javascript Firebase how to fire 'value' events in sequence? - javascript

I have a function firing two 'value' Firebase events. One is necessary to get the number of children, which is corresponding to the deepest path of the next one.
function myFunction(data){
//get last child
var lastchild = 0;
var data_child = firebase.database().ref('rooms/' + 633 + '/' + 630);
data_child.once('value', function(child) {
lastchild = child.numChildren();
console.log('function 1');
console.log('error no child');
//use this number to read the path
var msgsStored = firebase.database().ref('rooms/' + 633 + '/' + 630 + '/' + lastchild);
msgsStored.orderByChild('datetime').once('value', function(snapshot) {
var store = (snapshot.val());
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
console.log('function 2');
//do something
Firebase will always fire the last 'value' event before the first one. Why?
That will result always on variable lastchild = 0; and 'function 2' will always print before 'function 1' on console.
I tried also creating a callback(); function to try control the order with JavaScript, but will not work.
I know different events of Firebase are fired in different order, but in my case I need to read stored data only.
Anybody knows what am I missing and how to address me to a solution?

Firebase, like most of the modern web, reads data from its database asynchronously. This is easiest to see by placing some log statements in your code:
var data_child = firebase.database().ref('rooms/' + 633 + '/' + 630);
data_child.once('value', function(child) {
The output of this is:
This is probably not what you initially expected, but explains a lot on the behavior you're seeing. When log statement 3 executes, the data from the first listener hasn't been loaded yet. So you can't make a query based on that data.
For this reason you always need to move the code that requires the data into the callback:
var lastchild = 0;
var data_child = firebase.database().ref('rooms/' + 633 + '/' + 630);
data_child.once('value', function(child) {
lastchild = child.numChildren();
//use this number to read the path
var msgsStored = firebase.database().ref('rooms/' + 633 + '/' + 630 + '/' + lastchild);
msgsStored.orderByChild('datetime').once('value', function(snapshot) {
var store = (snapshot.val());
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
console.log('function 2');
//do something
console.log('error no child');


How to get groups a given user is a part of in SharePoint?

I'm trying to get the groups a given user (typed into a textbox in page) is a member of. Haven't had much success so decided to get all the groups, iterate through their users to find the groups the user is a part of. Tried the following but can't find a way to iterate through the users.
what am I missing? is there a better way to achieve my main goal?
var oGroupCollection, clientContext, loadedGroup, oUserCollection, oUser ;
function GetAllSiteGroups() {
// You can optionally specify the Site URL here to get the context
// If you don't specify the URL, the method will get the context of the current site
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext("http://MyServer/sites/SiteCollection");
// Get Site Group Collection object
oGroupCollection = clientContext.get_web().get_siteGroups();
//oUserCollection = oGroupCollection.getByTitle('sp_red_dehn_zigaretten').get_users();
// Load Site groups
// Execute the query to the server.
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onsuccess, onfailed);
function onsuccess() {
// Iterate through each item
var oEnumerator = oGroupCollection.getEnumerator();
while (oEnumerator.moveNext()) {
var oGroup = oEnumerator.get_current();
console.log("Title of the group is: " + oGroup.get_title() + "\n");
oUserCollection = oGroup.get_users();
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onsuccess2, onfailed);
function onfailed(sender, args) {
console.log('Failed' + args.get_message() + '\n' + args.get_stackTrace());
function onsuccess2() {
// Iterate through each item
var oEnumerator = oUserCollection.getEnumerator();
while (oEnumerator.moveNext()) {
oUser = oEnumerator.get_current();
//console.log("Title of the group is: " + oUser.get_title() + "\n");

Wait until multiple asynchronous functions complete before executing

I have a Javascript for loop which runs through an array of database records (that have been extracted already).
I want to know when all the subsequent asynchronous actions have completed but I can't seem to do it.
For each record, the code runs a number of functions which return promises and then resolve (which then triggers another function to get more information, etc). This all works ok, but I can't figure out how to gather up each "FOR" iteration and detect when all records have been processed. Basically, I want to use a "throbber" and have the throbber remain until all processing has been completed.
Code is below (I've removed some extraneous info)...
for (var i = 0; i < systemArray.length; i++) {
// ***** FOR EACH SYSTEM ***** //
var currRecord = systemArray[i];
var thisSystem = AVMI_filterArray("8.9", currRecord);
var thisSystemName = thisSystem[1].value;
var thisSystemRID = thisSystem[0].value;
AVMI_getChildren(systemLinesTable, thisSystemRID, systemLinesFID).done(function(ridList, sysRID)
var thisDiv = "div#" + sysRID;
AVMI_getMultipleRecordInfoFromArray(ridList, systemLinesTable).done(function(systemLinesArray)
if (systemLinesArray != "" && systemLinesArray != null) {
systemLinesArray = systemLinesArray.sort(propComparator("10"));
x = AVMI_tableCombiner("System Lines", systemLinesArray, systemLinesCLIST, "skip3Right hbars xsmallText");
} else {
$(thisDiv).append("<p>No System Lines...</p>");
} // ***** FOR EACH SYSTEM ***** //
Here is function 1
// Get related records using master
function AVMI_getChildren(AVMI_db, AVMI_rid, AVMI_fid, AVMI_recText) {
var AVMI_query = "{" + AVMI_fid + ". EX. " + AVMI_rid + "}";
var AVMI_ridList = [];
var dfd2 = $.Deferred();
$.get(AVMI_db, {
act: "API_DoQuery",
query: AVMI_query,
clist: "3",
includeRids: "1"
}).then(function(xml1) {
var AVMI_record = $(this);
var AVMI_childRID = AVMI_record.attr("rid");
AVMI_throbberUpdate("Found " + AVMI_ridList.length + " " + AVMI_recText + "...");
dfd2.resolve(AVMI_ridList, AVMI_rid);
return dfd2.promise();
And function 2
// Get record info for each array member
function AVMI_getMultipleRecordInfoFromArray(ridList, AVMI_db, AVMI_recType) {
var promises = [];
var bigArray = [];
$.each(ridList, function (index,value) {
var def = new $.Deferred();
var thisArray = [];
$.get(AVMI_db, { //******* ITERATIVE AJAX CALL *******
act: 'API_GetRecordInfo',
rid: value
}).then(function(xml2) {
AVMI_throbberUpdate("Got " + AVMI_recType + " " + value + "...");
$(xml2).find('field').each(function() {
var $field = {};
$field.fid = $(this).find('fid').text();
$ = $(this).find('name').text();
$field.value = $(this).find('value').text();
thisArray = thisArray.sort(AVMI_ArrayComparator);
return $.when.apply(undefined, promises).promise();
Any ideas of how to structure this? I've tried all sorts of things with $.Deferred but I can't quite figure it out...
You do exactly the same thing you did in AVMI_getMultipleRecordInfoFromArray: Collect the promises in an array and use $.when (or Promise.all) to wait until they are resolved.
You can simply use .map in here which also takes care of the "function in a loop" problem:
var promises = {
// ...
return AVMI_getChildren(...).done(...);
$.when.apply(undefined, promises).done(function() {
You should have to disable the async property of ajax. By default it is set to true. It means that your doesn't wait for your ajax response. That why it is returning you undefined value and you have to set it to false. So your code will wait your request to complete.
So all you have to do is.
url: '',
type: '',
async: false,
success: function(data){

Writing/adjusting object from within callback

I'm working on a meteor react project and want to use load data from local storage which happens async. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the data out of callback even with binds. I tried multiple ways but could not get any of them to work, surely I'm missing something.
I stripped as much away as I could but had to keep some for the context.
From my understanding it can only be related to the track object as setting those simple Integers, Booleans works fine.
render() {
const { audioCollection } = this.props; // database collection, async hence the following if check
if (audioCollection) {
this.tracks =; // setting tracks for later use
// make sure tracks are loaded and only run once, as we do this in the react renderer
if (this.tracks && !this.state.tracksLoaded) {
var trackLoadedCount = 0;
this.tracks.forEach((track, i) => { // I tried to use forEach and map here
// now we try to load the data from local storage and if it fails fall back to the remote server
LocalForage.getItem(track.file_id).then(function(err, file) {
if (!err && file) {
console.log(track.file_id + ' from cache')
var blob = new Blob([file]);
fileURI = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
} else {
console.log(track.file_id + ' from database')
fileURI = audioCollection.audioLink(track.file_id);
track.fileURI = fileURI; // assigning the retrieved data uri to the track object, also tried to set it on the original parent object not the extracted one from the forEach/map
console.log(fileURI + ' ' + track.fileURI) // yes, both are set
trackLoadedCount++; // increasing the tracks loaded count, to calculate if all have been loaded and to test if it can write outside of the callback, which it does
// if all files have been processed, set state loaded, this works too.
if (trackLoadedCount == this.tracks.length) {
tracksLoaded: true,
}.bind(track, this))
// once all has been processed we try to retrieve the fileURI, but it isn't set :(
if (audioCollection && this.tracks && this.state.tracksLoaded) {
console.log('all loaded ' + this.tracks.length) => {
console.log('track: ' + track.file_id + ' ' + track.fileURI) // file_id is set, fileURI is not
// we only log
return (
<Content {...this.props}>
<div>just console output</div>
I tried more approaches:
Writing the tracks as an array to state like tracksLoaded (didn't work work)
Defining a new var before the async call and setting its values from within the callback, like trackLoadedCount (with and without bind) (doesn't work)
Why isn't this working while its working for tracksLoaded and trackLoadedCount?
Update regarding Firice Nguyen Answer
render() {
const { audioCollection } = this.props;
if (audioCollection) {
this.tracks =;
if (this.tracks && !this.state.tracksLoaded) {
var trackLoadedCount = 0;
this.tracks.forEach((track, i, trackArray) => {
LocalForage.getItem(track.file_id).then(function(err, file) {
if (!err && file) {
console.log(track.file_id + ' from cache')
var blob = new Blob([file]);
fileURI = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
} else {
console.log(track.file_id + ' from database')
fileURI = audioCollection.audioLink(track.file_id);
track.fileURI = fileURI;
console.log('1. ' + track.file_id + ' ' + track.fileURI);
trackArray[i] = track;
console.log('2. ' + track.file_id + ' ' + trackArray[i].fileURI);
if (trackLoadedCount == this.tracks.length) {
tracksLoaded: true,
}.bind(track, this))
if (audioCollection && this.tracks && this.state.tracksLoaded) {
console.log('all loaded ' + this.tracks.length) => {
console.log('3. ' + track.file_id + ' ' + track.fileURI) // file_id is set, fileURI is not
return (
<Content {...this.props}>
<div>just console output</div>
MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q from database
1. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q/original/MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q.m4a
2. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q/original/MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q.m4a
keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo from database
1. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo/original/keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo.m4a
2. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo/original/keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo.m4a
K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg from database
1. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg/original/K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg.m4a
2. http://localhost:3000/cdn/storage/files/K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg/original/K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg.m4a
all loaded 3
3. MXqniBNnq4zCfZz5Q undefined
3. keBWP6xb9PyEJhEzo undefined
3. K2J2W9W26DDBNoCcg undefined
hence the issue persists.
The forEach give out a copy of the element. The track is just a copy, not the original one. It does not point to the element in your array. You can try this:
this.tracks.forEach(track, i, trackArray) => {
// change `track` value
trackArray[i] = track;
Or try map method

How do I process an element before moving on to the next one in a for each loop?

var prompt = ...
var connection = ...
var property = {
name: 'yesno',
message: 'approve this screencast?',
validator: /y[es]*|n[o]?/,
warning: 'Must respond yes or no',
default: 'no'
connection.queryAsync('SELECT * FROM screencasts WHERE approved = 0')
.spread(function(screencasts) {
screencasts.forEach(function(screencast) {
console.log('Title: "' + screencast.title + '".');
prompt.get(property, function(err, res) {
console.log('Command-line input received:');
console.log(' result: ' + res.yesno);
Aim: To enumerate the screencasts and prompt the user to approve or deny them, interactively.
Problem: I think the problem is that, the loop does not block at all, resulting in the next element being processed too quickly:
How do I wait for the user to input a value before "processing" the next element in the sequence?
Someone mentioned mapSeries, and that got me thinking about the example that shows how to avoid mapSeries and instead use bluebird's map.
What I ended up with is this:
var promise = ...
var prompt = ...
var connection = ...
connection.queryAsync('SELECT * FROM screencasts WHERE approved = 0')
.spread(function(screencasts) {
var current = promise.resolve();, function(screencast) {
current = current.then(function() {
console.log('Title: "' + screencast.title + '".');
return prompt.getAsync(property);
}).then(function(res) {
return current;
It seems to work well. I am curious, though. Is map the most appropiate function for this?

onResourceReceived logs every resource twice?

I'm trying to use phantomjs to get some metrics about the likelihood of a race condition affecting a page, I have 2 script files, some functionality hosted on my site is dependant on some globals set by a file coming from a third party.
I thought that using onResourceReceived in phantomjs I could log when each file loads and then run that test a bunch of times to get an idea of how often this race condition will cause issues, an example of my code is below (it's not the actual code and I'm not affiliated with the BBC):
(function (p, wp) {
"use strict";
var page, start,
count = 0, max = 10,
webpage = require('webpage'),
url = "";
function process() {
if (max == count) {
console.log('done processing!');
} else {
start = new Date();
page = wp.create();
page.onResourceReceived = onResourceReceived;, onOpen);
function onResourceReceived(response) {
var match, t = new Date(),
url = response.url,
status = response.status;
t = t.valueOf() - start.valueOf();
if (!!(match = url.match(/locator\.css/))) {
console.log(match[0] + ': ' + t + 'msecs status: ' + status);
if (!!(match = url.match(/en-GB\.json/))) {
console.log(match[0] + ': ' + t + 'msecs status: ' + status);
function onOpen() {
console.log('Test ' + count + ' done!!!');
}(phantom, require('webpage')));
This kinda runs how I expected except that each file is logged twice, why is this?
Sometimes the time differences are very different.
locator.css: 323msecs status: 200
locator.css: 323msecs status: 200
en-GB.json: 2199msecs status: 200
en-GB.json: 2200msecs status: 200
Test 1 done!!!
You need to check for response.stage property. stage will have start and end. start gives the first byte arrived time and end give you the when you got the complete response.
please add a check in your function.
function onResourceReceived(response) {
if(response.stage == 'end') return;
//rest of your code from above example.

