Elasticsearch: can I avoid enabling fielddata on text fields? - javascript

I'm trying to get the latest records, grouped by the field groupId, which is a String like "group_a".
I followed the accepted answer of this question, but I've got the following error message:
Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. Set fielddata=true on [your_field_name] in order to load fielddata in memory by uninverting the inverted index. Note that this can however use significant memory.
In the Elasticsearch docs is written:
Before you enable fielddata, consider why you are using a text field for aggregations, sorting, or in a script. It usually doesn’t make sense to do so.
I'm using a text field, because groupId is a String. Does it make sense to set fielddata: true if I want to group by it?
Or are there alternatives?
Using "field": "groupId.keyword" (suggested here) didn't work for me.
Thanks in advance!

The suggest answer with .keyword is the correct one.
"aggs": {
"group": {
"terms": {
"field": "groupId.raw"
"aggs": {
"group_docs": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 1,
"sort": [
"timestamp (or wathever you want to sort)": {
"order": "desc"
with a mapping like that:
"groupId": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"raw": {
"type": "keyword"


Modify mapping of field in Elastic Search

I have a collection named templates. It has a field 'sec_1' which is an array of objects with properties 'name' and 'des' both of type string. Now I'm using elastic search and when I try to execute a query that matches only title fields I get an error saying the sec_1 field is not nested. Upon checking the mappings here is what I get mapping type of sec_1 is text.
I checked online and saw the fix was to modify the mapping. I created a new index like:
`curl base_url/new_index_name
{"properties": {
"sec_1": {
"nested","properties": {
"name": { "type": "text" },
"des": { "type": "text" }
and then reindexed like this:
curl base_url/_reindex
"source": {
"index": "old_index"
"dest": {
"index": "new_index"
First request is successful, the second one fails with this error:
"index": "new_index",
"type": "_doc",
"id": "be5123a4-d0e8-4d7b-a8f1-42f31d37fe55",
"cause": {
"type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason": "object mapping for [sec_1] tried to parse field [null] as object, but found a concrete value"
"status": 400
I don't understand why this is happening and what I'm doing wrong. Please help. I do not know much about elastic search, I've looked for solutions online, tried chatgpt too but the same steps appear. I'm finding the reason for this error is that sec_1 is not nested type but I've checked in database it is an array of objects. What else could be wrong?
I tried creaing new index but cannot do that and without new index my search query cant function properly

Elastic Search Json field query with number key

How can I query elastic search based on the number key?
JSON field name
years_of_experience :
"{\"61\": \"10\", \"8240\": \"5\", \"8249\": \"2\", \"50\": \"0\", \"2079\": \"2\"}"
I want to filter years_of_experience like 50:0.
So, according to your sample, you have documents like the below:
POST myindex/_doc
"years_of_experience": {
"50": "0",
"61": "10",
"2079": "2",
"8240": "5",
"8249": "2"
So, you have an object for years_of_experience, and you want to do an exact match with the field name and values. You need to set all fields inside this field you want to set as a keyword type. First, you need to handle the mapping part of this problem. Here is a solution for this :
PUT myindex
"settings": {
"number_of_shards": 1,
"number_of_replicas": 0
"mappings": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"strings_as_keyword": {
"match_mapping_type": "string",
"path_match": "years_of_experience.*",
"mapping": {
"type": "keyword"
"properties": {
"years_of_experience": {
"type": "object"
While creating your index for this data, you need to use a dynamic template for the years_of_experience object. And all the fields inside this will be keyword type, and you can run term queries on these fields.
So now we can create the documents after creating an index with the above settings. And you can filter the data as below :
GET myindex/_search
"query": {
"term": {
"years_of_experience.50": "0"

How to escape commas in JSON for read by highchart

I have the following JSON, I want add commas in between the numbers, but when ever I do that the JSON fails. My workign version of the code can be seen in the fiddle link below
I want to change this 11488897 to 11,488,897
Is this possible to do? How can this be done?
thanks for your help
"name": "",
"data": ["Totals","Total1 ","Total 2","total 3" ]
}, {
"name": "Amount1",
"data": [48353330,38079817,37130929,1957317]
}, {
"name": "Amount2",
"data": [11488897,8902674,8814629,497369]
If you want to preserve commas, you just need to use strings:
"data": ["48,353,330","38,079,817","37,130,929","1,957,317"]
Whether that's a good idea or not is another story. Typically you'd want your JSON returned by the server to include raw (i.e., integer) data, and then just format it however you want when you're actually using it. That way the same RPC endpoint can be used to fetch data for use in a chart or for any other purpose that might arise later on.
try this:
var data = [{
"name": "",
"data": ["Totals","Total1 ","Total 2","total 3" ]
}, {
"name": "Amount1",
"data": [48353330,38079817,37130929,1957317]
}, {
"name": "Amount2",
"data": [11488897,8902674,8814629,497369]
data.forEach(function(obj) {
obj.data = obj.data.map(function(item) {
if (typeof item == 'number') {
return item.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
} else {
return item;
alert(JSON.stringify(data, true, 4));
I don't know if it's cross-browser but if you do this
var number = 11488897;
number = number.toLocaleString('en');
You'll get the number (string) with commas on decimals

Mongodb find in hash by value

i have this mongodb documents format:
"_id": ObjectId("5406e4c49b324869198b456a"),
"phones": {
"12035508684": 1,
"13399874497": 0,
"15148399728": 1,
"18721839971": 1,
"98311321109": -1,
phones field - its a hash of phone numbers and frequency of its using.
And i need to select all documents, which have at least one zero or less frequency.
Trying this:
db.my_collection.find({"phones": { $lte: 0} })
but no luck.
Thanks in advance for your advices
You can't do that sort of query in MongoDB, well not in a simple way anyhow, as what you are doing here is generally an "anti-pattern", where part of your data is actually being specified as "keys". So a better way to model this is you use something where that "data" is actually a value to a key, and not the other way around:
"_id": ObjectId("5406e4c49b324869198b456a"),
"phones": [
{ "number": "12035508684", "value": 1 },
{ "number": "13399874497", "value": 0 },
{ "number": "15148399728", "value": 1 },
{ "number": "18721839971", "value": 1 },
{ "number": "98311321109", "value": -1 },
Then your query is quite simple:
db.collection.find({ "phones.value": { "$lte": 0 } })
But otherwise MongoDB cannot "natively" traverse the "keys" of an object/hash, and to do that you need do JavaScript evaluation to do this. Which is not a great idea for performance. Basically a $where query in short form:
db.collection.find(function() {
var phones = this.phones;
return Object.keys(phones).some(function(phone) {
return phones[phone] <= 0;
So the better option is to change the way you are modelling this and take advantage of the native operators. Otherwise most queries require and "explicit" path to any "key" inside the object/hash.

Accessing JavaScript Sub-properties by Name

I wrote the following JavaScript function (part of a larger "class") to help ensure anybody using the object stores attribute values in the "values" property.
function _updateAttributes(attribute, value) {
_attributes[attribute] = { values: { value: value }};
It works fine for a flat structure, but falls apart when I start trying to use it for sub-properties.
After running the following code:
myEntity.updateAttribute('name', 'Frankenstein');
myEntity.updateAttribute('name.source', 'John Doe');
I'd like the following structure:
"attributes": {
"name": {
"values": {
"value": "Frankenstein"
"source": {
"values": {
"value": "JohnDoe"
Instead, it's coming out like this:
"attributes": {
"name": {
"values": {
"value": "Frankenstein"
"name.source": {
"values": {
"value": "JohnDoe"
Is there any clean way to write this JavaScript or will I be faced with splitting out the strings and manually building the structure?
NOTE: I realize even the preferred structure is a little odd, but there's a Java object I'm mapping to that expects this format, so I don't have any options here.
You'll have to parse the string (parse is a bit strong, just a single split('.') with a loop).
But frankly, the cleaner way would simply be:
myEntity.name = {values: 'Frankenstein'};
myEntity.name.source = {values: 'John Doe'};

