Galleria auto slideshow - javascript

Creating a slideshow using APIs.
Galleria's DIV tag in my HTML page looks like :
<div class="content">
<div id="galleria">
<!-- I have used Javascript to input values in this DIV tag -->
<div id="full" style="float: right">
<!-- DIV tag for fullscreen and auto slideshow play-->
<button>full screen</button>
<button>play slideshow</button>
I have used the classic theme provided in the downloads of, and which has below script to call the contents in the DIV tag ("id = galleria").
$(function () {'#galleria');
I have referrer the official documentation of Galleria for enabling fullscreen and auto slideshow.
But these documents only provide the method names, and not the example of implementing those methods. Can someone please guide how to implement these methods in script tag ?
Also, I have gone through the discussion about auto-resize in galleria
and tried to implement but having issues.

So I found the answers, and posting it as a reference in customization.
Everything will be the same, Galleria has parameters for different functionalities, that we have to call. For the functionality of auto slideshow, i edited the same script in the question this way.
$(function () {'#galleria', {
autoplay: 3000,
transition: 'flash',
transitionSpeed: 600,


Show spinner till data loads in google spreadsheet

I have embedded a google spreadsheet on my website through an iframe. But data take time to load on the spreadsheet. Is there any add-on or a simple script that i can include to my spreadsheet to show a spinning arrow till all data is loaded in my spreadsheet. Otherwise it just shows a white screen for around 5 to 10 seconds.
<iframe name='iframe2' scrolling='no' src='' style='height: 1000px;width:360px;margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; text-align:center;background:white;display:block;overflow:hidden;'></iframe>
i'm not sure, but maybe you're looking for something like this:
let spinner = true;
document.querySelector("iframe").addEventListener("load", () => {
console.log("iframe content loaded");
spinner = false;
found the implementation here
i've created a sandbox here - it fails to find the iframe on the initial load (i think due to the implementation of the sandbox site itself), but if you click refresh in the preview window, it works as expected
There is no way to add an "add-on or simple script" to add a spinner to the spreadsheet, instead modify the webpage holding the iframe tag as follows,
Add the spinner to your HTML ( you might use a framework for this)
Put the iframe tag as a children of another tag, i.e. a div, and hide it using style="visibility:hidden;".
Use the window load event to remove the spinner by using style.display = 'none' and turn the visibility of the iframe parent to visible.
The following sample use Bootstrap for the spinner.
window.onload = () => {
document.querySelector('iframe') = 'visible'
document.querySelector('.spinner-border').style.display = 'none'
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-ggOyR0iXCbMQv3Xipma34MD+dH/1fQ784/j6cY/iJTQUOhcWr7x9JvoRxT2MZw1T" crossorigin="anonymous">
<div class="spinner-border" role="status">
<span class="sr-only">Loading...</span>
<div style="visibility:hidden;">
<iframe name='iframe2' scrolling='no' src='' style='height: 1000px;width:360px;margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; text-align:center;background:white;display:block;overflow:hidden;'></iframe>

site preloader actually works?

The following script is the most common I found to be used for managing the preloader but does this actually work or is it just some stuff we display for few seconds and assume the content of the site would have been loaded by then?
Here is that script.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).on('load', function() {
$('.loader').fadeOut(); // will first fade out the loading animation
$('.preloader').delay(1000).fadeOut('slow'); // will fade out the white DIV that covers the website.
and then the HTML
<div class="preloader">
<div class="loader"> .... </div>
<div class="content">...</div>
Another thing i would like to ask is if we can have a simple preloader that actually works with just JavaScript instead of jQuery.... there seems to be some problem displayed in console when using the latest version of jQuery
Thanks in advance

Run light gallery with a href or button

Hello stackoverflow community. I am using lightGallery plug-in and have a problems with making it running with external kind of button in my case anchor tag, can you suggest what have i done wrong or maybe any other way to get it working right.
Enter full screen view
<div class="owl-carousel" id="selector1">
<div class="item" data-src="img/1.jpg" name="fullscreen"><img src="img/1.jpg">
$(document).ready(function() {
selector: '.item'
lightGallery plug-in:
Here are some things that might/will cause problems:
The href attribute does not work like that. The link will just open another website. Instead you need to execute some javascript to activate the fullscreen mode, when the link is clicked.
You have two opening <div> tags, but only one closing. Also, you should close the <img> tag.
You probably want all of your posted javascript in the $(document).ready(function() {}); function
There is no element with the id lightgallery.
I don't know anything about the data-src attribute.
This should fix most of the problems, however it will not enable the fullscreen functionality:
<div class="owl-carousel" id="lightgallery">
<div class="item" data-src="img/1.jpg">
<img src="img/1.jpg" />
$(document).ready(function() {
selector: '.item'

Can't run scripts after PJAX load

I'm using PJAX for a project.
I have a container called #icerikAlani to load its content with PJAX.
Here is the basic layout:
<div class="container" id="icerikAlani" data-pjax-container>
<!-- NIVO SLIDER -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider"> SLIDER CONTENT HERE... </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div id="logoParade"> SCROLLING LOGOS HERE... </div>
This container has two other script tags in it which are for Nivo Slider and Smooth Div Scroller plugins.
The problem is, when I navigate to a page and return to homepage, script tags stop working.
I tried to solve this problem by using pjax:end statement but I couldn't make it work, then I tried pjax:success as below bu still no luck. (as I read here: Where to put the page-initialize javascript when using pjax?)
Is there a way for using these scripts without reloading the page?
This is the script about PJAX and Smooth Div Scroller script:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).pjax('a','[data-pjax-container]', { fragment: "#icerikAlani" } );
$(document).on('pjax:beforeSend', function() {
$(document).on('pjax:end', function() {
$(document).on('ready pjax:success', function() {
autoScrollingMode: "always",
autoScrollingDirection: "endlessLoopRight",
autoScrollingStep: 1,
autoScrollingInterval: 25
You can check the full code here
Because I'm not experienced about javascript, this problem stands like a wall against me before finishing the project. Hope to find something works both with the slider and the scroller.
Possibly your script causes an error.
Try Firefox and Firebug and see if you find something...

How can I fade-in and fade-out between two contents on same page using javascript?

I am developing a page in JSP. It has 3 components: Header, Content and Footer. I want that when this page loads the Content part should be fade in to default content i.e. the Home Page, which contains button for register, login and site credits. When user clicks register button, the content in Content part should fade out and vanish and then content of register form should fade in and get displayed. Same for other buttons, but there should not be any change in header and footer. Please help!!!
With use of jQuery... You have working example there...
I'd recommend using a JavaScript library to achieve this.
jQuery has built in fading abilities.
<div id="clickme">
Click here
<img id="book" src="book.png" alt="" width="100" height="123" />
With the element initially hidden, we can show it slowly:
$('#clickme').click(function() {
$('#book').fadeIn('slow', function() {
// Animation complete
Using JQuery, you can hide a div by using a selector and the hide() method. For example:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function swap_divs() {
<div id="div_to_hide">
Some text for div to hide
<div id="div_to_show" style="display: none;">
Some text for div to show
<button onClick="swap_divs();">Click me</button>
If you look at the JQuery website you can find more example and extensive documentation. Also for fading in/fading out.

