How to avoid sibling component rerender - javascript

I'd like to know if it's possible to avoid a sibling component rerendering when it's data hasn't changed.
I guess it's probably because of the way i have it structure so let me clarify what i have today.
I have a Smart component which has access to a state similar to this:
showcaseState = {
products: {
1: {
name: "Ball"
2: {
name: "Puzzle"
cart: [2]
And this Smart component renders two Dumb Components. The first one (ProductsList component) receives the list of products, and the second one (Cart component) gets a list that only contains the products that match the index(es) inside the cart property.
Whenever i click one product inside the ProductsList component, it fires an action that adds that product index to the cart, so the Cart component gets rerendered.
The thing is, the ProductsList is also getting rerendered, even though it's data didn't change at all. My guess is that it's happening because the Main Component rerenders. How do i avoid this? Should i make the ProductList component Smart, give it access to the products state and remove products from the Main component?
I'm a little bit lost regarding which is the best way to achieve this.
The rendering of the Smart components is something like this
let { products, cart } =
let cartProds = => { return products[prodId] })
<ProductsList prods={products} />
<Cart prods={cartProds} />

For anyone interested in this, I ended up using redux to manage the app state, and separating the things each component needed.


How to extract values from components that have been rendered in ReactJS?

I'm new to React and I just started a new project to learn it. Currently I'm stuck on how to exact the value from components that have been rendered by another component. I'll give an example code to better explain myself.
Let's say I have built components Fruit and Vegetables, each of them have
this.state = {
price: 0,
and later
this.setState({price:/*randomly generated positive integer*/})
and I try to encapsulate them in a new component called Base. In Base's render() function I have:
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => this.add()}>Add Prices!</button>
where as the add() function aims to add the prices of the previously rendered Fruit and Vegetables prices. I've tried to assign them an id and use DOM to grab their values but I could not reach their this.state. Is there a way to achieve this, or alternatively, what is the common practice to do this in React? Thank you in advance for any guidance!
Well, you shouldn't be able to modify react's components state outside of the component by definition. (From parent I think there's no way afaik. But if you want to update from child you could pass down a function via props, from parent to child which updates parent's state).
Simple way to overcome this could be to have prices be defined in Base component's state, then add function in Base component would update Base state. And you could pass prices down to Fruit and Vegetable via props.
Something along these lines:
function Base() {
const [prices, setPrices] = useState({
fruit: 20,
vegetable: 10,
const add = () => {
fruit: prices.fruit + 10,
vegetable: prices.vegetable + 15
return (<>
<Fruit price={prices.fruit}></Fruit>
<Vegetables price={prices.vegetable}></Vegetables>
<button onClick={() => this.add()}>Add Prices!</button>
function Fruit({price})
function Vegetable({price})
However, in complex application passing down props through N number of children can get tedious. In future when your application grows you might want to look at React Contexts.
One common practice is to define the prices in your main component and then pass those prices as props to its children.
Otherwise you could use a state managing library such as Redux to access states from anywhere in your app (this would be way too much for such a simple case)

React good practice from parent state to children props

So i've been reading a lot lately on react state and props.
My app wasn't that big, but now i'm facing a problem that seems to be commun for a lot of people, and i'm trying to find the best way to implement this.
My app is simple. A SearchBar on top, that display a list of contact. My search bar is a component and is updating a react-redux store with the results of the searchBar value (calling a backend with axios). Till here everything works great.
When the results array is populate (in redux store), my container rerender the results array. Like this:
class Suggestions extends Component {
render() {
console.log('before map: ', this.props.contacts);
const {
} = this.props;
const options =, index) => (
return <div>{options}</div>;
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Suggestions);
The problem happen in my Contact component, My list is a lirs of sometimes 10 contacts that are display on the same page. So my problem is that each Contact component need to have it's own state (to add or edit info exemple: if you need to add a new phone number).
//contact component
state = {
contactState: ???
//exemple for simplicity
return <div>{}</div>
I've founded on react website that it's not a good idea to copy props from parent in state of child. And in my case i've seen it, because if i do this
state = {
contactState: <--info from parent
first search is ok, but second search with an other letter, results list is not updated and i still see some results of first search.
so i've tried to change my contact component to this:
//contact component
state = {
contactState: ???
//exemple for simplicity
return <input value={} onChange={this.handleChange}/>
And this is working great in term of visual update, all my contact are update even if i do 3-4 searches. But my problem is that, now when i want to edit the name i need to store all my contactState somewhere before saving this and second problem, because my component display {} when i edit this, the user can't see the new value, because i can't edit props.
So is there a way to render state from props in a child everytime the parent state change. Or is there a way to 1) save the state when the user edit a contact and 2) display the new value he has written ?
What is the best way when dealing with .map() to have one state foreach children that can be re-renderer when the parent state change and rendering all children with their new state.
Thank you for your help.
Don't hesitate if you need more precisions.
I'm not sure to understand everything but if I get what you want to do:
A simple solution could be to dispatch an action on the onChange
The reducer which catch the action will update your redux store
The props will change and the View too.
But that's will make you dispatch A LOT of actions...
Other option :
Use a state in every Contact-Component which duplicates props
state = {}
Modify the state on the change handler and use it as value too.
Save and dispatch the "final name" to update redux store and call the api at the same moment to update in on your server
Let me know if that's clear enough

ReactJS - Lifting state up vs keeping a local state

At my company we're migrating the front-end of a web application to ReactJS.
We are working with create-react-app (updated to v16), without Redux.
Now I'm stuck on a page which structure can be simplified by the following image:
The data displayed by the three components (SearchableList, SelectableList and Map) is retrieved with the same backend request in the componentDidMount() method of MainContainer. The result of this request is then stored in the state of MainContainer and has a structure more or less like this:
state.allData = {
left: {
data: [ ... ]
right: {
data: [ ... ],
pins: [ ... ]
LeftContainer receives as prop state.allData.left from MainContainer and passes to SearchableList, once again as prop.
RightContainer receives as prop state.allData.right from MainContainer and passes to SelectableList and props.right.pins to Map.
SelectableList displays a checkbox to allow actions on its items. Whenever an action occur on an item of SelectableList component it may have side effects on Map pins.
I've decided to store in the state of RightContainer a list that keeps all the ids of items displayed by SelectableList; this list is passed as props to both SelectableList and Map. Then I pass to SelectableList a callback, that whenever a selection is made updates the list of ids inside RightContainer; new props arrive in both SelectableList and Map, and so render() is called in both components.
It works fine and helps to keep everything that may happen to SelectableList and Map inside RightContainer, but I'm asking if this is correct for the lifting-state-up and single-source-of-truth concepts.
As feasible alternative I thought of adding a _selected property to each item in in MainContainer and pass the select callback three levels down to SelectableList, handling all the possible actions in MainContainer. But as soon as a selection event occurs this will eventually force the loading of LeftContainer and RightContainer, introducing the need of implementing logics like shouldComponentUpdate() to avoid useless render() especially in LeftContainer.
Which is / could be the best solution to optimise this page from an architectural and performance point of view?
Below you have an extract of my components to help you understand the situation.
class MainContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
allData: {}
componentDidMount() {
fetch( ... )
.then((res) => {
allData: res
render() {
return (
<div className="main-container">
<LeftContainer left={state.allData.left} />
<RightContainer right={state.allData.right} />
export default MainContainer;
class RightContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectedItems: [ ... ]
onDataSelection(e) {
const itemId =;
// ... handle itemId and selectedItems ...
render() {
return (
<div className="main-container">
onDataSelection={e => this.onDataSelection(e)}
export default RightContainer;
Thanks in advance!
As React docs state
Often, several components need to reflect the same changing data. We
recommend lifting the shared state up to their closest common
There should be a single “source of truth” for any data that changes
in a React application. Usually, the state is first added to the
component that needs it for rendering. Then, if other components also
need it, you can lift it up to their closest common ancestor. Instead
of trying to sync the state between different components, you should
rely on the top-down data flow.
Lifting state involves writing more “boilerplate” code than two-way
binding approaches, but as a benefit, it takes less work to find and
isolate bugs. Since any state “lives” in some component and that
component alone can change it, the surface area for bugs is greatly
reduced. Additionally, you can implement any custom logic to reject or
transform user input.
So essentially you need to lift those state up the tree that are being used up the Siblings component as well. So you first implementation where you store the selectedItems as a state in the RightContainer is completely justified and a good approach, since the parent doesn't need to know about and this data is being shared by the two child components of RightContainer and those two now have a single source of truth.
As per your question:
As feasible alternative I thought of adding a _selected property to
each item in in MainContainer and pass the select
callback three levels down to SelectableList, handling all the
possible actions in MainContainer
I wouldn't agree that this is a better approach than the first one, since you MainContainer doesn't need to know the selectedItems or handler any of the updates. MainContainer isn't doing anything about those states and is just passing it down.
Consider to optimise on performance, you yourself talk about implementing a shouldComponentUpdate, but you can avoid that by creating your components by extending React.PureComponent which essentially implements the shouldComponentUpdate with a shallow comparison of state and props.
According to the docs:
If your React component’s render() function renders the same result
given the same props and state, you can use React.PureComponent for a
performance boost in some cases.
However if multiple deeply nested components are making use of the same data, it makes sense to make use of redux and store that data in the redux-state. In this way it is globally accessible to the entire App and can be shared between components that are not directly related.
For example consider the following case
const App = () => {
<Route path="/" component={Home}/>
<Route path="/mypage" component={MyComp}/>
Now here if both Home and MyComp want to access the same data. You could pass the data as props from App by calling them through render prop. However it would easily be done by connecting both of these components to Redux state using a connect function like
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
export connect(mapStateToProps)(Home);
and similarly for MyComp. Also its easy to configure actions for updating relevant informations
Also its particularly easy to configure Redux for your application and you would be able to store data related to the same things in the individual reducers. In this way you would be able to modularise your application data as well
My honest advice on this. From experience is:
Redux is simple. It's easy to understand and scale BUT you should use Redux for some specific use cases.
Since Redux encapsulates your App you can think of storing stuff like:
current app locale
current authenticated user
current token from somewhere
Stuff that you would need on a global scale. react-redux even allows for a #connect decorator on components. So like:
#connect(state => ({
locale: state.locale,
currentUser: state.currentUser
class App extends React.Component
Those are all passed down as props and connect can be used anywhere on the App. Although I recommend just passing down the global props with the spread operator
<Navbar {...this.props} />
All other components (or "pages") inside your app can do their own encapsulated state. For example the Users page can do it's own thing.
class Users extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
loadingUsers: false,
users: [],
You would access locale and currentUser through props because they were passed down from the Container components.
This approach I've done it multiple times and it works.
But, since you wanted to really consolidate the knowledge of React first, before doing Redux you can just store your state on the top-level component and pass it down to the children.
You're gonna have to keep passing them down into inner level components
To update state from the inner level components you're gonna have to pass the function that updates the state.
These downsides are a little boring and cumbersome to manage. That's why Redux was built.
Hope I helped. good luck
By using Redux you can avoid such callbacks and maintain the whole state in one single store - so make your parent component connected component - and make left and right components dumb ones - and just pass in the props you get from parent to child - and you don't have to worry about callbacks in this case.

React: update component's props from outside of render method without using state

Here is what I'm trying to achieve. I have two React components Product and ProductInfoPanel, shown inside a ProductList component. Product displays selected information about a product, such as product name, and price. When a product is clicked, more details will be shown in the ProductInfoPanel. So I need to pass wah twas clicked to the ProductInfoPanel.
Here is how I currently wire them up together. Each Product gets a click handler passed in, which passes back the product object when invoked, then that is passed into the ProductInfoPanel's props. The ProductList uses state to keep track of what was clicked, so when it changes, it triggers the re-rendering of the info panel.
class ProductList extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className='content'>
{, index) => {
return (
<li key={index}>
<Product product={product}
<div className='side-panel'>
<ProductInfoPanel product={this.state.selectedProduct} />
onProductClicked(clickedProduct) {
// Use the product object that was clicked, and updates the state.
// This updates the info panel content.
this.setState({ selectedProduct: clickedProduct });
Here is roughly how the two components are constructed.
class Product extends React.Component {
render() {
// Even though it needs only name and price, it gets the whole product
// object passed in so that it can pass it to the info panel in the
// click handler.
return (
<div onClick={this.onClicked.bind(this)}>
onClicked(e) {
class ProductInfoPanel extends React.Component {
render() {
// Info panel displays more information about a product.
return (
This is the best I could come up with, but using state to keep track of what product was clicked still sounds wrong to me. I mean, it's not really a state of a component, is it?
If I could update props of a referenced React component from outside of the render method, then I'd try to pass a reference to a ProductInfoPanel to each Product, so they could do update it in their click handler.
Is there a way to achieve what I want and avoid using state to keep track of what was clicked?
You could use a flux-like library like redux, or an alternative like mobx to remove state management from your component, but my personal feeling is to keep it as simple as possible until you really feel like there will be significant benefit in adding another layer of abstraction into your project.
I used to start off projects using redux by default but then one time I kicked myself as it turned out that the added complexity of introducing a redux implementation turned out to be overkill for what was actually a fairly small and simple project. I don't know if there is a hard line to know when you should shy away from using standard state and introduce another library to manage it for you, but I have learned that it's probably safest to do it the easiest and simplest way first until you genuinely feel there is actual benefit in bring in another dependency.
A few bits of advice on your current code...
You are binding your functions in the properties like so:
<Product product={product} clickHandler={this.onProductClicked.bind(this)}/>
When you call function bind it actually returns a new function instance, therefore React's reconciler will see it as a new prop coming into your component and will therefore always re-render the subcomponent tree. Something to be aware of. As an alternative approach you can do early binding in your constructor like so:
class ProductList extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.onProductClicked = this.onProductClicked.bind(this);
render() {
<li key={index}>
<Product product={product}
Additionally, where you are providing index as they unique key prop above - you should consider using a unique identifier from your product model (if it's available). That way if you add or remove items from the list React will have more information to know whether or not it should re-render all of the Product component instances.
For example:
render() {
{ =>
<li key={}>
<Product product={product}
Read more about these concepts here:
I think it's fine. If there were more components that responded to changes in SelectedProduct, then the value of having the parent component control the state would be more apparent. In your case, it might not seem necessary, since only a single component changes.
However, if your Product also responded by highlighting the SelectedProduct, and a RecentlyViewedProducts list responded in some way to the SelectedProduct, then it would become evident that the SelectedProduct isn't the state of the ProductInfoPanel, but state of a higher level part of the application that it's an observer of.

React redux favorites action

I am new to react-redux world and having some trouble visualising a piece of complex data flow (I think).
Assume the state contains a collection of tracks and an array of favorite track ids. User could favorite a track from a number of various components e.g. musicplayer, tracklist, charts and all the others would have to rerender.
At the moment, I'm triggering an action to add/remove the track id to/from the favorites array. But I can't quite see how to proceed from there.
My plan is to trigger another action for e.g. the trackItem reducer to listen and carry on. Or could each related component directly subscribe to changes of the favorites collection? Or can I have two reducers listening to the same action? I have now idea how to implement something like that and also I have a gut feeling that I'm on the wrong path.
Feels like I'm struggling to get rid of my backbone-marionette habits. How would you do it?
My other plan is to have an isFavorited boolean within the track item json and use an action/reduces to update/toggle that property. I understand that normalizr will merge instances with the same id, so any component subscribed to its changes will react.
Or could each related component directly subscribe to changes of the
favorites collection
They could. But do these components all share some parent component? If so I would have that parent component subscribe to the state change of the favorites array, and pass that down as props to the components that need it.
I would recommend really reading through the redux docs:
Especially usage with React:
Typically you would have a 'smart' component that renders for a route, and that would subscribe to the redux store and pass down the data its nested 'dumb' components need.
So have your smart component(s) subscribe to the state change of the favorites array and pass it down as a prop to the components that need it.
It's all right to listen to one action in more than one reducer, so maybe go down that route?
Do your components share common parent component? If they do, connect it to your redux app state and pass favorite ids array down to each one; then dispatch action addFav or removeFav from any component, react in favorites reducer and see redux passing new props to react components.
I think you should first understand about smart and dumb components in reactjs, here is the link, so you will be having a single smart which connects to you reducer and updates your child(dumb) component.
If you still wants to have two reducers, you can have a action which executes its operation as a result it calls another action. to achieve this you need to have a redux-async-transitions, the example code is given below
function action1() {
return {
type: types.SOMEFUNCTION,
payload: {
data: somedata
meta: {
transition: () => ({
func: () => {
return action2;
path : '/somePath',
query: {
someKey: 'someQuery'
state: {
stateObject: stateData

