Console log JSON result - javascript

I'm just starting to learn about APIs, JSON, and Jquery and I am stuck. How would I console log the following from my Jquery call -
name: "The Old Mill Cafe"
Here's my current code:
$("#mainbutton").on("click", function() {
url: "",
headers: {
"X-Zomato-API-Key": "…"
method: "GET"
}).done(function(data) {

Your console.log is telling you that data is an object with a property called restaurants which is an array with a single entry. That entry is an object with a property called restaurant which is an object with a property called name. So:

In this case you are getting list of restaurants which has attributes like name and so on.
To get one restaurant you have to get first element of data
data[0] this will give you first restaurant of the list.
Now you need to get the name of the first restaurant to do that
So to get the name of the first restaurant you have to use following


JSON : Cannot read property 'value of a key' of undefined

So, Im trying to deal with an API.
i successful load the json(which is an array of objects) in my browser like the following
source: {id: null, name: ""}
author: "james bond"
title: " A TITLE"
description: "A DESCRIPTION"
__proto__: Object
my code
$.getJSON("", function(data){
console.log(value[0].title)//Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
when i try to print the whole index like console.log(value[0]); i successfully get all the objects of the index 0.
but when i try to print a specific value of key like console.log(value[0].title) i get Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
im stuck for hours, what im doing wrong?
Structure of Response data:
Based on the structure, try access title of every article:
// Using JQuery.each()
$.each(data.articles,function(index, article){
console.log(article.title); // to access title of each article.

How to get firebase id

Anyone know how to get the Firebase unique id? I've tried name(), name, key, key(). Nothing works.
I am able to see the data but I have no idea how to get the id back. I need it.
//Create new customers into firebase
function saveCustomer(email) {
email: email
firebase.database().ref('/customers').on("value", function(snapshot) {
}, function(errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
The call to push will return a Firebase reference. If you are using the Firebase 3 API, you can obtain the unique key of the pushed data from the reference's key property:
var pushedRef = firebase.database().ref('/customers').push({ email: email });
The key for the pushed data is generated on the client - using a timestamp and random data - and is available immediately.
Calling push() will return a reference to the new data path, which you can use to get the value of its ID or set data to it.
The following code will result in the same data as the above example, but now we'll have access to the unique push ID that was generated:
// Generate a reference to a new location and add some data using push()
var newPostRef = postsRef.push();
// Get the unique ID generated by push()
var postID = newPostRef.key();
but this method won't work when you also need the id beforehand
for example to save it in the database itself.
Firebase suggests this:
// Add a new document with a generated id.
var newCityRef = db.collection("cities").doc();
--for some reason, push() and key() didn't work for me. also in this case the reference contains the whole path. so need a different method for getting the id.
Doing this below helped to get the id from the reference and use it.
const ref = db.collection('projects').doc()
console.log( // prints the unique id
ref.set({id:}) // sets the contents of the doc using the id
.then(() => { // fetch the doc again and show its data
ref.get().then(doc => {
console.log( // prints {id: "the unique id"}

Iterate nodes to get child key value

So here is how my test firebase looks
I want to be able to go through the entire list and match the name with a string and if it matches, return the CID. This is what I'm trying from the official documentation but it returns undefined.
fb.on('value', function(snapshot){
var data = snapshot.val();
If I log just snapshot.val() then it returns all of them in this format:
{CID: 'XXXXXX' , Name: 'XXXXX'}
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
Looks like you should be using data.Name, not

get JSON object javascript

I have the Student.groovy class that hasMany Note.groovy
Student Class extend to User.groovy
I have a JavaScript function that takes as a parameter a list of notes in JSON.
The code below works.
$.each(data,function(key, value) {
But if I do alert(value.student); me is returned [object, object]
and when I put alert(value.student.toSource()); It's shown ({class: "project.Student", id: 1})
If I do alert(; It's shown undefined
You're most likely not sending back the correct JSON format to access the student's name.
As of now with the examples you have given you can only access the class and id of a given student.
value.student.class //<-- project.student //<-- 1
To be able to access the student's name you would have to have an object like so:
class: "project.Student",
id: 1,
name: "Example name"
If you think you are actually sending everything you need from the server just do a little $(document.body).append(data); or console.log(data); on your getJSON success callback so you can see clearly what you have.
I wouldn't be surpized if works by the way. Depends on your json structure.

Is it possible to retrieve a record from without knowing the objectId

See the sample code below - in this case, the objectId for the record I am trying to retrieve is known.
My question is, if I don't know the objectId, how would I implement the code below?
var Artwork = Parse.Object.extend("Artwork");
var query = new Parse.Query(Artwork);
query.get(objectId, {
success: function(artwork) {
// The object was retrieved successfully.
// do something with it
error: function(object, error) {
// The object was not retrieved successfully.
// warn the user
Query.get() is used when you already know the Parse object id.
Otherwise, one can use query.find() to get objects based on the query parameters.
Sure, you can use Parse Query to search for objects based on their properties.
The thing that wasn't clear to me in the documentation is that once you get the object in the query, you would need to do:
With Query (can return multiple objects):
With 'first' or 'get':
You cannot do something like artwork.someField like I assumed you would

