Links on my website are not working - javascript

I have a bootstrap website. At first, my links were concatenating (e.g. if I were to click on the home index page three times it would show every time I clicked a link.
The issue has been solved, but now the link won't go through. For example, if I click one of the nav bar items such as "Services", the URL shows the correct address: However, it won't go to the page until I click on the URL bar and hit enter (only then will it take me to the appropriate page). Otherwise, it does nothing.
<nav class="cb-navbar">
<div class="cb-container">
<div class="cb-navbar-inner">
<div class="cb-navbar-left">
<a href="index.html" class="cb-navbar-back">
<i class="cb-icon -long-arrow-left"></i>
<div class="cb-navbar-right">
<div class="cb-navbar-nav">
<a href="/services/index.html" id="navbar-services" class="cb-navbar-nav-item">
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-icon">
<i class="cb-icon -cog"></i>
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-text">Services</span>
<a href="/projects/index.html" id="navbar-projects" class="cb-navbar-nav-item">
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-icon">
<i class="cb-icon -bars"></i>
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-text">Projects</span>
<a href="/contacts/index.html" onclick="yaCounter.reachGoal('contacts')" id="navbar-contacts" class="cb-navbar-nav-item">
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-icon">
<i class="cb-icon -contacts"></i>
<span class="cb-navbar-nav-item-text">Contacts</span>


Bulma burger isn't shown

I have a problem with the Bulma framework. I have a small navbar for desktop and want to add a navbar burger. But it doesn't work. I tried the js script created by Bulma as an example and one from a yt video. Both didn't work. Can somebody Please help me? Down will find the html part and the js script:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
// Get all "navbar-burger" elements
const $navbarBurgers ='.navbar-burger'), 0);
// Add a click event on each of them
$navbarBurgers.forEach( el => {
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Get the target from the "data-target" attribute
const target =;
const $target = document.getElementById(target);
// Toggle the "is-active" class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
<script src="js/index.js"></script>
<nav class="navbar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
<div class="navbar-brand">
<a class="navbar-item" href="index.html">
<h1 class="title">10.8</h1>
<a role="button" class="navbar-burger" data-target="navMenu" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false">
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<div class="navbar-menu" id="navMenu">
<div class="navbar-menu">
<div class="navbar-start">
<a class="navbar-item">
<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable">
<a class="navbar-link">
<div class="navbar-dropdown">
<a class="navbar-item">
<a class="navbar-item">
<a class="navbar-item">
<hr class="navbar-divider">
<a class="navbar-item">
Report an issue
<div class="navbar-end">
<!-- navbar items -->
Well if watched a small video produced from Bulma, tried the code from theire website and watched another video. I also tried to write my own script but it also does'nt work.
I hope sb can help me to fix it cause this must be successfully really quick.
You have a div that doesn't close in the right place.
There is a div with duplicate className.
Properly closing and removing that div everything works as expected.
// Get all "navbar-burger" elements
const $navbarBurgers ='.navbar-burger'), 0);
// Add a click event on each of them
$navbarBurgers.forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Get the target from the "data-target" attribute
const target =;
const $target = document.getElementById(target);
// Toggle the "is-active" class on both the "navbar-burger" and the "navbar-menu"
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<nav class="navbar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation">
<div class="navbar-brand">
<a class="navbar-item" href="index.html">
<h1 class="title">10.8</h1>
<a role="button" class="navbar-burger" data-target="navMenu" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false">
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<div class="navbar-menu" id="navMenu">
<div class="navbar-start">
<a class="navbar-item">
<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown is-hoverable">
<a class="navbar-link">
<div class="navbar-dropdown">
<a class="navbar-item">
<a class="navbar-item">
<a class="navbar-item">
<hr class="navbar-divider">
<a class="navbar-item">
Report an issue
<div class="navbar-end">
<!-- navbar items -->

How to open a new html page and also a link at one button click

So, what I want to do is open a URL that I am providing in href and at the same time open a new html page. On button click it leads to the URL in a new window with target="_blank". But what I want to do is open the link in the new window and also open a new HTML page in the previous window.
Below is my code,
<li class="search-li">
<div class="collapsible-header collapsible-noborder sakura-lighter-bg">
<i class="fa fa-mobile-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>TEST LIST
<div class="collapsible-body collapsible-noborder sakura-midlight-bg">
<button class="primary download">
<a id="buttton1" class="buttton7" target="_blank" href="">Download</a>
Something like this
Test page
The click will open a new window with the data-href and change existing window with href
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
document.getElementById("button1").addEventListener("click", function() {"data-href"), "_blank")
<li class="search-li">
<div class="collapsible-header collapsible-noborder sakura-lighter-bg">
<i class="fa fa-mobile-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>TEST LIST
<div class="collapsible-body collapsible-noborder sakura-midlight-bg">
<a id="button1" class="primary download button7"
You need to use method.
<li class="search-li">
<div class="collapsible-header collapsible-noborder sakura-lighter-bg">
<i class="fa fa-mobile-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>TEST LIST
<div class="collapsible-body collapsible-noborder sakura-midlight-bg">
<button class="primary download">
<a onclick="'');" id="buttton1" class="buttton7" href="" >Download</a>
You can use This
<button onclick="window.location.href='page2.html'">Go to another page in your folder</button>
or you can use a link like that
<button onclick="window.location.href=''">Go to another page in an URL</button>
Below should do the job:
<a onclick="'');" id="buttton1"
class="buttton7" href="">Download</a>
No need of _blank since does that for us, while the current window updates its location from href attribute
<!DOCTYPE html>
<li class="search-li">
<div class="collapsible-header collapsible-noborder sakura-lighter-bg">
<i class="fa fa-mobile-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>TEST LIST
<div class="collapsible-body collapsible-noborder sakura-midlight-bg">
<button class="primary download">
<a id="buttton1" onmouseup="window.location.replace('/blank.html');" class="buttton7" target="_blank" href="">Download</a>

error in quick box popup in html not working

I have a store website in which while clicking the eye icon or expand icon in some images, the quick box shows up with some description.
<div class="ImageWrapper">
<div class="product-button">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="promise-solitaire-ring-mount" class="quick-view-text">
<i class="zmdi zmdi-eye"></i>
<a href="products\promise-solitaire-ring-mount.html">
<i class="zmdi zmdi-link"></i>
<div class="add-to-wishlist">
<div class="show">
<div class="default-wishbutton-promise-solitaire-ring-mount loading">
<a class="add-in-wishlist-js btn" href="promise-solitaire-ring-mount">
<i class="fa fa-heart-o"></i>
<span class="tooltip-label">
Add to wishlist
<div class="loadding-wishbutton-promise-solitaire-ring-mount loading btn" style="display: none; pointer-events: none">
<a class="add_to_wishlist" href="promise-solitaire-ring-mount">
<i class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin"></i>
<div class="added-wishbutton-promise-solitaire-ring-mount loading" style="display: none;">
<a class="added-wishlist btn add_to_wishlist" href="pages\wishlist.html">
<i class="fa fa-heart"></i>
<span class="tooltip-label">
View Wishlist
<div class="product-detail">
<div class="product_left">
<a href="collections\new-arrivals\products\promise-solitaire-ring-mount.html" class="grid-link__title">
Let Promise Solitaire Ring Mount
<div class="grid-link__meta">
<div class="product_price">
<div class="grid-link__org_price">
<span class="money">$590.00</span>
<span class="shopify-product-reviews-badge" data-id="10109315278"></span>
The complete files are here.
When I click the icon, the popup is not shown, instead, a light-black shade is shown:
What could be the problem?

Hiding and showing fields via Javascript based on the type of the category the results item has

I have a dynamic list of properties on a search results page, the problem I am having on each individual search result is that if it is a certain property type i.e. Land it does not need the bedrooms and bathrooms fields within that search result to show, but if it is a Villa, the fields would show.
I would need to show and hide fields on the page load in JS like my example above on each individual search result as if I do a general JS function for Land hiding the div classes for bedrooms and bathrooms, there could also be a Villa on the page needing those fields.
If anyone could help with some JS to help me solve this issue above, it would be much appreciated!
Heres some of the Html Results below, you will see there are multiple property types, so different fields should be show/hidden
<div class="property-listing">
<li class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-4">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=615237" class="property-featured-image"><div class="overlay" style="line-height:167px"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></div>
<img src=" LISTING&imageURL=487/Sales/615237/615237_7969.jpg" alt="Villa in Javea">
<span class="images-count">
<i class="fa fa-link"></i>
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="property-info">
<div class="price"><span>115.000</span><strong>€</strong></div>
<div class="title">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=615237" title="Villa in Javea">
Villa in Javea
<span class="location"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> Alicante, SPAIN</span>
<p>A beautiful and rustic style 'home' offering spectacular views over the coast, the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea.</p>
<div class="property-amenities clearfix">
<span id="spbeds"><strong>2</strong>Bedrooms</span>
<span id="spbaths"><strong>1</strong>Bathrooms</span>
<span id="sppool"><strong>Yes</strong>Pool</span>
<li class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-4">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=638700" class="property-featured-image"><div class="overlay" style="line-height:167px"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></div>
<img src="" alt="Apartment in Famagusta">
<span class="images-count">
<i class="fa fa-link"></i>
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="property-info">
<div class="price"><span>155.000</span><strong>€</strong></div>
<div class="title">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=638700" title="Apartment in Famagusta">
Apartment in Famagusta
<span class="location"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> Famagusta, CYPRUS</span>
<div class="property-amenities clearfix">
<span id="spbeds"><strong>0</strong>Bedrooms</span>
<span id="spbaths"><strong>0</strong>Bathrooms</span>
<span id="sppool"><strong>No</strong>Pool</span>
<li class="col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-4">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=636364" class="property-featured-image"><div class="overlay" style="line-height:188px"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></div>
<img src="" alt="Country House in Not Specified">
<span class="images-count">
<i class="fa fa-link"></i>
<div class="col-md-8">
<div class="property-info">
<div class="price"><span>175.000</span><strong>€</strong></div>
<div class="title">
<a href="/propertydetails.aspx?SalePropertyID=636364" title="Country House in Not Specified">
Country House in Not Specified
<span class="location"><i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> Andalucia, SPAIN</span>
<div class="property-amenities clearfix">
<span id="spbeds"><strong>3</strong>Bedrooms</span>
<span id="spbaths"><strong>1</strong>Bathrooms</span>
<span id="sppool"><strong>Yes</strong>Pool</span>
<br> <br>
<div class="pagination">
<span class="disabled"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i></span>
<i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>
I'm just gonna go ahead and make up my own HTML structure to demonstrate the simple if/else statement you would make with jQuery.
function hideFields() {
$(".result").each( function() {
if ( $(this).hasClass("land") ) {
else if ( $(this).hasClass("villa") ) {
span {
border:1px solid black;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="result villa"><b>Villa</b><br>
<span class="bedroom">Bedroom</span>
<span class="bathroom">Bathroom</span>
<span class="location">Location</span>
<span class="land-area">Land-area</span>
<div class="result land"><b>Land</b><br>
<span class="bedroom">Bedroom</span>
<span class="bathroom">Bathroom</span>
<span class="location">Location</span>
<span class="land-area">Land-area</span>
Your HTML seems confusing for multiple reasons, which you can easily fix to use this method:
1) sppools, spbaths, spbeds should indeed be classes rather than IDs. This is due to IDs being unique identifiers - they should hence not appear more than once on each page, whereas classes identify a "type" (class) of item, which may appear multiple times. Multiple instances of the same ID will mess with your CSS and JS.
2) There is no clear definition within each result of what type of result this is (or I can't seem to find it, at least?).
Words like "villa" or "house" indeed appear in the title-tag, but having to search within these is an inefficient way of performing the action.
Instead, make your code show the type of content as a class on each li-item or the initial div-item.

Elements conflict if I wrap class to some content with jquery

In a WordPress website, I want to configure a set of css buttons appear in a block. So that each post have a set of buttons. I was able to set them in inline-block. But the issue is that when I wrap them with a new class(via jquery) in order to center using display:block, the buttons belonging to other posts also appear in the recent posts.
Say, the recent post named - "mypost10" has the five buttons, other post buttons appear besides the five buttons if I wrap with main-class-wrap.
Here is the jquery to wrap and add classes:
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery(".sub").wrapAll("<span class='main-class-wrap' />");
jQuery(".sub-1").find('a').addClass('sub-sub-1 icon-magnifier');
jQuery(".sub-2").find('a').addClass('sub-sub-2 icon-tools');
jQuery(".sub-3").find('a').addClass('sub-sub-3 icon-shareable');
jQuery(".sub-4").find('a').addClass('sub-sub-4 icon-magnifier');
jQuery(".sub-5").find('a').addClass('sub-sub-5 icon-magnifier');
Here is the output code:
<span class="main-class-wrap">
<span class="sub sub-1">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sub123 icon-one">
<span class="sub sub-2">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sub123 icon-two">
</span> <span class="sub sub-3">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sub123 icon-two">
<span class="sub sub-4">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sub123 icon-two">
<span class="sub sub-5">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="sub123 icon-two">
<span class="sub sub-1">
<span class="sub sub-2">
<span class="sub sub-3">
<span class="sub sub-4">
<span class="sub sub-5">
I put them all in a fiddle
Could any one tell me if I am doing anything wrong with the code?

