Poweroff toggle button/div - javascript

I’m trying to make a power off button (actually it is a div), that when I click, it will change its appearance.
It looks like an interruptor, so I want to change the background-color of the page, the color of the icon ‘power off’ and the border-style of the button.
I took this function from another site and it is doing well in adding once a CSS property, but I want it to go on and of always.
document.getElementById('io').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (this.classList.contains('poweroff')) {
// this.classList.remove('poweroff');
} else {
I believe the logic will be something like
x = x - 1
where x need to go turning from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0, every time I click the button.
<div class="interruptor">
<div id="io" class="poweroff">
<i class="fa fa-power-off"></i>
<script src="https://use.fontawesome.com/ddde7c70b6.js"></script>
<script src="/js/logic.js" charset="utf-8"> </script>

Since you are checking on the basis of powerOff class you need to toggle it also like this
document.getElementById('io').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (this.classList.contains('poweroff')) {
} else {
Instead of checking if condition and adding and removing classes, use toggle like this
Read Here about toggle
document.getElementById('io').addEventListener('click', function () {

You should use toggle instead of add and remove, as :
document.getElementById('io').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (this.classList.contains('poweroff')) {
} else {
This way it will automatically add and remove class on button click.


Change class name of font-awesome when clicked

Here is the problem
This is my html code
<div id="bookmark">
<i class="far fa-bookmark"></i>
I want to change .far to .fas and vice versa in loop when clicked.
This is my updated javascript
function changeClass(elem) {
var i = elem.childNodes[1];
var c = i.classList;
// Change class
if (c.contains("far")) {
} else {
This is the screenshot of the console output in the browser when I click on the bookmark icon
When I pass the index value in the var c respectively, on i.classList[0] I get svg-inline--fa but I get undefined value in i.classList[3] instead of far. SO WHAT SHOULD I DO?
I hope this is what you are looking for (Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/hwv0oacL/8/)
<div id="bookmark" onclick="changeClass(this)">
<i class="far fa-bookmark"></i>
changeClass(elem) {
var i = elem.childNodes[0].classList;
// Change class far to fas
if (i.includes("far")) {
// Get back to original state
if (i.includes("fas")) {
Replace the above javascript with the one below. It will also work in loop like you want because we are getting element by this keyword.
function changeClass(elem) {
var i = elem.childNodes[1];
var c = i.classList;
// Change class
if (c.contains("far")) {
} else {
You can do it like below with jQuery:
assuming you want this to be done for single element and not for all the elements that are using .far class
add an id to the tag like id="i1" then you can add an event listener on that element. listening to the click event and once captured - toggle the class.
add the following just before the end of the body tag i.e. before </body>
document.getElementById('i1').addEventListener('click', (e) => {

How do I get the variable and Increment to reset?

var fredclicknumber=0;
if(fredclicknumber==0) {
else if (fredclicknumber==1){
if(fredclicknumber > 1){
Im trying to create a text box that will appear if you click the item, and disappear when clicked again, however with the code shown,It only goes through this process once, what I want to do is somehow loop this code so you can make the text box appear and disappear any number of times.
Since you are just toggling between class , you can use toggleclass instead of creating a variable
$(".fredinbed").click(function() {
.txtbxin {
color: green
.txtbxout {
display: none;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button class='fredinbed'>Toggle</button>
<span class='fredtext txtbxin'>Toggle class </span>
You can use toggleClass jQuery funtion instead of checking and changing variable values.
So, if class already assign to element than toggleClass will remove it, otherwise it will add class.
Use .toggleClass('is-show')
It will look like this

Is there a way to have active/inactive state on a single link?

I will need to put 2 different actions on a single link which would have an active/inactive state, right now I only know how to do one at the time, something like this (active):
State One
And I would like to have another one on same click (inactive), is there a way to have this dynamically changed? The label shouldn't change, except for color for example - style.
On the other side, it would be a great thing if I could show the list of active items as well, something like:
Active states: State one, State two, State ...
I recommend something other than an A tag for what you're doing. I also recommend the modern equivalent of an onclick, an event listener. I also recommend assigning and toggling the class.
State One
I have removed your onclick and put it into an event listener. I've added a class, so you can toggle it.
function classToggle() {
This toggles your class, thus allowing you to change the behavior of the link based on the class. Active/Inactive or Class123/Class456 whatever you want to use will work.
document.querySelector('#myDiv').addEventListener('click', classToggle);
This is your listener. It applies the classToggle function on click. You can do this with a div/button/whatever. Personally I'd change the A tag to a Div.
<div id="myElem" class="class123">click here</div>
And here is an example of this stuff working and changing based on the toggle and classes.
function classToggle() {
document.querySelector('#myElem').addEventListener('click', classToggle);
document.querySelector('#myElem').addEventListener('click', mogrify);
function mogrify(){
if (document.querySelector('#myElem').classList.contains('class123')) {
document.querySelector('#myElem').style.backgroundcolor = "#54C0FF"
document.querySelector('#myElem').innerText = "State Two";
} else {
document.querySelector('#myElem').style.backgroundcolor = "#FF8080"
document.querySelector('#myElem').innerText = "State One";
.class123 {
color: #f00;
.class456 {
color: #00f;
State One
I think I got it to work, here's my code, please let me know if good enough.
A href:
State One
function toggleState(a) {
if ( a.className === 'visible' ) {
HideOneState('state_One', gameInstance);
a.className = '';
} else {
ShowOneState('state_One', gameInstance);
a.className = 'visible';
#shandoe2020 has a good answer but here is the "old way" which is pretty easy to understand too. It can be adapted to links (or anything else) quite easily.
<!DOCTYPE html>
.my-button { width:150px; height:150px; }
.my-red { background-color:#ff0000; }
.my-blue { background-color:#0000ff; }
/* toggle the state of my-red and my-blue class */
function toggle()
/* yeah yeah, hardcoding the item to change is bad */
var elem = document.getElementById("btn")
<p><button id="btn" class="my-button my-red" onclick="toggle()">Button</button></p>

Check Class and If a DIV is hidden on Pageload

I have a toggle, and currently it works like this:
if .member-button is clicked it will add .active-sub to .member-button and remove it from .trainer-button. It will also display #member while hiding #trainer
.trainer-button works the same way adding .active-sub to .trainer-button while removing it from .member-button and it will display #trainer while hiding #member.
What I'm having trouble with is when the page first loads, how do I check if .active-sub is added to .member-button and if it is, to remove it from .trainer-button? (and vice versa)
I would also like to check if #member is not set to $("#member").hide(); then to automatically hide #trainer
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.member-button').click(function () {
$("#fitness-trainer").fadeOut(function () {
$('.trainer-button').click(function () {
$("#member").fadeOut(function () {
HTML: Buttons
HTML: Content
<div id="member">
member content
<div id="trainer">
trainer content
and vice-versa.
Just like the previous answer.
Try using,
Check whether the .member-button has the class .active-sub by doing the following,
this will return true if it has the class
you can check whether the #member is set to .hide() by,
// hide whatever you want here...
// display whatever you want here..

hide one div when another is showing in jQuery?

I am trying to hide a div when another one is visible.
I have div 1 and div 2.
If div 2 is showing then div 1 should hide and if div 2 is not showing then div 1 should be visible/unhide.
The function would need to be function/document ready upon page load.
I've tried this but I'm not having any luck, can someone please show me how I can do this.
window.onLoad(function () {
if ($('.div2').is(":visible")) {
} else if ($('.div2').is(":hidden")) {
Add a class of hidden to each div, then toggle between that class using jQuery. By the way, window.onload is not a function, it expects a string like window.onload = function() {}. Also, put fast in quotations. I don't know if that's required, but that's how jQuery says to do it.
<div class="div1"></div>
<div class="div2 hidden"></div>
.hidden { display: none }
$(document).ready(function() {
if($(".div1").hasClass("hidden")) {
else if($(".div2").hasClass("hidden")) {
You should pass a string to the .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() methods.
Instead of .fadeIn(fast) it'll be .fadeIn("fast"). Same for .fadeOut().
And in general since you're already using jQuery it's better to wrap your code like this:
$(function () {
// Code goes here
It looks like you're using jquery selectors (a javascript library). If you're going to use jquery make sure the library is loaded properly by including it in the document header (google makes this easy by hosting it for you <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script>)
With jQuery loaded you can do it like this
if ($('.div1').is(":visible")) {
else if ($('.div2').is(":visible")) {
WORKING EXAMPLE: http://jsfiddle.net/HVDHC/ - just change display:none from div 2 to div 1 and click 'run' to see it alternate.
You can use setTimeout or setInterval to track if these divs exists
$(function() {
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
if($('#div2').hasClass('showing')) {
if($('#div2').hasClass('hidden')) {
}, 100);
// when some time u don't want to track it
// window.clearInterval(interval)
for better performance
var div1 = $('#div1')
, div2 = $('#div2')
var interval ....
// same as pre code

