Efficient way to write request/response mocks for e2e tests? - javascript

Currently at my place we are using protractor to write Angular e2e tests. One of the most time consuming and tedious steps is to write out all the network request/response to be EXACTLY like what you would expect. So when a page makes 5 api calls to our backend, I usually have to inspect from Chrome's network tab and copy the data one by one. I am wondering if there is a more elegant solution?

IMHO it's not a matter of testing, but the way how API is implemented.
If I understood you well you're sending 5 requests to the same endpoint (correct me if I'm wrong).
Maybe it's possible to pass an array with data to that endpoint. If it's like that, maybe it's more efficient to send one request instead of five?
If not - the only way you could do is loop over requests.


Is it possible to mock a login with Tescafe?

Scenario: I am using Testcafe and Vue and in order to test the app features I need to be logged in otherwise I am pushed to the login page.
I have made use of Roles which helps not to repeat the login process but is there anyway I can login without actually logging?
Is there anyway to test the inside of the app without actually logging in and making a real call? I always need to have a data available in order to enter the app but it doesn't seem ideal.
Is there anyway I can login without actually logging?
If there is, it's a huge security problem you have in the app.
If you want to work around this, the best approach would be to build such a feature on your test environment. But that basically means different code on the test env (or some if-else logic), which is not ideal either and developers won't probably be cheerful about it.
If you want to have this because you have so many tests where you need to log in and it takes time, perhaps think about what you could test on different levels (unit, api), leaving only some end-to-end flows to the UI level. That way you can save a lot of time.

Long running requests in nodejs

I was wondering if there is any good practice how to utilize long-running requests in nodejs?
I am using Express.js and have been wondering if there is any way to, I don't know, move one of express requests to the different instance of node or something?
The reason why I am wondering is that if strongly uses a CPU, blocking at the same time event loop in node. The main problem is that firstly, I am fetching some data, then calculating and inserting missing data into DB, then fetching other data depends on the result, and then calculating again and updating other stuff in DB.
I haven't noticed this problem as I was the only one using this request so far. But now I am testing it with other users and if few of them use this request, the whole application freeze for a few seconds. And on my monitoring tools I see a huge CPU usage (100%-200% lol)
So I have tried clustering but it seems, it does not work. I have used pm2 and ran app on all cores of my CPU. Because of complexicity of my alghoritm I tried to move several functions to worker threads but it looks like these threads would be used very, very often and I am afraid of crashing the whole node instance.
I have no clue, which solution would be the best and don't know if are there any good tools for Express, which would help me offload/utilize these requests? I have not diveed in partitioning yet, but it looks like this may work. Has anyone used this for the larger projects and knows if this could be the solution to distribute one request into several ticks?
What about the job queue like Bull or Kue? Would be this a good idea to push these tasks into a queue? I have never used such tools and I am asking, as I have no idea if this would make any sense.
in case you have data present - You can sent data to user using incoming HTTP request.
but if you don't found any data you can send empty response in HTTP request.
And you need to do calculating and inserting missing data using queue service. bee-queue is nice one.
Use redis with bee-queue to make background jobs faster.

How to test a call to a REST service

I set up a server that provides several endpoints to clients, and I have a client that uses node-rest-client package to post data to the backend.
I would like to write some unit-testing for the client side, making sure the data is properly sent to the endpoint.
I've been thinking of setting a dummy server for the testing, but that doesn't feel right.
How can i acheive such tests?
Please let me know if there's any missing data.
Thanks in advance!
I've been looking at supertest package, but it looks like this is used to test the REST API service itself and not to test the REST calls from the client
Setting up a dummmy server is a legitimate approach as part of your "Acceptance Testing" strategy. Unlike Unit Tests, Acceptance Tests test a single component (made up of many Units) in isolation, stubbing out any external factors like databases or back end HTTP services. Having a dummy server can be a good way to go if you want to test how your client side as a whole interacts with the back end HTTP service. Acceptance Tests are generally more wide reaching, fewer in number, and slower than Unit Tests. That's why it's OK to start a dummy HTTP server.
However, if you really want to Unit Test the individual javascript unit that makes calls to the server, then this can actually be a bit tricky. You don't want to start a real HTTP server in Unit Tests because it will make them slow and unable to run in parallel.
The best approach depends on the technology you are using. For example, AngularJS provides a way to Unit Test HTTP calls called $httpBackend. Essentially it is a dummy HTTP server, but it doesn't actually go over HTTP (all requests stay in memory). This is possible because the Angular Team view testability as a priority and designed it this way from the ground up.
I don't think the node-rest-client provides a similar sort of mock HTTP server so it may prove difficult to Unit Test your client. The best approach is probably to wrap all usages of the node-rest-client in a standalone javascript object which itself has no Unit Tests, but is easy to mock out in unit tests for other parts of your client side code. This un-unit tested object can then be tested against a dummy HTTP server as part of a separate test suite, or you could even rely on your Integration Tests to catch any problems with this part.
As always though, it is best to keep your reliance on Integration Tests (which connect to an actual instance of the back end) to a minimum as they are slow and unreliable. These tests should really only be for verifying top level details such as performance, connection details, configuration compatibility etc.
If you take the wrapping approach, it is important to have as little logic in the wrapper as possible, because it will not be Unit Tested!
Note that wrapping all HTTP calls in a javascript service object is probably good practice regardless of your testing strategy, as it will confine all usages of the node-rest-client to one place in your code.

Angular E2E test data: ngMockE2E or test data server?

I am developing an Angular app (Angular 1.1.5). I need some way of mocking REST API responses for e2e tests.
AngularJS (Green & Seshadri) goes into some detail on unit testing HTTP requests with $httpBackend, but has little to say about e2e tests.
The documentation suggests using the ngMockE2E module to mock $httpBackend (which is distinct from the normal unit testing $httpBackend mock.
I spent a few hours investigating the ngMockE2EAPI and, whilst I can see some benefits, there seem to be many downsides. My question is:
What are the advantages of ngMockE2E over a simple server that provides test responses? or, more generally, What is the best way to test an Angular app's interactions with a server?
I can think of a few disadvantages:
I need to change my HTML to bootstrap the app with a different Angular module (a new one that depends on ngMockE2E and my actual application module)
There are no HTTP requests for Firebug/Developer tools to inspect. This is a big one for me. I ended up writing request/response logging methods in my mock backend. I guess most mock back ends contain this kind of code.
There isn't an easy way to extract parameters from URLs. If I wanted to the get the id parameter from /resource/:id, I'd need to give a regex to match the URL (\/resource\/.+$), then split the matching URL string on slash and pick the last element.
The API is clunky. Returning a static object is simple, but dynamically determining which test object to return based on the requested URL is difficult. Some apps may be able to hard-code a complete set of test URLs, but I need to test a large number of resources so this is impractical for me. More complex code means there is more to go wrong.
I can also think of some advantages. When using ngMockE2E:
I don't need to tell my app where the test API is - $httpBackend will inspect all HTTP requests for matches.
I don't need to run a web server at all.
I don't need to restart a server to pick up changes to my test data.
There are fewer overall components in the tests. However, given that this is an integration test, this isn't a huge benefit.
Very interested in thoughts and experiences.
My conclusion, several weeks of development later: I found a simple dummy backend (Node/Express) more flexible and maintanable than the e2e testing mock backend. The most compelling reasons are proper URL pattern matching and real HTTP requests for browser debugging.

How to do Integration Testing for (Angularjs) Web Apps

I'm developing an Webapp.
It consists of 2 parts. A node rest server and an angularjs client.
The app is structured this way: Rest Server <--> Api Module <--> Angular App
The server is currently well tested.
I have Unit Tests and Integration Tests.
The Integration Tests are accessing a real database and calling the rest api over http.
I think this is as high level as it can get for the server testing.
The integration tests run fast, too.
I'm pretty confident that the way I tested the server is sufficient for my use case and I'm happy with the results.
However I'm struggling how to test the angularjs app.
I have unit tests for the relevant directives and modules. Writing these wasn't an issue.
I would like to write integration tests that cover user scenarios.
Something like a signup scenario: The user visits the website, goes to the signup form, and submits the form with the data.
The angularjs team is moving from ng-scenarios to protractor.
Protractor is using Selenium to run the tests.
Therefore there are two scopes: The app scope and the test scope.
Now I can think of three different abstractions I could use.
And I'm not sure which one suites me best.
Mock the Api Module
Mock the Rest Server
Use the full server
Mock the Api Module
In this case I would need not to setup a server. All Interactions are running in the browser
No server is needed
The api is in the browser scope and I have to tamper with this.
I really like this solution, but I find it difficult to mock the Api.
The Api needs to be modified in the browsers scope.
Therefore I need to send the modification from the test to the browser.
This can be done, however I don't see how I could run assertions like mockedApi.method.wasCalledOnce() in the tests scope
Mock the Rest Server
Client would be unchanged
Only one scope to deal with
One has to setup the Rest Routes
I could create a complete Mock Rest Server in nodejs.
Protractor Tests are written in nodejs, thus the control of the server can be done in the test.
Before I run the test I can tell the server how to respond.
Something like this: server.onRequest({method: 'GET', url: '/'}).respondWith('hello world')
Then I could do assertions like wasCalledOnce
Use the full Server with Database
Each test is running with a complete server and can add elements to the database.
After each test one can look at the expected elements in the database
Can be pretty sure, that if these tests are running the app is functional in the tested use case
I already made a fairly intense integration test with the rest server. This feels like doing the same again.
Setup depends on the full server
Current Conclusion
Mocking the Api would separate the server and the client completely.
Using a Mock Api would be a higher level test, but would require a fake server
Doing a full integration test would give the best reliability, but this is also highly dependant on the server code
What should I pick? What would you do?
I think I answered this same question in the Protractor google group. I am much of the same mind as you about wanting no server but wanting all of my test code in one place (in Protractor) and not split between Protractor and the browser. To enable this, I took matters into my own hand and developed a proxy for the $httpBackend service which runs within Protractor. It allows one to configure the $httpBackend service as if it were running in Protractor. I have been working on it for a while now and its reasonably full featured at this point. It would be great if you could take a look and let me know if I am missing anything important.
It is an excellent question, which has nothing to do with a particular tool. I had to face the same problem on a big "greenfield" (ie started from scratch) project.
There is a problem of vocabulary here : the word "mock" is used everywhere, and what you called "integration test" are more "full end-to-end automated functional testing". No offence here, it's just that a clear wording will help to solve the problem.
You actually suggested the correct answer yourself : #2 stub the rest server. #1 is feseable but will be soon too hard to develop and maintain, #3 is an excellent idea but has nothing to do with UI testing and UI validation.
To achieve a high reliability of your front-end, independently of your backend, just stub the rest server, i.e. develop a stupid simple REST server that will idempotent, i. e. will ALWAYS answer the same thing to one http request. Keeping the idempotence principle will make development and test, very, very easier than any other option.
Then for one test, you only check what is displayed on the screen (test the top) and what is send to the server (test the bottom), so that the full UI stack is tested only once.
The full answer to the question should deserve an entire blog article, but I hope you can feel what to do from what I suggest.
Best regards
Here is an approach for writing integration tests for your Angular code. The key concept is to structure your code in a way that lets you invoke the various functions in a way very similar to how it's consumed by the UI. Properly decoupling your code is important to be successful at this though:
More here: http://www.syntaxsuccess.com/viewarticle/angular-integration-tests
This is a great question. This is how I would do it:
As you already have the angular unit tests for the relevant directives and modules this is perfect.
The other thing that is perfect is that your server Integration Tests are accessing a real database and are also making sure the rest api over http works.
So why not just add some high level integration tests that include angular and your server at the same time.
If you can avoid mocking, why not save the work to maintain the extra code, if possible.
Also a good read: http://blog.ericbmerritt.com/2014/03/25/mocking-is-evil.html
Mocking the REST server is the best, cleaner option in my opinion. Try Mountebank (http://www.mbtest.org). An amazing Virtualization Service tool.

