Creating a collision effect three.js - javascript

So for a game that I am making (my first game) I have made an endless scroller and everything is working perfect. The only issue I am have is with creating a collision like effect. For the time being the only thing I want to happen when the objects collide is to post to the console saying 'collision'. This is the collision function that I have made :
function collision () {
distance = Math.sqrt(
((engine.x - obstacles[i].x) * (engine.x – obstacles[i].x))
+ ((engine.y - obstacles[i].y) * (engine.y – obstacles[i].y))
if (distance < engine.radius + obstacles[i].radius)
//objects should collide
Engine in this case being a cube and the obstacles[i] array is an series of cylinders coming toward the cube.
and I have called the function within my ini function(). But for some reason I am not getting anything posted to the console.
I may be way off here, but if anyone has any suggestions that would be great.


Algorithm for drawing a "Squiggly wiggly" pattern

I'm looking to have an algorithm that can randomly draw a "squiggly wiggly" pattern as per the picture.
It would be nice if it were progressively drawn as you would draw it with a pen and if it were based on speed, acceleration and forces like a double pendulum animation might be.
This would be for javascript in the p5 library.
Is there some way of producing this that a) looks hand drawn and b) fills a page, somewhat like a Hilbert curve?
Very interested to hear ideas of how this could be produced, regardless of whether there is some kind of formal algorithm, although a formal algorithm would be best.
I can think of two solutions, but there could be more as I'm not very good at coding in general yet.
First of all, you can use perlin noise. With the code
var noiseSeeds = [];
//This changes the noise value over time
var noiseTime = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
//This will help for making two separate noise values later
noiseSeeds = [random(100), random(100)];
function draw() {
//Finding the x value
x = noise(noiseTime)*400;
//Finding the y value
y = noise(noiseTime)*400;
//Increasing the noise Time so the next value is slightly different
noiseTime += 0.01;
//Draw the point
point(x, y);
You can create a scribble on screen. You would have to use createGraphics()in some way to make this more efficient. This method isn't the best because the values are generally closer to the center.
The second solution is to make a point that has two states - far away from an edge and close to an edge. While it is far away, the point would keep going in relatively the same direction with small velocity changes. However, the closer the point gets to the edges, the (exponentially) bigger the velocity changes so that the point curves away from the edge. I don't know exactly how you could implement this, but it could work.

Three.js - Spawn an object every x seconds and move each object forward (along Z)

I am making an endless runner style game using Three.js. The basic set up of the scene and idea for the game is a long moving road with cars coming towards you that you have to dodge out of the way of. I am still at the early stages of creating this game, and so my first problem is that I need the hero character (who is dodging the cars) to seem like he is moving forwards, and at the same time have the cars seem like they are moving (faster) towards the hero character.
My thinking was to create road strip objects (the white lines in the middle of a road), and have them move towards the hero character, who is at (0, 0), at a certain speed.
I have successfully created a road strip object and positioned it at the very back of the road (RoadStrip.mesh.position.z = -5000;). Here is my code for that:
var objectRoadStrip = function() {
this.mesh = new THREE.Object3D(); = "roadStrip";
geomRoadStrip = new THREE.BoxGeometry(20, 11, 300);
matRoadStrip = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: Colors.white});
RoadStrip = new THREE.Mesh(geomRoadStrip, matRoadStrip); = 'roadStripName';
function createRoadStrip() {
new objectRoadStrip();
RoadStrip.position.y = -72.5;
RoadStrip.position.z = -5000;
In the render() function, which is the function that loops over every frame and is called last to make sure the camera and scene update every frame, I am able to successfully move this strip forwards along the z axis by 10 every time render() is called. I also added some code so that when the RoadStrip touches (0,0), it is removed from the scene. See this below:
function render(){
// moves RoadStrip towards (0,0). When it reaches z = -150, remove that strip from the scene
if (RoadStrip.position.z <= -150) {
RoadStrip.position.z += 10;
} else {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
I have also added the following code to the init() function which creates a RoadStrip when the scene is created, and the continues to create a RoadStrip every 10 seconds (roughly every time the RoadStrip reaches (0,0).
setInterval( function() {
}, 10000);
This is similar to the effect I'm going for, but read The Problem section below where I explain what I truly need.
The Problem
I need to spawn a RoadStrip every x amount of seconds (still to be decided once I get it working, but lets say 3 seconds for now) continuously. Each RoadStrip needs to move towards (0,0) with z += 10 independently. When a RoadStrip instance reaches (0,0), it should be removed from the scene, but other RoadStrips should continue to spawn regardless every 3 seconds at the original position (z = -5000).
My Attempts / Solution Ideas
I've done a lot of reading on this, trawling through code from other people's endless runner games and reading through SO answers but nothing seems to have worked. Below are some of the things I have tried, or some things that I feel would work but I am not doing right/don't have a good understanding of:
Idea: Instead of calling the createRoadStrip() function inside a setInterval, push a RoadStrip object to an array every 3 seconds, and then call that array and move the array along the z axis by += 10.
Possible solution help: I tried changing the setInterval to less than 2 seconds instead of 10 seconds. This caused the RoadStrip to move along the Z axis for 2 seconds as expected, but of course, after 2 seconds another RoadStrip was spawned, and so the first RoadStrip stopped moving along the Z axis, and the new one did instead (for 2 seconds as well) and this process repeated infinitely. This is so close to what I need, but I need each RoadStrip to continue moving, and be remove from the scene when it reaches (0,0)
Thanks for taking the time to read my Question, I look forward to your solutions!
Examples of similar style games: First, Second.
Thanks to #prisoner849 and his link to this thread, I managed to find the solution to the problem, and so I am writing an answer here for anyone who comes across this with the same problem in the future!
I read through the thread and found a link to this JSFiddle, that includes a successful animation similar to the one I was trying to achieve, and I would highly suggest studying the code of that JSFiddle to fully understand how to create an endless runner effect.
Here is a detailed explanation of how to do this:
Instead of infinitely creating objects and have them animate forwards until they reach the end point and disappear (like I originally thought was the right solution), you have to create an array of objects and animate that instead.
Here is my code for doing this:
var roadStripArray = []
function objectRoadStrip() {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
geomRoadStrip = new THREE.BoxGeometry(20, 11, 500);
matRoadStrip = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color: Colors.white});
RoadStrip = new THREE.Mesh(geomRoadStrip, matRoadStrip);
RoadStrip.position.set(0, -72.5, -150 - i * 1250);
RoadStrip.receiveShadow = true;
The for loop has the code i < 100 as my road is quite long and therefore needs a lot of strips
This code:
RoadStrip.position.set(0, -72.5, 0 - i * 1250);
sets the position of each strip to be different from each other, and the number 1250 is the distance between each strip
After creating the objects, you must animate them in the render() function. You have to set them to move along the Z axis, and then create an if statement that says "if any strip reaches the end point (where you want it to disappear), reset it's position back to the start (i.e. the start of the road for me). This means you are constantly looping through your array of objects, and therefore don't infinitely create them.
Here is the code that animates the strips:
// loop that runs every frame to render scene and camera
var clock = new THREE.Clock();
var time = 0;
var delta = 0;
var direction = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
var speed = 2000; // units a second - 2 seconds
function render(){
delta = clock.getDelta();
time += delta;
RoadStrip.position.addScaledVector(direction, speed * delta);
if (RoadStrip.position.z >= 10000) {
RoadStrip.position.z = -10000;
} else {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
The code that moves each strip is:
RoadStrip.position.addScaledVector(direction, speed * delta);
You can read more about .addScaledVector here, but essentially this is the code that animates the strip.
The if statement then checks if the strip touches 10000 (i.e. the end of the road), and if it does, sets the position of that strip to -10000. That strip then moves back towards the end point along the Z axis.
We wrap this all in a forEach function to loop through each RoadStrip in the array and animate them all in the same way. We need to animate them individually so that we can detect when one of them reaches the end of the road.
Thanks, hope this helps!
Usually this kind of scenario is best handled with some kind of particle-system like approach: you don't insert/remove objects continuously to the scene but create a set of objects during initialization, let's say the player can only see 10 road stripes at a time, and your game logic is always moving those 10 stripes, updating positions as needed, once one strip goes out of the field of view, it is recycled at the begining and so on. I don't think you will find a canned solution that does exactly what you are looking for, you would need to come up with the update logic that suits best your game.
I have an example of custom particle system there. Once a particle is getting out of scope, it is made available for the system when it needs to emit a new particle. The number of particle in the pool is always constant and can be defined by the user here just for testing purpose. A similar approach can be used to manipulate your infinite stripes. The repo for that code is available at but you can find many other particle system implementations out there, this one is a bit specific to my needs.
Hope that helps.

How to check if an object is hitting another object during animation.

Hello and thanks for your time and help. I am building a mini golf game using HTML 5 Canvas. I have a golf ball that is able to be hit around with a specific power and direction and stoping and slowing down accordingly.
However, i am stuck on finding a optimal way of detecting wether the ball is hitting or over an obstacle on the course. I have each of the obstacle objects stored in an array. So it is easy to access the x,y,height, and width of the object. I was thinking it would be best to have a for loop that goes through each of the objects checking if the ball is hitting any of them during animation. Also the x and y of the golf ball is easily accessible, its values are stored in a dictionary.
Any suggestions of testing to see if any of the obstacles are being hit?
Here is the code on how i am testing for the boundaries and having the ball bounce back correctly
function animateGolfBall(timestamp){
if(powerBar.widthChange != 0){
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasTag.width, canvasTag.height);
if (golfBall.x > canvasTag.width - 5 || golfBall.x < 5 ) {
golfBall.angle = 180 - golfBall.angle;
else if (golfBall.y > canvasTag.height - 5 || golfBall.y < 5) {
golfBall.angle = 360 - golfBall.angle;
powerBar.widthChange -= 1;
golfBall.isMoving = false;
Here is the code where the obstacles are being redrawn, and where i believe the check should be placed to see if the golf ball is hitting them
function drawObstacle(){
for(var i = 0; i < obsticles.length; i++){
// if { need help with logic here
//And what to put here, and how ever many logical statements will be needed
// }
Any help or tips would be much appreciated. If you need more code or i wasn't clear on something please let me know and ill update my question.
This is called collision detection. There are many ways to deal with collisions. Depending on the shape of your objects (are they circles or squares or car-shaped) and what you want to happen when a collision occurs. Does the ball bounce back? Does it stop? Is it of the most importance that the collision is detected at the edge of the object?
You can read about simple collision detection working with either square or circle shaped objects here.

Three.js Scene Violently Shaking

I am currently working on a project that involves working with very large and very small distances using three.js
I am having an issue on the smaller side of the scene, where the 'scene' will start violently shaking.
At first I assumed it was a problem with the Z-Buffer, so I have written a small snippet that changes the near and far properties of the camera every time a new area is entered. This helped with the issues of 'shimmering' I was having before, however the scene still moves dramatically at small distances.
One of the conditions under which this happens is as follows
camera.near = .0133333
camera.far = 12
positionToObjects = 6
this should mean that the z resolution is around : .0001, which I feel like should be good enough, but the shaking that occurs is MUCH more then this.
The Objects themselves range everywhere from -200000 - 200000 in the 'global' position, however the scenes themselves do not change position
The other thing that I was thinking that it could be is the camera controls I have been using which are (abbrviated) as follows
if(mouseIsDown == true){
if(this.movementSpeed < this.maxSpeed){
this.movementSpeed += this.acceleration
this.movementSpeed = this.maxSpeed
if(this.movementSpeed > this.minSpeed){
this.movementSpeed = this.movementSpeed/this.deceleration
this.movementSpeed = this.minSpeed
where this.minSpeed = 0, and this.movementSpeed is used to move the camera like so:
var actualSpeed = delta * this.movementSpeed;
this.object.translateZ( -actualSpeed * forwardOrAuto );
this.object.translateX( actualSpeed * sideSpeed );
this.object.translateY( actualSpeed * upSpeed );
However, even when the camera is not moving (up to 8 decimal places) the scene is still violently shaking
Are there any reasons that I cannot think of that would make a scene do this?
Please let me know if there is any more information that I can/should provide, and thank you in advance for your time.
May I suggest you use values for near and far which are not that small? (Specifically for near)
Near is used as the divider internally, so if you're using a small number (<1) you might lose precision and end with those violent movements, as the range of values you're moving around is way smaller than if you used larger near and far values.
That's why you'll find the default value for near is 0.1:
... although I personally always use 1 for near.
Also, an online example is always good when asking for help in visual matters :-)

Check if two objects are facing eachother

I've searched all over and couldn't find an answer to this seemingly common question, surprisingly. The problem I'm currently facing is checking if the player is facing an enemy, then if so within what range of the players' view (adjustable) and if it's within that range then move away in the nearest safe direction.
Here's a picture :D
So, how would I accomplish this? I have the x, y, and direction, of every ship object. This is my last failed attempt, attempting to consider that the player's direction will be exactly 180 degrees away from the enemy's direction relative to the player.
var direction=Math.direction(this.x,this.y,player.x,player.y,1),
if(Math.abs(playerview)<10) {
console.log('in view')
In this example, 10 would be the range. Of course, I've only managed to make ships rotate to the right, so aside from the detection only working on half a circle I can't make the enemy go to the right side either. Any ideas?
In Your code, You are modifying this.xVelocity twice instead of modifying this.yVelocity.
I guess, Math.direction is not in the JavaScript/ECMA standard. Are You sure, You are using it correctly? Consider Math.atan2.
Moreover, You should provide a definition of "facing each other".
If it's "seeing each other", then Your comment "in view" is misleading.
But the main issue is:
Math.abs(angleInDegrees) modifies the angle!
The correct way to build an absolute value of an angle is:
while (angleInDegrees < 0)
angleInDegrees += 360;
// If necessary, add this too:
while (angleInDegrees >= 360)
angleInDegrees -= 360;
-10 and 350 are identical, -10 and 10 are 20 degrees apart.
For further explanation, let's call the code above normalizeAngle
(Note: For huge values, the loop may run very long or even forever. If such values may occur, this should be checked.)
The following should do the trick:
playerview = normalizeAngle(direction - player.direction - 180)
if (playerview < range || playerview > 360-range) {
By the way: "playerview" should be the mininum from the player's field of view and the enemy's field of view.

