Testing jQuery .hide() and .show() separated by alert: div not hiding - javascript

Here is extremely basic code:
$('.myDiv').click(function() {
alert('pause the ui');
When I do the above, and the alert shows, the .anotherDiv still shows. I am expecting it to be hidden.
If I remove the line: $('.anotherDiv').show(); then that div does hide. So I know that jQuery knows his div exists.
I am expecting an alert to pause the UI before it re-shows the div. Is this not how JavaScript/jQuery works?

.hide can take a callback to be run after the element has been hidden:
$('.myDiv').click(function() {
$('.anotherDiv').hide(function() {
alert('pause the ui');
The issue is basically that, although the element has been told to hide itself, the browser hasn't repainted, and the alert halts all other execution.

As Barmar says, you can force repainting by returning from the function. You are able to do so using setTimeout, like this:
$('.myDiv').click(function() {
alert('pause the ui');


slideUp and slideDown animation does not work after first use

I have used jQuery to build something like a dropdown, but it only works for the first two clicks, and then it doesn't. How can I make a dropdown? Can it be done with a loop? (I have not learnt loop yet, so any solution would work.)
For Each SLIDEUP and SLIDEDOWN I wanted to make different TIME....
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(".click-on").click(function() {
jQuery(".box").slideUp(2000, function() {
jQuery(".click-on").click(function() {
return false;
return false;
.box {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
background-color: skyblue;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p id="fan">THIS IS A FAN</p>
<p id="gun">THIS IS A GUN</p>
<p class="click-on">Click Here</p>
<div class="box"></div>
Do you want to achieve something like that?
The answer by #hetious is what I would have given - but having just seen the comment that slide-up and slide-down should have different times, you'll have to do this instead. Basically, check when you click whether the box is visible or not, and either slideUp or dlideDown accordingly:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(".click-on").click(function() {
var box = jQuery(".box");
if (box.is(":visible")) {
else {
(Note that I have extracted a variable for jQuery(".box"), just to save some typing. And you can also use $ as an alias for jQuery to save yet more (the only reason this wouldn't work is if you are using another library which defines a global $ variable, which a few do.)
This is because you misunderstand the meaning of the .click() function.
.click() sets the handler function each time when the click event is triggered from the selected DOM.
Since you have called another .click() within the callback of .slideUp(), you are actually replacing the handler function. In your current logic, the obvious fix is to do infinite callback after each click like:
jQuery(".box").slideUp(2000, function(){
jQuery(".box").slideUp(2000, function(){//Repeating callbacks... ...
and seriously it is very bad. Such implementation should not be done.
Instead, it is better for you to have a conditional checking for each click, so the logic will determine itself either .slideUp() or .slideDown() should be called. It should be like
$(".click-on").click(function(){//you can also use $ instead of jQuery
//do some conditional check here
else $(".box").slideUp(1000)
or even better you use .slideToogle().

Reverse onClick Event

I am a genuine javascript novice and looking some pointers in my learning - not homework nor is it anything commercial.
I have a function here which shows an element which is hidden due to the first 2 lines of the function. I start by clicking the heading and the 2 hidden divs appear, which is exactly what I wanted to happen. However, now when I use this second function, it won't return to it's windown onload state. Why is this? Is there a better way to achieve this?
1st Function
$('.miniC').css("display", "none");
$('.miniI').css("display", "none");
2nd Function (Reverse)
Thanks in advance and any reference to good reading material is appreciated.
* Corrected Missing closing quote - this was a mistake of me typing it into Stack Overflow - Sorry! *
It seems like you want to toggle the visibility of an element, and since you're already sliding it, why not just use slideToggle:
$(".miniC").css("display", "none");
$(".miniI").css("display", "none");
$(".heading").click(function () {
You shouldn't need to call .hide() and .show() - they will be dealt with as part of the slide functions. However, you're calling them immediately after the slide, but that takes a while to complete (400ms by default) meaning that .hide() fires before .slideUp() completes.
Outside the question scope, but still applicable.
$('.miniC').css("display", "none");
$('.miniI').css("display", "none");
This part of the page functionality should probably in CSS, which will result in the browser rendering the initial paint of the page correctly. In your case the browser paints the "miniC" and "miniI" elements, then your jQuery code updates the CSS display property to "none" for both individually. Triggering two additional repaints of the page. So, basically with the jQuery code you are drawing the page three times for an effect that could achieved with a single paint.
Then like Charlie said add a listener for the click.
$(".heading").click(function () {
Because slideUp() and hide() are written inside the click event. So, it wont fire on window ready, but only onclick of $(".hideOut").
There is a typo in your first function.
a single quote is missing in the line:

jQuery conditional addClass not working

Having a little hang up with jQuery addClass. I have a #story div in my markup that shrinks down when it acquires the "away" class, and then pops back up when it looses that class.
Here's the snag:
$('#story div.x').on('click', function () {
if (!$('#story').hasClass('away')) {
The code above simply adds a blank class="" to my story element, but...
$('#story div.x').on('click', function () {
if (!$('#story').hasClass('away')) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
That code adds the appropriate class="away" attribute.
What gives?
It sounds like there is another event updating the class, or perhaps the element is not yet ready but becomes available after 1 second, perhaps after an ajax call or when the DOM is ready.
Could that be it?

jQuery slideUp() content when clicked for a second time

How would I slideUp() the content only when '.areaCodeList' is clicked a second time?
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
You should use slideToggle()
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
You may use some class to indicate it already clicked before running the code
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
if (!$(this).is('.clicked')){
return false;
You also may consider using attributes ($(el).attr('clicked')) instead of class and check for it later in a similar way.
The question title is really confusing and it seems that only many of us (answering the question) don't got it from the start:
Initially I got it like this:
Slide the element up if it clicked for the second time.
If it's the case than the sample I've provided is correct.
But it looks like the question is more like this:
Slide the element down on every even click and slide it up on every odd click.
If this is the case that slideToggle is the solution (as explained in epascarello's answer)
You can check if the .churchList is visible (slided down):
$(".areaCodeList").on('click', function() {
if( $(this).next('.churchList').is(':visible') === true){

Help needed with showing and hiding a div

I'm having a problem with an image viewer I'm creating. Like the image below, the 'window' is where the image is shown and 'paging' is where the user can change the image. I've used this Jquery script to make the 'paging' fade in whenever the window is hovered over - It's hidden to start with. Although when the user hovers onto 'paging', it flickers. (Like shows then hides, etc.)
I suppose it's because the mouse isn't hovering over the 'window' anymore. Can anyone suggest how I can make 'paging' remain showing? Thanks for the help! :)
$(".window").hover(function() {
}, function() {
You can use .stop() here and include both in your .hover() selector, like this:
$(".window, .paging").hover(function() {
$(".paging").stop(true, true).fadeIn('fast');
}, function() {
$(".paging").stop(true, true).fadeOut('fast');
This way, when you leave to enter the child or back to the parent it stops the fade out and brings it right back, resulting in no visible action to the user.
You could try using mouseover and mouseout instead. I'm not sure that mouseout would react the same way hover does.
In fact, when you pass your mouse over the paging there is a magical thing that happens which is called "event bubbling": the "hover" event is passed to the container which is the parent of the "hovered" object, and so on until the "document" object.
So to solve your problem, you need to stop bubling, you can do it with "return false":
$(".paging").hover(function() {
return false;
}, function() {
return false;
(It's possible that in recent version of jquery you can replace the argument function(){return false;} by just false.)

