JQuery Selector for nested sibling - javascript

I have this node.
<figure class="wide">
<a href="https://www.example.com/image_HDR.jpg" target="_blank">
<img class="exif-reader" src="https://cdn.example.com/content_big_20171008_112106_HDR.jpg"">
<div class="items"> </div>
I'm starting from the image using
var img = $("img[src$='value.FileName']");
I need to replace the HTML inside the .items div but I cannot find how to get it. In the page I have a lot of nodes with this structure. I need to select the .items div that is inside the same node of the img

With css it's hard, but jquery makes it fairly easy I think:
var items = $("img[src$='value.FileName']").closest('figure').find('.items');

Here is a snippet example using your code:
var $img = $(".exif-reader");
var $itemsDiv = $img.closest(".wide").find('.items');
$itemsDiv.html("enter html here")
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<figure class="wide">
<a href="https://www.example.com/image_HDR.jpg" target="_blank">
<img class="exif-reader" src="https://cdn.example.com/content_big_20171008_112106_HDR.jpg"">
<div class="items"> </div>
I changed the img selector since $("img[src$='value.FileName']"); was not working in a snippet for me.


How to insert text of <figcaption> as value of attribute of <a> tag using jquery?

I started learning jQuery and wanted to make some work on the following structure.
<figure class="blog_image_wrap" style="text-align: center">
<img class="text-center" src="https://ahmcho.com/storage/app/uploads/public/5a6/5d4/672/5a65d467293cd550396758.jpg" style="width:50%;">
<figcaption class="blog_image_wrap">
Gary Oldman
There are multiple <figure> tags in one page and I want to extract the text of corresponding <figcaption> and pass it as a value of data-caption attribute for <a> tag. For all '' elements inside '' elements.
I have the following code but it passes all text values of <figcaption> texts as one for all <a> elements :
$("figure>a").attr('data-caption', $("figure").find('figcaption').text());
$("figure>a").attr("data-fancybox" , "test");
I would appreciate if someone would point me what am I doing wrong.
Try to use this to target the current element in each iteration of each(). Then find the specific a from that element to set the attribute. Try the following way:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('figure').each(function() {
$(this).find('a').attr('data-caption', $(this).find('figcaption').text());
$(this).find('a').attr("data-fancybox" , "test");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<figure class="blog_image_wrap" style="text-align: center">
<img class="text-center" src="https://ahmcho.com/storage/app/uploads/public/5a6/5d4/672/5a65d467293cd550396758.jpg" style="width:50%;">
<figcaption class="blog_image_wrap">
Gary Oldman
Since you iterating through figure, you need to find the a and figcaption on current iteration. To find the current figure object you can use $(this). So, to find the a and figcatption you can have following code:
$(this).find("a").attr('data-caption', $(this).find('figcaption').text());

How can i change the visibilty of an image placeholder if its src is empty or a parameter?

I'm a trainee and actually I'm working on a web shop.
Now I got the problem that I have multiple images placeholders (image_1-6) for our article images. Problem now is, if the article only has 2 images the placeholders for the other 4 are still there. So is there any possibility to hide them if the src is empty or a parameter defined by me?
Here is the code snippet:
<div class="sideimg grid_2">
<div id="image_1" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild1]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild1]"id=image1 name="Bild1" alt="Bild1" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_2" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild2]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild2]" id=image2 name="Bild2" alt="Bild2" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_3" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild3]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild3]" id=image3 name="Bild3" alt="Bild3" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_4" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild4]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild4]" id=image4 name="Bild4" alt="Bild4" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_5" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild5]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild5]" id=image5 name="Bild5" alt="Bild5" id="Bild2" />
<div id="image_6" class="lb_thumb">
<a href="javascript:;" onmouseover="swapImage('Bild1','','http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleBig/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild6]',1)" onmouseout="swapImgRestore()">
<img class="lb_detailimg" src="http://media-11teamsports.de/ArticleSmall/[ArtikelOnlinebezeichnungD.Bild6]" id=image6 name="Bild6" alt="Bild6" id="Bild2" />
Here is the live version(wip): http://www.ebay.de/itm/Jako-Tape-10-Meter-2-5-cm-breit-Rot-F01-/272269970423?
All I know about html css and js I learned by myself so I hope the snippet is fine.
So as you can see I have 6 images with js image swap. The only left problem is that our database don't contains an image for every placeholder, so if there are only 4 pictures there are still 2 empty boxes. So how can i get rid of them?
Thanks all for your help and excuse my english I'm from Germany.
You can try using the CSS selector for html attributes like this:
(Whatever css u need goes here)
display: block;
display: none;
If any <img> of class lb_detailimg does not have a src attribute it will not be displayed.
You could also use a keyword in the src attribute to make this happen, like this:
(Whatever css u need goes here)
display: none;
As you cannot give style to a parent element in CSS here is a JS snippet that should work fine:
window.onload = function(){
var img_containers = document.getElementsByClassName("lb_thumb");
for(var i=0; i<img_containers.length;i++){
if(img_containers[i].getElementsByTagName("img")[0].src.indexOf("keyword") > -1){
img_containers[i].style.display = "none";
At line 4 in the if ==> .indexOf("yourKeyWordHere")

Get child ID and add to parent as ARIA attribute

I have a number of images and captions on a page, set up in <figure><img><figcaption> groups. I'd like to use JavaScript (or jQuery) to grab the ID of the figcaption and add an 'aria-labelledby' attribute to the parent <figure>.
For example, I have the following (simplified):
<figure id="figure1">
<img src="x.jpg">
<figcaption id="caption1">Sample</figcaption>
<figure id="figure2">
<img src="y.jpg">
<figcaption id="caption2">Sample</figcaption>
How can I loop through each element and add the appropriate 'aria-labelledby' attribute, e.g., aria-labelledby="caption1"?
I tried this but getting an undefined function error:
$('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() {
Any help appreciated.
You need to return that value, otherwise you're not doing anything with it.
$('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() {
return $(this).find('figcaption').attr('id');
$('figure').attr('aria-labelledby', function() {
return $(this).find('figcaption').attr('id');
[aria-labelledby] {
color: #f00;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<figure id="figure1">
<img src="x.jpg">
<figcaption id="caption1">Sample</figcaption>
<figure id="figure2">
<img src="y.jpg">
<figcaption id="caption2">Sample</figcaption>

jquery: how to append DOM element to selector within variable containing other DOM elements

When storing DOM elements in a javascript variable prior to appending them to the actual DOM is there a way with jQuery to select elements inside the variable?
For example,
I have a list of tweets on my page. Every time I click a refresh button I append a new tweet to the list below.
I add the new tweet like follows:
new tweet
<li class="tweet normal-tweet" data-user-name="Dorothy">
<div class="image">
<img height="48" width="48" src="http://twitter.com/api/users/profile_image?screen_name=Dorothy" alt="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="user">
<a class="user-name" href="http://twitter.com/Dorothy" title="Dorothy">Dorothy</a>
<div class="full-name"></div>
<div class="text">Once in a lullaby</div>
<div class="time-stamp" data-time="1322631934000">1322631934000</div>
Inside each tweet on the page, not the new tweet yet, I use jQuery to append some elements.
I have:
var actionsMarkup =
"<div class='actions'>
<span class='favorite'>Favorite</span>
<span class='retweet'>Retweet</span>
<span class='reply'>Reply</span>
and I append it to the element with the .content class
$(actionsMarkup).appendTo('#tweets .tweet .content');
Now, when I make a new tweet I do the following:
$(document).on('click', '.refresh', function() {
newTweet = $(<new tweet code from above>);
actionsMark = $(actionsMarkup);
I need to be able to append the actionsMark contents to the div with class .content. However, I can't just reapply my prior statement of
$(actionsMarkup).appendTo('#tweets .tweet .content');
because that puts the markup on all .content divs again, even if it is already there.
Is there a way for me to use selectors to access the DOM nodes in my newTweet variable before I append it to the document object?
I am thinking something like
$(actionsMarkup).appendTo( newTweet, '.content');
If there is no way with selectors to do this then what are some other quick ways?
List of Tweets and Tweet container
<ul id="tweets" class="normal-tweet show-promoted-tweets">
<li class="tweet promoted-tweet" data-user-name="Dorothy">
<div class="image">
<img height="48" width="48" src="http://twitter.com/api/users/profile_image?screen_name=Dorothy" alt="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="user">
<a class="user-name" href="http://twitter.com/Dorothy" title="Dorothy">Dorothy</a>
<div class="full-name">Dorothy</div>
<div class="text">Somewhere over the rainbow</div>
<div class="time-stamp" data-time="1322631934000">3 minutes ago</div>
<li class="tweet promoted-tweet" data-user-name="lion">
<div class="image">
<img height="48" width="48" src="http://twitter.com/api/users/profile_image?screen_name=lion" alt="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="user">
<a class="user-name" href="http://twitter.com/lion" title="lion">lion</a>
<div class="full-name">Lion</div>
<div class="text">Way up high,</div>
<div class="time-stamp" data-time="1322631934000">17 minutes ago</div>
<li class="tweet normal-tweet" data-user-name="scarecrow">
<div class="image">
<img height="48" width="48" src="http://twitter.com/api/users/profile_image?screen_name=scarecrow" alt="" />
<div class="content">
<div class="user">
<a class="user-name" href="http://twitter.com/scarecrow" title="scarecrow">scarecrow</a>
<div class="full-name">Scarecrow</div>
<div class="text">And the dreams that you dreamed of,</div>
<div class="time-stamp" data-time="1322631934000">32 minutes ago</div>
You can use .last(), to select the last element after you append your new tweet, like below:
$(document).on('click', '.refresh', function() {
newTweet = $(<new tweet code from above>);
var actionsMarkup =
"<div class='actions'>
<span class='favorite'>Favorite</span>
<span class='retweet'>Retweet</span>
<span class='reply'>Reply</span>
$("#tweets .tweet").last().find(".content").append(actionsMarkup);
if you insist to use appendTo(), you can try using :last-child:
$(actionsMarkup).appendTo('#tweets .tweet:last-child .content');
I was looking to see if you can do the same thing, found this question but the existing answer is not useful in my case as i would like to alter the element before adding.
You can create a new dom element in a variable with jQuery and do operations on it as if it is already in the dom before appending it.
var newTweet = $('<div></div>');
newTweet.append('<span class="username"></span>');
newTweet.find('span.username').html('John Doe');
the following will be appended to the body:
<div class="tweet"><span class="username">John Doe</span></div>
Very handy if you are building a reusable interface element (like a dialogue box) with multiple options.

Javascript mouseover/mouseout animation working for first iteration only

I created a javascript animation to move a picture to the right when on mouseover and to go back to its resting position when the mouse exits the image. It works flawlessly for the first image but when I try the other iterations the first image moves instead of the one I hover on.
Here is the HTML code:
<div class="sectionJoueur">
<div class="scroller">
<figure id="infos" class="nomPositionCourt A">
<img src="images/infoMathieuD.png">
<figure class="img">
<img src="images/md.jpg">
<div class="sectionJoueur">
<div class="scroller">
<figure id="infos" class="nomPositionCourt B">
<img src="images/infoMathieuD.png">
<figure class="img">
<img src="images/md.jpg">
<div class="sectionJoueur">
<div class="scroller">
<figure id="infos" class="nomPositionCourt C">
<img src="images/infoMathieuD.png">
<figure class="img">
<img src="images/md.jpg">
I'm trying to use the classes names "class="nomPositionCourt A">" the target the specific image being hovered on but it doesn't seem to be working.
Here is the JS code:
function over(){
if ( $("#infos").hasClass("A") ){
$("#infos").stop().animate({"margin-left": +0});
else if ( $("#infos").hasClass("B") ){
$("#infos").stop().animate({"margin-left": +0});
function out(){
$("#infos").stop().animate({"margin-left": -287});
At first glance, it looks like the reason is that both of your images are using the same ID tag (which is bad practice).
This is the code I'm looking at:
figure id="infos"
You are using that same ID tag twice. When your code runs, it's picking up the first "infos" tag it comes to, which is your first image.
Make sure to use unique ID tags and this should help resolve your problem.
You have assigned the id attribute to more than one element which suppose to be unique id="infos" class can be assigned to multiple elements but id should be unique
Try this one by changing the id to class
if ( $(this).hasClass("A") ){
$(this).stop().animate({"margin-left": +0});
else if ( $(this).hasClass("B") ){
$(this).stop().animate({"margin-left": +0});
$(this).stop().animate({"margin-left": -287});
In $(this) you have the object of current hovered image
Here is the Reference

