How to display data below each other in javascript - javascript

Hi guys please direct me how to this I want my result appear below each other please refer to my code below:
function displayData(e)
var html = '';
var html2 = '';
$searchcontainer = $('#searchcontainer');
var mapDiv = document.getElementById('mapContainer'), i = 0,
dataIndex, tooltipDiv, key
mapMarkers = $(mapDiv).find('.e-mapMarker'), index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < mapMarkers.length; i++)
if ( == mapMarkers[i])
index = i;
html += '<div id="infocontainer">';
html += '<div class="p-image"><img src="src/images/retrofit.png"/></div>';
html += '<div class="popupdetail">';
html += '<div class="p-name"> Site Name: ' + flsSites[index].site_name + '</div>';
html += '<div class="p-name"> Site Status: ' + flsSites[index].status + '</div>';
html += '<div class="p-name"> Country: ' + flsSites[index].country_name + '</div>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</div>';
$searchcontainer = $('#searchcontainer');
if (!$(this).data('rightCont')) {
$(this).data('rightCont', $('<div class="rightcontainer">' +
'<img id="productimage" src="src/images/retrofit.png" onClick="DisplayProfileCard()"/>' +
'<div id="imagedetail">' +
'<span class="details">Product Type' + Sites[index].serial_number + '</span>' +
'<span class="details">Version / Size <img class="row_one_icon lightbulb_icon" id="lightbulb" src="src/images/lightbulb1.png" onClick="LightBulb()" /><img id="convert" class="row_one_icon arrow_icon" src="src/images/arrow_Off.png" onClick="Conversion()"/><img id="lightning" class="row_one_icon" src="src/images/lightningOff.png" onClick="Lightning()"/><img id="bullseye" class="row_one_icon bullseye" src="src/images/bullseye_off.png" onClick="BullsEye()"/></span>' +
'<span class="details">Estimated annual Spend <img class="row_one_icon ribbon" src="src/images/ribbon1.png"/><img class="row_one_icon map" src="src/images/map1.png"/><img class="row_one_icon paper_stack" id="paper" src="src/images/paper_stack_Off.png" onclick="PaperStack()"/><img class="row_one_icon chain" id="chain" src="src/images/chain_Off.png" onClick="ChainLink()"/></span>' +
'<span class="details">Site name / manufacturer</span>' +
'<span class="details">Selling Sales Eng</span>' +
now my code here works like this if I hover over a marker in the map it will display the result to my searchcontainer div but if I hover another item it will display the other result BUT it will overwrite the previous result instead of displaying it below
Many thanks in advance

Your call to $(this).data overwrites the contents of rightCont each time it is executed. Read more on the JQuery API. The .appendTo(...) call should be sufficient.
That being said, using string manipulation to create HTML code is stylistically terrible. Look at something like Vue.js, Handlebars, Angular, React, or just any other frontend MVC framework- they are tools designed for easily binding Javascript data to HTML, rather than manually inserting it using string manipulation.


fix variable increment in javascript

I'm coding a wordpress theme and I want to increment a load more button.
I'm not using wordpress always and this is the first time I've this problem with a javascript variable. The variable pull_page in fact will not increment and every time the script will run it will fetch only two pages. Is there any error in the code, and how I can fix it?
$('#load-more').on('click', function(e){
var pull_page = 1;
var jsonFlag = true;
$.getJSON("/beta/wp-json/portfolio/all-posts?page=" + pull_page, function(data){
$.each(data, function(i, item){
var html = '<div class="card">';
html += '<a href="'+ item.permalink +'">';
html += '<img class="card-img-top w-100" src="'+ item.featured_img_src +'" id="case-studies" />';
html += '<div class="overlay"><h4 class="text-center" id="client-name">'+ item.title +'</h4></div>';
html += '</a>';
html += '</div>';
jsonFlag = false;
if(data.length >= 4){
jsonFlag = true;
jsonFlag = false;
}); // end load more
You're resetting pull_page to 1 each and every time the load more button is clicked.
Move it outside.
var pull_page = 1;
$('#load-more').on('click', function(e) {

JQuery drops first element

I'm creating a dynamic tabs using JQuery. But it always drops first element (In this case "li" is missing). Can anyone help to identify the problem.
Javascript code:-
var cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
for (var key in cars) {
var currAcc = cars[key];
var curElement = '<li class="hover">';
curElement += '<a href="#" id="currStudent">';
curElement += '<i class="menu-icon fa fa-user"></i>';
curElement += '<span class="menu-text">' + currAcc + '</span>';
curElement += '</a>';
curElement += '<b class="arrow"></b>';
curElement += '</li>';
console.log('curElement: ' + curElement);
console.log('curElementHTML: ' + $(curElement).html());
Outcome on dev tools (scratch):
curElement: <li class="hover"><i class="menu-icon fa fa-user"></i><span class="menu-text">Volvo</span><b class="arrow"></b></li>
curElementHTML: <i class="menu-icon fa fa-user"></i><span class="menu-text">Volvo</span><b class="arrow"></b>
The html function returns the innerHTML of the element.
What you seem to want is the outerHTML.
Starting from a jQuery element ,you may use
Here you may simply do
console.log('curElementHTML: ' + curElement.outerHTML);

Dynamic URL for XMLhttprequest

I used news API to get news content via json format.
I have html 'input element' which user can select for multiple sources.
what i wanted is if the source is equal to "user selected source or define" then the news content will change according to user selection.
As you can see i don't use jQuery i need to be more comfortable with JS than jQuery for now. so i prefer working with pure JS.
My newsapi:
this is my code.
that's working without the user selection functionality.
<!--dropDown Category-->
<div class="form-group" id="categorySelector">
<label for="newsCat">Select source:</label>
<select class="form-control" id="newsCat">
<option value="the-next-web">the-next-web</option>
<option value="wired-de">wired-de</option>
<option value="time">time</option>
JS code:
var newsRequest,
newsSource = 'the-next-web'; //defaultSource
//for older broswser
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
newsRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
newsRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} //window.XMLHttpRequest"GET", '' + newsSource + '&sortBy=latest&apiKey=' + newsKey);
newsRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
if ((newsRequest.readyState === 4) && (newsRequest.status === 200)) {
var infoNews = JSON.parse(newsRequest.responseText);
// Action to be performed when the document is read;
var newsHtml = '<ul class="list-group">';
for (var i = 0; i < infoNews.articles.length; i++) {
newsHtml += '<li>';
newsHtml += '<div class="newItem">' + '' + '<img src = "' + infoNews.articles[i].urlToImage + '" alt="' + infoNews.articles[i].title + '" title="' + infoNews.articles[i].title + '">' + '';
newsHtml += '<h3 class="newsTitle">' + infoNews.articles[i].title + '</h3>';
newsHtml += '<p class="newsDes">' + infoNews.articles[i].description + '</p>';
newsHtml += '<p class="newsAuthor">' + infoNews.articles[i].author + '</p>';
newsHtml += '</div>';
newsHtml += '</li>';
} //for loops json
newsHtml += '</ul>';
document.querySelector('.newsParent').innerHTML = newsHtml;
} //newsRequest.readyState
} //newsRequest.readyState
//xmlhtpprequest method open
//i came up with this code..
document.querySelector('#newsCat').onchange = function(selectedSource){
newsSource = selectedSource.value; // by this is still not good because this inside a function
Here is an example of onchange callback sent from the select element.
First we want to hook up onchange event to some method, so we add onchange="selectionChanged()" attribute to the <select> tag.
In the method selectionChange we will handle the changes:
Get newsCat element and if it is not null (it can be, before window is loaded) we are getting it's value. Finally we're passing this value to the getNewsFromApi method which actually uses this value, to build api url and get the data from external source.
function selectionChanged() {
var categorySelect = document.getElementById('newsCat');
var selectedCategory = categorySelect !== null ? categorySelect.value : 'the-next-web';
function getNewsFromApi(newsSource) {
var apiUrl = '' + newsSource + '&sortBy=latest&apiKey=' + newsKey;
// here goes your API call
console.log('getting news from: ' + apiUrl);
<div class="form-group" id="categorySelector">
<label for="newsCat">Select source:</label>
<select class="form-control" id="newsCat" onchange="selectionChanged()">
<option value="the-next-web">the-next-web</option>
<option value="wired-de">wired-de</option>
<option value="time">time</option>

Javascript: Different background color for different div's

I have some troubles with javascript app to manage meetings. I have three levels of importance: 'Important', 'Medium', 'No important' and I want change background-color for them. 'Important' - red color, 'Medium' - yellow and 'No important'-green. I try to hold in content variable string from html and then compare this value with if,else if statement, but it still doesn't work. Do you have some advices?
function fetchMeetings(){
var meetings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('meetings'));
var meetingsResults = document.getElementById('meetingsResults');
// Build output
meetingsResults.innerHTML = '';
for(var i = 0; i < meetings.length; i++){
var date = meetings[i].date;
var person = meetings[i].person;
var purpose = meetings[i].purpose;
var warning = meetings[i].warning;
meetingsResults.innerHTML += '<div class="mettingDiv">'+
'<h3>'+person+'</h3>' +
'<h3 class="importance">'+warning+'</h3>'+
' <a onclick="deleteMeeting(\''+purpose+'\')" class="btn btn-danger" href="#">Delete</a> ' +
var content= document.getElementsByClassName("importance").innerHTML;
if(content == 'Important'){
$('.mettingDiv').css('background-color', '#c00100');
else if(content == 'Medium'){
$('.mettingDiv').css('background-color', '#fbff30');
else if(content == 'No important'){
$('.mettingDiv').css('background-color', '#85ff63');
live app
Ok, I tried to add additional class name to div element, but class name is still the same, code:
meetingsResults.innerHTML += '<div id="div1" class="mettingDiv">'+
'<h3>'+person+'</h3>' +
'<h3 class="importance">'+warning+'</h3>'+
' <a onclick="deleteMeeting(\''+purpose+'\')" class="btn btn-danger" href="#">Delete</a> ' +
var content= document.getElementsByClassName("importance").innerHTML;
var d = document.getElementById("div1");
if(content == 'Important'){
d.className += " important";
Try this
meetingsResults.innerHTML += '<div class="mettingDiv ' + warning + '">'+ ...
this will result in <div class="mettingDiv Important"..., <div class="mettingDiv No important" ... and then add CSS
.Important { background-color: #c00100; }
.Medium { background-color: #fbff30; }
.No.important { background-color: #85ff63; }

Dynamic creation of large html table in javascript performance

I have an application which is used for data analysis and I'm having a few performance issues with the creation of the table. The data is extracted from documents and it is important that all data is presented on one page (pagination is not an option unfortunately).
Using jQuery, I make an ajax request to the server to retrieve the data. On completion of the request, I pass the data to an output function. The output function loops through the data array using a for loop and concatenating the rows to a variable. Once the looping is complete, the variable containing the table is then appended to an existing div on the page and then I go on to bind events to the table for working with the data.
With a small set of data (~1000-2000 rows) it works relatively good but some of the data sets contain upwards of 10,000 rows which causes Firefox to either crash and close or become unresponsive.
My question is, is there a better way to accomplish what I am doing?
Here's some code:
//This function gets called by the interface with an id to retrieve a document
function loadDocument(id){
method: "get",
url: "ajax.php",
data: {action:'loadDocument',id: id},
dataType: 'json',
cache: true,
beforeSend: function(){
if($("#loading").dialog('isOpen') != true){
//Display the loading dialog
modal: true
}//end if
},//end beforesend
success: function(result){
if(result.Error == undefined){
outputDocument(result, id);
<handle error code>
}//end if
if($('#loading').dialog('isOpen') == true){
//Close the loading dialog
}//end if
}//end success
});//end ajax
};//end loadDocument();
//Output document to screen
function outputDocument(data, doc_id){
//Begin document output
var rows = '<table>';
rows += '<thead>';
rows += '<tr>';
rows += '<th>ID</th>';
rows += '<th>Status</th>';
rows += '<th>Name</th>';
rows += '<th>Actions</th>';
rows += '<th>Origin</th>';
rows += '</tr>';
rows += '</thead>';
rows += '<tbody>';
for(var i in data){
var recordId = data[i].id;
rows += '<tr id="' + recordId + '" class="' + data[i].status + '">';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center">' + recordId + '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center"><span class="status" rel="' + recordId + '"><strong>' + data[i].status + '</strong></span></td>';
rows += '<td width="70%"><span class="name">' + data[i].name + '</span></td>';
rows += '<td width="2%">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="failOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="F">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="promoteOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="P">';
rows += '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%">' + data[i].origin + '</td>';
rows += '</tr>';
}//end for
rows += '</tbody>';
rows += '</table>';
I was initially using a jQuery each loop but switched to the for loop which shaved off some ms.
I thought of using something like google gears to try offloading some of the processing (if that's possible in this scenario).
Any thoughts?
The rendering is a problem, but there is also a problem with concatenating so many strings inside the loop, especially once the string gets very large. It would probably be best to put the strings into individual elements of an array then finally use "join" to create the huge string in one fell swoop. e.g.
var r = new Array();
var j = -1, recordId;
r[++j] = '<table><thead><tr><th>ID</th><th>Status</th><th>Name</th><th>Actions</th><th>Origin</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
for (var i in data){
var d = data[i];
recordId =;
r[++j] = '<tr id="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" class="';
r[++j] = d.status;
r[++j] = '"><td width="1%" align="center">';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '</td><td width="1%" align="center"><span class="status" rel="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '"><strong>';
r[++j] = d.status;
r[++j] = '</strong></span></td><td width="70%"><span class="name">';
r[++j] =;
r[++j] = '</span></td><td width="2%"><input type="button" class="failOne" rev="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" value="F"><input type="button" class="promoteOne" rev="';
r[++j] = recordId;
r[++j] = '" value="P"></td><td width="1%">';
r[++j] = d.origin;
r[++j] = '</td></tr>';
r[++j] = '</tbody></table>';
Also, I would use the array indexing method shown here, rather than using "push" since, for all browsers except Google Chrome it is faster, according to this article.
Displaying that many rows is causing the browser's rendering engine to slow down, not the JavaScript engine. Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do about that.
The best solution is to just not display so many rows at the same time, either through pagination, or virtual scrolling.
The way you are building your string will cause massive amounts of garbage collection.
As the string gets longer and longer the javascript engine has to keep allocating larger buffers and discarding the old ones. Eventually it will not be able to allocate sufficient memory without recycling the remains of all the old strings.
This problem gets worse as the string grows longer.
Instead try adding new elements to the DOM one at a time using the jQuery manipulation API
Also consider only rendering what is visible and implement your own scrolling.
You can do couple of things to increase the performance:
your rows variable is getting bigger and bigger so, don't store the html in one variable. solution can be $.each() function and each function you append the element into DOM. But this is minor adjustment.
Html generating is good, but you can try DOM creating and appending. Like $('<tr></tr>').
And finally, this will solve your problem for sure : use multiple ajax call in the first ajax call collect how many data is available and fetch approximately 1,000 or may be more data. And use other calls to collect remaining data. If you want, you can use synchronous call or Asynchronous calls wisely.
But try to avoid storing the value. Your DOM size will be huge but it should work on moder browsers and forget about IE6.
#fuel37 : Example
function outputDocumentNew(data, doc_id) {
//Variable DOM's
var rowSample = $('<tr></tr>').addClass('row-class');
var colSample = $('<td></td>').addClass('col-class');
var spanSample = $('<span></span>').addClass('span-class');
var inputButtonSample = $('<input type="button"/>').addClass('input-class');
//DOM Container
var container = $('#documentRows');
//Static part
var head = '<thead>\
<th width="1%" align="center">ID</th>\
<th width="1%" align="center">Status</th>\
<th width="70%">Name</th>\
<th width="2%">Actions</th>\
<th width="1%">Origin</th>\
var body = $('<tbody></tbody>');
//Dynamic part
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
var _this = this;
//DOM Manupulation
var row = rowSample.clone();
var inpFailOne = inputButtonSample.clone().val('F').attr('rev','failOne').click(function (e) {
//do something when click the button.
var inpPromoteOne = inputButtonSample.clone().val('P').attr('rev','promoteOne').click(function (e) {
//do something when click the button.
in this process you need to create & maintain id's or classes for manipulation. You have the control to bind events and manipulate each elements there.
Answering to get formatting
What happens if you do
for(var i in data){
var record = data[i];
var recordId =;
rows += '<tr id="' + recordId + '" class="' + record.status + '">';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center">' + recordId + '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%" align="center"><span class="status" rel="' + recordId + '"><strong>' + data[i].status + '</strong></span></td>';
rows += '<td width="70%"><span class="name">' + + '</span></td>';
rows += '<td width="2%">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="failOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="F">';
rows += '<input type="button" class="promoteOne" rev="' + recordId + '" value="P">';
rows += '</td>';
rows += '<td width="1%">' + record.origin + '</td>';
rows += '</tr>';
}//end for
Per others suggestions (I'm not reputable enough to comment yet, sorry!), you might try the TableSorter plugin to handle only displaying a usable amount of data at a time.
I don't know how it fares at very high numbers of rows, but their example data is 1000 rows or so.
This wouldn't help with JS performance but would keep the burden off the browser renderer.
Could try this...
Improve Loops
Improve String Concat
var tmpLst = [];
for (var i=0, il=data.length; i<il; i++) {
var record = data[i];
var recordId =;
tmpLst.push('<tr id="');
tmpLst.push('" class="');
tmpLst.push('<td width="1%" align="center">');
rows += tmpLst.join('');
This might squeeze an extra bit of performance...
var lstReset = i * lstReset.length;
tmpLst[lstReset + 1]='<tr id="';
tmpLst[lstReset + 2]=recordId;
tmpLst[lstReset + 3]='" class="';

