My script needs page refresh for it to run - javascript

Every time I load my page for the first time my script does not load, I need to refresh the page at least 3 times for it to run. How can I make my script run without a page refresh? This particular script is in BABEL.
'use strict';
var deg = 0;
var index = 0;
$('#' + index).css('opacity', '1');
$('.navbar').contextmenu(function () {
return false;
$('.navbar').on('mousewheel', function (e) {
var move = -60;
var nextIndex = nextIndex = (index + 1) % 6;
if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 <= 0) {
// wheel up
move = 60;
nextIndex = index -1 < 0 ? 5 : index - 1;
$('.scroll-list').css('transform', 'rotateX(' + (deg + move) + 'deg)');
$('#' + index).css('opacity', '0.01');
$('#' + nextIndex).css('opacity', '1');
index = nextIndex;
deg = deg + move;

And what if you wrapped your code inside a window.onload function?
window.onload = function() {
// your code
Your code will only run when the html document is "ready" and fully loaded.

You are running Javascript that depends on page elements and the javascript is executed before the elements are on the page;
Wrapp all your code inside document.ready function

$(document).ready(function () {
var deg = 0;
var index = 0;
$('#' + index).css('opacity', '1');
$('.navbar').contextmenu(function () {
return false;
$('.navbar').on('mousewheel', function (e) {
var move = -60;
var nextIndex = nextIndex = (index + 1) % 6;
if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 120 <= 0) {
// wheel up
move = 60;
nextIndex = index - 1 < 0 ? 5 : index - 1;
$('.scroll-list').css('transform', 'rotateX(' + (deg + move) + 'deg)');
$('#' + index).css('opacity', '0.01');
$('#' + nextIndex).css('opacity', '1');
index = nextIndex;
deg = deg + move;
Wrap your code in ready function, so that your JavaScript executes after DOM is loaded.


Slider's width isn't updating without refreshing the page

When the page resizes "sliderContainerWidth" sticks with the same width, but if i refresh the page on any width its works fine.. I've tried using resize event as u guys can see i couldn't fixed it. It's not updating without refreshing the page..
let counter = 0;
const back = document.querySelector("#back");
const next = document.querySelector("#next");
const sliderContainer = document.querySelector("#slider-container");
var sliderContainerWidth =
const slider = document.querySelector("#slider");
const max = document.querySelectorAll(".slide").length - 1;
window.addEventListener("resize", sliderFunc);
next.addEventListener("click", sliderFunc);
function sliderFunc() {
if (counter < max) {
counter++; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
} else {
counter = 0; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
window.addEventListener("resize", backEvent);
back.addEventListener("click", backEvent);
function backEvent() {
if (counter >= 1) {
counter--; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
} else {
counter = max; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
let timer = setInterval(sliderFunc, 12000);
sliderContainer.addEventListener("mouseover", () => {
sliderContainer.addEventListener("mouseout", () => {
timer = setInterval(sliderFunc, 12000);
If I'm understanding your issue correctly, you need to update the value inside of your event functions. It will not update if it's not getting set. The reason it only gets set when you refresh is because all the top-level javascript gets read when the page first loads.
function sliderFunc() {
if (counter < max) {
counter++; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
} else {
counter = 0; = "-" + sliderContainerWidth * counter + "px";
sliderContainerWidth = document.querySelector("#slider-container").clientWidth;

Increase and decrease SVG shape - JS

I would like you to help me for a thing here, for a function to increase and then decrease SVG shape when it hits limit.
It should go from 3 to 6 and then 6 to 3 and so on... but instead it goes from 3 to 6 and then 6 to minus infinite. And I don't understand why.
Here is my code :
var size = 3;
var sizeManager = 1;
function increaseAnimation(el){
var elem = document.getElementById(el); = "scale("+size+")";
timer = setTimeout('increaseAnimation(\''+el+'\',3000)');
if(size >= 6){
if (size <= 3){
Your weird setTimeout implementation, with bound was broken.
There's also the issue that your sizeManager is not properly reflecting:
function increaseAnimation(id, interval) {
var size = 1;
var velocity = 0.05;
var elem = document.getElementById(id);
function iterate() { = "scale(" + size + ")";
size += velocity;
if (size > 2 || size < 1) {
velocity *= -1; // velocity reflected
var timer = setInterval(iterate, interval);
return function stop() {
I also added a stop function which you can call at a later point.
var stopper = increaseAnimation("content", 16);
setTimeout(stopper, 5000);
The error is with the line sizeManager=sizeManager*+1; Multiplying a number by one doesn't change it. You basically want to toggle sizeManager between -1 and +1, and you can do so by multiplying by -1, regardless of whether it is currently negative or positive.
I've tested this code and it seems to work:
var size = 3;
var sizeManager = 1;
function increaseAnimation(el) {
var elem = document.getElementById(el); = "scale(" + size + ")";
timer = setTimeout("increaseAnimation('" + el + "', 3000)");
size += 0.005 * sizeManager;
if (size >= 6 || size <= 3) {
sizeManager *= -1;
Full HTML for a POC demo at:
Holler, if you have questions.
function Scaler(elementId, minScale, maxScale, deltaScale, direction, deltaMsecs) {
var scale = (1 == direction)?minScale:maxScale;
var timer = null;
function incrementScale() {
var s = scale + deltaScale*direction;
if (s < minScale || s > maxScale) direction *= -1;
return scale += deltaScale*direction;
function doScale(s) {
document.getElementById(elementId).style.transform = 'scale(' + s + ')';
this.getDeltaMsecs = function() {return deltaMsecs;};
this.setTimer = function(t) {timer = t;}; = function() {doScale(incrementScale());};
this.stop = function() {
var scaler = new Scaler('avatar', 3, 6, .05, 1, 50);
function toggleScaler(ref) {
if ('run scaler' == ref.value) {
ref.value = 'stop scaler';
scaler.setTimer(setInterval('', scaler.getDeltaMsecs()));
else {
ref.value = 'run scaler';

program flow animating in javascript

Hello I am having errors with my code:
//Initial Global variables
var mainloop_frame_time = 34;
var top = 0;
var rootMenu = document.getElementById('menu');
var rootMenuDivs = rootMenu.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var rootListDivs = rootMenuDivs.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
var childDivs = rootListDivs.getElementsByTagName('div');
var childDiv = childDivs[0];
var childDiv_counter = 0;
var child_change_flag = true;
var child_index_increment = 0;
var child_index_amount = childDivs.length;
//var child_animation_keyframe = 0;
var frame = 0;
var childDiv_tmp1_position = 0;
//finding the web browsers viewport size.
var elem = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat") ? document.documentElement : document.body;
var client_height = elem.clientHeight;
var process_array = new Array();
//Initial styling
for (var i = 0; i < childDivs.length; i++) {
var childDiv = childDivs[0]; = "antiquewhite";
var childDiv = childDivs[0];
//rotate function variables
var rotate_div;
var rotate_passed_deg;
var rotate_deg_stop;
var rotate_results;
var rotate_current_deg = 0;
var speed_modifier = 1;
var tmp1_speed = 0;
//case flags
case2_flag = -1;
case3_flag = -1;
//This may not be needed >>> If not, put all code in mainloop.
var processes_logic = function() {
switch (frame) {
case 0:
//this case is when the previous case is 80% done
case 28: = "top left";
case 35:
//Added the ability for paramaters, all push paramaters here are: function, menu_index, position, speed, tmp as flag for switching to next menu,
//process_index used to give the process index as refrence to delete..
process_array.push(new Array(menu_div_slide_out, child_index_amount - 1, 0, 0, 0, process_array.length-1));
var initiate_all_processes = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < process_array.length; i++) {
//Added the ability for paramaters, considerer removing as its not used atm, or revising.
if (process_array[i] != undefined && process_array[i] != null && process_array[i] != "") {
if (process_array[i].length < 6) {
} else {
function menu_div_slide_out(process_index) {
0 = function,
1 = current menu item (index length working backwards)
2 = position,
3 = speed,
4 = tmp,
5 = refrence to this process in array] */
//for debuging purposes to see if a ChildDiv is not devined, what process index is being pointed to.
//window.alert('Process index ' + process_index);
//!!!!!!!! You are probably mixing up how you are setting process index! try +1
process_array[process_index][2] += 3.5 + (process_array[process_index][3] * 1.7);
process_array[process_index][3] += (speed_modifier * .3);
childDivs[process_array[process_index][1]].style.left = process_array[process_index][2] + 'px';
if (process_array[process_index][2] > 100 && process_array[process_index][4] && process_array[process_index][1] > 0) {
// window.alert('CCC');
process_array[process_index][4] = true;
//Add another process at ever 100pxs
process_array.push(new Array(menu_div_slide_out, process_array[process_index][1] - 1, 0, 0, false, process_array.length-1));
} else
if (process_array[process_index][2] >= (900 - (process_array[process_index][2] / 20))) {
//process_array.splice(process_array[process_index][5], 1);
function menu_slant() {
rotate_return = rotate(rootMenu, .1 + (tmp1_speed), 27);
tmp1_speed += (speed_modifier * .5);
if (rotate_return === true) {
/////////////This can be unremoved because there is more animation, perhaps. or can be done in another key frame.
tmp1_speed = 0;
rotate_current_deg = 0;
} else {
if (rotate_return / 27 * 100 >= 60 && case3_flag < 0) {
case2_flag = frame;
var menu_child0 = function() {
childDiv_tmp1_position += 3 + (tmp1_speed * 1.7); = childDiv_tmp1_position + 'px';
rotate(childDiv, .2 + (tmp1_speed), 170);
tmp1_speed += (speed_modifier * .7);
if (childDiv_tmp1_position / client_height * 100 >= 80 && case2_flag < 0) {
case2_flag = frame;
if (childDiv_tmp1_position >= client_height) { = 'hidden';
tmp1_speed = 0;
childDiv_tmp1_position = 0;
rotate_current_deg = 0;
//may be bloated >>
function remove_process(index) {
var index_tmp = process_array.indexOf(index);
if (index_tmp >= 0) {
process_array.splice(index_tmp, 1);
function rotate(rotate_div, rotate_passed_deg, rotate_passed_deg_stop) {
rotate_current_deg += rotate_passed_deg;
rotate_deg = rotate_current_deg < rotate_passed_deg_stop ? rotate_current_deg : rotate_passed_deg_stop; = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)'; = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)'; = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)'; = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)'; = 'rotate(' + rotate_deg + 'deg)';
if (rotate_current_deg >= rotate_passed_deg_stop) {
return true;
} else {
return rotate_current_deg;
//main loop for the animation
var mainloop = function() {
var loop_interval = setInterval(mainloop, mainloop_frame_time);
I am trying to animate my website falling apart but I am having a hard time articulation this into code. I thought of running the animation in a loop, creating events at specific frames and reusing some codes as functions. I have a rotate function which works to rotate several things.
The problem I am having is sliding my menu items one at a time to the right. I want one to slide a bit and the next to start sliding after. I wrote a function to slide an item and then in that function it adds another process to an array for the next menu item to be called and run the same function (with passed interval of who is calling). I do not know how many menu items there will be, thats why I am trying to make it dynamic.
I can get it so that the first mwnu item falls, the menu falls by rotating it (some times if there is an error in the code then it wont rotate, but when there are no errors it works better).
The issue is sliding each menu item.
my website is here:
Can any one help me with why this isnt working, and if there is a better way to do what I am trying to do?

how to use setInterval to continue animation while mouse is over div

I am trying to modify a slideshow to continuously animate while the mouse is over the back or next arrow. If the mouse leaves, I would like the animation to stop where it is.
I found this post and this post which are helpful in telling me I need to use setInterval, but because I am a beginner I am not sure how to implement it with the code I have. I tried updating the miliseconds set in the counter variable but that didn't change anything.
Here is the hover code so far. It advances the image on hover but not continuously.
var thumbs = $('ul.thumbHolder li');
var bigImgs = $('ul.imgHolder li');
var mask = $('.imgHolder');
var imgW = $('ul.imgHolder li').width();
var speed = 800;
thumbs.removeClass('selected').first().addClass('selected'); () {
var target = $(this).index();
'left': '-' + imgW * target + 'px'
}, speed);
$('.Bleft').on('mouseover', function () {
var i = $('ul.thumbHolder li.selected').index();
$('ul.thumbHolder li.selected').removeClass('selected');
if (i === -1) {
'left': '-' + imgW * $('ul.thumbHolder li').index() + 'px'
}, speed);
} else {
'left': '-' + imgW * i + 'px'
}, speed);
$('.Bright').on('mouseover', function () {
var i = $('ul.thumbHolder li.selected').index();
i = i >= thumbs.length - 1 ? 0 : i + 1;
$('ul.thumbHolder li.selected').removeClass('selected');
'left': '-' + imgW * i + 'px'
}, speed);
var count = 0;
var counter = window.setInterval(timer, 5000);
function timer() {
count = count + 0;
if (count >= 0) {
count = 0;
'left': '-' + imgW * count + 'px'
}, speed);
This is an example of what I am trying to achieve (I know it is flash but I think it can be done with jQuery too).
This is a fiddle that has all my work so far.
Thank you for any help.
I think I am close to the solution. This is my idea.
Every ul.imgHolder li is divided in many blocks of 20px ( you can change the size of course ), so if a div has a size of 980px you will have 49 blocks for image.
When mouseover event is fired I will slide for a block every speed milliseconds until the mouseout is fired.
I've implemented only the slide right button, I've deleted partially some logic, sorry!
var $ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
var thumbs = $('ul.thumbHolder li');
var bigImgs = $('ul.imgHolder li');
var mask = $('.imgHolder');
var imgW = $('ul.imgHolder li').width(); //Assuming imgW % 20 = 0
var blockSize = 20; //20px
var blocksPerThumb = imgW/blockSize;
var numBlocks = (blocksPerThumb)*thumbs.length;
var speed = 400;
var blockPos = 0;
var currentAnim = null;
thumbs.removeClass('selected').first().addClass('selected'); () {
var target = $(this).index();
'left': '-' + imgW * target + 'px'
}, speed,'linear');
$('.Bleft').on('mouseover', function () {
$('.Bright').on('mouseover', function(){
currentAnim = setInterval(goRight,speed);
var goRight = function () {
blockPos = (blockPos+1)%numBlocks;
'left': '-' + blockSize * blockPos + 'px'
}, speed,'linear');
Good Work!

Putting simple functions that contain jquery in a jquery execution queue

I have a number of functions containing jquery that should be executed sequentially. They aren't used to create effects but rather to position certain elements at a calculated location inside a div. All online resources on jquery queue are focused on the creation of transitions or animations so it's hard to find a simple example on how to execute a number of simple functions sequentially.
I have these functions:
function bigItemRecalc(recalc, idBase, innerHeight, i) {
if (recalc < 0) {
$('#' + idBase + i).css('max-height', (innerHeight + (2 * recalc)));
recalc = 0;
return recalc;
function firstCheck(recalc, idBase, i) {
if (i == 1) {
$('#' + idBase + i).css('margin-top', recalc * -1);
function lastCheck(recalc, idBase, itemAmount, i) {
if (i == itemAmount) {
$('#' + idBase + i).css('margin-top', recalc);
function truncateItems(totalHeight, widgetHeight, idBase, i) {
if (totalHeight > (widgetHeight - 20)) {
$('#' + idBase + i).remove();
$('#' + idBase + "b" + i).remove();
In another function I want to execute these sequentially by using a jquery queue preferably , but I haven't got a clue how.
The code is called here:
function styleWidget(itemAmount, widgetHeight, widgetWidth, idBase) {
var innerHeight;
var outerHeight;
var recalc;
var totalHeight = 0;
var totalWidth = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= itemAmount; i++)
if (widgetHeight >= widgetWidth)
totalHeight += $('#'+idBase+i).height();
innerHeight = $('#' + idBase + i).height();
outerHeight = (widgetHeight/itemAmount);
recalc = ((outerHeight / 2) - (innerHeight / 2));
recalc = bigItemRecalc(recalc, idBase, innerHeight, i);
$('#' + idBase + i).css('padding-top', recalc);
firstCheck(recalc, idBase, i);
lastCheck(recalc, idBase, itemAmount, i);
truncateItems(totalHeight, widgetHeight, idBase, i);
innerHeight = $('#'+idBase+i).height();
outerHeight = widgetHeight;
recalc = ((outerHeight/2)-(innerHeight/2));
totalWidth += $('#'+idBase+i).width();
if (totalWidth > (widgetWidth-20))
$('#' + idBase + i).remove();
$('#' + idBase + "b" + i).remove();
The bottom part hasn't been updated just yet, but it can be ignored as it's being tested with portrait mode widgets.
I think I've found a clue. When no delay is introduced the values of totalHeight and innerHeight seem very low. So I assume that the page isn't fully loaded by the time the script is executed. Every time a new widget is generated the above script is called like this:
$(document).ready(styleWidget(3, 225, 169, 'id-871206010'));
This fixed it:Why does Firefox 5 ignore document.ready?
It seems like reloading the page did not trigger the .ready() function.

