server can't run events on socket that reconected ( - javascript

I'm a starter developer. I use for my app, which is based on a chat app.
I have a problem when the client disconnects accidentally (E.g. wi-fi on the PC disconnects). When wi-fi is connected again, the client enters the 'reconnect' event. After that, the connection is correctly reseted in the upper way (client to server) but won't work in the down way (server to client). After the re-connect my client will emit events that run on the server... but the server can't emit events that work on the client (the one that reconnected).
client side:
I have this button created when the user logs in that when clicked sends the 'ready' event to the server.
socket.on('login', function (data) {
connected = true;
var btn;
btn = document.createElement("BUTTON");
btn.innerHTML= "Ready";
btn.className = "readybtn"; = "readyBtn";
btn.onclick = function ready(){
id: $matchId
server side (extract of one of the multiple events i've designed).
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('ready', function(data){
var matchIdx;
for (var i = 0; i < srv.matches.length; i++) {
if(srv.matches[i].matchId == matchIdx = i;//indexOf
}[matchIdx].matchId).emit('new message',{
message: "I'm ready"
Therefore, as you can see the when some client clicks on the Ready button, a I'm ready message with the client's username appears to everybody in the room.
My problem comes here, after the reconnect event (from if I test this, the message will be displayed on all the clients except for those that reconnected. Even if I switch off the wi-fi on a client and then click on the ready button, I will see the I'm Ready message in all the clients but the one that reconnected. This means, that after the reconnect, the client is able to trigger the 'ready' event of the server, but the server cannot establish the connection to the client, since the 'new message' event is not triggered in the reconnected client.
I've tried to emit directly to the client that reconnected, to check if it is related to the rooms, but it does not work either.
Can somebody tell me how to solve this? Refreshing is not an option..
Thanks in advance.
I attach the reconnect event:
socket.on('reconnect', function () {
log("you were reconnected");
PS: Sorry for poor English and explanation, it is my first question.


NodeJS Websocket client stay in pending mode

i have a simple js script that "try" to connect to listening server (SocketTest) as shown in the image below. It's really simple, just one line :
var exampleSocket = new WebSocket('ws://');
So, yes, it is connected but it stay in pending mode finishing by "failed: WebSocket opening handshake timed out"
Maybe i'm wrong somewhere but i don't see it... and it's really simple.
If someone got an idea....
Thanks in advance.
Without implementing open event do not expect any answer from the server :)
Try this:
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://');
ws.on('open', function open() {
Edit: The nodejs tag fooled me I thought it is server side.
The same true on client side, you need to handle onopen event:
// Connection opened
exampleSocket.addEventListener('open', function (event) {
socket.send('Hello Server!');
// Listen for messages
exampleSocket.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
console.log('Message from server ',;

Why does my app disconnect immediately when run on Raspberry pi?

I am attempting to build a node.js application on a Raspberry Pi which can communicate with a remote server.
The server quite simply writes to the console when a new connection is established and when an existing connection is closed.
The client works as expected when run in a browser.
However, when I run the client code from a Raspberry Pi it connects and immediately terminates. This does not allow me to perform any function such as emitting or receiving.
The on connect event is never fired.
var io = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/');
var serverUrl = '';
console.log('Connecting to ' + serverUrl);
var socket = io.connect(serverUrl);
socket.on('connect', function(socket) {
console.log('Connection established!');
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('Disconnected from server');
The code above will output:
Connecting to:
On the server side, the output will show a new connection and eventually a timeout close.
Why is the client on connect event not firing? How can I persist this connection so that I can eventually send inputs to the server?
Remove the line:
from your code. You are closing the socket immediately. Remember that all the event handlers are asynchronous. They are non-blocking and will be called some time in the future. Meanwhile, the rest of your code runs to completion and thus your socket.close() is executed before your client has any chance to get any events (other than the disconnect event).
If you want to do some stuff and then close the socket, then you need to close the socket only from some event handler that indicates that your operation is complete and you are now done with the socket.
You only need to call socket.close() when you want to close the connection from the raspberry pi. Also, the documentation does not use the .connect method, but instead calls require('')(serverUrl)
var io = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/');
var serverUrl = '';
console.log('Connecting to ' + serverUrl);
var socket = io(serverUrl);
socket.on('connect', function(socket) {
console.log('Connection established!');
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log('Disconnected from server');
//Removed the socket.close() line

Why does my code emit the message to everyone connected, when I specifically wrote

I am trying to set up a webrtc app. For now, it connects two people when they click connect. But if I have multiple connections open, and then when one of the people from the very first connection clicks disconnect, it literally disconnects EVERYONE who has a connection. I tried this with 3 connections, and disconnected the 2nd connection, and that only makes the 3rd connection disconnect, while the first is still connected.
So basically, it's a downward spiral. If a connection disconnects, then all connections created AFTER that one connection also get to disconnect. But all connections before that connection are still active.
I think it has something to do with the code, because in the console.log I am receiving the message from as someone in a totally different connection disconnects. Server code:
socket.on("sessiondesc", function(sessiondesc)
if (sessiondesc == true || sessiondesc.type === 'answer')
//the random room is generated before the socket.on sessiondesc thing.
}"sessiondesc", sessiondesc);
socket.on("quit", function(quit)
This is client code:
socket.on("sessiondesc", function(sessiondesc)
//stuff I do here with webrtc... like create offer, answer, and such.
else if (sessiondesc == false)
pc = null;
quit = true;
socket.emit("quit", quit);
document.getElementById("disconnect").addEventListener("click", function(e)
console.log("The person clicked disconnect!");
quit = true;
sessiondesc = false;
socket.emit("sessiondesc", sessiondesc);
socket.emit("quit", quit);
pc = null;
So basically on all the other connections that disconnect, I can see the console.log("GOT THE SESSION DESC") thing... And I'm thinking like, why are these other rooms getting this sessiondesc? They shouldn't be, I'm only emitting it to a specific room! Client Fire Event if Can't connect to server

I'm running a simple node.js server on Amazon EC2 that is running for me. I'm working on a chrome extension that sends data between two clients. However, if I take the server offline, the clients don't attempt to reconnect automatically. I would like to implement this feature. When I do socket = io.connect("") if it can't find the server at the specified IP address and port, how do I get it to fire an event that makes it go into a recursive loop until it can? Does something like this exist?
function connect() {
socket = io.connect("http://123.456.789.1011:1337");
socket.on('server_not_found', function() {
From the wiki it looks like there is a connect_failed event that you can listen to ( That event did not fire for me (see but the error event will fire if the connection fails and you can check the connection status on the socket. You could try either and see what works better.
An example might look like:
function connect() {
var socket = io.connect("http://123.456.789.1011:1337"),
socket.on('error', function() {
// wait 5 seconds then try again
if (!socket.socket.connected) {
timer = window.setInterval(function() { connect() }, 5000);
socket.on('connect', function() {
// we've connected so clear the timer

Node.js: close client connection

How can I close the socket connection on the client side?
I am using: 0.9
node.js 0.10.15
express 3.3.4
call localhost/test
-- server side
var test = io
.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log('open socket: ' + socket);
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('disconnected event');
//socket.manager.onClientDisconnect(; --> endless loop with this disconnect event on server side
//socket.disconnect(); --> same here
-- client side
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/test');
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
console.log('disconnect client event....');
socket.emit('getInitData', function (data) {
.. do something with data
If I load the test-page I need some values from the server (getInitData).
On the first page visit I get the data once, on a reload or second visit I get it twice and so on.
The connection on the server side is beeing closed automatically on page reload and if you leave the page.
But on the client side the connection is still open.
How can I close the connection on the client side or check if there is already a open connection?
I tried now the following: (client side)
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
This triggers on the client side the disconnect event, but I still get the twice or tripple response.
Did you try:
on client?
For version 1.4.5:
On server:
socket.on('end', function (){
On client:
var socket = io();
There is no such thing as connection on server side and/or browser side. There is only one connection. If one of the sides closes it, then it is closed (and you cannot push data to a connection that is closed obviously).
Now a browser closes the connection when you leave the page (it does not depend on the library/language/OS you are using on the sever-side). This is at least true for WebSockets (it might not be true for long polling because of keep-alive but hopefuly handles this correctly).
If a problem like this happens, then I'm pretty sure that there's a bug in your own code (on the server side). Possibly you are stacking some event handlers where you should not.
Only reboots the connection firing disconnect event on client side. But gets connected again.
Disconnect the connection from client. The client will keep trying to connect.
socket.disconnect() is a synonym to socket.close() which disconnect the socket manually.
When you type in client side :
const socket = io('http://localhost');
this will open a connection with autoConnect: true , so the lib will try to reconnect again when you disconnect the socket from server, to disable the autoConnection:
const socket = io('http://localhost', {autoConnect: false});;// synonym to socket.connect()
And if you want you can manually reconnect:
socket.on('disconnect', () => {;
I'm trying to close users connection in version 1.0 and found this method:
The difference between this method and disconnect() is that the client will keep trying to reconnect to the server.
try this to close the connection:
and if you want to open it again:
Just try socket.disconnect(true) on the server side by emitting any event from the client side.

