How to reuse or factorize code? - javascript

I am currently writing a lot of Firebase Functions and some of them share the same variables and functions.
At the moment I copy paste them in each Firebase Functions file, as they are siloed, but I don't know what would be the best practice to share the code between them? For the variables a config file would be cool, for the code, a class all Functions could inherit too, but I'm not sure how to do it clean?
Organization: at the moment I have an index.js file that is referencing all Firebase Functions that I have. Each Firebase Functions is a JS file. That's the hierarchy I have, not optimal nor maintainable...
I currently have to write the API key of Mailgun in all my Firebase
getThisProcessDone() that I currently copy in all my Firebase Functions
Anyone already had the thought? Thanks for your help!

For my Functions projects, I've been putting my reusable resources into functions/lib and requiring them normally as npm modules. I've also been separating out the code used in Functions from the definitions, which helps with testing.
For example, consider this structure:
| |-Widget.js
Now if I want to declare a trigger to handle new widgets, I do something like the following:
// functions/index.js:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
exports.processNewWidget = functions.https.onRequest(require('./newWidget.function.js').process);
// functions/newWidget.function.js
exports.process = function(req, res) {
res.send('Hello world!');
// test/newWidget.function.spec.js
// Note how we can easily test our widget processor separate from
// the third-party dependencies!
const newWidget = require('../functions/newWidget.function.js');
describe('newWidget', () => {
describe('process', () => {
it('should send hello world', function() {
const req = {};
cost res = { send: () => {} };
newWidget.process(req, res);
expect(res.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Hello world!');
And to include a class called Widget from inside newWidget.functions.js, I do something like this:
// functions/lib/Widget.js
class Widget {
constructor(name) { = name; }
exports.Widget = Widget;
// functions/newWidget.function.js
class Widget = require('./lib/Widget').Widget;
exports.process = function(req, res) => {
const widget = new Widget(;

Having your functions under a GitHub repo and calling them from master branch isn't an option? I am currently importing like this in package.json:
"name": "functions",
"description": "Cloud Functions for Firebase",
"dependencies": {
"cex-converter": ""
"private": true
then you just require your conde dependency like require('cex-converter') and you get the last release of your dependency and doesn't need to modify anything to deploy your last release.


How to use module.exports in expressJs?

So i was making this discord bot thing with discord js and i wanted to add some frontend to like change some things using website and not commands buut i cant or i just dont know how to
use module.exports in expressjs i tried some stuff like this
var server = website.listen(8080, function() {
var port = server.address().port;
console.log("Server started at http://localhost:%s", port);
and this
website.use('/vars.js', main)
but none of it works ;;-;
edit: I forgot to mention but "main" is module in vars.js
(code of vars.js)
module.exports = {
"token": process.env.DISCORDJS_BOT_TOKEN,
"creator": process.env.mainUserID,
"creatorPing": "<#" + process.env.mainUserID + ">",
"status": "Ay Bros",
"version": "2.0.7"
next edit:
I dont really want to export functions from this file but variables, bacause functions cant change my bot status, i want to be able to modify the variables so my bot will change its status :P
It depends how you want to export your main function. You can do it these ways:
Using default export/import
// vars.js
function main() {...}
module.exports = main;
// root file
const main = require('./vars.js');
Using named export/import:
// vars.js
function main() {...}
module.exports = { main };
// root file
const { main } = require('./vars.js');
Another problem you have is wrong usage of .use function. It should receive a function, not a filename. So you need to import function and then use it, as I did in examples.
It depends on how to export the function you want but almost developer follows this pattern to exports functions in nodejs.
function getUser() {
// Code here
function getUsers() {
// Code here
module.exports = {
This would output:
getUser: [Function: getUser], getUsers: [Function: getUsers] }
This gives us function names and documents the API clearly at the end of the file and this pattern name is revealing the module pattern.

Add functions in other folder, to an object in this folder

I want to create an object that would import functions from another folder and it would look something like this:
class = {
functions: {
//All functions here
The functions would be inside of a different folder, however, I want to make some sort of importer in which it would make new classes for each new function/file it finds inside of the folder.
someFunction.js Function File:
function someFunction() {
console.log("this is some function");
So I would like for something to look like this:
No, I do not want to have it hard coded into the object, I want to import all functions from a folder and create functions like that.
Well, first I wan't to answer your question as I think you want, even if I also think it is not the correct way to proceed.
I'll also assume that with class you are not referring to an actual ES6 Class, but we are talking about a plain object.
So this is the code:
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
function importer(dirPath) {
const absoluteDirPath = path.normalize(
? dirPath
: path.resolve(process.cwd(), dirPath)
const output = {
functions: {}
const content = fs.readdirSync(path.normalize(absoluteDirPath));
content.forEach((basename) => {
const absoluteItemPath = path.join(absoluteDirPath, basename);
if (fs.statSync(absoluteItemPath).isFile() && /\.js$/i.test(basename)) {
output.functions[basename.slice(-3)] = require(path.relative(
return output;
module.exports = importer;
For this to work, all your functions in your files should be exported like:
module.exports = function myFunction() {};
To use the 'importer', you just do:
const artemis = importer('/path/to/directory'); // PATH MUST BE ABSOLUTE OR RELATIVE TO CWD.
Then you can do:
Please note that your files must be named in a JS friendly way (a valid string for an object key).
A final important note about this odd method: This will only ever work in a NodeJS environment. Even if functions could have worked in other environments (like a browser). The next method, will work for any ECMAScript environment after proper building process: transpilation (EX: Babel) and bundling (EX: Webpack).
Suggested Solution
Use ES6 Static import / export like modern JS libraries do. This comes with huge benefits, from static code analysis to tree shaking and more.
Let's suppose the following hierarchy:
// - index.js
// - internals/
// - index.js
// - module-1.js
// - module-2.js
function module1() {}
export {module1};
import {module1} from 'module-1.js';
function module2() {
export {module2};
import {module1} from './module-1.js';
import {module2} from './module-2.js';
export {module1, module2};
import * as moduleGroup from './internals/index.js';
export {moduleGroup};
Finally, where you import your moduleGroup, you can do:
Obviously this is a basic scenario, but this is, IMHO, the correct way to deliver a group of functions and other stuff. Please let me know if you have any doubt.

(Node.js) Splitting JS class into modules

I have a class "Firebase" in which I write all the functions (that involve this service) used in my server side.
At first, the code was pretty clean and clear, as there were not a lot of functions in this class. Now, the class is super giant (more than 100 functions not very short). This is why I have decided to divide the class into modules (maybe not correct) to improve the clarity and organization of the project.
Something like this:
/* eslint-disable no-empty */
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
// Lazy initialization of the admin SDK
try {
const googleCloudServiceAccount = require("../../utils/json/googleCloudServiceAccount.json");
credential: admin.credential.cert(googleCloudServiceAccount),
databaseURL: URL,
storageBucket: BUCKET,
} catch (e) {}
class Firebase {
constructor() {
Object.assign(this, {
auth: admin.auth(),
firestore: admin.firestore(),
Object.assign(Firebase.prototype, {
/* Methods */
module.exports = Firebase;
What I have in mind is to organize the code in modules like "firebase-auth.js", "firebase-storage.js", "firebase-firestore.js"... and finally, require all the modules methods (or something better, because it can be a really long list of imports) and assign them to my Firebase class prototype.
My question is: If in the methods of the modules I need to use Firebase.firestore, Firebase.auth... (which are members of the Firebase class), should I create an instance of the class in each module?
Any ideas?
Thank you.
try this, is not best but works as expectly
create a file with functions in export module like:
module.exports = function (app, dbConnection, firebase) {
and in your main file you call it as:
require('./routes/firebase-routes.js')(app, dbConnection, firebase);

Scope import for an instance only

Good evening to everyone.
I'm not sure how can I explain my issue. I will show it to you by showing examples of the code and expected results. I could not use code from the real issue because the code is under license. I am very sorry for that and I will be glad of someone can help me solve my issue.
I'm using latest version of webpack, babel.
My application is spliced to three parts what are dynamically imported by each other. It is mean if I run split chunks plugin it will really create three clear files.
The parts are Core, Shared, Application. Where the Core only creating an instance of the application.
Result of the parts is bundled to single file. So it is linked by one html's script tag.
Project structure is:
src/app // For Application
src/core // For Core
src/shared // For Shared
In webpack configuration I am resolving alias for import ˙Editor$˙.
I renamed naming of variables because they are including project name.
resolve: {
alias: {
"Editor$": path.resolve('./src/app/statics/Editor.js'),
The content of Core file is
function createInstance(name, id) {
import("app").then(App => {
App(name, id)
The little bit of Application file is
import Framework from "./framework"
function createApp(name, id) {
new Framework({name, id}).$mount(...)
export default createApp
In the Application classes (what are instantiated inside Framework)
Is this import
import Editor from "Editor"
The Editor class is a singleton. But only for created instance.
class Editor {
static instance;
id = null;
return this.constructor.instance
this.constructor.instance = this
static get Instance() {
return this.instance || (this.instance = new this())
static get Id {
export default Editor
The issue is webpack dependency resolving. Because webpack puts and unify all imports to the top of the file.
So the imports are evaluated once through the life-cycle of the program.
But I need to tell webpack something like: There is an instance creation. Declare the new Editor singleton for this scope. Don not use the already cached one.
My another idea how to fix this is to set context for the instance. And in the Editor singleton create something like new Map<Context, Editor> if you get what I mean. But I did not find a way how to set a context for an instance or scope the import only for it.
I will appreciate any help. I am googling two days and still no have idea how to do it without rewriting all the imports.
Sorry for bugs in my English. I am not native speaker and my brain is not for languages.
Thanks everyone who take look into my issue.
How about recreating the Editor:
// Editor.js
class Editor {
// ...
let instance;
export function scope(cb) {
instance = new Editor();
instance = null;
export default function createEditor() {
if(!instance) throw Error("Editor created out of scope!");
return instance;
That way you can easily set up different scopes:
// index.js
import {scope} from "./editor";
scope(() => {
scope(() => {
// A
import Editor from "./editor";
(new Editor()).sth = 1;
// B
import Editor from "./editor";
console.log((new Editor()).sth); // 1
// C
import Editor from "./editor";
console.log((new Editor()).sth); // undefined
// note that this will fail:
setTimeout(() => {
new Editor(); // error: Editor created out of scope
}, 0);
That also works for nested requires and imports as long as they are not dynamic.

Node.js, Express and Dependency Injection

I'm in early stages of a node.js project, and I'm looking to improve the overall app organization. In the past I worked with Symfony2 (PHP) and now I code a lot in Angular, both of which relly heavily on DI. So, I really like the idea of applying the same principles in my node.js project.
I know the existence of packages like Rewire, but for now I'll like to try the DI approach. The issue is, how to achieve an equilibrium to keep the lightweight feeling that gives working with node with the solidity of a well tested dependency injected app (I know that well tested is what gives the solidity ;-)).
Node modules
One of the issues, would be how to manage the external modules, what to do if some object needs fs module? As Vojta Jina (from AngularJS) states in this article:
So the best way that works for me right now is something like this: Modules are stateless. They only contain definitions of classes/functions/constants.
So, I suppose that I would have to inject everything:
function Foo(fs) {
this.fs = fs;
Foo.prototype.doSomething: function () {
// this.fs...
module.exports = Foo;
var fs = require('fs');
var Foo = require('./Foo');
var foo = new Foo(fs);
Since Express uses apply() to call the handlers the context is lost and we can't use this. So we're left with these:
// foo.js
function Foo(fs) {
this.fs = fs;
Foo.prototype.index = function () {
var self = this;
return function (req, res, next) {
// self.fs...
module.exports = Foo;
// bar.js
module.exports.index = function (fs) {
return function (req, res, next) {
// fs...
// app.js
var express = require('express');
var fs = require('fs');
var app = express();
var Foo = require('./foo');
var foo = new Foo(fs);
var bar = require('./bar');
app.get('/foo', foo.index());
app.get('/bar', bar.index(fs));
Has someone taken this approach? What about the use of DI frameworks? (like di.js) And how to keep the experience lean? All ideas are welcome. Thanks!
You have some good thoughts to which I'd like to add:
Having stateless modules will help you to scale your app horizontally. If all state is in a database it will be easy to run multiple node.js instances in parallel.
I also prefer to inject everything. Otherwise the time will come when I would like to write a unit test and it gets hard because I have a hardcoded (not injected) dependencies I can't mock.
To keep this lightweight feeling when working with node you need an approach for dependency injection that doesn't add too much complexity. Your express example above reminds me of a talk by Vojta Jina in which he makes an important point about the wiring part of dependency injection. (Watch minute 3:35 to 8:05) I can't explain it any better than Vojtja does in his talk but basically he says that we need a di framework that takes care of the wiring (what is injected into what). Otherwise the code we manually write to set up the wiring won't be maintainable. Also each unit test would need such wiring code. And that IMO is where manual dependency injection is not an option anymore.
When you use a di framework (or a di container as many people say) the basic idea is that each individual module states which dependencies it requires and through which id it can be required by other modules. Then the di framework can be invoked to initialize the module that serves as an entry point (e.g. app.js) and the framework will look up all dependencies and takes over the hard work of injecting the appropriate module instances.
There are many di frameworks for node.js to which I'd like to add my own: "Fire Up!" If you would use it your example would look like this:
// Fire me up!
function Foo(fs) {
this.fs = fs;
Foo.prototype.index = function () {
var self = this;
return function (req, res, next) {
// self.fs...
module.exports = {
implements: 'foo',
inject: ['require(fs)'],
_constructor: Foo
// Fire me up!
module.exports = {
implements: 'bar',
inject: ['require(fs)'],
factory: function (fs) {
return {
index: function (req, res, next) {
// fs...
// Fire me up!
module.exports = {
implements: 'app',
inject: ['require(express)', 'foo', 'bar']
module.exports.factory = function (express, foo, bar) {
var app = express();
app.get('/foo', foo.index());
app.get('/bar', bar.index);
var fireUpLib = require('fire-up');
var fireUp = fireUpLib.newInjector({
basePath: __dirname,
modules: ['./lib/**/*.js'] // foo.js, bar.js, app.js are on this path
fireUp('app'); // This is where the injection is kicked off.
When running node index.js you get the following output:
fireUp# INFO Requested: app, implemented in: lib/app.js
fireUp# INFO |-- Requested: require(express)
fireUp# INFO |-- Requested: foo, implemented in: lib/foo.js
fireUp# INFO |-- Requested: require(fs)
fireUp# INFO |-- Requested: bar, implemented in: lib/bar.js
fireUp# INFO |-- Requested: require(fs)
If this looks worth trying out you might be interested in the Getting Started section which shows an example based on express.
Hope that helps!
You can check
This is close to DIC in Symfony

