ReactJS theory render state recursion - javascript

Can we change state variables inside of the render() function without, re-invoking render() function??
When I try this, it appears to call render() recursively. Is this best practice?
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
maxWidth: `${window.innerWidth - 100}px`
render() {
const defaultTabCheck = () => {
if (this.props.tabsProperties.length > 0) {
maxWidth: `${window.innerWidth - 72}px`
return (
<span style={‌{ width: this.state.maxWidth }}>

from the react docs
The render() function should be pure, meaning that it does not modify component state, it returns the same result each time it’s invoked, and it does not directly interact with the browser. If you need to interact with the browser, perform your work in componentDidMount() or the other lifecycle methods instead. Keeping render() pure makes components easier to think about.
for this check you should just do it in your constructor and in componentWillReceiveProps for whenever props change.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
maxWidth: props.tabsProperties.length > 0 ? `${window.innerWidth - 72}px` : `${window.innerWidth - 100}px`
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.tabsProperties.length > 0 && this.props.tabsProperties.length === 0) {
maxWidth: `${window.innerWidth - 72}px`
You should never update state in the render function, its an anti-pattern and even if you used a shouldComponentUpdate to protect against recursion its not a best practice. Instead use the life cycle methods that react provides whose purpose is respond to state/prop changes and act accordingly.

You shouldn't update state in render method. Move that in
componentWillReceiveProps method instead. For more information, read this documentation.


MapBox dosn't change renderAnnoations when update state in react native ( setState(..) , forceUpdate() have no effect to it )

I change render annotations in my Mapbox every onPress call of one of the data filters buttons, as you see in this code :
import MapboxGL from "#react-native-mapbox-gl/maps";
export default class myClass extends Component{
render_annotaions1 = [{.....},{.....},....];
render_annotaions2 = [{.....},{.....},....];
render_annotaions3 = [{.....},{.....},....];
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
filter_state: 1,
if(this.state.filter_state != 1){
if(this.state.filter_state != 2){
if(this.state.filter_state != 3){
switch(this.state.filter_state ){
case 1:return this.render_annotaions1;
case 2:return this.render_annotaions2;
default:return this.render_annotaions3;
return (
ref={(c) => (this._map = c)}
style={{ flex: 1 }}
centerCoordinate={[9, 34]}
now, default annotations ( annotations1 ) is showing well, but when I press on one filter button, no map changing, it keeps default annotations and this is my problem, I want to change set annotations by news assigned annotations returned by getAnnotaions() every
call (the both are not working ), please I need help with this problem, and thanks for all.
When using class components in React, you need to bind the methods in the constructor in order to access this. Read here:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
filter_state: 1,
this.press_annotation1 = this.press_annotation1.bind(this);
You need to do this for each click handler.
I would also recommend using a single click handler that takes in the filter state. Something like:
setFilterState(annotationNumber) {
this.setState({ filter_state: annotationNumber });
Lastly, always name your React components with a capital letter.

React setState re-render

First of all, I'm really new into React, so forgive my lack of knowledge about the subject.
As far as I know, when you setState a new value, it renders again the view (or parts of it that needs re-render).
I've got something like this, and I would like to know if it's a good practice or not, how could I solve this kind of issues to improve, etc.
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
key: value
this.functionRender = this.functionRender.bind(this)
this.changeValue = this.changeValue.bind(this)
functionRender = () => {
if(someParams !== null) {
return <AnotherComponent param={this.state.key} />
else {
return "<span>Loading</span>"
changeValue = (newValue) => {
key: newValue
render() {
return (<div>... {this.functionRender()} ... <span onClick={() => this.changeValue(otherValue)}>Click me</span></div>)
Another component
class AnotherComponent extends Component {
constructor (props) {
render () {
return (
if (this.props.param === someOptions) {
return <div>Options 1</div>
} else {
return <div>Options 2</div>
The intention of the code is that when I click on the span it will change the key of the state, and then the component <AnotherComponent /> should change because of its parameter.
I assured that when I make the setState, on the callback I throw a console log with the new value, and it's setted correctly, but the AnotherComponent doesn't updates, because depending on the param given it shows one thing or another.
Maybe I need to use some lifecycle of the MyComponent?
I found that the param that AnotherComponent is receiving it does not changes, it's always the same one.
I would suggest that you'll first test it in the parent using a simple console.log on your changeValue function:
changeValue = (newValue) => {
console.log('newValue before', newValue);
key: newValue
}, ()=> console.log('newValue after', this.state.key))
setState can accept a callback that will be invoked after the state actually changed (remember that setState is async).
Since we can't see the entire component it's hard to understand what actually goes on there.
I suspect that the newValue parameter is always the same but i can't be sure.
It seems like you're missing the props in AnotherComponent's constructor. it should be:
constructor (props) {
super(props) // here
Try replacing the if statement with:
{this.props.param === someOptions? <div>Options 1</div>: <div>Options 2</div>}
also add this function to see if the new props actually get to the component:
and check for the type of param and someOptions since you're (rightfully) using the === comparison.
First, fat arrow ( => ) autobind methods so you do not need to bind it in the constructor, second re-renders occur if you change the key of the component.

In react, if I set shouldComponentUpdate to false, will any state I send to children be updated?

I have the following scenario:
1) There is a parent component "ModuleListContainer".
2) A module (in the module list, also a child component, but not interesting in this context) gets selected when hovering over it a module item in the list.
3) When hovering over a module, a menu should be shown in the corner of the module.
4) The whole parent component should NOT be updated when a module is selected, since it can be quite a long list of modules, that is why I set shouldComponentUpdate = false when updating which module should be selected.
5) The menu is loaded when the parent component loads, and only its position is updated when hovering over a module.
This is the parent component (simplified)...
class ModuleListContainer extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selectingModule: false,
currentlySelectedModule: nextProps.currentModule
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
if (nextState.selectingModule === true) {
selectingModule: false,
currentlySelectedModule: null
return false;
return true;
mouseEnterModule = (e, moduleItem) => {
const menu = document.getElementById('StickyMenu');
const menuPosition = calculateModuleMenuPosition(e.currentTarget);
if (moduleItem.ModuleId !== this.props.currentModuleId) {
selectingModule: true
} = menuPosition.topPos + 'px'; = menuPosition.leftPos + 'px';
render() {
return (
<section id="module-listing">
{/* ... list of mapped modules with mouseEnterModule event */}
<ModuleMenu {... this.props} currentlySelectedModule={this.state.currentlySelectedModule} />
This is the menu component (simplified)...
class ModuleMenu extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
currentModule: this.props.currentlySelectedModule
clickMenuButton = () => {
console.log('CURRENT MODULE', this.state.currentModule);
render() {
return (
<div id="StickyMenu">
<button type="button" onClick={this.clickMenuButton}>
<span className="fa fa-pencil"></span>
When, in my menu component, I try to console.log the current module from the state, I keep getting null.
My question is if this is because...
I have set the shouldComponentUpdate to false and the menu's state does not get updated?
Or could it be because I do not re-render the whole component?
Or is it because I load the menu together with the parent component
and it does not get re-rendered when a module is selected?
Or is it possibly a combination of some of the above?
The react docs ( says:
Returning false does not prevent child components from re-rendering
when their state changes.
Therefore, I am hoping that it is none of the above since I really don't want to have to re-render the entire component when selecting a module.
Your children state doesn't change in this case, you're only changing the state of the parent. What you should probably do is split the render method of your component into two components:
render() {
return (
<NoUpdateComponent someProps={this.props.someProps}/>
<ModuleMenu {... this.props} currentlySelectedModule={this.state.currentlySelectedModule} />
And then in your first costly component, use the shouldComponentUpdate method to prevent it from re rendering
I think that in your code there are other problems you need to solve before looking for a practical solution, starting from the use you make of shouldComponentUpdate().
Official doc says that:
Use shouldComponentUpdate() to let React know if a component’s output is not affected by the current change in state or props. The default behavior is to re-render on every state change, and in the vast majority of cases you should rely on the default behavior.
shouldComponentUpdate() is invoked before rendering when new props or state are being received. Defaults to true. This method is not called for the initial render or when forceUpdate() is used.
If you perform a setState() call inside the shouldComponentUpdate() function it might work but essentially you are telling React to start a new render cycle before knowing if in this execution it should render or not.
Also keep in mind that setState() is not guaranteed to be executed immediately:
Think of setState() as a request rather than an immediate command to update the component. For better perceived performance, React may delay it, and then update several components in a single pass. React does not guarantee that the state changes are applied immediately.
Moreover (not very clear from the code, so I guess) you are separating Component and DOM object for ModuleMenu: its representation must be guided by state or props, here instead you are using syntax to set its representation properties.
I'd restructure ModuleListContainer to store in its state an object that represents ModuleMenu properties, that will be passed to ModuleMenu component as props, something like this:
moduleMenu {
currentModuleId: ... ,
top: ... ,
left: ...
And set the state in mouseEnterModule handler:
mouseEnterModule = (e, moduleItem) => {
const menuPosition = calculateModuleMenuPosition(e.currentTarget);
if (moduleItem.ModuleId !== this.props.currentModuleId) {
moduleMenu: {
currentModuleId: moduleItem.ModuleId,
left: menuPosition.leftPos + 'px',
top: menuPosition.topPos + 'px'
Then ModuleMenu can get the new position like this:
<div id="StickyMenu">
left: this.props.left,
Of course you can still use shouldComponentUpdate() to determine which modules in the list should be updated but this time returning just a boolean after a comparison of (once again, I guess) ids of items; avoiding too many calls to setState() method.
Hope this may help you!

Why this.state is undefined in react native?

I am a complete newbie in react native, react.js, and javascript. I am Android developer so would like to give RN a try.
Basically, the difference is in onPress;
This code shows 'undefined' when toggle() runs:
class LoaderBtn extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loading: false };
toggle() {
// let state = this.state.loading;
// this.setState({ loading: !state })
render() {
return (
<Button style={{ backgroundColor: '#468938' }} onPress={this.toggle}>
but this code works:
class LoaderBtn extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loading: false };
toggle() {
// let state = this.state.loading;
// this.setState({ loading: !state })
render() {
return (
<Button style={{ backgroundColor: '#468938' }} onPress={() => {this.toggle()}}>
Can you explain me the difference, please?
In Java / Kotlin we have method references, basically it passes the function if signatures are the same, like onPress = () => {} and toggle = () => {}
But in JS it doesn't work :(
The issue is that in the first example toggle() is not bound to the correct this.
You can either bind it in the constructor:
constructor(props) {
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
Or use an instance function (OK under some circumstances):
toggle = () => {
This approach requires build changes via stage-2 or transform-class-properties.
The caveat with instance property functions is that there's a function created per-component. This is okay if there aren't many of them on the page, but it's something to keep in mind. Some mocking libraries also don't deal with arrow functions particularly well (i.e., arrow functions aren't on the prototype, but on the instance).
This is basic JS; this article regarding React Binding Patterns may help.
I think what is happening is a matter of scope. When you use onPress={this.toggle} this is not what you are expecting in your toggle function. However, arrow functions exhibit different behavior and automatically bind to this. You can also use onPress={this.toggle.bind(this)}.
Further reading -
ES6 Arrow Functions
What is happening in this first example is that you have lost scope of "this". Generally what I do is to define all my functions in the constructor like so:
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loading: false };
this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);
In the second example, you are using ES6 syntax which will automatically bind this (which is why this works).
Then inside of you onPress function, you need to call the function that you built. So it would look something like this,

"Cannot update during an existing state transition" error in React

I'm trying to do Step 15 of this ReactJS tutorial: React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By
The author recommends the following:
overflowAlert: function() {
if (this.remainingCharacters() < 0) {
return (
<div className="alert alert-warning">
<strong>Oops! Too Long:</strong>
} else {
return "";
render() {
{ this.overflowAlert() }
I tried doing the following (which looks alright to me):
// initialized "warnText" inside "getInitialState"
overflowAlert: function() {
if (this.remainingCharacters() < 0) {
this.setState({ warnText: "Oops! Too Long:" });
} else {
this.setState({ warnText: "" });
render() {
{ this.overflowAlert() }
And I received the following error in the console in Chrome Dev Tools:
Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render or another component's constructor). Render methods should be
a pure function of props and state; constructor side-effects are an
anti-pattern, but can be moved to componentWillMount.
Here's a JSbin demo. Why won't my solution work and what does this error mean?
Your solution does not work because it doesn't make sense logically. The error you receive may be a bit vague, so let me break it down. The first line states:
Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within render or another component's constructor).
Whenever a React Component's state is updated, the component is rerendered to the DOM. In this case, there's an error because you are attempting to call overflowAlert inside render, which calls setState. That means you are attempting to update state in render which will in then call render and overflowAlert and update state and call render again, etc. leading to an infinite loop. The error is telling you that you are trying to update state as a consequence of updating state in the first place, leading to a loop. This is why this is not allowed.
Instead, take another approach and remember what you're trying to accomplish. Are you attempting to give a warning to the user when they input text? If that's the case, set overflowAlert as an event handler of an input. That way, state will be updated when an input event happens, and the component will be rerendered.
Make sure you are using proper expression. For example, using:
<View onPress={this.props.navigation.navigate('Page1')} />
is different with
<View onPress={ () => this.props.navigation.navigate('Page1')} />
<View onPress={ () => {
}} />
The two last above are function expression, the first one is not. Make sure you are passing function object to function expression () => {}
Instead of doing any task related to component in render method do it after the update of component
In this case moving from Splash screen to another screen is done only after the componentDidMount method call.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
let timeoutid;
export default class Splash extends Component {
static navigationOptions = {
navbarHidden: true,
tabBarHidden: true,
constructor(props) {
this.state = { navigatenow: false };
componentDidMount() {
timeoutid=setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ navigatenow: true });
}, 5000);
const { navigate,goBack } = this.props.navigation;
if (this.state.navigatenow == true) {
render() {
//instead of writing this code in render write this code in
componenetDidUdpate method
/* const { navigate,goBack } = this.props.navigation;
if (this.state.navigatenow == true) {
return (
<Image style={{
flex: 1, width: null,
height: null,
resizeMode: 'cover'
}} source={require('./login.png')}>
Call the component props at each time as new render activity. Warning occurred while overflow the single render.
instead of
<Item onPress = { props.navigation.toggleDrawer() } />
try like
<Item onPress = {() => props.navigation.toggleDrawer() } />
You can also define the function overflowAlert: function() as a variable like so and it will not be called immediately in render
overflowAlert = ()=>{//.....//}

