What are end points in an API - javascript

I have the following description of an API. How do I call this API in my react app or through postman? I don't understand the endpoints in it.
Deployed a CORS-enabled API for IP geolocation and weather lookup at
There are two endpoints:
Get the geographic location of the requestor’s IP
Get weather for a given latitude & longitude
I tried https://weathersync.herokuapp.com/weather/28.704059,77.102490 in postman but it doesn't work. Also, https://weathersync.herokuapp.com/?ip= doesn't work. Any help is appreciated aI i am new to APIs

Through simple trial and error I managed to determine that this API expects you to call it like this for the /ip route:
Note that this is pretty unusual and would be considered incorrect by most API designers. I would expect it to be /ip/ instead, but the server is not set up correctly to handle that.
Also, as TKoL mentioned in the comments, an IP like 192... will never work, because it is a local IP address that is not visible to the outside world beyond your network. If the server attempts to lookup anything based on that IP address, it will likely not find anything, or even worse it might find something about a computer inside of its datacenter, in which case it could return data that is subtly incorrect from your point of view. You can find your external IP with services like iplocation.net.
Your weather example works fine for me as-is (try clicking below in a browser):
I did not try Postman, but it may not be working for you because it does not send the same HTTP headers as a browser does. Some servers expect certain headers to be sent. You can manually configure the headers in Postman to mimic a browser, which should work if that is the case.


Google API Key for browser. Issue when referrers set

I generated Browser API Key in Google Console and set referrers:
Then I go to http://afriflirt.com, open JS console in browser and run this code ("Google Maps Geocoding API" enabled for this api key in settings):
var apiKey = 'AIzaSyAGpR-mG46fDbmWjJwkZZHft_xvZ_dM3cA';
'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=12345&key=' + apiKey,
function(resp) {alert(JSON.stringify(resp));}
in response I see this message:
This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API
key. Request received from IP address, with referer:
If I remove referrers - API key start working, but this is not safe.
So it's a problem only when I set referrers. Tried different formats of referrers patterns, but nothing worked. Also tried to wait some time (as I saw "it may take up to 5 minutes for settings to take effect"), but it doesn't help too.
Please let me know if you have any ideas how to fix this.
According to the documentation, you need a server key for the geocoding web service.
Create a server key, enable it for IP address:, that should work in your example (but it isn't recommended to use a server key from javascript like that, use a browser key and the Google Maps Javascript API v3 Geocoding Service).

Importing events from MS Office 365 (PHP)

I have an intranet site for a small medical clinic, and on the front page I want to display upcoming events associated with the clinic-wide MS Office 365 email account.
I'm new to APIs, so some resources on how to get started would help.
The site is in PHP, but as I understand it, API functions can be done in JavaScript - either way is fine.
Once I can get an XML or JSON file from Microsoft, I'm pretty sure I can figure out how to format it for the site. The problem is just getting the info.
So far I have:
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/users/{email address}/events", false);
The console logged:
"NetworkError: 401 Anonymous Request Disallowed
I've also tried the line req.open("GET", "https://outlook.office365.com/api/v1.0/users/me/events", false{or true}/ {username}, {password});, to which the console logged
NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
Almost all the documentation I can find is directed toward individual users (employees of a company) interfacing with their 365 accounts through some web-based interface, so almost all of the urls have /me/ in them, indicating they have authenticated somehow. But I want my PHP or JavaScript script to automatically authenticate a single user and retrieve information. I imagine this requires hard-coding the user and password somewhere, but I've found no examples like that.
I'm obviously in way over my head, but can anyone offer any advice on how I can get this done? Or read more about how APIs work? Most of the documentation out there is directed at people who already have a certain level of knowledge, which I don't have, and don't really know how to get.
Missing part is authentication (OAuth) to connect from your app to O365..
Maybe this helps http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/bde5647a-fff1-4b51-b67b-2139de79ce4a%28Office.15%29.aspx
Yes, you do need to authenticate against the Office 365 APIs as indicated previously. To make calls against Office 365, you must register your app for OAuth against Azure AD.
I'd suggest looking at http://dev.office.com/getting-started/office365apis. It should guide you through setting up authentication and show you how to make the rest call.

Google Plus API - Keyinvalid

I am trying to use the javascript sdk to do an oauth login and access the google plus api. Basically the same code here: https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/features/authentication
In my firebug console, this is the url that is sending the api request to:
This is the error that comes back:
{"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"usageLimits","reason":"keyInvalid","message":"Bad Request"}],"code":400,"message":"Bad Request"}}
I have:
1. Added Google Plus Api to my project
2. Created oauth credentials
3. Setup my consent screen
However, I am still getting the error.
The reason is that you have the key defined in the request. As specified in the discovery API docs (https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/getting_started#before_starting):
"The APIs Discovery Service provides only public methods that do not
require authentication. In addition, unlike the requests you make to
many other Google APIs, the requests you make to the Discovery Service
API should not include an API key. If you do provide a key, the
requests will fail. This behavior helps ensure that you don't
accidentally disclose your API key when distributing tools that are
based on the Google APIs Discovery Service."
So you can solve the problem by removing the key from your request entirely.
If you are using Google's javascript client to do this and the error occurs when loading further APIs, you have to unset the key first:
gapi.client.setApiKey( null );
gapi.client.load( "plus", "v1", function( apiresponse ) { ... } );
If another function requires the key later, you have to set it again.
To avoid setting and unsetting the key constantly, I load all the needed APIs before authentication, then set the API key and thus will no longer have the issue.

Find location of tower using google geolocation api

I am trying to find the location of cell towers using MNC, MCC, lac and CellID.
I have tried many api's such as opencell, combian etc. But none of them are free.
Is there any rest free API available, but for the moment I am using Google geolocation api.
I am sending request in javascript like this
and all the time it return "Not Found"
I checked many places on stackover, but could not find good solution or hint. In addition is there any Free Api Available for getting operator name by using data mnc, mcc, cellid and lac.
In addition, I have also tried to use this link to get location but I could not as I can not find what parameter I need to pass and what should be the url I need to create.
Please provide me some guidelines to get location and operator name for specific tower by using information such as mnc, mcc etc.
Thanks appreciated
Google describes the geolocate API endpoint in their docs. You tried to do a GET request, but they say that you should use POST, with JSON-Formatted data:
Communication is done over HTTPS using POST. Both request and response are formatted as JSON, and the content type of both is application/json.
If you want to use the undocumented API from your link, the URL is http://www.google.com/glm/mmap and the POST-data is what is written in the function WriteData. See the Java Docs for DataOutputStream if you are unfamiliar with the output produced by the various write..-methods.
As for getting the operator name, there are free databases available for that (alternative 1, alternative 2; search google for more, there are plenty).

Google doesn't tell me which waypoint is wrong (Javascript API)

When Google returns a NOT_FOUND response to a direction request with waypoints, the documentation says
NOT_FOUND indicates at least one of the locations specified in the requests
origin, destination, or waypoints could not be geocoded.
But it doesn't tell me which one is invalid...
I realise I could then attempt to geocode each address individually to find the bad address, but that is wasting a lot of geocoding requests, given I have about 20 waypoints, and given Google could just tell me which one failed...
Is there a way to do this?
My fallback is to geocode the addresses before I save them, however I'd prefer not to do this, if I can get google to tell me which waypoint failed.
Normally, the response comes back with warnings, and I thought the bad address may come back in that, however I think that only happens if a route can be built in the first place.
Warning items are intended to display information when a route has been found, you are right. For example, it is telling that the walking directions mode results are in beta.
Sample: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=Boston,MA&destination=Concord,MA&waypoints=Charle,MA&mode=walking
For the problem you depicted (waypoint is not found), the response of the webservice is really short. Sample call with a non-working waypoint:
"routes" : [],
"status" : "ZERO_RESULTS"
The google maps Directions API is not currently helping for your case, and you also cannot try to geocode all your waypoint at once. Furthermore, the geocode api will throw an error if you exceed 5 simultaneous requests, so you initial workaround idea may be limited.
As a workaround (but not perfect, as the results between this service and gmaps service can be different), you could try to use other geocoding services, such as the one provided by OpenStreetMap: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Search
You still have to do it one-by-one, but you won't be getting a "query limit exceeded" error.

