React Native DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly - javascript

I'm trying to run a React-Native application on my Android device which is a Huawei Honor 7, the device is connected to the pc through USB and I'm running it through command with: react-native run-android why am I getting this error?

Check this issue:
Looks like you just need to reinstall node_modules


Issue with the ios folder, after expo ejecting

I'm trying to integrate paypal payments into my expo app, but as expo not yet supports paypal i was trying the react-native-paypal package. This requires to add some extra dependencies into the ios/android folders so i was trying to eject from expo using expo eject. Note that im running this command from a windows operating system and i also did find a way to install cocoapods. But the thing is that after running expo eject it warns me that i should do this procedure from macOS or linux to get the ios folder. How else can i get this? Thanks in advance.

APK and Expo Client android app are different

I am building a cross-platform app with expo SDK36. I am testing with the expo client on android and ios.
It seems that the built expo apk downloaded on expo is different than the android version tested from my android expo client.
I can't scroll on my views with the app APK, hopefully, I saw it.
Is this an expo bug and is this expected? I was expecting to have the same app on both expo and real app.
I must rebuild until I find the bug, the APK and expo pipelines are quite busy, how can I troubleshoot efficiently without ejecting?
it is running cache. run this command. It will clear the cache.
npm start --cache-clear
Maybe your expo project on the cloud didn't update. Try
expo publish

How to build react-native app for iOS properly?

I developed a react native app (version 57.4) on windows for android and it works fine.
Now I'm trying to build for iOS with no luck (as I don't have any experience with Xcode).
What I tried so far:
I knew that it requires a Mac and Xcode so I downloaded a VM, install Xcode.
Git clone myApp
react-native run-ios
But I got a lot of errors and build failures so after some search, I make these more steps:
react-native link
link some fonts manually
add a pod file and pod install
make some Xcode changes which I can't remember
react-native run-ios
And it works :)
BUT I had an issue with axios so I tried to fix it but I ruined the app so I removed the folder and re-cloned it again.
This time, I can't build successfully again!! and if it builds it crashes instantly!
My Question is what the exact steps do I need to make to build successfully on Mac (especially steps for Xcode)? including how to link all native dependencies correctly? and Is the pod file is necessary?

How to run React native program

I am trying to create a simple react native program on android. I am using this link but how can I use simulator to run any program? I am using react-native run-android but how can I proceed further ?
The command react-native run-android does not install or launch any emulator by it's own.
To use an emulator you must first install one.
Examples are Android Studio and Genymotion.
React-native has it's own instructions on how to install and run react-native on a emulator. You can find it here: Link
Follow the instructions under "Building Projects with Native Code".

React Native app, installing release apk, parse error

meizu m2 mini android 5.1 screenshot
I have parse error on some devices, but i cannot find reason, because for example it works on one Meizu and not working on another Meizu, and the same with android version, it work on Android 5 on one phone and not working on another phone with android 5. It not works if i build app release apk and try to install it manually, but if i try to debug with usb cabel - it works , also it works if i install app by using command react-native run-android --variant=release
This is due to already installed debuged mode app in your device. Uninstall previously installed debug apk from your devive then install new released apk.

