Checking if date matches recurring date - javascript

I have a date variable containing a date, and an interval variable containing an array of numbers. Each number on the interval array represents a date, which is acquired by adding said number to the day count of the previous date. For example:
If date is equal to 2016-09-01 and interval is equal to [15, 15, 20], the resulting dates would be 2016-09-16, 2016-10-01, 2016-10-21, 2016-11-06 and so on.
I want to check if a given date matches that pattern. To do this, I tried using moment-recur, which does exactly what I want with the .every() function, but intervals with repeating numbers don't seem to work ([15, 15, 20] would be parsed as [15, 20] for example). How can I accomplish this, either with moment-recur or a different library?
Here's the desired output using moment-recur:
const now = moment();
const date = moment("2016-09-10", "YYYY-MM-DD");
console.log(date.recur().every([18, 18, 57]).days().matches(now));

The accumulative nature of what you are trying to do is a little tricky.
There may be a nicer way, but I think this works pretty well so long as your interval list isn't too big.
The main insight is that if you are looking for an accumulative interval of say [2, 10, 11] then you will be looking for every 2, 12, 23, 25, 35, 46, etc. This amount to looking for three different dates at regular intervals of the sum of your accumulator -- in this case 23. So you could just use moment's every() with each of the three cases and a single interval.
For example if you have:
const now = moment();
const date = moment("2016-10-22", "YYYY-MM-DD");
const interval = [18, 18, 57]
// sum of the intervals -- i.e. the main interval (93)
const main_int = interval.reduce( (prev, curr) => prev + curr );
// an array of days for each small interval
const dates = => moment(date.add(i ,'days')))
// moment mutates the original so this results in
// [ moment("2016-11-09T00:00:00.000"),
// moment("2016-11-27T00:00:00.000"),
// moment("2017-01-23T00:00:00.000") ]
// Now see if any of these days matches the main interval
const match = dates.some(d => d.recur().every(main_int).days().matches(now))

In a very kludgy way, what you're trying to do is generate new dates that accumulate according to your sequence, then see if at some point it matches a test date.
The following uses moment.js, but really doesn't need it. The moment functionality could be replaced with about 10 lines of code in a couple of separate functions.
/* #param {Date} sequenceStart - start of sequence
** #param {Array} sequence - sequence of intervals
** #param {Date} date - date for comparison
function inSequence(sequenceStart, sequence, date) {
// Copy start date so don't affect original
var s = moment(sequenceStart);
// Get test date in suitable format
var d = moment(date).format('YYYYMMDD');
var i = 0;
do {
// debug
console.log(s.format('YYYYMMDD') + ' ' + d)
// If dates match, return true
if (s.format('YYYYMMDD') == d) {
return true;
// If didn't match, add the next value in the sequence
s.add(sequence[i++ % sequence.length], 'day');
// Stop if go past test date
} while (s.format('YYYYMMDD') <= d)
// If didn't return true, return false
return false;
var sequence = [15,15,20];
var start = new Date(2017,8,1); // 1 Sep 2017
var test = new Date(2017,10,5) // 5 Nov 2017
console.log(inSequence(start, sequence, test));
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You can do this without having to use moment-recur if you want to, using a similar approach to what #Mark_M described
The first step is to determine the number of days between the given date and the start date: moment(endDate).diff(startDate, 'days');.
Then, create an array of cumulative totals for the days since start date for each of the entries in the interval array:
function sumSoFar(nums) {
return nums.reduce((sums, num) => {
const prevSum = last(sums) || 0;
return sums.concat(num + prevSum);
}, []);
// ...
const sums = sumSoFar(interval);
Finally, the sum of the whole interval array is just the last entry in that list, and so we can find out which entry in the interval list it matches by taking the days difference modulo interval sum. If that is 0, or an entry in the sums array, then the date matches the interval. If not, then it doesn't.
Here is the complete code I came up with:
const startDate = moment('2016-09-01');
const interval = [15, 15, 20];
const last = (arr) => arr[arr.length - 1];
const sum = (nums) => nums.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0);
function sumSoFar(nums) {
return nums.reduce((sums, num) => {
const prevSum = last(sums) || 0;
return sums.concat(num + prevSum);
}, []);
const validDates = [moment('2016-09-16'), moment('2016-10-01'), moment('2016-10-21'), moment('2016-11-05')];
function isValid(startDate, interval, date) {
const days = moment(date).diff(startDate, 'days');
const sums = sumSoFar(interval);
const remainingDays = days % last(sums);
return remainingDays === 0 || sums.indexOf(remainingDays) >= 0;
validDates.forEach(d => console.log(isValid(startDate, interval, d)));
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Capture every Friday, Sunday and Wednesday between two dates

Goodnight. I'm trying to capture every Friday, Sunday and Wednesday between two dates using Moment.js. I couldn't understand why it doesn't capture the days:
I managed to get this far:
const allDays = [0, 3, 5];
function formatToPush(dt_inicio, dt_final, dia, horas) {
let start = moment(dt_inicio);
let end = moment(dt_final);
let result = [];
let datas = [];
let current = start.clone();
if (( || ( || ( + dia).isSameOrBefore(end))) {
} => { => {
m.set({ hour: h.split(':')[0], minute: h.split(':')[1], second: 0, millisecond: 0 });
datas.push(m.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'))
return datas;
let final = [];
for (let i in allDays) {
final.push(...formatToPush('2021-12-01', '2021-12-10', allDays[i], ["10:00", "16:00", "22:30"]))
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Can anyone help me find the error?
The condition for whether the day is within the bounds is always true for either or both of the first two clauses. This means the whole expression is true without evaluating the third clause which is the one that could set the date to one of the later dates you are missing. Since you aren't running that if-statement in a loop, it will only ever push one date to the result array.
A more generalized algorithm would use a loop.
let current = start.clone();
if ( && current.isSameOrBefore(end)) {
while ( + dia).isSameOrAfter(start) && current.isSameOrBefore(end)) {
Note: I also changed the conjunction to && because with the loop, isAfter would always be true. Also I omitted in the second clause since the first one is already setting the day of the week for current.
You push a day (result.push(current.clone())) exactly once, so you can't expect to have more than one date per day. You can make a second if statement with this condition: ( + dia).isSameOrBefore(end)) and push it second time.
Also, in js, when first condition in if is met, the other are not resolved.
const allDays = [0, 3, 5];
function formatToPush(dt_inicio, dt_final, dia, horas) {
let start = moment(dt_inicio);
let end = moment(dt_final);
let result = [];
let datas = [];
let current = start.clone();
if (( || ( || ( + dia).isSameOrBefore(end))) {
if ( + dia).isSameOrBefore(end)) {
} => { => {
m.set({ hour: h.split(':')[0], minute: h.split(':')[1], second: 0, millisecond: 0 });
datas.push(m.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'))
return datas;
let final = [];
for (let i in allDays) {
final.push(...formatToPush('2021-12-01', '2021-12-10', allDays[i], ["10:00", "16:00", "22:30"]))
<script src=""></script>
Here is an alternative if want to do this in three easy lines using the Date API.
I offer this alternative considering momentjs is 17,000+ lines of code in 42k.
For your consideration.
While processing the range from start to finish (inclusive)
convert the date to a dateString and look for Fri or Sun or Wed
if found -> Add the date to the result array
check the next date
const startDate = new Date('2021', '11', '1');
const endDate = new Date('2021', '11', '31');
var tempDate = new Date('2021', '11', '1');
var result = [];
while (tempDate.valueOf() !== endDate.valueOf()) {
if (/Fri|Sun|Wed/.test(tempDate.toDateString())) result.push(new Date(tempDate));
tempDate.setDate(tempDate.getDate() + 1);
result.forEach(day => console.log(day.toDateString(), day.toISOString().replace("T",' ')));

How can i get the nearest next time in array using moment?

I want to find the nearest next time to a given time, I got this code from stack overflow but I am unable to get the desired result
// Current time in millis
const now = +moment('10:07', 'HH:mm').format('x');
// List of times
const times = ["10:00", "10:18", "23:30", "12:00"];
// Times in milliseconds
const timesInMillis = => +moment(t, "HH:mm").format("x"));
function closestTime(arr, time) {
return arr.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
return Math.abs(curr - time) < Math.abs(prev - time) ? curr : prev;
const closest = moment(closestTime(timesInMillis, now)).format('HH:mm');
// closest is 10:00 but i want the next time 10:18
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No need for moment at all
24-hour time is sortable and directly comparable
const times = ["10:00", "10:18", "23:30", "12:00"].sort();
const getClosest = targetTime => times.find(time => time >= targetTime) || "N/A";
console.log(getClosest("23:40")); // not available in array

JavaScript Array - all index over 0 are empty after loop

I have an array of date/timestamps saved as seconds, I'm looking to count the number of items that are between two timestamps (all times are assumed to be at midnight). I've cut down a larger function to the section that the problem seems to reside, let me know if you need any additional code.
var fullDay = 86399;
var end = parseInt(dataArray[0]) + parseInt(fullDay);
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfDays; i++) {
dataSegments[i] = sensorEventTotal(dataArray, end, previousEnd);
previousEnd = end;
end = parseInt(end) + parseInt(fullDay);
function sensorEventTotal (dataArray, end, previousEnd){
var counter = 0;
$.each(dataArray, function(i, item) {
if (parseInt(item) < end && parseInt(item) > previousEnd) {
previousEnd = end;
return counter;
What I'm trying to do is to take the first date/time stamp and add 24 hours (fullDay value is 24 hours in seconds), I'm then looking to use that "end time" as the start point for the next loop with another 24 hours added onto that and so on.
In the end I'd want an array where each index stores the number of occurrences for each day e.g. dataSegments = [23,123,32,34] - so 23 events on day one, 123 events on day two etc.
At the moment this is the result I'm getting for dataSegments:
Sample of data in dataArray:
Full array:
This is what I managed to come up with. I hope code is clear just from variable names alone, given that the logic is very similar to yours.
const SECONDS_IN_DAY = 24 * 3600;
let events = [1496077569,1496077568,1496077567,1496077564,1496077563,1496077562,1496072956,1496072955,1496072951,1496072950,1496072949,1496072948,1496072809,1496072805,1496072804,1496072803,1495815090,1495815089,1495815088,1495807282,1495807281,1495807280,1495807279,1495807277,1495807276,1495807275,1495807274,1495807273,1495807267,1495807266,1495807265,1495805409,1495805408,1495805407,1495805406,1495805381,1495805380,1495805379,1495803061,1495803060,1495803059,1495803059,1495803000,1495802999,1495802998,1495786283,1495786282,1495786281,1495728263,1495728262,1495728261,1495728258,1495728257,1495728256,1495727698,1495727697,1495727696,1495727695,1495727694,1495727693,1495727491,1495727490,1495727489,1495727486,1495727485,1495727484,1495724286,1495724285,1495724284,1495724279,1495724278,1495724277,1495720363,1495720358,1495720357,1495720356,1495719373,1495719372,1495719368,1495719367,1495719366,1495717302,1495717301,1495717299,1495717298,1495717297,1495717296,1495713310,1495713309,1495713308,1495713305,1495713304,1495713303,1495713303,1495707902,1495707901,1495707897,1495707896,1495707895,1495707615,1495707611,1495707610,1495707609,1495707608,1495704627,1495704626,1495704625,1495704623,1495704622,1495704621,1495704133,1495704132,1495704128,1495704127,1495704126];
events = events.reverse();
let midnight = events[0] - events[0] % SECONDS_IN_DAY; // midnight before the first event
const eventsPerDay = []; // results array
const nrDays = 7; // lets count events for one week
let daysCounted = 0, eventsChecked = 0;
while (daysCounted < nrDays) {
midnight += SECONDS_IN_DAY;
let currentEvent = events[eventsChecked];
let eventsInThisDay = 0;
while (currentEvent < midnight) {
currentEvent = events[eventsChecked];
eventsPerDay[daysCounted] = eventsInThisDay;
Notice that I reverse the sample array before running my execution. That is because your sample starts at May 29 and ends at May 25, so it's running backwards in time.
I encourage you to try your own code on a reversed array, might very well be the case that your solution is correct.
If you do not want to reverse the array, you could "reverse the counting" by going from the latest midnight to the first midnight, subtracting 1 day on each iteration.
In my opininion (and coming example), you can do it a bit simpler. Also, I've noticed a little problem in your function: if your dataArray and number of days (let's call them N) were big, you would have to iterate over the data array N number of times. It could become inefficient. Luckily you can do it in one loop iteration:
let sensorEventTotal = (data, start, daysNum) => {
// We create array of length daysNum filled with 0's.
let days = new Array(daysNum);
for(let entry of data) {
// If below the start timestamp, continue loop.
if(entry < start) continue;
// We calculate which day it is.
let index = parseInt((entry - start) / fullDay);
// We check if the entry is not from days we do not count.
if(index < daysNum)
return days;
Code with working examples:,console.
EDIT: You didn't mention if your dataArray is sorted. My answer would also work on unsorted arrays.

How to group array of dates to periods startdate-enddate? If one weekday is missing between dates then new period begins in Javascript

Lets say i have these dates. All those dates are workdays.
Output should be
Since 30 January is workday and so the first period is not continiuing and new period starts.
What is the best way to approach this.
I was thinking taking first date in array and putting it into a new array. Then comparing next date in array to the previous one if it's next day (ignoring weekends). If it is not nextday then take previous date and put it to array as end date and then start a new array of next period.
Get your first date (I'm supossing you have them ordered, as in your example data they are) and store it on a variable for the start date.
Store the same value also in another variable for the end date.
Now loop through your dates checking if current looped date is the next one after your current end date. If it's, store your current looped date into the end date variable and continue to the next loop. If it isn't return current start and end dates and store your currently looped date as a new period start date, go on until loop ends and return current variables.
This would be my approach, though not the shortest or maybe best way of facing this. Just take it as an idea
var array = [
var isNextDay = function(day, nextDay) {
var day1 = new Date(day.slice(3, 6) + day.slice(0, 3) + day.slice(6)); //had to format the date this way to make a valid date
day1.setDate(day1.getDate() + 1); //sets the next day, nextday of 30 or 31(last day of month) is 1
var day2 = new Date(nextDay.slice(3, 6) + nextDay.slice(0, 3) + nextDay.slice(6));
if (day1.getTime() === day2.getTime()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var dateGroup = function(dateStrings) {
var res = [];
var aux = dateStrings[0] + "-";
for (var i = 1; i < dateStrings.length; i++) {
if (!isNextDay(dateStrings[i - 1], dateStrings[i])) {
aux += dateStrings[i - 1];
aux = dateStrings[i] + "-";
aux += dateStrings[dateStrings.length - 1];
res.push(aux); //this is because the last one never gets pushed
return res;
var output = dateGroup(array);
You can loop over the dates and calculate what the string for the next date should look like, then compare to see if it's the same. If not, end the previous period and start a new one.
You can use a library to parse and format the dates, but simple functions to do the job are just a couple of lines, e.g.
var dates = ['20.01.2017','23.01.2017','24.01.2017',
/* Parse date in format D/M/YYYY
** #param {string} s - date to parse lke 23.1.2017
** #returns {Date}
function parseDMY(s) {
var b = s.split(/\D/);
return new Date(b[2], b[1]-1, b[0]);
/* Format a date in DD/MM/YYYY with supplied separator
** #param {Date} date - date to format
** #param {string} s - separator, default is /
** #returns {string} date formatted as DD/MM/YYYY with supplied separator
function formatDMY(date, s) {
s = s || '/';
function z(n){return (n<10?'0':'')+n}
return [z(date.getDate()),z(date.getMonth()+1),
/* Create array of date ranges in DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY format
** #param {Array} data - array of date strings in DD.MM.YYYY format
** #returns {Array} array of range strings in DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY format
function createRanges(data) {
var result = [];
var previous;
data.forEach(function(s, i) {
var previous, previousNext, current, range;
// If on first loop, create a range using first value
if (i == 0) {
result.push(s + '-' + s);
// Otherwise, get end date of last range and add one day
} else {
previous = result[result.length-1].split('-')[1];
previousNext = parseDMY(previous);
previousNext.setDate(previousNext.getDate() + 1);
previousNext = formatDMY(previousNext,'.');
// If current date is same as previousNext, update range.
// Otherwise, start a new range
if (s == previousNext) {
range = result[result.length-1];
result[result.length-1] = range.split('-')[0] + '-' + s;
} else {
result.push(s + '-' + s);
// Remove zero day ranges. Could do this by checking last range
// when creating a new one but seems simpler to do it here
result = result.filter(s=>!(s.split('-')[0] == s.split('-')[1]));
return result;
However, a library like moment.js will help with parsing, formatting and arithmetic.
Same as made by Leandro, but made for an array with Date objects and with using moment.js
function groupDates(dates) {
const res = [];
const isNextDay = (day, nextDay) => moment(day).add(1, 'day').isSame(nextDay, 'day');
const format = "DD.MM.YYYY";
let aux = moment(dates[0]).format(format) + "-";
for (let i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) {
if (!isNextDay(dates[i - 1], dates[i])) {
aux += moment(dates[i - 1]).format(format);
aux = moment(dates[i]).format(format) + "-";
aux += moment(dates[dates.length - 1]).format(format);
return res;
My solution with Luxon lib
const DateTime = luxon.DateTime;
const test = [
function getRanges(datesArr) {
const periods = [];
let ix = 0;
const dates = => DateTime.fromSQL(d));
dates.forEach((date, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
} else if (date.diff(dates[index - 1], [ 'days' ]).days === 1) {
} else {
ix += 1;
periods.push([ date ]);
return periods;
<script src=""></script>
Then you can get first and last elements from each ranges

Find the next closest date in MM/DD/YYYY format JavaScript

I have an array of dates formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. I need to find the next closest date in the future starting from today. Say today was 1/22/2016 then 2/19/2016 would return.
I've tried doing substrings to get the month, day, year separate and attempting a sort based off those values but surely there has to be a better way.
There is no need for a sorting algorithm. You only need to iterate once and find the closest date that is greater or equals today.
closest <- infinity
foreach date in dates:
if (date >= now and date < closest) then
closest <- d
return closest
const dates = [
const now = new Date();
let closest = Infinity;
dates.forEach(function(d) {
const date = new Date(d);
if (date >= now && (date < new Date(closest) || date < closest)) {
closest = d;
Personally I would use a library such as the very good Moment.JS library, to handle all the horrible complexity of dates.
It has a difference method:
var a = moment([2007, 0, 29]);
var b = moment([2007, 0, 28]);
a.diff(b) // 86400000
It would then be trivial to Math.min() the differences of each date in your list.
There's also a moment.min, which might shortcut this entirely, if all your dates are in the future already:
A naïve implementation would be to parse each date as a string and sort them in ascending order. Then, remove any dates that are in the past, and get the first child of the array of remaining dates. See this jsbin example:
var dates = [
// parse each string as a Date object and sort them in ascending order
function sortDates(dates) {
return {
return new Date(date).getTime();
}).sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
var orderedDates = sortDates(dates);
// remove any dates in the past, and get the first child of the array of remaining dates
var nextDate = orderedDates.filter(function(date) {
return ( - date) > 0;
Keep in mind that this depends on the format of the date string that you pass to the Date object (in other words, is 1/12/2015 January 12th, or December 1st? JavaScript will parse it as January 12th.
You can use while loop, new Date()
var dates = ["2/3/2015","7/5/2015","1/21/2016","2/19/2016","7/1/2016"]
, d = "1/22/2016", n = -1, res = null;
while (++n < dates.length && new Date(dates[n]) < new Date(d));
res = dates[n] || d;
Lots of answers, one more can't hurt.
Date strings should always be manually parsed. A library can help, but if you only have a single format, a simple function is all that's required.
The following uses reduce to loop over the array of dates and finds the closest future date. If no date is in the future, it returns null.
The returned value is the string from the array, not a Date.
function parseMDY(s) {
var b = (s || '').split(/\D/);
return new Date(b[2], b[0]-1, b[1])
function getClosestDateToToday(arr) {
var now = new Date();
return arr.reduce(function (acc, s) {
var d = parseMDY(s);
return d < now? acc : (acc && d > parseMDY(acc)? acc : s);
}, null);
var dates = ['2/3/2015', '7/5/2015','1/21/2016',
This really depends upon your dates and data structures (the ones shown in original example are not so great for me).
From the other answers...
To take the example from Josh, you could also keep a pointer to which date you are using, or simply shift off of a sorted queue of dates to make it work, but it's really adding noise to your code, disrupting the purpose.
Frederik.L answer is really beautiful code, but it would still have to be executed multiple times, so I cannot recommend it.
Feedback warning
I've been given feedback in comments that Date.parse can behave inconsistently. I'll move to passing a date parsing callback function, and demonstrate Date.UTC usage in the callback for OP-specific date format. Please be careful when defining your own callbacks, and please do not copy-paste.
I'd suggest utilizing Date functions i.e. Date.parse; but also try where possible to get data sources sorted without needing application-level sorting. Then you can store-once and step through the array using array.shift() or similar;
Ideally also YYYY-MM-DD
Four-Digit Year
Two-Digit Month
Two-Digit Day
... (continue from least occurring to most occurring)
sample code
var dates = [
]; // unsorted garbage dates
var DateList = function( dateList, getDate ) {
var sortedDates = dateList.sort( function(a, b) {
return getDate(a) - getDate(b);
}); = function() {
var dt = sortedDates.shift();
sortedDates.push(dt); // comment to remove cyclical nature
return dt;
// specific implementation parser for this format
var getDisgustingDateFormat = function(dStr) {
var dParts = dStr.split('/');
return new Date(Date.UTC(dParts[2],dParts[0],dParts[1]));
var dl = new DateList( dates, getDisgustingDateFormat );
Usage; // "2/3/2015"; // "7/5/2015"; // "1/21/2016"; // "2/19/2016"; // "7/1/2016"; // "2/3/2015"
Hope this helps (Updated for clarity)
What about this version using for of and momentjs:
const getClosestFutureDate = (dates) => {
if (dates.length === 0) {
return null;
let minDiff = 0;
for (const date of dates) {
minDiff += minDiff + 30;
var currentDate = moment(date);
if (currentDate.isAfter(moment()) && currentDate.diff(moment(), "days") <= minDiff) {
return currentDate;
Assuming now = 2019-08-21
console.log(getClosestFutureDate(["2019-05-07", "2019-06-01", "2019-07-13", "2019-11-09", "2019-11-10", "2019-11-11"]));
// 2019-11-09
I am fan of momentjs, but this can be easily refactored to use only vanilla Date.
const FindDate = (date, allDate) => {
// moment().diff only works on moment(). Make sure both date and elements in allDate list is in moment
let nearestDate = -1;
allDate.some(d => {
const currentDate = moment(d)
const difference = currentDate.diff(date); // Or date.diff(currentDate) depending on what you're trying to find
if(difference >= 0){
nearestDate = d
In Livescript:
x =
* "2/3/2015"
* "7/5/2015"
* "1/21/2016"
* "2/19/2016"
* "7/1/2016"
sim-unix-ts = (date-str) ->
# Simulate unix timestamp like concatenating
# convert "MM/DD/YYYY" to YYYYMMDD (integer)
# so we can simply compare these integers
[MM, DD, YYYY] = date-str.split "/"
MM = "0#{MM}".slice -2 # apply zero padding
DD = "0#{DD}".slice -2 # apply zero padding
parse-int "#{YYYY}#{MM}#{DD}"
today = sim-unix-ts "2/18/2016"
date-list = [sim-unix-ts(..) for x]
# find next date
next-dates = [.. for date-list when .. > today]
next-date = next-dates.0
next-date-orig = x[date-list.index-of next-date]
alert [next-date, next-date-orig] Javascript:
var x, simUnixTs, today, dateList, res$, i$, x$, len$, nextDates, y$, nextDate, nextDateOrig;
x = ["2/3/2015", "7/5/2015", "1/21/2016", "2/19/2016", "7/1/2016"];
simUnixTs = function(dateStr){
var ref$, MM, DD, YYYY;
ref$ = dateStr.toString().split("/"), MM = ref$[0], DD = ref$[1], YYYY = ref$[2];
MM = ("0" + MM).slice(-2);
DD = ("0" + DD).slice(-2);
return parseInt(YYYY + "" + MM + DD);
today = simUnixTs("2/18/2016");
res$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, len$ = x.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
x$ = x[i$];
dateList = res$;
res$ = [];
for (i$ = 0, len$ = dateList.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
y$ = dateList[i$];
if (y$ > today) {
nextDates = res$;
nextDate = nextDates[0];
nextDateOrig = x[dateList.indexOf(nextDate)];
alert([nextDate, nextDateOrig]);

