Getting test results when creating a Karma server programmatically - javascript

I am trying to run multiple Karma test files in parallel from inside a Node script and get to know which tests are passing or failing. Right now what I have is this:
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
exec("karma start " + filename, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
// handle errors and test results...
The code above works well, and I can get the information on tests passed or failed from stdout. However, it requires having installed Karma and all of the associated dependencies (reporters, browser launchers, etc.) globally. I am looking for a solution that doesn't require me to install all dependencies globally.
My first thought was this:
const karma = require("karma");
const server = new karma.Server(config, () => {
// some logic
However, when trying this other approach, I have been unable to gather the test results programmatically.
When using new karma.Server(), is there any way in which I could know which tests have passed or failed (and, ideally, a stack trace of the error)? Alternatively, is there any other way in which I can execute my tests and get the desired information programmatically without the need to install dependencies globally?

Actually, changing the exec line to this seems to do the trick:
exec("node node_modules/karma/bin/karma start " + filename, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
It turns out I'd only need to run the locally installed version of Karma instead of the global one. :-)


Why fs.readFile is not a function when run tests in karma and jasmine?

I have a function that must find a file(.zip) and return it, that i can use it as argument for another function. Also I have test in karma/jasmine where i lunch my search function and when I do this its throws an error that 'fs.readFile is not a function'
test code:
const fs = require('fs');
const JSZip = require("jszip");
const searchfile = () => {
fs.readFile('./data/', function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
JSZip.loadAsync(data).then(function (zip) {
console.log('Process Zip: ', zip);
describe('Process', () => {
const process = require('./process');
it('001', () => expect(process()).toEqual(null));
it's looks not very similar to what I described above, but it was a test version to check if it work or not. In my karma config I have browserify to handle require.
So, searchfile function search a file and process function will use this file. When I run this test I have error that fs.readFile is not a function.
However if I put a code of searchfile in process function and run it directly it work fine.
Why it's not work ?
Look at the last couple of lines of green text in the screenshot (why are you posting PICTURES of text?!).
You are running the tests in Chrome.
The fs module is a Node.js feature.
The fs module is not available in Chrome (and it would be silly if a web page could read arbitrary files from the visitor’s file system).

Node JS Error when copying file across partition. How to resolve this issue? [duplicate]

I'm trying to move a file from one partition to another in a Node.js script. When I used fs.renameSync I received Error: EXDEV, Cross-device link. I'd copy it over and delete the original, but I don't see a command to copy files either. How can this be done?
You need to copy and unlink when moving files across different partitions. Try this,
var fs = require('fs');
//var util = require('util');
var is = fs.createReadStream('source_file');
var os = fs.createWriteStream('destination_file');
is.on('end',function() {
/* node.js 0.6 and earlier you can use util.pump:
util.pump(is, os, function() {
I know this is already answered, but I ran across a similar problem and ended up with something along the lines of:
require('child_process').spawn('cp', ['-r', source, destination])
What this does is call the command cp ("copy"). Since we're stepping outside of Node.js, this command needs to be supported by your system.
I know it's not the most elegant, but it did what I needed :)
One more solution to the problem.
There's a package called fs.extra written by "coolaj86" on npm.
You use it like so:
npm install fs.extra
fs = require ('fs.extra');
fs.move ('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', function (err) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log ("Moved 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'");
I've read the source code for this thing. It attempts to do a standard fs.rename() then, if it fails, it does a copy and deletes the original using the same util.pump() that #chandru uses.
to import the module and save it to your package.json file
npm install mv --save
then use it like so:
var mv = require('mv');
mv('source_file', 'destination_file', function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log('file moved successfully');
I made a Node.js module that just handles it for you. You don't have to think about whether it's going to be moved within the same partition or not. It's the fastest solution available, as it uses the recent fs.copyFile() Node.js API to copy the file when moving to a different partition/disk.
Just install move-file:
$ npm install move-file
Then use it like this:
const moveFile = require('move-file');
(async () => {
await moveFile(fromPath, toPath);
console.log('File moved');

Traversing directory in Node (Grunt)

Having a strange issue when building a grunt plugin.
Basically, I'd like to use a node_module in my grunt task itself. To do this, I want to traverse a level up, then down into the node modules to call their one file specifically.
Originally, I wanted to do this:
However, I get the following error:
Warning: Command failed: /bin/sh: 1: ../node_modules/github-changes/bin/index.js: not found
Use --force to continue.
So, for now I have a hack on using Node's __dirname variable, but it's not very pretty:
var dirHack = __dirname.replace("/tasks", ""), // Terrible hack, need to fix
ghC = dirHack + '/node_modules/github-changes/bin/index.js';
This works, but I'd love to avoid it.
You can see the line here.
What's missing that's causing that error? Am I missing something here?
If github-changes is a dependency, you can resolve a path to file within the package using ghC = require.resolve('github-changes/bin/index.js').
But you're getting that error because you're trying to run that file as a shell script, which it is not. You need to run it with node. The easiest way to find the path to the node executable is process.execPath. See
Here is an example:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var ghC = require.resolve('github-changes/bin/index.js');
exec(process.execPath + ' ' + ghC, function(error) {});

Running a Grunt Task directly from Node

How do I execute a Grunt task directly from Node without shelling out to the CLI?
I've got the following "POC" code; however, "stuff" is never logged.
var grunt = require('grunt');
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Log some stuff.', function() {
});'default'); // This is probably not the right command
I'm pretty new to Grunt, so I'm probably missing something obvious. I suspect the command I'm using to "run" the task is just queuing it, and doesn't actually start running things. I can't find documentation for manually running things, though.
While this is the answer, Grunt has tons of issues with being run directly from Node. Not the least of which is when the grunt task fails, it calls process.exit and nicely quits your node instance. I cannot recommend trying to get this to work.
Ok, I'll just answer my own question. I was right, the command I had was wrong.
Updated code:
var grunt = require('grunt');
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Log some stuff.', function() {
it take much time and finally, I already made it working for me
var util = require('util')
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var child = exec("/usr/local/bin/grunt --gruntfile /path/to/Gruntfile.js", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
util.print('stdout: ' + stdout);
util.print('stderr: ' + stderr);
if (error !== null) {
console.log('exec error: ' + error);
What if you do the following?
I've created an Grunt runner in one of my projects that does some parsing and then call the line above. Almostly what you already answered, but with support for a Gruntfile.js.
We're using Jenkins for our builds. So here is how we resolved the issue using bash:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
grunt full-build | tee /dev/stderr | awk '/Aborted/ || /Fatal/{exit 1}'
echo rv: $?
exit $?
The use of /dev/stderr is because we're running within Jenkins and we still want to ouput to show up within the console.

How do I move file a to a different partition or device in Node.js?

I'm trying to move a file from one partition to another in a Node.js script. When I used fs.renameSync I received Error: EXDEV, Cross-device link. I'd copy it over and delete the original, but I don't see a command to copy files either. How can this be done?
You need to copy and unlink when moving files across different partitions. Try this,
var fs = require('fs');
//var util = require('util');
var is = fs.createReadStream('source_file');
var os = fs.createWriteStream('destination_file');
is.on('end',function() {
/* node.js 0.6 and earlier you can use util.pump:
util.pump(is, os, function() {
I know this is already answered, but I ran across a similar problem and ended up with something along the lines of:
require('child_process').spawn('cp', ['-r', source, destination])
What this does is call the command cp ("copy"). Since we're stepping outside of Node.js, this command needs to be supported by your system.
I know it's not the most elegant, but it did what I needed :)
One more solution to the problem.
There's a package called fs.extra written by "coolaj86" on npm.
You use it like so:
npm install fs.extra
fs = require ('fs.extra');
fs.move ('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', function (err) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log ("Moved 'foo.txt' to 'bar.txt'");
I've read the source code for this thing. It attempts to do a standard fs.rename() then, if it fails, it does a copy and deletes the original using the same util.pump() that #chandru uses.
to import the module and save it to your package.json file
npm install mv --save
then use it like so:
var mv = require('mv');
mv('source_file', 'destination_file', function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log('file moved successfully');
I made a Node.js module that just handles it for you. You don't have to think about whether it's going to be moved within the same partition or not. It's the fastest solution available, as it uses the recent fs.copyFile() Node.js API to copy the file when moving to a different partition/disk.
Just install move-file:
$ npm install move-file
Then use it like this:
const moveFile = require('move-file');
(async () => {
await moveFile(fromPath, toPath);
console.log('File moved');

