Adding keys to a json using an array of string - javascript

I have a basic json question that is giving me headache since a couple of hours, I am trying to dynamically add keys to a Json object using an array of string.
Here is my array of string:
let key = ['session', 'view_state', 'footer', 'config', 'items']
I have another variable which is jsonValue and is my whole json object. I want to end up with one of those options:
This is my best attempt using a forEach.
forEach(jsonKeys, (el) => {
jsonCollection += jsonCollection !== undefined ? '."' +[el + '"'] : [ '"' + el + '"' ];
But I have this result: 
Any help will be appreciated!

To get a value using the keys array
Iterate with Array#reduce, check the type of the current value, if it's an object, return the value of the key, if not return undefined:
const obj = {
"demo": true,
"session": {
"view_state": {
"footer": {
"config": {
"items": [
const keys = ['session', 'view_state', 'footer', 'config', 'items'];
const value = keys.reduce((val, key) => val && typeof val === 'object' ?
val[key] : undefind, obj);
To add a value using the keys array
Use Array#reduceRight to create a chain of objects with the value you want. Use Object#assign to update the original object with the results:
const keys = ['session', 'view_state', 'footer', 'config', 'items'];
const obj = { demo: true };
Object.assign(obj, keys.reduceRight((val, key) => ({ [key]: val }), [1, 2])); // replace [1, 2] with the actual items


ES6 Map autoconverted to {}? [duplicate]

I'd like to start using ES6 Map instead of JS objects but I'm being held back because I can't figure out how to JSON.stringify() a Map. My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be listed. Do I really have to write a wrapper method to serialize?
Both JSON.stringify and JSON.parse support a second argument. replacer and reviver respectively. With replacer and reviver below it's possible to add support for native Map object, including deeply nested values
function replacer(key, value) {
if(value instanceof Map) {
return {
dataType: 'Map',
value: Array.from(value.entries()), // or with spread: value: [...value]
} else {
return value;
function reviver(key, value) {
if(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
if (value.dataType === 'Map') {
return new Map(value.value);
return value;
const originalValue = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
Deep nesting with combination of Arrays, Objects and Maps
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
You can't directly stringify the Map instance as it doesn't have any properties, but you can convert it to an array of tuples:
jsonText = JSON.stringify(Array.from(map.entries()));
For the reverse, use
map = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonText));
You can't.
The keys of a map can be anything, including objects. But JSON syntax only allows strings as keys. So it's impossible in a general case.
My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be lists
In this case, you can use a plain object. It will have these advantages:
It will be able to be stringified to JSON.
It will work on older browsers.
It might be faster.
While there is no method provided by ecmascript yet, this can still be done using JSON.stingify if you map the Map to a JavaScript primitive. Here is the sample Map we'll use.
const map = new Map();
map.set('foo', 'bar');
map.set('baz', 'quz');
Going to an JavaScript Object
You can convert to JavaScript Object literal with the following helper function.
const mapToObj = m => {
return Array.from(m).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
}, {});
JSON.stringify(mapToObj(map)); // '{"foo":"bar","baz":"quz"}'
Going to a JavaScript Array of Objects
The helper function for this one would be even more compact
const mapToAoO = m => {
return Array.from(m).map( ([k,v]) => {return {[k]:v}} );
JSON.stringify(mapToAoO(map)); // '[{"foo":"bar"},{"baz":"quz"}]'
Going to Array of Arrays
This is even easier, you can just use
JSON.stringify( Array.from(map) ); // '[["foo","bar"],["baz","quz"]]'
Using spread sytax Map can be serialized in one line:
JSON.stringify([ Map()]);
and deserialize it with:
let map = new Map(JSON.parse(map));
Given your example is a simple use case in which keys are going to be simple types, I think this is the easiest way to JSON stringify a Map.
The way I think about the underlying data structure of a Map is as an array of key-value pairs (as arrays themselves). So, something like this:
const myMap = new Map([
["key1", "value1"],
["key2", "value2"],
["key3", "value3"]
Because that underlying data structure is what we find in Object.entries, we can utilize the native JavaScript method of Object.fromEntries() on a Map as we would on an Array:
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
key3: "value3"
And then all you're left with is using JSON.stringify() on the result of that.
A Better Solution
// somewhere...
class Klass extends Map {
toJSON() {
var object = { };
for (let [key, value] of this) object[key] = value;
return object;
// somewhere else...
import { Klass as Map } from '#core/utilities/ds/map'; // <--wherever "somewhere" is
var map = new Map();
map.set('a', 1);
map.set('b', { datum: true });
map.set('c', [ 1,2,3 ]);
map.set( 'd', new Map([ ['e', true] ]) );
var json = JSON.stringify(map, null, '\t');
console.log('>', json);
> {
"a": 1,
"b": {
"datum": true
"c": [
"d": {
"e": true
Hope that is less cringey than the answers above.
Stringify a Map instance (objects as keys are OK):
output format:
// [["key1","value1"],["key2","value2"]]
Below solution works even if you have nested Maps
function stringifyMap(myMap) {
function selfIterator(map) {
return Array.from(map).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
if (value instanceof Map) {
acc[key] = selfIterator(value);
} else {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {})
const res = selfIterator(myMap)
return JSON.stringify(res);
The very simple way.
const map = new Map();
map.set('Key1', "Value1");
map.set('Key2', "Value2");
{"Key1": "Value1","Key2": "Value2"}
Just want to share my version for both Map and Set JSON.stringify only.
I'm sorting them, useful for debugging...
function replacer(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
const reducer = (obj, mapKey) => {
obj[mapKey] = value.get(mapKey);
return obj;
return [...value.keys()].sort().reduce(reducer, {});
} else if (value instanceof Set) {
return [...value].sort();
return value;
const map = new Map();
const numbers= new Set()
const chars= new Set()
console.log(JSON.stringify(map, replacer, 2));
"chars": [
"numbers": [
You cannot call JSON.stringify on Map or Set.
You will need to convert:
the Map into a primitive Object, using Object.fromEntries, or
the Set into a primitive Array, using the spread operator [...]
…before calling JSON.stringify
obj = { 'Key1': 'Value1', 'Key2': 'Value2' },
map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
map.set('Key3', 'Value3'); // Add a new entry
// Does NOT show the key-value pairs
console.log('Map:', JSON.stringify(map));
// Shows the key-value pairs
console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map), null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
arr = ['Value1', 'Value2'],
set = new Set(arr);
set.add('Value3'); // Add a new item
// Does NOT show the values
console.log('Set:', JSON.stringify(set));
// Show the values
console.log(JSON.stringify([...set], null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
toJSON method
If you want to call JSON.stringify on a class object, you will need to override the toJSON method to return your instance data.
class Cat {
constructor(options = {}) { = ?? '';
this.age = options.age ?? 0;
toString() {
return `[Cat name="${}", age="${this.age}"]`
toJSON() {
return { name:, age: this.age };
static fromObject(obj) {
const { name, age } = obj ?? {};
return new Cat({ name, age });
* JSON Set adds the missing methods:
* - toJSON
* - toString
class JSONSet extends Set {
constructor(values) {
toString() {
return super
.replace(']', ` ${[...this].map(v => v.toString())
.join(', ')}]`);
toJSON() {
return [...this];
const cats = new JSONSet([
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Furball', age: 2 }),
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Artemis', age: 5 })
console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
Correctly round-tripping serialization
Just copy this and use it. Or use the npm package.
const serialize = (value) => JSON.stringify(value, stringifyReplacer);
const deserialize = (text) => JSON.parse(text, parseReviver);
// License: CC0
function stringifyReplacer(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
return {
_meta: { type: "map" },
value: Array.from(value.entries()),
} else if (value instanceof Set) { // bonus feature!
return {
_meta: { type: "set" },
value: Array.from(value.values()),
} else if ("_meta" in value) {
// Escape "_meta" properties
return {
_meta: {
type: "escaped-meta",
value: value["_meta"],
return value;
function parseReviver(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if ("_meta" in value) {
if (value._meta.type === "map") {
return new Map(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "set") {
return new Set(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "escaped-meta") {
// Un-escape the "_meta" property
return {
_meta: value._meta.value,
} else {
console.warn("Unexpected meta", value._meta);
return value;
Why is this hard?
It should be possible to input any kind of data, get valid JSON, and from there correctly reconstruct the input.
This means dealing with
Maps that have objects as keys new Map([ [{cat:1}, "value"] ]). This means that any answer which uses Object.fromEntries is probably wrong.
Maps that have nested maps new Map([ ["key", new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ])] ]). A lot of answers sidestep this by only answering the question and not dealing with anything beyond that.
Mixing objects and maps {"key": new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ]) }.
and on top of those difficulties, the serialisation format must be unambiguous. Otherwise one cannot always reconstruct the input. The top answer has one failing test case, see below.
Hence, I wrote this improved version. It uses _meta instead of dataType, to make conflicts rarer and if a conflict does happen, it actually unambiguously handles it. Hopefully the code is also simple enough to easily be extended to handle other containers.
My answer does, however, not attempt to handle exceedingly cursed cases, such as a map with object properties.
A test case for my answer, which demonstrates a few edge cases
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
_meta: { __meta: "cat" },
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
{ _meta: { type: "map" }}
let text = JSON.stringify(originalValue, stringifyReplacer);
console.log(JSON.parse(text, parseReviver));
Accepted answer not round-tripping
The accepted answer is really lovely. However, it does not round trip when an object with a dataType property is passed it it.
// Test case for the accepted answer
const originalValue = { dataType: "Map" };
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, str, newValue);
// > Object { dataType: "Map" } , Map(0)
// Notice how the input was changed into something different
I really don't know why there are so many long awesers here. This short version solved my problem:
const data = new Map()
data.set('visible', true)
data.set('child', new Map())
data.get('child').set('visible', false)
const str = JSON.stringify(data, (_, v) => v instanceof Map ? Object.fromEntries(v) : v)
// '{"visible":true,"child":{"visible":false}}'
const recovered = JSON.parse(str, (_, v) => typeof v === 'object' ? new Map(Object.entries(v)) : v)
// Map(2) { 'visible' => true, 'child' => Map(1) { 'visible' => false } }
The following method will convert a Map to a JSON string:
public static getJSONObj(): string {
return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map));
const x = new Map();
x.set("SomeBool", true);
x.set("number1", 1);
x.set("anObj", { name: "joe", age: 22, isAlive: true });
const json = getJSONObj(x);
// Output:
// '{"SomeBool":true,"number1":1,"anObj":{"name":"joe","age":222,"isAlive":true}}'
Although there would be some scenarios where if you were the creator of the map you would write your code in a separate 'src' file and save a copy as a .txt file and, if written concisely enough, could easily be read in, deciphered, and added to server-side.
The new file would then be saved as a .js and a reference to it sent back from the server. The file would then reconstruct itself perfectly once read back in as JS. The beauty being that no hacky iterating or parsing is required for reconstruction.

How do I write a Map to a text file in JavaScript? [duplicate]

I'd like to start using ES6 Map instead of JS objects but I'm being held back because I can't figure out how to JSON.stringify() a Map. My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be listed. Do I really have to write a wrapper method to serialize?
Both JSON.stringify and JSON.parse support a second argument. replacer and reviver respectively. With replacer and reviver below it's possible to add support for native Map object, including deeply nested values
function replacer(key, value) {
if(value instanceof Map) {
return {
dataType: 'Map',
value: Array.from(value.entries()), // or with spread: value: [...value]
} else {
return value;
function reviver(key, value) {
if(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
if (value.dataType === 'Map') {
return new Map(value.value);
return value;
const originalValue = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
Deep nesting with combination of Arrays, Objects and Maps
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
You can't directly stringify the Map instance as it doesn't have any properties, but you can convert it to an array of tuples:
jsonText = JSON.stringify(Array.from(map.entries()));
For the reverse, use
map = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonText));
You can't.
The keys of a map can be anything, including objects. But JSON syntax only allows strings as keys. So it's impossible in a general case.
My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be lists
In this case, you can use a plain object. It will have these advantages:
It will be able to be stringified to JSON.
It will work on older browsers.
It might be faster.
While there is no method provided by ecmascript yet, this can still be done using JSON.stingify if you map the Map to a JavaScript primitive. Here is the sample Map we'll use.
const map = new Map();
map.set('foo', 'bar');
map.set('baz', 'quz');
Going to an JavaScript Object
You can convert to JavaScript Object literal with the following helper function.
const mapToObj = m => {
return Array.from(m).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
}, {});
JSON.stringify(mapToObj(map)); // '{"foo":"bar","baz":"quz"}'
Going to a JavaScript Array of Objects
The helper function for this one would be even more compact
const mapToAoO = m => {
return Array.from(m).map( ([k,v]) => {return {[k]:v}} );
JSON.stringify(mapToAoO(map)); // '[{"foo":"bar"},{"baz":"quz"}]'
Going to Array of Arrays
This is even easier, you can just use
JSON.stringify( Array.from(map) ); // '[["foo","bar"],["baz","quz"]]'
Using spread sytax Map can be serialized in one line:
JSON.stringify([ Map()]);
and deserialize it with:
let map = new Map(JSON.parse(map));
Given your example is a simple use case in which keys are going to be simple types, I think this is the easiest way to JSON stringify a Map.
The way I think about the underlying data structure of a Map is as an array of key-value pairs (as arrays themselves). So, something like this:
const myMap = new Map([
["key1", "value1"],
["key2", "value2"],
["key3", "value3"]
Because that underlying data structure is what we find in Object.entries, we can utilize the native JavaScript method of Object.fromEntries() on a Map as we would on an Array:
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
key3: "value3"
And then all you're left with is using JSON.stringify() on the result of that.
A Better Solution
// somewhere...
class Klass extends Map {
toJSON() {
var object = { };
for (let [key, value] of this) object[key] = value;
return object;
// somewhere else...
import { Klass as Map } from '#core/utilities/ds/map'; // <--wherever "somewhere" is
var map = new Map();
map.set('a', 1);
map.set('b', { datum: true });
map.set('c', [ 1,2,3 ]);
map.set( 'd', new Map([ ['e', true] ]) );
var json = JSON.stringify(map, null, '\t');
console.log('>', json);
> {
"a": 1,
"b": {
"datum": true
"c": [
"d": {
"e": true
Hope that is less cringey than the answers above.
Stringify a Map instance (objects as keys are OK):
output format:
// [["key1","value1"],["key2","value2"]]
Below solution works even if you have nested Maps
function stringifyMap(myMap) {
function selfIterator(map) {
return Array.from(map).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
if (value instanceof Map) {
acc[key] = selfIterator(value);
} else {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {})
const res = selfIterator(myMap)
return JSON.stringify(res);
The very simple way.
const map = new Map();
map.set('Key1', "Value1");
map.set('Key2', "Value2");
{"Key1": "Value1","Key2": "Value2"}
Just want to share my version for both Map and Set JSON.stringify only.
I'm sorting them, useful for debugging...
function replacer(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
const reducer = (obj, mapKey) => {
obj[mapKey] = value.get(mapKey);
return obj;
return [...value.keys()].sort().reduce(reducer, {});
} else if (value instanceof Set) {
return [...value].sort();
return value;
const map = new Map();
const numbers= new Set()
const chars= new Set()
console.log(JSON.stringify(map, replacer, 2));
"chars": [
"numbers": [
You cannot call JSON.stringify on Map or Set.
You will need to convert:
the Map into a primitive Object, using Object.fromEntries, or
the Set into a primitive Array, using the spread operator [...]
…before calling JSON.stringify
obj = { 'Key1': 'Value1', 'Key2': 'Value2' },
map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
map.set('Key3', 'Value3'); // Add a new entry
// Does NOT show the key-value pairs
console.log('Map:', JSON.stringify(map));
// Shows the key-value pairs
console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map), null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
arr = ['Value1', 'Value2'],
set = new Set(arr);
set.add('Value3'); // Add a new item
// Does NOT show the values
console.log('Set:', JSON.stringify(set));
// Show the values
console.log(JSON.stringify([...set], null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
toJSON method
If you want to call JSON.stringify on a class object, you will need to override the toJSON method to return your instance data.
class Cat {
constructor(options = {}) { = ?? '';
this.age = options.age ?? 0;
toString() {
return `[Cat name="${}", age="${this.age}"]`
toJSON() {
return { name:, age: this.age };
static fromObject(obj) {
const { name, age } = obj ?? {};
return new Cat({ name, age });
* JSON Set adds the missing methods:
* - toJSON
* - toString
class JSONSet extends Set {
constructor(values) {
toString() {
return super
.replace(']', ` ${[...this].map(v => v.toString())
.join(', ')}]`);
toJSON() {
return [...this];
const cats = new JSONSet([
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Furball', age: 2 }),
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Artemis', age: 5 })
console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
Correctly round-tripping serialization
Just copy this and use it. Or use the npm package.
const serialize = (value) => JSON.stringify(value, stringifyReplacer);
const deserialize = (text) => JSON.parse(text, parseReviver);
// License: CC0
function stringifyReplacer(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
return {
_meta: { type: "map" },
value: Array.from(value.entries()),
} else if (value instanceof Set) { // bonus feature!
return {
_meta: { type: "set" },
value: Array.from(value.values()),
} else if ("_meta" in value) {
// Escape "_meta" properties
return {
_meta: {
type: "escaped-meta",
value: value["_meta"],
return value;
function parseReviver(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if ("_meta" in value) {
if (value._meta.type === "map") {
return new Map(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "set") {
return new Set(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "escaped-meta") {
// Un-escape the "_meta" property
return {
_meta: value._meta.value,
} else {
console.warn("Unexpected meta", value._meta);
return value;
Why is this hard?
It should be possible to input any kind of data, get valid JSON, and from there correctly reconstruct the input.
This means dealing with
Maps that have objects as keys new Map([ [{cat:1}, "value"] ]). This means that any answer which uses Object.fromEntries is probably wrong.
Maps that have nested maps new Map([ ["key", new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ])] ]). A lot of answers sidestep this by only answering the question and not dealing with anything beyond that.
Mixing objects and maps {"key": new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ]) }.
and on top of those difficulties, the serialisation format must be unambiguous. Otherwise one cannot always reconstruct the input. The top answer has one failing test case, see below.
Hence, I wrote this improved version. It uses _meta instead of dataType, to make conflicts rarer and if a conflict does happen, it actually unambiguously handles it. Hopefully the code is also simple enough to easily be extended to handle other containers.
My answer does, however, not attempt to handle exceedingly cursed cases, such as a map with object properties.
A test case for my answer, which demonstrates a few edge cases
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
_meta: { __meta: "cat" },
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
{ _meta: { type: "map" }}
let text = JSON.stringify(originalValue, stringifyReplacer);
console.log(JSON.parse(text, parseReviver));
Accepted answer not round-tripping
The accepted answer is really lovely. However, it does not round trip when an object with a dataType property is passed it it.
// Test case for the accepted answer
const originalValue = { dataType: "Map" };
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, str, newValue);
// > Object { dataType: "Map" } , Map(0)
// Notice how the input was changed into something different
I really don't know why there are so many long awesers here. This short version solved my problem:
const data = new Map()
data.set('visible', true)
data.set('child', new Map())
data.get('child').set('visible', false)
const str = JSON.stringify(data, (_, v) => v instanceof Map ? Object.fromEntries(v) : v)
// '{"visible":true,"child":{"visible":false}}'
const recovered = JSON.parse(str, (_, v) => typeof v === 'object' ? new Map(Object.entries(v)) : v)
// Map(2) { 'visible' => true, 'child' => Map(1) { 'visible' => false } }
The following method will convert a Map to a JSON string:
public static getJSONObj(): string {
return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map));
const x = new Map();
x.set("SomeBool", true);
x.set("number1", 1);
x.set("anObj", { name: "joe", age: 22, isAlive: true });
const json = getJSONObj(x);
// Output:
// '{"SomeBool":true,"number1":1,"anObj":{"name":"joe","age":222,"isAlive":true}}'
Although there would be some scenarios where if you were the creator of the map you would write your code in a separate 'src' file and save a copy as a .txt file and, if written concisely enough, could easily be read in, deciphered, and added to server-side.
The new file would then be saved as a .js and a reference to it sent back from the server. The file would then reconstruct itself perfectly once read back in as JS. The beauty being that no hacky iterating or parsing is required for reconstruction.

How to use map to insert key-value pair in google appScript in this unique case? [duplicate]

I'd like to start using ES6 Map instead of JS objects but I'm being held back because I can't figure out how to JSON.stringify() a Map. My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be listed. Do I really have to write a wrapper method to serialize?
Both JSON.stringify and JSON.parse support a second argument. replacer and reviver respectively. With replacer and reviver below it's possible to add support for native Map object, including deeply nested values
function replacer(key, value) {
if(value instanceof Map) {
return {
dataType: 'Map',
value: Array.from(value.entries()), // or with spread: value: [...value]
} else {
return value;
function reviver(key, value) {
if(typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
if (value.dataType === 'Map') {
return new Map(value.value);
return value;
const originalValue = new Map([['a', 1]]);
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
Deep nesting with combination of Arrays, Objects and Maps
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, newValue);
You can't directly stringify the Map instance as it doesn't have any properties, but you can convert it to an array of tuples:
jsonText = JSON.stringify(Array.from(map.entries()));
For the reverse, use
map = new Map(JSON.parse(jsonText));
You can't.
The keys of a map can be anything, including objects. But JSON syntax only allows strings as keys. So it's impossible in a general case.
My keys are guaranteed to be strings and my values will always be lists
In this case, you can use a plain object. It will have these advantages:
It will be able to be stringified to JSON.
It will work on older browsers.
It might be faster.
While there is no method provided by ecmascript yet, this can still be done using JSON.stingify if you map the Map to a JavaScript primitive. Here is the sample Map we'll use.
const map = new Map();
map.set('foo', 'bar');
map.set('baz', 'quz');
Going to an JavaScript Object
You can convert to JavaScript Object literal with the following helper function.
const mapToObj = m => {
return Array.from(m).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
}, {});
JSON.stringify(mapToObj(map)); // '{"foo":"bar","baz":"quz"}'
Going to a JavaScript Array of Objects
The helper function for this one would be even more compact
const mapToAoO = m => {
return Array.from(m).map( ([k,v]) => {return {[k]:v}} );
JSON.stringify(mapToAoO(map)); // '[{"foo":"bar"},{"baz":"quz"}]'
Going to Array of Arrays
This is even easier, you can just use
JSON.stringify( Array.from(map) ); // '[["foo","bar"],["baz","quz"]]'
Using spread sytax Map can be serialized in one line:
JSON.stringify([ Map()]);
and deserialize it with:
let map = new Map(JSON.parse(map));
Given your example is a simple use case in which keys are going to be simple types, I think this is the easiest way to JSON stringify a Map.
The way I think about the underlying data structure of a Map is as an array of key-value pairs (as arrays themselves). So, something like this:
const myMap = new Map([
["key1", "value1"],
["key2", "value2"],
["key3", "value3"]
Because that underlying data structure is what we find in Object.entries, we can utilize the native JavaScript method of Object.fromEntries() on a Map as we would on an Array:
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
key3: "value3"
And then all you're left with is using JSON.stringify() on the result of that.
A Better Solution
// somewhere...
class Klass extends Map {
toJSON() {
var object = { };
for (let [key, value] of this) object[key] = value;
return object;
// somewhere else...
import { Klass as Map } from '#core/utilities/ds/map'; // <--wherever "somewhere" is
var map = new Map();
map.set('a', 1);
map.set('b', { datum: true });
map.set('c', [ 1,2,3 ]);
map.set( 'd', new Map([ ['e', true] ]) );
var json = JSON.stringify(map, null, '\t');
console.log('>', json);
> {
"a": 1,
"b": {
"datum": true
"c": [
"d": {
"e": true
Hope that is less cringey than the answers above.
Stringify a Map instance (objects as keys are OK):
output format:
// [["key1","value1"],["key2","value2"]]
Below solution works even if you have nested Maps
function stringifyMap(myMap) {
function selfIterator(map) {
return Array.from(map).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
if (value instanceof Map) {
acc[key] = selfIterator(value);
} else {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {})
const res = selfIterator(myMap)
return JSON.stringify(res);
The very simple way.
const map = new Map();
map.set('Key1', "Value1");
map.set('Key2', "Value2");
{"Key1": "Value1","Key2": "Value2"}
Just want to share my version for both Map and Set JSON.stringify only.
I'm sorting them, useful for debugging...
function replacer(key, value) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
const reducer = (obj, mapKey) => {
obj[mapKey] = value.get(mapKey);
return obj;
return [...value.keys()].sort().reduce(reducer, {});
} else if (value instanceof Set) {
return [...value].sort();
return value;
const map = new Map();
const numbers= new Set()
const chars= new Set()
console.log(JSON.stringify(map, replacer, 2));
"chars": [
"numbers": [
You cannot call JSON.stringify on Map or Set.
You will need to convert:
the Map into a primitive Object, using Object.fromEntries, or
the Set into a primitive Array, using the spread operator [...]
…before calling JSON.stringify
obj = { 'Key1': 'Value1', 'Key2': 'Value2' },
map = new Map(Object.entries(obj));
map.set('Key3', 'Value3'); // Add a new entry
// Does NOT show the key-value pairs
console.log('Map:', JSON.stringify(map));
// Shows the key-value pairs
console.log(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map), null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
arr = ['Value1', 'Value2'],
set = new Set(arr);
set.add('Value3'); // Add a new item
// Does NOT show the values
console.log('Set:', JSON.stringify(set));
// Show the values
console.log(JSON.stringify([...set], null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
toJSON method
If you want to call JSON.stringify on a class object, you will need to override the toJSON method to return your instance data.
class Cat {
constructor(options = {}) { = ?? '';
this.age = options.age ?? 0;
toString() {
return `[Cat name="${}", age="${this.age}"]`
toJSON() {
return { name:, age: this.age };
static fromObject(obj) {
const { name, age } = obj ?? {};
return new Cat({ name, age });
* JSON Set adds the missing methods:
* - toJSON
* - toString
class JSONSet extends Set {
constructor(values) {
toString() {
return super
.replace(']', ` ${[...this].map(v => v.toString())
.join(', ')}]`);
toJSON() {
return [...this];
const cats = new JSONSet([
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Furball', age: 2 }),
Cat.fromObject({ name: 'Artemis', age: 5 })
console.log(JSON.stringify(cats, null, 2));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
Correctly round-tripping serialization
Just copy this and use it. Or use the npm package.
const serialize = (value) => JSON.stringify(value, stringifyReplacer);
const deserialize = (text) => JSON.parse(text, parseReviver);
// License: CC0
function stringifyReplacer(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if (value instanceof Map) {
return {
_meta: { type: "map" },
value: Array.from(value.entries()),
} else if (value instanceof Set) { // bonus feature!
return {
_meta: { type: "set" },
value: Array.from(value.values()),
} else if ("_meta" in value) {
// Escape "_meta" properties
return {
_meta: {
type: "escaped-meta",
value: value["_meta"],
return value;
function parseReviver(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
if ("_meta" in value) {
if (value._meta.type === "map") {
return new Map(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "set") {
return new Set(value.value);
} else if (value._meta.type === "escaped-meta") {
// Un-escape the "_meta" property
return {
_meta: value._meta.value,
} else {
console.warn("Unexpected meta", value._meta);
return value;
Why is this hard?
It should be possible to input any kind of data, get valid JSON, and from there correctly reconstruct the input.
This means dealing with
Maps that have objects as keys new Map([ [{cat:1}, "value"] ]). This means that any answer which uses Object.fromEntries is probably wrong.
Maps that have nested maps new Map([ ["key", new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ])] ]). A lot of answers sidestep this by only answering the question and not dealing with anything beyond that.
Mixing objects and maps {"key": new Map([ ["nested key", "nested value"] ]) }.
and on top of those difficulties, the serialisation format must be unambiguous. Otherwise one cannot always reconstruct the input. The top answer has one failing test case, see below.
Hence, I wrote this improved version. It uses _meta instead of dataType, to make conflicts rarer and if a conflict does happen, it actually unambiguously handles it. Hopefully the code is also simple enough to easily be extended to handle other containers.
My answer does, however, not attempt to handle exceedingly cursed cases, such as a map with object properties.
A test case for my answer, which demonstrates a few edge cases
const originalValue = [
new Map([['a', {
b: {
_meta: { __meta: "cat" },
c: new Map([['d', 'text']])
{ _meta: { type: "map" }}
let text = JSON.stringify(originalValue, stringifyReplacer);
console.log(JSON.parse(text, parseReviver));
Accepted answer not round-tripping
The accepted answer is really lovely. However, it does not round trip when an object with a dataType property is passed it it.
// Test case for the accepted answer
const originalValue = { dataType: "Map" };
const str = JSON.stringify(originalValue, replacer);
const newValue = JSON.parse(str, reviver);
console.log(originalValue, str, newValue);
// > Object { dataType: "Map" } , Map(0)
// Notice how the input was changed into something different
I really don't know why there are so many long awesers here. This short version solved my problem:
const data = new Map()
data.set('visible', true)
data.set('child', new Map())
data.get('child').set('visible', false)
const str = JSON.stringify(data, (_, v) => v instanceof Map ? Object.fromEntries(v) : v)
// '{"visible":true,"child":{"visible":false}}'
const recovered = JSON.parse(str, (_, v) => typeof v === 'object' ? new Map(Object.entries(v)) : v)
// Map(2) { 'visible' => true, 'child' => Map(1) { 'visible' => false } }
The following method will convert a Map to a JSON string:
public static getJSONObj(): string {
return JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(map));
const x = new Map();
x.set("SomeBool", true);
x.set("number1", 1);
x.set("anObj", { name: "joe", age: 22, isAlive: true });
const json = getJSONObj(x);
// Output:
// '{"SomeBool":true,"number1":1,"anObj":{"name":"joe","age":222,"isAlive":true}}'
Although there would be some scenarios where if you were the creator of the map you would write your code in a separate 'src' file and save a copy as a .txt file and, if written concisely enough, could easily be read in, deciphered, and added to server-side.
The new file would then be saved as a .js and a reference to it sent back from the server. The file would then reconstruct itself perfectly once read back in as JS. The beauty being that no hacky iterating or parsing is required for reconstruction.

Trying to transform this string to an object

I have this string:
I'd like to transform it to an object:
posts: [
posts2: [
How can I do this?
Given that the string will be valid with the specified format:
You can split the string into pairs of key - list items.
Then, iterate over them and insert each into an object as follows:
const stringify = string => {
const obj = {};
if(string) {
const pairs = string.substring(0,string.length-1).split('},');
pairs.forEach(pair => {
const [key,value] = pair.split('{');
obj[key] = value.split(",").filter(String);
return obj;
console.log( stringify('posts{id,title},posts2{id,title}') );
console.log( stringify('posts{id,title}') );
console.log( stringify('posts{}') );
console.log( stringify('') );
This snippet works until you work with a 1-level object. If you need to parse nested object, you've to slightly refactor it.
const input = 'posts{id,title},posts2{id,title}';
const parse = (input) => {
return input
.replaceAll('{', '[')
.replaceAll('}', ']')
.replaceAll('],', '] , ')
.split(' , ')
.reduce((_, item) => {
const key = item.split('[')[0];
const value = item
.replace(`${key}[`, '')
.replace(']', '')
return {
[key]: value
}, {})
const parsed = parse(input);
Anyway I don't know what's the benefit of dealing with this notation.

Get unique values from an array of objects

{key1 : 'sometext'},
{key2 : 'sometext'},
{key1 : 'sometext'},
{key3 : 'sometext'},
From the above code I need to get the results as follows, removing objects that contains same keys
{key1 : 'sometext'},
{key2 : 'sometext'},
{key3 : 'sometext'},
Thanks in advance.
With lodash you can use _.uniqBy(), and return the single key of each object:
const arr = [{"key1":"sometext"},{"key2":"sometext"},{"key1":"sometext"},{"key3":"sometext"}]
const result = _.uniqBy(arr, o => _.keys(o)[0])
<script src=""></script>
Using vanilla JS, if you don't care if the 2nd item (the duplicate would be used, you can combine all items to a single object (this will remove the 1st duplicate), get the entries, and map back to an array of objects:
const arr = [{"key1":"sometext"},{"key2":"sometext"},{"key1":"sometext"},{"key3":"sometext"}]
const result = Object.entries(Object.assign({}, ...arr))
.map(([k, v]) => ({ [k]: v }))
_.uniqBy(data, _.findKey);
In _.uniqueBy() you need to tell on what value you want to derive the uniqueness, either you pass a string as attribute (the value of that attribute will be used in to determine uniqueness), or you pass a callback which will return a value and that value will be considered to evaluate uniqueness. In case the value upon which we will determine the uniqueness is a plain and native value, _.uniqueBy() is a better choice, so you don't need to compare manually (which you have to do if your value is a complex object and upon many keys the uniqueness is determined). In our case it is simple object key, which can be either string or symbol, So, the caparison part we can let on lodash with _uniqueBy
In our case, if we can return the only key (it must be exactly 1, otherwise none of the logic will work) of each object, _.uniqueBy() can do the further, so basically our aim is to pass a callback which will return the only key. we can simply pass a callback to evaluate that like: e => _.keys(e)[0]
Now, _.findkey takes object as first argument and truthy-ness of the returned value, if it's a truthy then it will return that key (unlike return that entity like _.find), so if you don't pass the callback, a default callback valued a => a is automatically assigned to handle that case. which means it will check the truthy ness of each entity (key in this case), and obviously, key have to be a truthy value, so it will return the first entity itself (first key here for _.findKey), hence passing a callback wrapping findKey with only one argument like a => _.findKey(a) is equivalent to pass _.findKey callback, we can make it more simple and _.uniqueBy(data, _.findKey) will do the job.
Let's have a snippet:
let data=[{key1:"sometext"},{key2:"sometext"},{key1:"sometext"},{key3:"sometext"}];
let res = _.uniqBy(data, _.findKey);
console.log('Unique Result: ', res);
<script src=""></script>
This is using pure javascript, not using loadash
const arr = [
{key1 : 'sometext'},
{key2 : 'sometext'},
{key1 : 'sometext'},
{key3 : 'sometext'},
const result = arr.reduce((acc, item) => {
if (!acc.find(x => Object.keys(x).sort().toString() == Object.keys(item).sort().toString() )) {
return acc;
}, []);
Simple and fast solution. Not much iteration.
const data = [
{ key1: "sometext" },
{ key2: "sometext" },
{ key1: "sometext" },
{ key3: "sometext" }
const uniqueElementsBy = (arr, fn) =>
arr.reduce((acc, v) => {
if (!acc.some(x => fn(v, x))) acc.push(v);
return acc;
}, []);
const isEqual = (x, y) => JSON.stringify(x) == JSON.stringify(y);
console.log(uniqueElementsBy(data, isEqual));
// For complex solution
const isEqual2 = (x, y) => {
const keys1 = Object.keys(x);
const keys2 = Object.keys(y);
if (keys1.length != keys2.length) return false;
return !keys1.some(key => x[key] != y[key]);
console.log(uniqueElementsBy(data, isEqual2));
const data2 = [
{ key2: "sometext", key1: "sometext" },
{ key2: "sometext" },
{ key1: "sometext", key2: "sometext" },
{ key3: "sometext" }
console.log(uniqueElementsBy(data2, isEqual2));
const data3 = [
{ key1: "sometext" },
{ key2: "sometext" },
{ key1: "sometext", key2: "sometext" },
{ key3: "sometext" }
console.log(uniqueElementsBy(data3, isEqual2));
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