Converting iFrame Business Maps to Javascript API maps for dark mode - javascript

I have always worked very effortlessly with Google Maps and their iFrame which displays the business on the webpage with their information, like this.
How is this possible with the javascript API? I have succesfully made a dark map with that, but I want to display the business also. Do I have to use another API for that?

I dont believe this is possible using only the google maps api. You could use the Google Places api
Then you would need to create your own display for the information. I dont think there is any way to get this kind of functionality right out of the gate.


Autosetting search terms when implementing google maps in website (javascript)

I'm using google maps to geolocate users on my website. After that I would need to find different services near them (I would like to have ability for webpage to input search term in google maps with geolocaion) Is this possible? and if it is how could I do it?
You can use following example for searching places.,151.1957362&radius=500&type=restaurant&name=cruise&key=YOUR-API-KEY-GOES-HERE
You have to create project in google console using below link
Then create browser key and that key is which you have to use in above url which mention.
Last thing you need to enable Google Places API Web Service from
See below link for more detailed document.
Let me know if any issue you faced.

Use the standard google maps interface on embedded maps / google maps API

This surely sounds like a silly question in my head, but I want to put it out there nonetheless just to make sure I haven't missed anything.
I've got a page on my website that has a google map (currently 'embedded' through the google maps api v3).
While I'm perfectly capable of interacting with that map through a custom form (and the google map api):
an input box to set starting point
an input box to set endpoint
a dropdown list for transportation modes
I was wondering if it was possible (in comes the silliness) to use google's own interface for this (cause users are used to this).
Abstracting my question: Is there a way to "bring in" Google Maps' own UI on an embedded map and do some calculations on my own page, based on the routes (/modes of transportations, etc) that are being selected in that UI.
My guess: no. The google maps UI is something that can only show up on maps embedded with an iFrame (so only on and no interaction with it is possible, at least not in a kosher way.
There is the direction API which you can use to obtain responses (JSON or XML) regarding useful information such as distance, start coordinate, travel mode, etc. You can interact with the response to obtain what is needed for your web page.
I have posted a link for the direction API. Hope this can help.
Direction API

How Do I Embed A Private Google Map

I'm trying to set up a custom map for internal use within the company I work for but I'm having a little trouble doing so.
I don't want people to have to sign in with a Google account or anything and I want to embed this on to it's own page on our server.
I've set the map to private and of course, the map doesn't show up - is there any way that I can keep the map private but still embed it?
I'm guessing I'd need to do this with the Google Maps API but so far, I've struggled to find a tutorial or anything that provides the answer.
I'm using a simple iFrame so far like so:
<iframe src="MAP URL HERE" width="640" height="480"></iframe>
I would recommend using OpenLayers with an OpenStreetMap tile layer. This is open sourced api and it allows you to create custom maps where you can allow people to add markers, lines, polygons etc to the map with information about those features. I have provided a getting started link below.
Considering you want the map to be private, then this depends on the website in general or the intranet settings so that only people on the server can view the map.

Creating analytics map similar to Google Analytics

I'm building an admin panel here at work and recording some ip data from users who are downloading our itunes mp3's. We have the ip and location of the user, but I'd like some way of displaying that visually. Is there any jquery plugin or addon that would allow me to display the stats I collected visually on a map similar to the way Google Analytics does it?
Have you tried the Google Chart Tools api ( ?
There is a geo chart which I think is exactly what you are talking about.
jVectorMap could also be suitable here.

Add Google Maps in JSP

I want to use google maps in JSP page, I tried to create it, but it gave me an error of Give API Key.
Google Maps is a Javascript API. Your issue is not JSP related.
Take a look at the tutorial and let us know if you get stuck. However, it sounds as though you need to apply for an API key, and use that correctly.
Google Maps can be used without API Key.A limited amount of data is provided in such a way(might be for testing).However if you want to use it properly then an API key is required for sure.
The Key is generated through Google Api...
Read here

