Update elements of array of object when one element is changed [duplicate] - javascript

I've got add
I've got delete
now I need modify
add just adds to the pile haphazardly
delete is able to do it's work with surgical precision because it uses key to find it's culprit :
addInput = (name) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters;
key: uuid(),
value: { input: '' },
icon: { inputIcon: 0 },
newInput: newInputs,
removeInput = (key) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters.filter(x => x.key !== key);
newInput: newInputs,
how do I modify (for example set the value back to '' without deleting and recreating the item) ?
modifyInput = (key) => {

You can use Array.prototype.find()
modifyInput = (key) => {
const match = this.props.parameters.find(x => x.key === key);
// do stuff with matched object

You can map through the parameters and then modify when you find a match:
modifyInput = (key) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters.map(x => {
if (x.key === key) {
x.modification = true;
return x;
newInput: newInputs,

var empMap= {};
//initialize empMap with key as Employee ID and value as Employee attributes:
//Now when salary updated on UI from 100 - 300 you can update other fields
var e=empMap[id];
e.YearlySalary = newSalary*12;
e.Deductions = e.YearlySalary*0.2;


How to delete multiple url params

There is a problem with deleting several string parameters. Only the last parameter is being deleted now.
upd: I did not specify that I wanted to achieve the ability to remove specific parameter values
this code does not work correctly:
const updateFiltersSearchParams = (paramKey, newValue) => {
const isParamExist = searchParams.getAll(paramKey).includes(newValue);
if (!isParamExist) {
searchParams.append(paramKey, newValue);
} else {
const updatedSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(
([key, value]) => key !== paramKey || value !== newValue
const handleDeleteParams = () => {
[...checkboxParams].forEach((param) => {
updateFiltersSearchParams("selected", param);
change your handleDeleteParams function with this
const handleDeleteParams = () => {
If you want to delete *only the selected (or any specific queryString key) queryString parameters you can use the delete method of the URLSearchParams object, then enqueue the params URL update.
const handleDeleteParams = (key) => {
<button type="button" onClick={() => handleDeleteParams("selected")}>
Clear all "selected" params
Solved the problem by modifying the function like this
const toggleSearchParams = (params) => {
const newSearchParams = [...searchParams];
for (const prevParam of params) {
const index = newSearchParams.findIndex(
(newParam) =>
prevParam[0] === newParam[0] && prevParam[1] === newParam[1]
if (index === -1) {
} else {
newSearchParams.splice(index, 1);
setSearchParams(new URLSearchParams(newSearchParams));
const handleChangeCheckBoxValue = (e) => {
toggleSearchParams([["selected", e.target.value]]);
const handleDeleteParams = () => {
toggleSearchParams(checkboxParams.map((param) => ["selected", param]));

How to join two arrays in a map function?

What I want is to join my arrays that I get from my map function.
I tried to do with reduce :
const onFinish = (values) => {
values.fields.map((el, idx) => {
console.log({ ...el, index: idx }); // this `console.log` prints me one array after the other
}).reduce((acc, x) => {console.log(acc,x)}); // I tried with `reduce` but it prints me null
Also tried to do with useState:
const onFinish = (values) => {
values.fields.map((el, idx) => {
if (myArray === null){
setMyArray(() => {
return { ...el, index: idx };
else {
setMyArray(() => {
return {...myArray,...el, index: idx };
console.log(myArray) // at my first call to this const onFinish myArray is printed as [] and at the second it prints with the last object only
Someone knows how to get these objects joined/merged ?
Sample data the way that it's print:
How I want to be:
Altghough it is still not very clear from the screenshots (always prefer to use text and not images for data/code), it looks like you want
const onFinish = (values) => {
const updatedValues = values.fields.map((field, index) => ({...field, index}));
console.log( updatedValues );
Does this help?
if (myArray === null){
setMyArray(() => {
return [{ ...el, index: idx }];
else {
setMyArray(() => {
return [...myArray, {...el, index: idx }];

Rewrite a function to find an object by a matching id inside an array, update a value and set a react state

The function below receiving a rating value inside an object. While ID or Question stay intact, the rating value can be updated. As a result a React state value should be updated.
Is there a way to make this function look prettier/concise while just using a vanilla javascript.
ratingCompleted = ({ rating, question, id }) => {
let array = this.state.ratingResponses;
const index = array.findIndex(elem => elem.id == id);
if (index === -1) {
array.push({ rating, question, id });
this.setState({ ratingResponses: array });
} else {
array.map(object => {
if (object.id === id) {
object.rating = rating;
return object;
} else {
return object;
this.setState({ ratingResponses: array });
Make sure you spread to stop mutations
This could be a little cleaner but i thought I would show each step.
const array = [...this.state.ratingResponses]; // spread this so as to make a copy
let updatedArray;
const hasRatingAlready = array.some(item => item.id === id);
if (!hasRatingAlready) {
updatedArray = [...array, { rating, question, id }];
} else {
updatedArray = array.map(item => item.id === id ? {...item, rating} : item);
this.setState({ ratingResponses: updatedArray });

Return a modified new object from a function

what is the best practice to modify and return a new object from a function?
I wrote the following function :
export const addItemToCart = (currentCart, item) => {
const { name, ...otherProps } = item;
//if item exist in the cart
if (currentCart[name]) {
return currentCart;
//if the item does not exist
currentCart[name] = { ...otherProps };
currentCart[name]["quantity"] = 1;
return currentCart;
// the function must return a new modified object on each call
Obviously, the hard-coded property "quantity", and the return statements can definitely be improved.
how can I improve this function to be more readable?
More "readable" is very opinion-based, either way, you can try something like this:
const currentCart = {
hello: {
quantity: 1
const addItemToCart = (currentCart, item) => {
const { name } = item;
// Short circuit + return the last value
const quantityPrev = currentCart[name] && currentCart[name].quantity;
// Or operator on boolean expression
const quantity = 1 + (quantityPrev || 0);
// Destructing for shallow copy, dynamic key assign
return { ...currentCart, [name]: { quantity } };
console.log(addItemToCart(currentCart, { name: 'hello' }));
console.log(addItemToCart(currentCart, { name: 'blazer' }));

Modifying an array of objects with uuid keys

I've got add
I've got delete
now I need modify
add just adds to the pile haphazardly
delete is able to do it's work with surgical precision because it uses key to find it's culprit :
addInput = (name) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters;
key: uuid(),
value: { input: '' },
icon: { inputIcon: 0 },
newInput: newInputs,
removeInput = (key) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters.filter(x => x.key !== key);
newInput: newInputs,
how do I modify (for example set the value back to '' without deleting and recreating the item) ?
modifyInput = (key) => {
You can use Array.prototype.find()
modifyInput = (key) => {
const match = this.props.parameters.find(x => x.key === key);
// do stuff with matched object
You can map through the parameters and then modify when you find a match:
modifyInput = (key) => {
const newInputs = this.props.parameters.map(x => {
if (x.key === key) {
x.modification = true;
return x;
newInput: newInputs,
var empMap= {};
//initialize empMap with key as Employee ID and value as Employee attributes:
//Now when salary updated on UI from 100 - 300 you can update other fields
var e=empMap[id];
e.YearlySalary = newSalary*12;
e.Deductions = e.YearlySalary*0.2;

