Using async and defer to load scripts in order - javascript

So, I'm following the Google PageSpeed recommendation to defer above-the-fold scripts. Let's say this is the code in my <head>:
<script src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/js/functions.js"></script>
The functions.js script depends on jQuery so it's crucial that jquery.js is loaded and executed before functions.js.
What I tried:
<script src="/js/jquery.js" defer></script>
<script src="/js/functions.js" defer></script>
While this works and functions.js gets executed properly, when I load the page I see it flicker, as if the CSS is not yet loaded. Note that the above code is in the <head>. If I remove the defer attribute from jquery.js, the flickering disappears. That leads me to my question:
<script src="/js/jquery.js" async></script>
<script src="/js/functions.js" defer></script>
Does using async on the dependency script and defer on the dependent script ensure they will always be executed in that order? It seems to work in my tests but I don't know enough about how the parser works in order to be sure.

The answer is that you lose guarantees about the order scripts are executed if you use async or defer.
async scripts are executed asyncronously, there are no guarantees as to which order there are. defer scripts are executed after the document has been parsed, but there are no guarantees as to whether they will be executed in order. (Have a look at this question about defer scripts specifically.)
Unfortunately, in your case, you have to run jquery.js synchronously by removing the defer and async attributes.
Looking forward, as we move to modules, specifying dependencies and loading them just in time (and only once) will be made much easier.

Although I'm not sure how current browsers implement the standard, there are minimal guarantees about execution order of scripts (classic script elements without type="module") and modules (script elements with type=module).
1) Classic scripts which do not specify defer or async are executed in the order they appear in the html document (when the document is being parsed). They are executed before classic scripts that are defer and modules that are not async.
2) classic scripts that are defer and modules that are not async are executed in the order they appear in the html document (after the document has been parsed).
See point 20 on the processing model here:

Yes on chrome, sometimes on Firefox..
Specs say they will be loaded in order, but loaded mean downloaded not executed so if file finishes downloading before other it will run first so i wouldn't recommend you depend on order of execution using defer or async attributes


Google Analytics GA4 code in an external javascript file (.js) [duplicate]

I have a couple of questions about the attributes async & defer for the <script> tag which to my understanding only work in HTML5 browsers.
One of my sites has two external JavaScript files that currently sit just above the </body> tag; the first is jquery sourced from google and the second is a local external script.
With respects to site load speed
Is there any advantage in adding async to the two scripts I have at the bottom of the page?
Would there be any advantage in adding the async option to the two scripts and putting them at the top of the page in the <head>?
Would this mean they download as the page loads?
I assume this would cause delays for HTML4 browsers, but would it speed up page load for HTML5 browsers?
Using <script defer src=...
Would loading the two scripts inside <head> with the attribute defer the same affect as having the scripts before </body>?
Once again I assume this would slow up HTML4 browsers.
Using <script async src=...
If I have two scripts with async enabled
Would they download at the same time?
Or one at a time with the rest of the page?
Does the order of scripts then become a problem? For example one script depends on the other so if one downloads faster, the second one might not execute correctly etc.
Finally am I best to leave things as they are until HTML5 is more commonly used?
This image explains normal script tag, async and defer
Async scripts are executed as soon as the script is loaded, so it
doesn't guarantee the order of execution (a script you included at
the end may execute before the first script file )
Defer scripts guarantees the order of execution in which they appear
in the page.
Ref this link :
Keep your scripts right before </body>. Async can be used with scripts located there in a few circumstances (see discussion below). Defer won't make much of a difference for scripts located there because the DOM parsing work has pretty much already been done anyway.
Here's an article that explains the difference between async and defer:
Your HTML will display quicker in older browsers if you keep the scripts at the end of the body right before </body>. So, to preserve the load speed in older browsers, you don't want to put them anywhere else.
If your second script depends upon the first script (e.g. your second script uses the jQuery loaded in the first script), then you can't make them async without additional code to control execution order, but you can make them defer because defer scripts will still be executed in order, just not until after the document has been parsed. If you have that code and you don't need the scripts to run right away, you can make them async or defer.
You could put the scripts in the <head> tag and set them to defer and the loading of the scripts will be deferred until the DOM has been parsed and that will get fast page display in new browsers that support defer, but it won't help you at all in older browsers and it isn't really any faster than just putting the scripts right before </body> which works in all browsers. So, you can see why it's just best to put them right before </body>.
Async is more useful when you really don't care when the script loads and nothing else that is user dependent depends upon that script loading. The most often cited example for using async is an analytics script like Google Analytics that you don't want anything to wait for and it's not urgent to run soon and it stands alone so nothing else depends upon it.
Usually the jQuery library is not a good candidate for async because other scripts depend upon it and you want to install event handlers so your page can start responding to user events and you may need to run some jQuery-based initialization code to establish the initial state of the page. It can be used async, but other scripts will have to be coded to not execute until jQuery is loaded.
HTML5: async, defer
In HTML5, you can tell browser when to run your JavaScript code. There are 3 possibilities:
<script src="myscript.js"></script>
<script async src="myscript.js"></script>
<script defer src="myscript.js"></script>
Without async or defer, browser will run your script immediately, before rendering the elements that's below your script tag.
With async (asynchronous), browser will continue to load the HTML page and render it while the browser load and execute the script at the same time.
With defer, browser will run your script when the page finished parsing. (not necessary finishing downloading all image files. This is good.)
Both async and defer scripts begin to download immediately without pausing the parser and both support an optional onload handler to address the common need to perform initialization which depends on the script.
The difference between async and defer centers around when the script is executed. Each async script executes at the first opportunity after it is finished downloading and before the window’s load event. This means it’s possible (and likely) that async scripts are not executed in the order in which they occur in the page. Whereas the defer scripts, on the other hand, are guaranteed to be executed in the order they occur in the page. That execution starts after parsing is completely finished, but before the document’s DOMContentLoaded event.
Source & further details: here.
Faced same kind of problem and now clearly understood how both will works.Hope this reference link will be helpful...
When you add the async attribute to your script tag, the fol­low­ing will happen.
<script src="myfile1.js" async></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" async></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Exe­cute the indi­vid­ual scripts the moment the files are downloaded.
Defer is very sim­i­lar to async with one major dif­fer­er­ence. Here’s what hap­pens when a browser encoun­ters a script with the defer attribute.
<script src="myfile1.js" defer></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" defer></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the indi­vid­ual files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Fin­ish pars­ing the doc­u­ment even if the script files have downloaded.
Exe­cute each script in the order they were encoun­tered in the document.
Reference :Difference between Async and Defer
async and defer will download the file during HTML parsing. Both will not interrupt the parser.
The script with async attribute will be executed once it is downloaded. While the script with defer attribute will be executed after completing the DOM parsing.
The scripts loaded with async doesn't guarantee any order. While the scripts loaded with defer attribute maintains the order in which they appear on the DOM.
Use <script async> when the script does not rely on anything.
when the script depends use <script defer>.
Best solution would be add the <script> at the bottom of the body. There will be no issue with blocking or rendering.
Good practice is to keep all the files in your source folder to load sorce files fast. You need to download all the script, style, icon and image related files and put these files into your project folder.
Create these folders in your project to keep different source files and then load required files into the pages from these folder.
js: to keep script related files.
css: to keep style related files.
img: to keep image/icon related files
fonts: to keep fonts related files
When to use defer and async attribute
defer attribute: First it will download the script file and then wait of html parsing. After the end of html parsing, script will execute. In other words, It will guarantee all the scripts will execute after the html parsing.
Defer attribute is useful when script is using for DOM manipulations. Means script will apply on document html.
async attribute: It will download the script file and execute without wait the end of html parsing. In other words, It will not guarantee all the scripts will execute after the html parsing.
Async attribute is useful when script is not using for DOM manipulation. Some time you need script only for server side operations or for handling cache or cookie but not for DOM manipulations. Means script is not related to the used html.
Useful link when to use defer and async:
I think Jake Archibald presented us some insights back in 2013 that might add even more positiveness to the topic:
The holy grail is having a set of scripts download immediately without blocking rendering and execute as soon as possible in the order they were added. Unfortunately HTML hates you and won’t let you do that.
The answer is actually in the HTML5 spec, although it’s hidden away at the bottom of the script-loading section.
"The async IDL attribute controls whether the element will execute asynchronously or not. If the element's "force-async" flag is set, then, on getting, the async IDL attribute must return true, and on setting, the "force-async" flag must first be unset…".
Scripts that are dynamically created and added to the document are async by default, they don’t block rendering and execute as soon as they download, meaning they could come out in the wrong order. However, we can explicitly mark them as not async:
].forEach(function(src) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
script.async = false;
This gives our scripts a mix of behaviour that can’t be achieved with plain HTML. By being explicitly not async, scripts are added to an execution queue, the same queue they’re added to in our first plain-HTML example. However, by being dynamically created, they’re executed outside of document parsing, so rendering isn’t blocked while they’re downloaded (don’t confuse not-async script loading with sync XHR, which is never a good thing).
The script above should be included inline in the head of pages, queueing script downloads as soon as possible without disrupting progressive rendering, and executes as soon as possible in the order you specified. “2.js” is free to download before “1.js”, but it won’t be executed until “1.js” has either successfully downloaded and executed, or fails to do either. Hurrah! async-download but ordered-execution!
Still, this might not be the fastest way to load scripts:
(...) With the example above the browser has to parse and execute script to discover which scripts to download. This hides your scripts from preload scanners. Browsers use these scanners to discover resources on pages you’re likely to visit next, or discover page resources while the parser is blocked by another resource.
We can add discoverability back in by putting this in the head of the document:
<link rel="subresource" href="//">
<link rel="subresource" href="2.js">
This tells the browser the page needs 1.js and 2.js. link[rel=subresource] is similar to link[rel=prefetch], but with different semantics. Unfortunately it’s currently only supported in Chrome, and you have to declare which scripts to load twice, once via link elements, and again in your script.
Correction: I originally stated these were picked up by the preload scanner, they're not, they're picked up by the regular parser. However, preload scanner could pick these up, it just doesn't yet, whereas scripts included by executable code can never be preloaded. Thanks to Yoav Weiss who corrected me in the comments.
Rendering engine goes several steps till it paints anything on the screen.
it looks like this:
Converting HTML bytes to characters depending on encoding we set to the document;
Tokens are created according to characters. Tokens mean analyze characters and specify opening tangs and nested tags;
From tokens separated nodes are created. they are objects and according to information delivered from tokenization process, engine creates objects which includes all necessary information about each node;
after that DOM is created. DOM is tree data structure and represents whole hierarchy and information about relationship and specification of tags;
The same process goes to CSS. for CSS rendering engine creates different/separated data structure for CSS but it's called CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
Browser works only with Object models so it needs to know all information about DOM and CSSDOM.
The next step is combining somehow DOM and CSSOM. because without CSSOM browser do not know how to style each element during rendering process.
All information above means that, anything you provide in your html (javascript, css ) browser will pause DOM construction process. If you are familiar with event loop, there is simple rule how event loop executes tasks:
Execute macro tasks;
execute micro tasks;
So when you provide Javascript file, browser do not know what JS code is going to do and stops all DOM construction process and Javascript interptreter starts parsing and executing Javascript code.
Even you provide Javascript in the end of body tag, Browser will proceed all above steps to HTML and CSS but except rendering. it will find out Script tag and will stop until JS is done.
But HTML provided two additional options for script tag: async and defer.
Async - means execute code when it is downloaded and do not block DOM construction during downloading process.
Defer - means execute code after it's downloaded and browser finished DOM construction and rendering process.
It seems the behavior of defer and async is browser dependent, at least on the execution phase. NOTE, defer only applies to external scripts. I'm assuming async follows same pattern.
In IE 11 and below, the order seems to be like this:
async (could partially execute while page loading)
none (could execute while page loading)
defer (executes after page loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
In Edge, Webkit, etc, the async attribute seems to be either ignored or placed at the end:
data-pagespeed-no-defer (executes before any other scripts, while page is loading)
none (could execute while page is loading)
defer (waits until DOM loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
async (seems to wait until DOM loaded)
In newer browsers, the data-pagespeed-no-defer attribute runs before any other external scripts. This is for scripts that don't depend on the DOM.
NOTE: Use defer when you need an explicit order of execution of your external scripts. This tells the browser to execute all deferred scripts in order of placement in the file.
ASIDE: The size of the external javascripts did matter when loading...but had no effect on the order of execution.
If you're worried about the performance of your scripts, you may want to consider minification or simply loading them dynamically with an XMLHttpRequest.
Default - By default, as soon as the browser sees a script tag it downloads the file and then executes the script file. The script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
async - The browser will download the script file and continue parsing HTML parallelly until the file is downloaded. The file is executed as soon as it is downloaded.
defer - The browser will download the script and do HTML parsing at the same time. After parsing is done, the script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
In defer, the js files are executed in the order of their occurrence in the HTML file while in the case of the async attribute the script files are executed in the order of download time.
Async is suitable if your script doesn’t contains DOM manipulation and other scripts doesn’t depend upon on this.
Eg: bootstrap cdn,jquery
Defer is suitable if your script contains DOM manipulation and other scripts depend upon on this.
Eg: <script src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will show that.
Thus make it:
Eg: <script defer src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
This will execute scripts in order.
But if i made:
Eg: <script async src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
Then, this code might result unexpected results.
Coz: if html parser access createfirst script.It won’t stop DOM creation and starts downloading code from src .Once src got resolved/code got downloaded, it will execute immediately parallel with DOM.
What if showfirst.js execute first than createfirst.js.This might be possible if createfirst takes long time (Assume after DOM parsing finished).Then, showfirst will execute immediately.

Difference between script tag with and without "async"? [duplicate]

I have a couple of questions about the attributes async & defer for the <script> tag which to my understanding only work in HTML5 browsers.
One of my sites has two external JavaScript files that currently sit just above the </body> tag; the first is jquery sourced from google and the second is a local external script.
With respects to site load speed
Is there any advantage in adding async to the two scripts I have at the bottom of the page?
Would there be any advantage in adding the async option to the two scripts and putting them at the top of the page in the <head>?
Would this mean they download as the page loads?
I assume this would cause delays for HTML4 browsers, but would it speed up page load for HTML5 browsers?
Using <script defer src=...
Would loading the two scripts inside <head> with the attribute defer the same affect as having the scripts before </body>?
Once again I assume this would slow up HTML4 browsers.
Using <script async src=...
If I have two scripts with async enabled
Would they download at the same time?
Or one at a time with the rest of the page?
Does the order of scripts then become a problem? For example one script depends on the other so if one downloads faster, the second one might not execute correctly etc.
Finally am I best to leave things as they are until HTML5 is more commonly used?
This image explains normal script tag, async and defer
Async scripts are executed as soon as the script is loaded, so it
doesn't guarantee the order of execution (a script you included at
the end may execute before the first script file )
Defer scripts guarantees the order of execution in which they appear
in the page.
Ref this link :
Keep your scripts right before </body>. Async can be used with scripts located there in a few circumstances (see discussion below). Defer won't make much of a difference for scripts located there because the DOM parsing work has pretty much already been done anyway.
Here's an article that explains the difference between async and defer:
Your HTML will display quicker in older browsers if you keep the scripts at the end of the body right before </body>. So, to preserve the load speed in older browsers, you don't want to put them anywhere else.
If your second script depends upon the first script (e.g. your second script uses the jQuery loaded in the first script), then you can't make them async without additional code to control execution order, but you can make them defer because defer scripts will still be executed in order, just not until after the document has been parsed. If you have that code and you don't need the scripts to run right away, you can make them async or defer.
You could put the scripts in the <head> tag and set them to defer and the loading of the scripts will be deferred until the DOM has been parsed and that will get fast page display in new browsers that support defer, but it won't help you at all in older browsers and it isn't really any faster than just putting the scripts right before </body> which works in all browsers. So, you can see why it's just best to put them right before </body>.
Async is more useful when you really don't care when the script loads and nothing else that is user dependent depends upon that script loading. The most often cited example for using async is an analytics script like Google Analytics that you don't want anything to wait for and it's not urgent to run soon and it stands alone so nothing else depends upon it.
Usually the jQuery library is not a good candidate for async because other scripts depend upon it and you want to install event handlers so your page can start responding to user events and you may need to run some jQuery-based initialization code to establish the initial state of the page. It can be used async, but other scripts will have to be coded to not execute until jQuery is loaded.
HTML5: async, defer
In HTML5, you can tell browser when to run your JavaScript code. There are 3 possibilities:
<script src="myscript.js"></script>
<script async src="myscript.js"></script>
<script defer src="myscript.js"></script>
Without async or defer, browser will run your script immediately, before rendering the elements that's below your script tag.
With async (asynchronous), browser will continue to load the HTML page and render it while the browser load and execute the script at the same time.
With defer, browser will run your script when the page finished parsing. (not necessary finishing downloading all image files. This is good.)
Both async and defer scripts begin to download immediately without pausing the parser and both support an optional onload handler to address the common need to perform initialization which depends on the script.
The difference between async and defer centers around when the script is executed. Each async script executes at the first opportunity after it is finished downloading and before the window’s load event. This means it’s possible (and likely) that async scripts are not executed in the order in which they occur in the page. Whereas the defer scripts, on the other hand, are guaranteed to be executed in the order they occur in the page. That execution starts after parsing is completely finished, but before the document’s DOMContentLoaded event.
Source & further details: here.
Faced same kind of problem and now clearly understood how both will works.Hope this reference link will be helpful...
When you add the async attribute to your script tag, the fol­low­ing will happen.
<script src="myfile1.js" async></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" async></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Exe­cute the indi­vid­ual scripts the moment the files are downloaded.
Defer is very sim­i­lar to async with one major dif­fer­er­ence. Here’s what hap­pens when a browser encoun­ters a script with the defer attribute.
<script src="myfile1.js" defer></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" defer></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the indi­vid­ual files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Fin­ish pars­ing the doc­u­ment even if the script files have downloaded.
Exe­cute each script in the order they were encoun­tered in the document.
Reference :Difference between Async and Defer
async and defer will download the file during HTML parsing. Both will not interrupt the parser.
The script with async attribute will be executed once it is downloaded. While the script with defer attribute will be executed after completing the DOM parsing.
The scripts loaded with async doesn't guarantee any order. While the scripts loaded with defer attribute maintains the order in which they appear on the DOM.
Use <script async> when the script does not rely on anything.
when the script depends use <script defer>.
Best solution would be add the <script> at the bottom of the body. There will be no issue with blocking or rendering.
Good practice is to keep all the files in your source folder to load sorce files fast. You need to download all the script, style, icon and image related files and put these files into your project folder.
Create these folders in your project to keep different source files and then load required files into the pages from these folder.
js: to keep script related files.
css: to keep style related files.
img: to keep image/icon related files
fonts: to keep fonts related files
When to use defer and async attribute
defer attribute: First it will download the script file and then wait of html parsing. After the end of html parsing, script will execute. In other words, It will guarantee all the scripts will execute after the html parsing.
Defer attribute is useful when script is using for DOM manipulations. Means script will apply on document html.
async attribute: It will download the script file and execute without wait the end of html parsing. In other words, It will not guarantee all the scripts will execute after the html parsing.
Async attribute is useful when script is not using for DOM manipulation. Some time you need script only for server side operations or for handling cache or cookie but not for DOM manipulations. Means script is not related to the used html.
Useful link when to use defer and async:
I think Jake Archibald presented us some insights back in 2013 that might add even more positiveness to the topic:
The holy grail is having a set of scripts download immediately without blocking rendering and execute as soon as possible in the order they were added. Unfortunately HTML hates you and won’t let you do that.
The answer is actually in the HTML5 spec, although it’s hidden away at the bottom of the script-loading section.
"The async IDL attribute controls whether the element will execute asynchronously or not. If the element's "force-async" flag is set, then, on getting, the async IDL attribute must return true, and on setting, the "force-async" flag must first be unset…".
Scripts that are dynamically created and added to the document are async by default, they don’t block rendering and execute as soon as they download, meaning they could come out in the wrong order. However, we can explicitly mark them as not async:
].forEach(function(src) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
script.async = false;
This gives our scripts a mix of behaviour that can’t be achieved with plain HTML. By being explicitly not async, scripts are added to an execution queue, the same queue they’re added to in our first plain-HTML example. However, by being dynamically created, they’re executed outside of document parsing, so rendering isn’t blocked while they’re downloaded (don’t confuse not-async script loading with sync XHR, which is never a good thing).
The script above should be included inline in the head of pages, queueing script downloads as soon as possible without disrupting progressive rendering, and executes as soon as possible in the order you specified. “2.js” is free to download before “1.js”, but it won’t be executed until “1.js” has either successfully downloaded and executed, or fails to do either. Hurrah! async-download but ordered-execution!
Still, this might not be the fastest way to load scripts:
(...) With the example above the browser has to parse and execute script to discover which scripts to download. This hides your scripts from preload scanners. Browsers use these scanners to discover resources on pages you’re likely to visit next, or discover page resources while the parser is blocked by another resource.
We can add discoverability back in by putting this in the head of the document:
<link rel="subresource" href="//">
<link rel="subresource" href="2.js">
This tells the browser the page needs 1.js and 2.js. link[rel=subresource] is similar to link[rel=prefetch], but with different semantics. Unfortunately it’s currently only supported in Chrome, and you have to declare which scripts to load twice, once via link elements, and again in your script.
Correction: I originally stated these were picked up by the preload scanner, they're not, they're picked up by the regular parser. However, preload scanner could pick these up, it just doesn't yet, whereas scripts included by executable code can never be preloaded. Thanks to Yoav Weiss who corrected me in the comments.
Rendering engine goes several steps till it paints anything on the screen.
it looks like this:
Converting HTML bytes to characters depending on encoding we set to the document;
Tokens are created according to characters. Tokens mean analyze characters and specify opening tangs and nested tags;
From tokens separated nodes are created. they are objects and according to information delivered from tokenization process, engine creates objects which includes all necessary information about each node;
after that DOM is created. DOM is tree data structure and represents whole hierarchy and information about relationship and specification of tags;
The same process goes to CSS. for CSS rendering engine creates different/separated data structure for CSS but it's called CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
Browser works only with Object models so it needs to know all information about DOM and CSSDOM.
The next step is combining somehow DOM and CSSOM. because without CSSOM browser do not know how to style each element during rendering process.
All information above means that, anything you provide in your html (javascript, css ) browser will pause DOM construction process. If you are familiar with event loop, there is simple rule how event loop executes tasks:
Execute macro tasks;
execute micro tasks;
So when you provide Javascript file, browser do not know what JS code is going to do and stops all DOM construction process and Javascript interptreter starts parsing and executing Javascript code.
Even you provide Javascript in the end of body tag, Browser will proceed all above steps to HTML and CSS but except rendering. it will find out Script tag and will stop until JS is done.
But HTML provided two additional options for script tag: async and defer.
Async - means execute code when it is downloaded and do not block DOM construction during downloading process.
Defer - means execute code after it's downloaded and browser finished DOM construction and rendering process.
It seems the behavior of defer and async is browser dependent, at least on the execution phase. NOTE, defer only applies to external scripts. I'm assuming async follows same pattern.
In IE 11 and below, the order seems to be like this:
async (could partially execute while page loading)
none (could execute while page loading)
defer (executes after page loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
In Edge, Webkit, etc, the async attribute seems to be either ignored or placed at the end:
data-pagespeed-no-defer (executes before any other scripts, while page is loading)
none (could execute while page is loading)
defer (waits until DOM loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
async (seems to wait until DOM loaded)
In newer browsers, the data-pagespeed-no-defer attribute runs before any other external scripts. This is for scripts that don't depend on the DOM.
NOTE: Use defer when you need an explicit order of execution of your external scripts. This tells the browser to execute all deferred scripts in order of placement in the file.
ASIDE: The size of the external javascripts did matter when loading...but had no effect on the order of execution.
If you're worried about the performance of your scripts, you may want to consider minification or simply loading them dynamically with an XMLHttpRequest.
Default - By default, as soon as the browser sees a script tag it downloads the file and then executes the script file. The script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
async - The browser will download the script file and continue parsing HTML parallelly until the file is downloaded. The file is executed as soon as it is downloaded.
defer - The browser will download the script and do HTML parsing at the same time. After parsing is done, the script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
In defer, the js files are executed in the order of their occurrence in the HTML file while in the case of the async attribute the script files are executed in the order of download time.
Async is suitable if your script doesn’t contains DOM manipulation and other scripts doesn’t depend upon on this.
Eg: bootstrap cdn,jquery
Defer is suitable if your script contains DOM manipulation and other scripts depend upon on this.
Eg: <script src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will show that.
Thus make it:
Eg: <script defer src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
This will execute scripts in order.
But if i made:
Eg: <script async src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
Then, this code might result unexpected results.
Coz: if html parser access createfirst script.It won’t stop DOM creation and starts downloading code from src .Once src got resolved/code got downloaded, it will execute immediately parallel with DOM.
What if showfirst.js execute first than createfirst.js.This might be possible if createfirst takes long time (Assume after DOM parsing finished).Then, showfirst will execute immediately.

HTML DOM appendChild script async [duplicate]

I have a couple of questions about the attributes async & defer for the <script> tag which to my understanding only work in HTML5 browsers.
One of my sites has two external JavaScript files that currently sit just above the </body> tag; the first is jquery sourced from google and the second is a local external script.
With respects to site load speed
Is there any advantage in adding async to the two scripts I have at the bottom of the page?
Would there be any advantage in adding the async option to the two scripts and putting them at the top of the page in the <head>?
Would this mean they download as the page loads?
I assume this would cause delays for HTML4 browsers, but would it speed up page load for HTML5 browsers?
Using <script defer src=...
Would loading the two scripts inside <head> with the attribute defer the same affect as having the scripts before </body>?
Once again I assume this would slow up HTML4 browsers.
Using <script async src=...
If I have two scripts with async enabled
Would they download at the same time?
Or one at a time with the rest of the page?
Does the order of scripts then become a problem? For example one script depends on the other so if one downloads faster, the second one might not execute correctly etc.
Finally am I best to leave things as they are until HTML5 is more commonly used?
This image explains normal script tag, async and defer
Async scripts are executed as soon as the script is loaded, so it
doesn't guarantee the order of execution (a script you included at
the end may execute before the first script file )
Defer scripts guarantees the order of execution in which they appear
in the page.
Ref this link :
Keep your scripts right before </body>. Async can be used with scripts located there in a few circumstances (see discussion below). Defer won't make much of a difference for scripts located there because the DOM parsing work has pretty much already been done anyway.
Here's an article that explains the difference between async and defer:
Your HTML will display quicker in older browsers if you keep the scripts at the end of the body right before </body>. So, to preserve the load speed in older browsers, you don't want to put them anywhere else.
If your second script depends upon the first script (e.g. your second script uses the jQuery loaded in the first script), then you can't make them async without additional code to control execution order, but you can make them defer because defer scripts will still be executed in order, just not until after the document has been parsed. If you have that code and you don't need the scripts to run right away, you can make them async or defer.
You could put the scripts in the <head> tag and set them to defer and the loading of the scripts will be deferred until the DOM has been parsed and that will get fast page display in new browsers that support defer, but it won't help you at all in older browsers and it isn't really any faster than just putting the scripts right before </body> which works in all browsers. So, you can see why it's just best to put them right before </body>.
Async is more useful when you really don't care when the script loads and nothing else that is user dependent depends upon that script loading. The most often cited example for using async is an analytics script like Google Analytics that you don't want anything to wait for and it's not urgent to run soon and it stands alone so nothing else depends upon it.
Usually the jQuery library is not a good candidate for async because other scripts depend upon it and you want to install event handlers so your page can start responding to user events and you may need to run some jQuery-based initialization code to establish the initial state of the page. It can be used async, but other scripts will have to be coded to not execute until jQuery is loaded.
HTML5: async, defer
In HTML5, you can tell browser when to run your JavaScript code. There are 3 possibilities:
<script src="myscript.js"></script>
<script async src="myscript.js"></script>
<script defer src="myscript.js"></script>
Without async or defer, browser will run your script immediately, before rendering the elements that's below your script tag.
With async (asynchronous), browser will continue to load the HTML page and render it while the browser load and execute the script at the same time.
With defer, browser will run your script when the page finished parsing. (not necessary finishing downloading all image files. This is good.)
Both async and defer scripts begin to download immediately without pausing the parser and both support an optional onload handler to address the common need to perform initialization which depends on the script.
The difference between async and defer centers around when the script is executed. Each async script executes at the first opportunity after it is finished downloading and before the window’s load event. This means it’s possible (and likely) that async scripts are not executed in the order in which they occur in the page. Whereas the defer scripts, on the other hand, are guaranteed to be executed in the order they occur in the page. That execution starts after parsing is completely finished, but before the document’s DOMContentLoaded event.
Source & further details: here.
Faced same kind of problem and now clearly understood how both will works.Hope this reference link will be helpful...
When you add the async attribute to your script tag, the fol­low­ing will happen.
<script src="myfile1.js" async></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" async></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Exe­cute the indi­vid­ual scripts the moment the files are downloaded.
Defer is very sim­i­lar to async with one major dif­fer­er­ence. Here’s what hap­pens when a browser encoun­ters a script with the defer attribute.
<script src="myfile1.js" defer></script>
<script src="myfile2.js" defer></script>
Make par­al­lel requests to fetch the indi­vid­ual files.
Con­tinue pars­ing the doc­u­ment as if it was never interrupted.
Fin­ish pars­ing the doc­u­ment even if the script files have downloaded.
Exe­cute each script in the order they were encoun­tered in the document.
Reference :Difference between Async and Defer
async and defer will download the file during HTML parsing. Both will not interrupt the parser.
The script with async attribute will be executed once it is downloaded. While the script with defer attribute will be executed after completing the DOM parsing.
The scripts loaded with async doesn't guarantee any order. While the scripts loaded with defer attribute maintains the order in which they appear on the DOM.
Use <script async> when the script does not rely on anything.
when the script depends use <script defer>.
Best solution would be add the <script> at the bottom of the body. There will be no issue with blocking or rendering.
Good practice is to keep all the files in your source folder to load source files fast. You need to download all the script, style, icon, and image-related files and put these files into your project folder.
Create these folders in your project to keep different source files and then load the required files into the pages from this folder.
JS: to keep script-related files.
CSS: to keep style-related files.
images: to keep image/icon-related files
fonts: to keep font-related files
When to use defer and async attributes on the <script> tag
defer attribute: First the defer attribute will download the script file and then wait for HTML parsing. After the end of the HTML parsing, the script will execute. In other words, it will guarantee all the scripts will execute after the HTML parsing.
The defer attribute is useful when the script is used for DOM manipulations.
async attribute: The async attribute will download the script file and execute without waiting for the end of HTML parsing. In other words, it does not guarantee that all the scripts will execute after the HTML parsing.
The async attribute is useful when the script is not used for DOM manipulation. Sometimes you need a script only for server-side operations or for handling cache or cookies, but not for DOM manipulations.
Useful link when to use defer and async:
I think Jake Archibald presented us some insights back in 2013 that might add even more positiveness to the topic:
The holy grail is having a set of scripts download immediately without blocking rendering and execute as soon as possible in the order they were added. Unfortunately HTML hates you and won’t let you do that.
The answer is actually in the HTML5 spec, although it’s hidden away at the bottom of the script-loading section.
"The async IDL attribute controls whether the element will execute asynchronously or not. If the element's "force-async" flag is set, then, on getting, the async IDL attribute must return true, and on setting, the "force-async" flag must first be unset…".
Scripts that are dynamically created and added to the document are async by default, they don’t block rendering and execute as soon as they download, meaning they could come out in the wrong order. However, we can explicitly mark them as not async:
].forEach(function(src) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = src;
script.async = false;
This gives our scripts a mix of behaviour that can’t be achieved with plain HTML. By being explicitly not async, scripts are added to an execution queue, the same queue they’re added to in our first plain-HTML example. However, by being dynamically created, they’re executed outside of document parsing, so rendering isn’t blocked while they’re downloaded (don’t confuse not-async script loading with sync XHR, which is never a good thing).
The script above should be included inline in the head of pages, queueing script downloads as soon as possible without disrupting progressive rendering, and executes as soon as possible in the order you specified. “2.js” is free to download before “1.js”, but it won’t be executed until “1.js” has either successfully downloaded and executed, or fails to do either. Hurrah! async-download but ordered-execution!
Still, this might not be the fastest way to load scripts:
(...) With the example above the browser has to parse and execute script to discover which scripts to download. This hides your scripts from preload scanners. Browsers use these scanners to discover resources on pages you’re likely to visit next, or discover page resources while the parser is blocked by another resource.
We can add discoverability back in by putting this in the head of the document:
<link rel="subresource" href="//">
<link rel="subresource" href="2.js">
This tells the browser the page needs 1.js and 2.js. link[rel=subresource] is similar to link[rel=prefetch], but with different semantics. Unfortunately it’s currently only supported in Chrome, and you have to declare which scripts to load twice, once via link elements, and again in your script.
Correction: I originally stated these were picked up by the preload scanner, they're not, they're picked up by the regular parser. However, preload scanner could pick these up, it just doesn't yet, whereas scripts included by executable code can never be preloaded. Thanks to Yoav Weiss who corrected me in the comments.
Rendering engine goes several steps till it paints anything on the screen.
it looks like this:
Converting HTML bytes to characters depending on encoding we set to the document;
Tokens are created according to characters. Tokens mean analyze characters and specify opening tangs and nested tags;
From tokens separated nodes are created. they are objects and according to information delivered from tokenization process, engine creates objects which includes all necessary information about each node;
after that DOM is created. DOM is tree data structure and represents whole hierarchy and information about relationship and specification of tags;
The same process goes to CSS. for CSS rendering engine creates different/separated data structure for CSS but it's called CSSOM (CSS Object Model)
Browser works only with Object models so it needs to know all information about DOM and CSSDOM.
The next step is combining somehow DOM and CSSOM. because without CSSOM browser do not know how to style each element during rendering process.
All information above means that, anything you provide in your html (javascript, css ) browser will pause DOM construction process. If you are familiar with event loop, there is simple rule how event loop executes tasks:
Execute macro tasks;
execute micro tasks;
So when you provide Javascript file, browser do not know what JS code is going to do and stops all DOM construction process and Javascript interptreter starts parsing and executing Javascript code.
Even you provide Javascript in the end of body tag, Browser will proceed all above steps to HTML and CSS but except rendering. it will find out Script tag and will stop until JS is done.
But HTML provided two additional options for script tag: async and defer.
Async - means execute code when it is downloaded and do not block DOM construction during downloading process.
Defer - means execute code after it's downloaded and browser finished DOM construction and rendering process.
It seems the behavior of defer and async is browser dependent, at least on the execution phase. NOTE, defer only applies to external scripts. I'm assuming async follows same pattern.
In IE 11 and below, the order seems to be like this:
async (could partially execute while page loading)
none (could execute while page loading)
defer (executes after page loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
In Edge, Webkit, etc, the async attribute seems to be either ignored or placed at the end:
data-pagespeed-no-defer (executes before any other scripts, while page is loading)
none (could execute while page is loading)
defer (waits until DOM loaded, all defer in order of placement in file)
async (seems to wait until DOM loaded)
In newer browsers, the data-pagespeed-no-defer attribute runs before any other external scripts. This is for scripts that don't depend on the DOM.
NOTE: Use defer when you need an explicit order of execution of your external scripts. This tells the browser to execute all deferred scripts in order of placement in the file.
ASIDE: The size of the external javascripts did matter when loading...but had no effect on the order of execution.
If you're worried about the performance of your scripts, you may want to consider minification or simply loading them dynamically with an XMLHttpRequest.
Default - By default, as soon as the browser sees a script tag it downloads the file and then executes the script file. The script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
async - The browser will download the script file and continue parsing HTML parallelly until the file is downloaded. The file is executed as soon as it is downloaded.
defer - The browser will download the script and do HTML parsing at the same time. After parsing is done, the script files are executed in the order of their occurrence.
In defer, the js files are executed in the order of their occurrence in the HTML file while in the case of the async attribute the script files are executed in the order of download time.
Async is suitable if your script doesn’t contains DOM manipulation and other scripts doesn’t depend upon on this.
Eg: bootstrap cdn,jquery
Defer is suitable if your script contains DOM manipulation and other scripts depend upon on this.
Eg: <script src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will show that.
Thus make it:
Eg: <script defer src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
This will execute scripts in order.
But if i made:
Eg: <script async src=”createfirst.js”> //let this will create element <script defer src=”showfirst.js”> //after createfirst create element it will
Then, this code might result unexpected results.
Coz: if html parser access createfirst script.It won’t stop DOM creation and starts downloading code from src .Once src got resolved/code got downloaded, it will execute immediately parallel with DOM.
What if showfirst.js execute first than createfirst.js.This might be possible if createfirst takes long time (Assume after DOM parsing finished).Then, showfirst will execute immediately.

Running multiple scripts on async defer problems [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Script Tag - async & defer
(12 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have 2 scripts which should be run with async defer. but the problem is that the 2nd script relies on the first one. js-map-label.js needs to be run only after googleapis has been loaded and running. it works 80% of the time with this setup. but sometimes it wouldn't run, so I had to refresh over and over till the js-map-label.js runs. Is there any way to fix this?
I have these scripts in this order:
<script src="" async defer></script>
<script src="/static/js/js-map-label.js" async defer></script>
It would sometimes raise this error:
js-map-label.js:13 Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined
at js-map-label.js:13
at js-map-label.js:16
With defer, the file gets downloaded asynchronously, but executed only when the document parsing is completed. Alswo with defer, scripts will execute in the same order as they are called. This makes defer the attribute of choice when a script depends on another script.
With async, the file gets downloaded asynchronously and then executed as soon as it’s downloaded.
In your case you can use defer so that the javascripts are executed when the document parsing is completed but not async if you want the dependencies to be preserved:
<script src="" defer></script>
<script src="/static/js/js-map-label.js" defer></script>
In practice, defer is used for scripts that need the whole DOM and/or their relative execution order is important. And async is used for independent scripts, like counters or ads. And their relative execution order does not matter.
From the specification:
The defer attribute may be specified even if the async attribute is specified, to cause legacy Web browsers that only support defer (and not async) to fall back to the defer behavior instead of the synchronous blocking behavior that is the default.
So if you use both modern browsers will only do async and won't perserve execution order.

are external javascript files loaded sequentially or parallel?

if i have multiple script tags in my page like:
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.jplayer.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/globals.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/sound.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
can i rely on the fact that code from the previous ones is already available when the latter ones are loaded?
They may be loaded (via the network) in parallel, but they are evaluated in sequence.
So yes, you can rely on the order.
Short: Yes:
Without specifying defer or async properties within the script tag, the spec says, that a browser has to sequentially (sync) load those files.
In other words, a plain script tag which a browser finds needs to get
(block any other render/execution process while doing the above)
While a "modern" browser probably still trys to optimize that process, those steps need to be applied (at least, process-like). That is the reason why you should place script tags without further specification always at the bottom of your <body> tag. Even the DOM render process stops while loading/executing scripts.
To avoid that, you can specify a defer or async (HTML5 only) property in those script tags, like
<script defer src="/foo/bar.js"></script>
that tells the browser it is a script that meant to be executed after the document has been parsed.
In general, scripts are downloaded sequentially (see this page):
Because JavaScript code can alter the content and layout of a web
page, the browser delays rendering any content that follows a script
tag until that script has been downloaded, parsed and executed.
However, more importantly for round-trip times, many browsers block
the downloading of resources [such as stylesheets, images, and other scripts]
referenced in the document after scripts until those scripts are
downloaded and executed.
They are loaded in parallel but they run only once every file have been loaded.
So the answer is yes, you can rely on the fact.

