Get sum of sequence using recursion - javascript

I have this sum:
Obviously, I have to get sum of that depending on what N is. I need to do it in three different ways.
First is for loop:
function lab(n) {
var S = 0;
let VS
if (n == 0) {
VS = 0;
return 0;
if (n == 1) {
VS = 4;
return Math.pow(3 / 5, 1);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { //
S += 1 / n * Math.pow(3 / 5, n);
t = 4 * n;
return S;
Second one is recursion:
function lab(n) {
let vs = 0;
if (n <= 1)
return 0;
else {
vs += 4 * n // vs is how many actions it takes to make this calculation. I’m sure in for loop this is right, but I’m not sure about the recursion approach
return lab(n - 1) + 1 / n * Math.pow(3 / 5, n)
The third way is use recursion with the condition that in order to get S(n) I need to use S(n-1).
I am stuck on this.
Also I get different sums with the same Ns from first and second function.

I am not sure what you are asking for.
If you are asking for a recursive function then take a look at the following:
function summation(n, sum = 0) {
if (n <= 0) {
return sum;
sum += (1/n) * Math.pow(3/5, n);
return summation(n - 1, sum);
Another recursive method without passing sum as parameter:
function summation(n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
return ((1/n) * Math.pow(3/5, n)) + summation(n - 1);
Also, for the loop method, the following will suffice
function summation(n) {
var sum = 0;
while (n > 0) {
sum += (1/n) * Math.pow(3/5, n);
n -= 1;
return sum;


making a factorial in javascript with recursion beginner

function nFactorial(n) {
// return the factorial for n
// example:
// the factorial of 3 is 6 (3 * 2 * 1)
if (n < 0){
if (sum === undefined){
sum = 1;
sum *= n;
nFactorial(n - 1);
return sum;
I'm doing my first stab at learning recursion in javascript. I'm trying to solve a problem where I'm making a factorial. I error I get right now is
ReferenceError: sum is not defined
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm feeling a little lost.
For using a product as return value, you could use tail call optimization of the recursion by using another parameter for the product (which replaces the sum in the question).
function nFactorial(n, product) {
product = product || 1; // default value
if (n < 0) { // exit condition without value
if (n === 0) { // exit condition with result
return product;
return nFactorial(n - 1, n * product); // call recursion at the end of function
This approach minimizes the stack length, because the last call does not extend the stack, as opposite of the standard approach of the following recursion without a product parameter.
function nFactorial(n) {
if (n < 0) {
if (n === 0) {
return 1;
return n * nFactorial(n - 1);
the way you write your code will result always in 0 , here is the correct way for a factorial with recursion, also you need to check if n is a number or the code will trow an error
const factorial =(n)=> {
console.log("enter a number")
return 0
if(n === 0) {
return 1
} else {
return n * factorial(n - 1);
A simple implementation:
function factorial(n) {
if (n === 1 || n === 0) {
return n;
return n * factorial(n-1);

How to find nth Fibonacci number using Javascript with O(n) complexity

Trying really hard to figure out how to solve this problem. The problem being finding nth number of Fibonacci with O(n) complexity using javascript.
I found a lot of great articles how to solve this using C++ or Python, but every time I try to implement the same logic I end up in a Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Example code in Python
MAX = 1000
# Create an array for memoization
f = [0] * MAX
# Returns n'th fuibonacci number using table f[]
def fib(n) :
# Base cases
if (n == 0) :
return 0
if (n == 1 or n == 2) :
f[n] = 1
return (f[n])
# If fib(n) is already computed
if (f[n]) :
return f[n]
if( n & 1) :
k = (n + 1) // 2
else :
k = n // 2
# Applyting above formula [Note value n&1 is 1
# if n is odd, else 0.
if((n & 1) ) :
f[n] = (fib(k) * fib(k) + fib(k-1) * fib(k-1))
else :
f[n] = (2*fib(k-1) + fib(k))*fib(k)
return f[n]
// # Driver code
// n = 9
// print(fib(n))
Then trying to port this to Javascript
const MAX = 1000;
let f = Array(MAX).fill(0);
let k;
const fib = (n) => {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
f[n] = 1;
return f[n]
if (f[n]) {
return f[n]
if (n & 1) {
k = Math.floor(((n + 1) / 2))
} else {
k = Math.floor(n / 2)
if ((n & 1)) {
f[n] = (fib(k) * fib(k) + fib(k-1) * fib(k-1))
} else {
f[n] = (2*fib(k-1) + fib(k))*fib(k)
return f[n]
That obviously doesn't work. In Javascript this ends up in an infinite loops. So how would you solve this using Javascript?
Thanks in advance
you can iterate from bottom to top (like tail recursion):
var fib_tail = function(n){
if(n == 0)
return 0;
if(n == 1 || n == 2)
return 1;
var prev_1 = 1, prev_2 = 1, current;
// O(n)
for(var i = 3; i <= n; i++)
current = prev_1 + prev_2;
prev_1 = prev_2;
prev_2 = current;
return current;
The problem is related to scope of the k variable. It must be inside of the function:
const fib = (n) => {
let k;
You can find far more good implementations here list
fibonacci number in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity:
function fib(n) {
let prev = 0, next =1;
if(n < 0)
throw 'not a valid value';
if(n === prev || n === next)
return n;
while(n >= 2) {
[prev, next] = [next, prev+next];
return next;
Just use two variables and a loop that counts down the number provided.
function fib(n){
let [a, b] = [0, 1];
while (--n > 0) {
[a, b] = [b, a+b];
return b;
Here's a simpler way to go about it, using either iterative or recursive methods:
function FibSmartRecursive(n, a = 0, b = 1) {
return n > 1 ? FibSmartRecursive(n-1, b, a+b) : a;
function FibIterative(n) {
if (n < 2)
return n;
var a = 0, b = 1, c = 1;
while (--n > 1) {
a = b;
b = c;
c = a + b;
return c;
function FibMemoization(n, seenIt = {}) {//could use [] as well here
if (n < 2)
return n;
if (seenIt[n])
return seenIt[n];
return seenIt[n] = FibMemoization(n-1, seenIt) + FibMemoization(n-2, seenIt);
console.log(FibMemoization(25)); //75025
console.log(FibIterative(25)); //75025
console.log(FibSmartRecursive(25)); //75025
You can solve this problem without recursion using loops, runtime O(n):
function nthFibo(n) {
// Return the n-th number in the Fibonacci Sequence
const fibSeq = [0, 1]
if (n < 3) return seq[n - 1]
let i = 1
while (i < n - 1) {
seq.push(seq[i - 1] + seq[i])
i += 1
return seq.slice(-1)[0]
// Using Recursion
const fib = (n) => {
if (n <= 2) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
console.log(fib(4)) // 3
console.log(fib(10)) // 55
console.log(fib(28)) // 317811
console.log(fib(35)) // 9227465

Prime Check JavaScript

What have I done wrong with this code? It can't print anything on the console.
Here it is the description of the problem:
Implement a javascript function that accepts an array containing an integer N and uses an expression to check if given N is prime (i.e. it is divisible without remainder only to itself and 1).
var n = ['2'];
function isPrime(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return false;
var isPrime = true;
for(var i = 2; i < Math.sqrt(n); i += 1) {
if (n % i === 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
return isPrime(n);
There are couple errors in your code.
First, you need to check for every integer between 2 and Math.sqrt(n) inclusively. Your current code returns true for 4.
I don't think this is in a function, so you need to omit return from return isPrime(n) and replace it with a function wich prints out the return value of the funnction, like alert or console.log.
n is not a number, it's an array. You need to either make n a number, or call the function with isPrime(n[0]).
The correct code is
var n = 2;
function isPrime(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return false;
var isPrime = true;
for(var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 1) {
if (n % i === 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
Note: You can change n += 1 to n++, and it works the same way.
n is an array, you want to access first element in the array and convert it to number first.
try replacing
return isPrime(n);
return isPrime(parseInt(n[0],10));
Your for-loop condition also needs a little modification
for(var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 1) { //observe that i is not <= Math.sqrt(n)
A couple of little errors:
var n = 2;//<--no need to put n in an array
function isPrime(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return false;
var isPrime = true;
for(var i = 2; i < Math.sqrt(n); i += 1) {
if (n % i === 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
isPrime(n);//<--no need for "return"
As to no output being printed, it is because you need to use console.log.
Replace return isPrime(n); with console.log(isPrime(n));.
Full working code:
var n = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']; // you can use as many values as you want
function isPrime(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return false;
var isPrime = true;
for (var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 1) { // Thanks to gurvinder372's comment
if (n % i === 0) {
isPrime = false;
return isPrime;
n.forEach(function(value) { // this is so you can iterate your array with js
console.log('is ' + value + ' prime or not? ' + isPrime(value)); // this so you can print a message in the console
// Another approach of parsing the data, uncomment this piece of code and comment the one above to see it in action (both will give the same result)
for (index = 0; index < n.length; ++index) {
console.log('is ' + n[index] + ' prime or not? ' + isPrime(n[index])); // this so you can print a message in the console

Factorialize a Number

I'm taking the freecodecamp course one of the exercises it's to create a Factorialize function, I know there is several ways to do it just not sure what this one keeps returning 5
function factorialize(num) {
var myMax = num;
var myCounter = 1;
var myTotal = 0;
for (i = 0; i>= myMax; i++) {
num = myCounter * (myCounter + 1);
return num;
This is a recursive solution of your problem:
function factorialize(num) {
if(num <= 1) {
return num
} else {
return num * factorialize(num-1)
This is the iterative solution:
function factorialize(num) {
var cnt = 1;
for (var i = 1; i <= num ; i++) {
cnt *= i;
return cnt;
with argument 5, it will return the 5! or 120.
To answer your question, why your function is returning 5:
Your function never reaches the inner part of the for-loop because your testing if i is greater than myMax instead of less than.
So you are just returning your input parameter which is five.
But the loop does not calculate the factorial of num, it only multiplies (num+1) with (num+2);
My solution in compliance with convention for empty product
function factorializer(int) {
if (int <= 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return int * factorializer(int - 1);
Here is another way to solve this challenge and I know it is neither the shortest nor the easiest but it is still a valid way.
function factorialiaze(num){
var myArr = []; //declaring an array.
if(num === 0 || num === 1){
return 1;
if (num < 0){ //for negative numbers.
return "N/A";
for (var i = 1; i <= num; i++){ // creating an array.
// Reducing myArr to a single value via .reduce:
num = myArr.reduce(function(a,b){
return a * b;
return num;
Maybe you consider another approach.
This solution features a very short - cut to show what is possible to get with an recursive style and a implicit type conversion:
function f(n) { return +!~-n || n * f(n - 1); }
+ convert to number
! not
~ not bitwise
- negative
function f(n) { return +!~-n || n * f(n - 1); }
var i;
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
Try this function
const factorialize = (num) => num === 0 ? 1 : num * factorialize(num-1)
Use it like this:
factorialize(5) // returns 120
Try this :
function factorialize(num) {
var value = 1;
if(num === 1 || num ===0) {
return value;
} else {
for(var i = 1; i<num; i++) {
value *= i;
return num * value;
// My solution
const factorialize = num => {
let newNum = 1;
for (let i = 1; i <= num; i++) {
newNum *= i
return newNum;
I love syntactic sugar, so
let factorialize = num => num <= 1 ? num : num * factorialize(num -1)

Most efficient way to calculate Fibonacci sequence in Javascript

I'm attempting to get better with optimizing algorithms and understanding big-o, etc.
I threw together the below function to calculate the n-th Fibonacci number. This works (for a reasonably high input). My question is, how can I improve this function? What are the drawbacks of calculating the Fibonacci sequence this way?
function fibo(n) {
var i;
var resultsArray = [];
for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
} else if (i === 1) {
} else {
resultsArray.push(resultsArray[i - 2] + resultsArray[i - 1]);
return resultsArray[n];
I believe my big-o for time is O(n), but my big-o for space is O(n^2) due to the array I created. Is this correct?
If you don't have an Array then you save on memory and .push calls
function fib(n) {
var a = 0, b = 1, c;
if (n < 3) {
if (n < 0) return fib(-n);
if (n === 0) return 0;
return 1;
while (--n)
c = a + b, a = b, b = c;
return c;
Performance Fibonacci:
var memo = {};
var countInteration = 0;
var fib = function (n) {
if (memo.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
return memo[n];
console.log("Interation = " + n);
if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
memo[n] = result;
return result;
//output `countInteration` = parameter `n`

