Manually blending ImageData - javascript

I have a following task that I'm trying to accomplish the most efficient way possible: I have varying number of pictures of varying size as pixel arrays that I need to add to canvas pixel by pixel. Each pixel's value has to be added to canvas's ImageData so that the result is a blend of two or more images.
My current solution is to retrieve ImageData from the location where the picture needs to be blended with the size of the picture. Then I add the picture's ImageData to the retrieved ImageData and copy it back to the same location.
In a sense this is a manual implementation of canvas globalCompositeOperation "lighter".
"use strict";
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let width = canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
let height = canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
let imageData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,width,height);
let data =;
function random(min, max) {
let num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
return num;
function createColorArray(size, color) {
let arrayLength = (size*size)*4;
let array = new Uint8ClampedArray(arrayLength);
for (let i = 0; i < arrayLength; i+=4) {
switch (color) {
case 1:
array[i+0] = 255; // r
array[i+1] = 0; // g
array[i+2] = 0; // b
array[i+3] = 255; // a
case 2:
array[i+0] = 0; // r
array[i+1] = 255; // g
array[i+2] = 0; // b
array[i+3] = 255; // a
case 3:
array[i+0] = 0; // r
array[i+1] = 0; // g
array[i+2] = 255; // b
array[i+3] = 255; // a
return array;
function picture() {
this.size = random(10, 500);
this.x = random(0, width);
this.y = random(0, height);
this.color = random(1,3);
this.colorArray = createColorArray(this.size, this.color);
picture.prototype.updatePixels = function() {
let imageData = ctx.getImageData(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
let data =;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
ctx.putImageData(imageData, this.x, this.y);
let pictures = [];
let numPictures = 50;
for (let i = 0; i < numPictures; ++i) {
let pic = new picture();
function drawPictures() {
for (let i = 0; i < pictures.length; ++i) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
body {margin: 0px}
#canvas {position: absolute}
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js\script.js"></script>
This solution works fine but it's very slow. I don't know if pixel by pixel blending can even be made very efficient, but one reason for slow performance might be that I need to get the ImageData and put it back each time a new image is blended into canvas.
Therefore the main question is how could I get whole canvas ImageData once in the beginning and then look correct pixels to update based on location and size of each picture that needs to blended into canvas and finally put updated ImageData back to canvas? Also, any other ideas on how to make blending more efficient are greatly appreciated.

Use the array methods.
The fastest way to fill an array is with the Array.fill function
const colors = new Uint32Array([0xFF0000FF,0xFF00FF00,0xFFFF00]); // red, green, blue
function createColorArray(size, color) {
const array32 = new Uint32Array(size*size);
return array32;
Quick clamped add with |
If you are adding 0xFF to any channel and 0 to the others you can use | and a 32 bit array. For the updatePixels function
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
var data = new Uint32Array(;
var i = 0;
var pic = this.colorArray; // use a local scope for faster access
data[i] |= pic[i] ; // only works for 0 and FF chanel values
}while(++i < data.length);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, this.x, this.y);
Bitwise or | is similar to arithmetic add and can be used to increase values using 32bit words. The values will be clamped as part of the bitwise operation.
// dark
var red = 0xFF000088;
var green = 0xFF008800;
var yellow = red | green; // 0xFF008888
There are many other ways to use 32bit operations to increase performance as long as you use only 1 or 2 operators. More and you are better off using bytes.
You can also add if you know that each channel will not overflow a bit
a = 0xFF101010; // very dark gray
b = 0xFF000080; // dark red
// non overflowing add
c = a + b; // result is 0xFF000090 correct
// as 0x90 + 0x80 will overflow = 0x110 the add will not work
c += b; // result overflows bit to green 0xFF000110 // incorrect
Uint8Array V Uint8ClampedArray
Uint8Array is slightly faster than Uint8ClampedArray as the clamping is skipped for the Uint8Array so use it if you don't need to clamp the result. Also the int typedArrays do not need you to round values when assigning to them.
var data = Uint8Array(1);
data[0] = Math.random() * 255; // will floor for you
var data = Uint8Array(1);
data[0] = 256; // result is 0
data[0] = -1; // result is 255
var data = Uint8ClampedArray(1);
data[0] = 256; // result is 255
data[0] = -1; // result is 0
You can copy data from array to array
var imageDataSource = // some other source
var dataS = new Uint32Array(;
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
var data = new Uint32Array(;
data.set(dataS); // copies all data
// or to copy a row of pixels
// from coords
var x = 10;
var y = 10;
var width = 20; // number of pixels to copy
// to coords
var xx = 30
var yy = 30
var start = y * this.size + x;
data.set(dataS.subArray(start, start + width), xx + yy * this.size);
Dont dump buffers
Don't keep fetching pixel data if not needed. If it does not change between putImageData and getImageData then there is no need to get the data again. It is better to keep the one buffer than continuously creating a new one. This will also relieve the memory stress and reduce the workload on GC.
Are you sure you can not use the GPU
And you can perform a wide range of operations on pixel data using global composite operations. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, invert These are much faster and so far in your code I can see no reason why you need to access the pixel data.


How to make pixel operations on canvas faster in Javascript

I am writing a program to convert three equations into an image by using them to generate RGB values for each pixel on a canvas. This is the code of my first test:
const canvas = document.getElementById("game")
const context = canvas.getContext("2d")
time = new Date()
canvas.width = 500
canvas.height = 500
for (x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) {
context.fillStyle = "red"
context.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1)
console.log(new Date() - time)
<canvas id="game"></canvas>
However, when I run this code it takes a few seconds to generate the canvas. I added a basic way to see how long the code takes to run, and the console appears to say it only takes 200 milliseconds. I have noo idea why it says it only takes 200 milliseconds as I do not see the canvas until a few seconds after the console log.
How can I make these pixel operations faster?
If you're just using a single color, you can speed it up a bit by setting the fillStyle before the loop instead of setting it every iteration. That obviously won't work if you want to set different colors for different pixels, however.
You could also set the colors in an imageData object, then draw it all at once with putImageData. This is significantly faster for me in both Chrome and Firefox.
const canvas = document.getElementById("game")
const context = canvas.getContext("2d")
time = new Date()
canvas.width = 500
canvas.height = 500
let imageData = context.createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height)
let data =;
let i = 0;
while (i < data.length) {
data[i++] = 255; // Red value
data[i++] = 0; // Green value
data[i++] = 0; // Blue value
data[i++] = 255; // Alpha (opacity)
context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0)
console.log(new Date() - time)
<canvas id="game"></canvas>

Javascript Julia Fractal slow and not detailed

I am trying to generate a Julia fractal in a canvas in javascript using math.js
Unfortunately every time the fractal is drawn on the canvas, it is rather slow and not very detailed.
Can anyone tell me if there is a specific reason this script is so slow or is it just to much to ask of a browser? (note: the mouse move part is disabled and it is still kinda slow)
I have tried raising and lowering the “bail_num” but everything above 1 makes the browser crash and everything below 0.2 makes everything black.
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Width and height of the image
var imagew = canvas.width;
var imageh = canvas.height;
// Image Data (RGBA)
var imagedata = context.createImageData(imagew, imageh);
// Pan and zoom parameters
var offsetx = -imagew/2;
var offsety = -imageh/2;
var panx = -2000;
var pany = -1000;
var zoom = 12000;
// c complexnumber
var c = math.complex(-0.310, 0.353);
// Palette array of 256 colors
var palette = [];
// The maximum number of iterations per pixel
var maxiterations = 200;
var bail_num = 1;
// Initialize the game
function init() {
//onmousemove listener
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onmousemove);
// Generate image
// Enter main loop
// Main loop
function main(tframe) {
// Request animation frames
// Draw the generate image
context.putImageData(imagedata, 0, 0);
// Generate the fractal image
function generateImage() {
// Iterate over the pixels
for (var y=0; y<imageh; y++) {
for (var x=0; x<imagew; x++) {
iterate(x, y, maxiterations);
// Calculate the color of a specific pixel
function iterate(x, y, maxiterations) {
// Convert the screen coordinate to a fractal coordinate
var x0 = (x + offsetx + panx) / zoom;
var y0 = (y + offsety + pany) / zoom;
var cn = math.complex(x0, y0);
// Iterate
var iterations = 0;
while (iterations < maxiterations && math.norm(math.complex(cn))< bail_num ) {
cn = math.add( math.sqrt(cn) , c);
// Get color based on the number of iterations
var color;
if (iterations == maxiterations) {
color = { r:0, g:0, b:0}; // Black
} else {
var index = Math.floor((iterations / (maxiterations)) * 255);
color = index;
// Apply the color
var pixelindex = (y * imagew + x) * 4;[pixelindex] = color;[pixelindex+1] = color;[pixelindex+2] = color;[pixelindex+3] = 255;
function onmousemove(e){
var pos = getMousePos(canvas, e);
//c = math.complex(-0.3+pos.x/imagew, 0.413-pos.y/imageh);
//console.log( 'Mouse position: ' + pos.x/imagew + ',' + pos.y/imageh );
// Generate a new image
function getMousePos(canvas, e) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: Math.round((e.clientX - rect.left)/(rect.right - rect.left)*canvas.width),
y: Math.round((e.clientY - -*canvas.height)
The part of the code that is executed most is this piece:
while (iterations < maxiterations && math.norm(math.complex(cn))< bail_num ) {
cn = math.add( math.sqrt(cn) , c);
For the given canvas size and offsets you use, the above while body is executed 19,575,194 times. Therefore there are some obvious ways to improve performance:
somehow reduce the number of points for which the loop must be executed
somehow reduce the number of times these statements are executed per point
somehow improve these statements so they execute faster
The first idea is easy: reduce the canvas dimensions. But this is maybe not something you'd like to do.
The second idea can be achieved by reducing the value for bail_num, because then the while condition will be violated sooner (given that the norm of a complex number is always a positive real number). However, this will just result in more blackness, and gives the same visual effect as zooming out of the center of the fractal. Try for instance with 0.225: there just remains a "distant star". When bail_num is reduced too much, you wont even find the fractal anymore, as everything turns black. So to compensate you would then probably want to change your offset and zoom factors to get a closer view at the center of the fractal (which is still there, BTW!). But towards the center of the fractal, points need more iterations to get below bail_num, so in the end nothing is gained: you'll be back at square one with this method. It's not really a solution.
Another way to work along the second idea is to reduce maxiterations. However, this will reduce the resolution accordingly. It is clear that you will have fewer colors at your disposal, as this number directly corresponds to the number of iterations you can have at the most.
The third idea means that you would somehow optimise the calculations with complex numbers. It turns out to give a lot of gain:
Use efficient calculations
The norm that is calculated in the while condition could be used as an intermediate value for calculating the square root of the same number, which is needed in the next statement. This is the formula for getting the square root from a complex number, if you already have its norm:
__________________ = √ ½( + norm) = ½
Where the re and im properties denote the real and imaginary components of the respective complex numbers. You can find the background for these formulas in this answer on math.stackexchange.
As in your code the square root is calculated separately, without taking benefit of the previous calculation of the norm, this will certainly bring a benefit.
Also, in the while condition you don't really need the norm (which involves a square root) for comparing with bail_num. You could omit the square root operation and compare with the square of bail_num, which comes down to the same thing. Obviously you would have to calculate the square of bail_num only once at the start of your code. This way you can delay that square root operation for when the condition is found true. The formula for calculating the square of the norm is as follows:
square_norm = cn.re² + cn.im²
The calls of methods on the math object have some overhead, since this library allows different types of arguments in several of its methods. So it would help performance if you would code the calculations directly without relying on math.js. The above improvements already started doing that anyway. In my attempts this also resulted in a considerable gain in performance.
Predefine colours
Although not related to the costly while loop, you can probably gain a litte bit more by calculating all possible colors (per number of iterations) at the start of the code, and store them in an array keyed by number of iterations. That way you can just perform a look-up during the actual calculations.
Some other similar things can be done to save on calculations: For instance, you could avoid translating the screen y coordinate to world coordinates while moving along the X axis, as it will always be the same value.
Here is the code that reduced the original time to complete by a factor of 10, on my PC:
Added intialisation:
// Pre-calculate the square of bail_num:
var bail_num_square = bail_num*bail_num;
// Pre-calculate the colors:
colors = [];
for (var iterations = 0; iterations <= maxiterations; iterations++) {
// Note that I have stored colours in the opposite direction to
// allow for a more efficient "countdown" loop later
colors[iterations] = 255 - Math.floor((iterations / maxiterations) * 255);
// Instead of using math for initialising c:
var cx = -0.310;
var cy = 0.353;
Replace functions generateImage and iterate by this one function
// Generate the fractal image
function generateImage() {
// Iterate over the pixels
var pixelindex = 0,
step = 1/zoom,
worldX, worldY,
sq, rootX, rootY, x0, y0;
for (var y=0; y<imageh; y++) {
worldY = (y + offsety + pany)/zoom;
worldX = (offsetx + panx)/zoom;
for (var x=0; x<imagew; x++) {
x0 = worldX;
y0 = worldY;
// For this point: iterate to determine color index
for (var iterations = maxiterations; iterations && (sq = (x0*x0+y0*y0)) < bail_num_square; iterations-- ) {
// root of complex number
rootX = Math.sqrt((x0 + Math.sqrt(sq))/2);
rootY = y0/(2*rootX);
x0 = rootX + cx;
y0 = rootY + cy;
// Apply the color[pixelindex++] =[pixelindex++] =[pixelindex++] = colors[iterations];[pixelindex++] = 255;
worldX += step;
With the above code you don't need to include math.js anymore.
Here is a smaller sized snippet with mouse events handled:
// Get the canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Width and height of the image
var imagew = canvas.width;
var imageh = canvas.height;
// Image Data (RGBA)
var imagedata = context.createImageData(imagew, imageh);
// Pan and zoom parameters
var offsetx = -512
var offsety = -430;
var panx = -2000;
var pany = -1000;
var zoom = 12000;
// Palette array of 256 colors
var palette = [];
// The maximum number of iterations per pixel
var maxiterations = 200;
var bail_num = 0.8; //0.225; //1.15;//0.25;
// Pre-calculate the square of bail_num:
var bail_num_square = bail_num*bail_num;
// Pre-calculate the colors:
colors = [];
for (var iterations = 0; iterations <= maxiterations; iterations++) {
colors[iterations] = 255 - Math.floor((iterations / maxiterations) * 255);
// Instead of using math for initialising c:
var cx = -0.310;
var cy = 0.353;
// Initialize the game
function init() {
// onmousemove listener
canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onmousemove);
// Generate image
// Enter main loop
// Main loop
function main(tframe) {
// Request animation frames
// Draw the generate image
context.putImageData(imagedata, 0, 0);
// Generate the fractal image
function generateImage() {
// Iterate over the pixels
console.log('generate', cx, cy);
var pixelindex = 0,
step = 1/zoom,
worldX, worldY,
sq_norm, rootX, rootY, x0, y0;
for (var y=0; y<imageh; y++) {
worldY = (y + offsety + pany)/zoom;
worldX = (offsetx + panx)/zoom;
for (var x=0; x<imagew; x++) {
x0 = worldX;
y0 = worldY;
// For this point: iterate to determine color index
for (var iterations = maxiterations; iterations && (sq_norm = (x0*x0+y0*y0)) < bail_num_square; iterations-- ) {
// root of complex number
rootX = Math.sqrt((x0 + Math.sqrt(sq_norm))/2);
rootY = y0/(2*rootX);
x0 = rootX + cx;
y0 = rootY + cy;
// Apply the color[pixelindex++] =[pixelindex++] =[pixelindex++] = colors[iterations];[pixelindex++] = 255;
worldX += step;
function onmousemove(e){
var pos = getMousePos(canvas, e);
cx = -0.31+pos.x/imagew/150;
cy = 0.35-pos.y/imageh/30;
function getMousePos(canvas, e) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: Math.round((e.clientX - rect.left)/(rect.right - rect.left)*canvas.width),
y: Math.round((e.clientY - -*canvas.height)
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="512" height="200"></canvas>

sampling an image a tile at a time using canvas, getImageData and a Web Worker

I am attempting to build a simple HTML5 canvas based image processor that takes an image and generates a tiled version of it with each tile being the average color of the underlying image area.
This is easy enough to do outside the context of a Web Worker but I'd like to use a worker so as not to block the ui processing thread. The Uint8ClampedArray form the data takes is giving me a headache with regards to how to process it tile by tile.
Below is a plunk demonstrating what I've done so far and how it's not working.
The relevant code is in worker.js
Here it is:
onmessage = function (e) {
var i,
j = 0,
k = 0,
data =,
imageData = data.imageData,
tileWidth = Math.floor(data.tileWidth),
tileHeight = Math.floor(data.tileHeight),
width = imageData.width,
height = imageData.height,
tile = [],
len =,
processedData = [],
tempData = [],
timesLooped = 0,
tileIncremented = 1;
function sampleTileData(tileData) {
var blockSize = 20, // only visit every x pixels
rgb = {r:0,g:0,b:0},
i = -4,
count = 0,
length = tileData.length;
while ((i += blockSize * 4) < length) {
if (tileData[i].r !== 0 && tileData[i].g !== 0 && tileData[i].b !== 0) {
rgb.r += tileData[i].r;
rgb.g += tileData[i].g;
rgb.b += tileData[i].b;
// ~~ used to floor values
rgb.r = ~~(rgb.r/count);
rgb.g = ~~(rgb.g/count);
rgb.b = ~~(rgb.b/count);
for (; j <= len; j += (width * 4) - (tileWidth * 4), timesLooped++) {
if (k === (tileWidth * 4) * tileHeight) {
k = 0;
offset = timesLooped - 1 < tileHeight ? 4 : 0;
j = ((tileWidth * 4) * tileIncremented) - offset;
timesLooped = 0;
tempData = [];
//console.log('continue "top" loop for new tile');
continue top;
for (i = 0; i < tileWidth * 4; i++) {
tempData.push({r:[j+i], g:[j+i+1], b:[j+i+2], a:[j+i+3]});
//console.log('continue "top" loop for new row per tile');
I'm sure there's a better way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do starting at the labeled for loop. So any alternative methods or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I've taken a different approach to solving this:
Close, but no.
I know what the problem is but I have no idea how to go about amending it. Again, any help would be much appreciated.
Approach 1: Manually calculating average per tile
Here is one approach you can try:
There is only need for reading, update can be done later using HW acceleration
Use async calls for every row (or tile if the image is very wide)
This gives an accurate result but is slower and depends on CORS restrictions.
You can see the original image for a blink below. This shows the asynchronous approach works as it allows the UI to update while processing the tiles in chunks.
window.onload = function() {
var img = document.querySelector("img"),
canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
w = img.naturalWidth, h = img.naturalHeight,
// store average tile colors here:
tileColors = [];
// draw in image
canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h;
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// MAIN CALL: calculate, when done the callback function will be invoked
avgTiles(function() {console.log("done!")});
// The tiling function
function avgTiles(callback) {
var cols = 8, // number of tiles (make sure it produce integer value
rows = 8, // for tw/th below:)
tw = (w / cols)|0, // pixel width/height of each tile
th = (h / rows)|0,
x = 0, y = 0;
(function process() { // for async processing
var data, len, count, r, g, b, i;
while(x < cols) { // get next tile on x axis
r = g = b = i = 0;
data = ctx.getImageData(x * tw, y * th, tw, th).data; // single tile
len = data.length;
count = len / 4;
while(i < len) { // calc this tile's color average
r += data[i++]; // add values for each component
g += data[i++];
b += data[i++];
// store average color to array, no need to write back at this point
r: (r / count)|0,
g: (g / count)|0,
b: (b / count)|0
x++; // next tile
y++; // next row, but do an async break below:
if (y < rows) {
x = 0;
setTimeout(process, 9); // call it async to allow browser UI to update
else {
// draw tiles with average colors, fillRect is faster than setting each pixel:
for(y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for(x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
var col = tileColors[y * cols + x]; // get stored color
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + col.r + "," + col.g + "," + col.b + ")";
ctx.fillRect(x * tw, y * th, tw, th);
// we're done, invoke callback
})(); // to self-invoke process()
<img src="" crossOrigin="anonymous">
Approach 2: Letting the browser do the job
We can also let the browser do the whole job exploiting interpolation and sampling.
When the browser scales an image down it will calculate the average for each new pixel. If we then turn off linear interpolation when we scale up we will get each of those average pixels as square blocks:
Scale down image at a ratio producing number of tiles as number of pixels
Turn off image smoothing
Scale the small image back up to the desired size
This will be many times faster than the first approach, and you will be able to use CORS-restricted images. Just note it may not be as accurate as the first approach, however, it is possible to increase the accuracy by scaling down the image in several step, each half the size.
window.onload = function() {
var img = document.querySelector("img"),
canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"),
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"),
w = img.naturalWidth, h = img.naturalHeight;
// draw in image
canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h;
// scale down image so number of pixels represent number of tiles,
// here use two steps so we get a more accurate result:
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, w*0.5, h*0.5); // 50%
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, w*0.5, h*0.5, 0, 0, 8, 8); // 8 tiles
// turn off image-smoothing
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled =
ctx.msImageSmoothingEnabled =
ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled =
ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// scale image back up
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, 8, 8, 0, 0, w, h);
<img src="" crossOrigin="anonymous">

Analyse an image and match to the closest color palette

I have a set number of color palettes (8), each with 5 colors. The goal is to process an image with canvas and determine which color palette is the closest match.
Atm the minute I am getting the average RGB value from the palette then, doing the same with the source image before converting it to LAB and using CIE1976 to calculate the color difference. The closest match is the smallest distance.
This works to an extent, but many of the images I'm testing match two particular palettes. Is there a better way to calculate the most relevant palettes for an image?
So I've changed it to work with histograms. I'll put some of the code below but basically I'm:
Creating a 3D RGB histogram from the selected image, splitting rgb values into one of 8 banks, (8*8*8) so 512.
Flattening the histogram to create a single 512 array.
Normalizing the values by dividing by the total pixels in the image.
I do the same for the color palettes, creating a flat 512 histogram.
Calculate the chi-squared distance between the two histogram to find the closest color palette.
With my color palettes only having 5 colors their histogram is quite empty. Would this be an issue when comparing histograms with chi-squared.
This is how I create the flat histogram for the images to be analysed.
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
imgWidth = this.width,
imgHeight = this.height,
totalPixels = imgWidth * imgHeight;
ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight).data;
var x, y, z, histogram = new Float64Array(512);
for(x=0; x<imgWidth; x++){
for(y=0; y<imgHeight; y++){
var index = imgWidth * y + x;
var rgb = [data[index], data[index+1], data[index+2] ];
// put into relevant bank
var xbin = Math.floor((rgb[0]/255)*8)
var ybin = Math.floor((rgb[1]/255)*8)
var zbin = Math.floor((rgb[2]/255)*8)
histogram[ (ybin * 8 + xbin) * 8 + zbin ] ++;
// normalize values.
for(var i=0; i<512; i++) {
histogram[i] /= totalPixels;
This is how I am creating the histograms for the color palettes. The colors are just stored in an array of RGB values, each palette has 5 colors.
var pals = [];
var paletteH = new Float64Array(512);
var xbin = Math.floor((color[0]/255)*8);
var ybin = Math.floor((color[1]/255)*8);
var zbin = Math.floor((color[2]/255)*8);
paletteH[ (ybin * 8 + xbin) * 8 + zbin ] ++;
for(var i=0; i<512; i++) { paletteH[i] /= 5; }
To calculate the chi-squared distance I'm looping through each palette getting the distance to the image histogram. Then the smallest should be most similar.
for(var p = 0; p<pals.length; p++){
var result = 0;
for(var i=0; a = histogram[i], b = pals[p][i], i < 512; i++ ){
result += 0.5 * ( Math.pow(a-b,2) / (a + b + 1e-10));
This works, but the results seem wrong. For example I'll analyse an image of a forest scene expecting it to result in the green color palette, but it will return another. I'd appreciate any guidance at all.
You need to use a least squares difference between your palette color and sample color.
Also you need to do this for each channel R G B and possibly A.
It would look something like this (pseudo code in [...]):
var min = 999999;
var paletteMatch;
[loop sample colors] {
[loop palette colors] {
float lsd = (Math.pow(paletteR - sampleR, 2) + [greed] + [blue]) / 3;
if (lsd < min) {
min = lsd;
paletteMatch = currentPaletteInThisLoop;
[award a point for paletteMatch for this sample Color
[which palette has the most points?]

HTML5 canvas multiply effect - jagged edges

Our company website features a "random shard generator", built in Flash, which creates a number of overlapping coloured shard graphics at random just below the site header.
I am trying to replicate this effect using HTML5, and whilst I can generate the random shards easily enough, the blended overlapping (multiply in Adobe terms) is proving a challenge.
I have a solution which basically creates an array of all the canvas's pixel data before each shard is drawn, then another array with the canvas's pixel data after each shard is drawn. It then compares the two and where it finds a non transparent pixel in the first array whose corresponding pixel in the second array matches the currently selected fill colour, it redraws it with a new colour value determined by a 'multiply' function (topValue * bottomValue / 255).
Generally this works fine and achieves the desired effect, EXCEPT around the edges of the overlapping shards, where a jagged effect is produced.
I believe this has something to do with the browser's anti-aliasing. I have tried replicating the original pixel's alpha channel value for the computed pixel, but that doesn't seem to help.
// Random Shard Generator v2 (HTML5)
var theCanvas;
var ctx;
var maxShards = 6;
var minShards = 3;
var fillArray = new Array(
var selectedFill;
window.onload = function() {
theCanvas = document.getElementById('shards');
ctx = theCanvas.getContext('2d');
//ctx.translate(-0.5, -0.5)
var totalShards = getRandom(maxShards, minShards);
for(i=0; i<=totalShards; i++) {
//get snapshot of current canvas
imgData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,theCanvas.width,theCanvas.height);
currentPix =
//draw a shard
//get snapshot of new canvas
imgData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,theCanvas.width,theCanvas.height);
pix =;
for (var j = 0, n = currentPix.length; j < n; j += 4) {
if (
//the current pixel is not blank (alpha 0)
&& //and the new pixel matches the currently selected fill colour
(pix[j]==selectedFill[0] && pix[j+1]==selectedFill[1] && pix[j+2]==selectedFill[2])
) { //multiply the current pixel by the selected fill colour
//console.log('old: '+currentPix[j]+','+currentPix[j+1]+','+currentPix[j+2]+','+currentPix[j+3]+'\n'+'new: '+pix[j]+','+pix[j+1]+','+pix[j+2]+','+pix[j+3]);
pix[j] = multiply(selectedFill[0], currentPix[j]); // red
pix[j+1] = multiply(selectedFill[1], currentPix[j+1]); // green
pix[j+2] = multiply(selectedFill[2], currentPix[j+2]); // blue
//update the canvas
ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
function drawRandomShard() {
var maxShardWidth = 200;
var minShardWidth = 30;
var maxShardHeight = 16;
var minShardHeight = 10;
var minIndent = 4;
var maxRight = theCanvas.width-maxShardWidth;
//generate a random start point
var randomLeftAnchor = getRandom(maxRight, 0);
//generate a random right anchor point
var randomRightAnchor = getRandom((randomLeftAnchor+maxShardWidth),(randomLeftAnchor+minShardWidth));
//generate a random number between the min and max limits for the lower point
var randomLowerAnchorX = getRandom((randomRightAnchor - minIndent),(randomLeftAnchor + minIndent));
//generate a random height for the shard
var randomLowerAnchorY = getRandom(maxShardHeight, minShardHeight);
//select a fill colour from an array
var fillSelector = getRandom(fillArray.length-1,0);
selectedFill = fillArray[fillSelector];
drawShard(randomLeftAnchor, randomLowerAnchorX, randomLowerAnchorY, randomRightAnchor, selectedFill);
function drawShard(leftAnchor, lowerAnchorX, lowerAnchorY, rightAnchor, selectedFill) {
fillColour = 'rgb('+selectedFill[0]+','+selectedFill[1]+','+selectedFill[2]+')';
function getRandom(high, low) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high-low)+1) + low;
function multiply(topValue, bottomValue){
return topValue * bottomValue / 255;
Working demo:
Do you really need multiplication? Why not just use lower opacity blending?
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.6;
for(var i=totalShards;i--;) drawRandomShard();
Edit: If you really need multiplication, then leave it to the professionals, since multiply mode with alpha values is a little tricky:
Demo 2:
<script type="text/javascript" src="context_blender.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ctx = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d');
// Create an off-screen canvas to draw shards to first
var off = ctx.canvas.cloneNode(true).getContext('2d');
var w = ctx.canvas.width, h = ctx.canvas.height;
for(var i=totalShards;i--;){
off.clearRect(0,0,w,h); // clear the offscreen context first
drawRandomShard(off); // modify to draw to the offscreen context
off.blendOnto(ctx,'multiply'); // multiply onto the main context

