times user interacted with a particular item using which you can show the most interacted item on the top of the list.
Hope this helps :)
I would suggest creating a service/controller for this approach since you are making http calls which return JSON objects (use a service, as well as a controller). In the service have your functions such as getFavorites, addToFavorites, deleteFromFavorites etc. These functions will http GET/POST/UPDATE on your favorites list. Then you will want to return the JSON object to a controller. In the controller you'll have control over the scope and set scope variables to display the data in your app.
Here is a basic example:
//Favorite Factory
.factory('favoriteFactory', function ($http) {
var favFac = {};
var favorites = [];
favFac.getFavorites = function (userId) {
//$http.get() call to get specific user's favs
favFac.addToFavorites = function (name, description) {
//$http.post() call to post to a users favs
favFac.deleteFromFavorites = function(userId, itemId) {
//$http.update() call to delete item from users favs
return favFac;
//Favorite Controller
.controller('FavoritesCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'favoriteFactory', function ($scope, $stateParams, favoriteFactory) {
//Route current user Id to controller. Pass to service to look up their favorites in db
var userId = $stateParams.id;
$scope.favorites = favoriteFactory.getFavorites(userId);
$scope.addToFavorites = function(name, description){
favoriteFactory.addToFavorites(name, description);
<ion-view view-title="Favorites Page" ng-controller="FavoritesCtrl">
<ion-item collection-repeat="favorite in favorites">
<h3>{{ favorite.name }}</h3>
<p>{{ favorite.description }}</p>
<button type="button" ng-click="addToFavorites(favorite.name, favorite.description)">Add</button>

Ng-repeat is not displaying json data

thanks advance for any support. So I have a factory that uses a post to get some data from a C# method. That all seems to be working as I can see the data in the console log when it gets returned. However, when I get the data, I can't seem to get it to display properly using ng-repeat.
I've tried a couple different ways of nesting ng-repeats and still no luck. So now I'm thinking I may have not passed the data from the call properly or my scope is off. I've also tried passing data.d to hangar.ships instead of just data. Still pretty new to angular so in any help to point me int he right direction is greatly appreciated.
app code:
var app = angular.module('shipSelection', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource']);
app.controller('ShipController', function ($scope, ShipService) {
var hangar = this;
hangar.ships = [];
var handleSuccess = function (data, status) {
hangar.ships = data;
app.factory('ShipService', function ($http) {
return {
getShips: function () {
return $http({
url: '/ceresdynamics/loadout.aspx/getships',
method: "post",
data: {},
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }
<div class ="col-lg-12" ng-controller="ShipController as hangar" >
<div class =" row">
<div class="col-lg-4" ><input ng-model="query" type="text"placeholder="Filter by" autofocus> </div>
</div><br />
<div class="row">
<div ng-repeat="ship in hangar.ships | filter:query | orderBy:'name'">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<div class="panel panel-default">
<ul class="list-group">
<li class="list-group-item" >
<p><strong>ID:</strong> {{ ship.ShipID }} <strong>NAME:</strong> {{ ship.Name }}</p>
<img ng-src="{{ship.ImageFileName}}" width="100%" />
</div> <!--ng-repeat-->
</div> <!--ng-controller-->
JSON returned from the post(From the console.log(hangar.ships):
d: "[{"ShipID":"RDJ4312","Name":"Relentless","ImageFileName":"Ship2.png"},{"ShipID":"ZLH7754","Name":"Hercules","ImageFileName":"Ship3.png"},{"ShipID":"FER9423","Name":"Illiad","ImageFileName":"Ship4.png"}]"
__proto__: Object
As per AngularJS version 1.2, arrays are not unwrapped anymore (by default) from a Promise (see migration notes). I've seen it working still with Objects, but according to the documentation you should not rely on that either.
Please see this answer Angular.js not displaying array of objects retrieved from $http.get
What happens if you add JSON.parse(data);
If this works you should add some checks in and perhaps migrate that logic to the service. Or use $resource per the other answer.

How to add multiple items to a list

I'm building an app where users can add items to a list and I decided, for the sake of learning, to use Angular (which I'm very new to). So far, I've been able to successfully add a single item to that list without any issues. Unfortunately, whenever I try to add more than one without a page refresh, I get an error - specifically a "Undefined is not a function."
I've spent more time than I care to think about trying to resolve this issue and I'm hoping an expert out there can give me a hand. Here's what I have so far:
.controller('StreakController', function($scope) {
// Removed REST code since it isn't relevant
$scope.streaks = Streak.query();
// Get user info and use it for making new streaks
var userInfo = User.query(function() {
var user = userInfo[0];
var userName = user.username;
$scope.newStreak = new Streak({
'user': userName
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
$scope.newStreak = {};
<div class="streaks" ng-controller="FormController as formCtrl">
<form name="streakForm" novalidate >
<legend>Add an activity</legend>
<input ng-model="newStreak.activity" placeholder="Activity" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.start" placeholder="Start" type="date" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.current_streak" placeholder="Current streak" type="number" min="0" required />
<input ng-model="newStreak.notes" placeholder="Notes" />
<button type="submit" ng-click="addStreak(newStreak)">Add</button>
<h4>Current streaks: {{ streaks.length }}</h4>
<div ng-show="newStreak.activity">
<h3>{{ newStreak.activity }}</h3>
<h4>Current streak: {{ newStreak.current_streak }}</h4>
<p>Start: {{ newStreak.start | date }}</p>
<p>Notes: {{ newStreak.notes }}</p>
<div ng-repeat="user_streak in streaks">
<!-- Removed most of this for simplicity -->
<h3>{{ user_streak.fields }}</h3>
Could you post the html of StreakController too? Your solution works fine in this fiddle:
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
$scope.streaks = [];
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
$scope.newStreak = {};
The $scope inject in each controller is different, so you have to define the "streaks" in FormController.
Your problems comes from :
.controller('FormController', function($scope) {
// Works for single items, not for multiple items
$scope.addStreak = function(activity) {
// Streaks is initialized in another controller (StreakController)
// therefore, depending of when is instantiated StreakController,
// you can have an error or not
$scope.newStreak = {};
A better design would be to implement a StreakService, and to inject that service in the controller you need it. Of course, initializing $scope.streaks in FormController will make your code work, but that's not the responsibility of FormController to initialize this data.
I assume FormController is a nested controller of StreakController, so they share the same scope.
if that works for single object, it should work for mulitiple objects, the problems is you can't just use push to push an array of object to the streaks, you can for loop the array and add them individually or use push.apply trick. I thought the reason of Undefined is not a function. is because the Stack.query() return an element instead of an array of elements so, the method push doesn't exists on the $scope.streaks.

Is there a way to pass a variable with curly brace template tags through a method?

I have an ng-repeat where I run an ng-if with a method that checks to see if certain parameters match between two sets of data. If there's a match, it updates $scope with the current match, which I can use to output my template:
<div ng-repeat="repeatedItem in repeatedItems">
<a href="" ng-if="!matchData(repeatedItem.item1, repeatedItem.item2)">
<img ng-src="{{ matchedItem.falseImageUrl }}" />
<a href="" ng-if="matchData(repeatedItem.item1, repeatedItem.item2)" ng-click="open(matchedItem.id)">
<img ng-src="{{ matchedItem.imageUrl }}" />
<time>{{ matchedItem.date }}</time>
<div class="button-wrapper">
<button class="btn">{{ matchedItem.text }}</button>
The thinking is that everything out of repeatedItems needed to show, unless an item in repeatedItem matched another data set, in which case you'd show the matchedItem instead.
Everything works fine, except for the ng-click="open(matchedItem.id) bit. Because matchedItem.id isn't wrapped in template tags, ng-click is always calling the latest iteration of matchedItem, so for all but the last repeated element, it's opening the wrong link.
The most obvious solution in my Angular-inexperienced mind would have been to do something like ng-click="open( {{ matchedItem.id }} ), but that throws an error. My next idea was something like ng-click="open( {0} ):{{ matchedItem.id }} - a printf-type of solution, but I haven't found any built-in Angular solution for that. I also thought about stashing {{ matchedItem.id }} in an attribute somewhere (data-id="{{ matchedItem.id }}"?), but I'm not sure how to call that attribute in the method.
It's possible (probable?) that I'm just not "thinking in Angular" yet, and I'm going about this the wrong way entirely. Or perhaps there's a directive that I'm just not aware of?
Here's the method:
$scope.matchData = function(item1, item2) {
var isItAMatch = false;
for (i=0; i<$scope.repeatedItems.length; i++) {
itemAToMatch = $scope.repeatedItems[i].itemA;
itemBToMatch = $scope.repeatedItems[i].itemB;
if (itemAToMatch == item1 && itemBToMatch == item2) {
isItAMatch = true;
$scope.matchedItem = $scope.repeatedItems[i];
return isItAMatch;

