Multiple javascript Ajax requests seem to work synchronous - javascript

This is my first part of code. I here have a list of all the api calls I need to do to retrieve data from the mySQL server.
function ProcessUrls() {
requests = [];
var urls = ['url1', 'url2', 'url3' 'url4'];
requests.push(new ProcessUrl(urls[i]));
console.log('Invoking the functions');
The 'Invoking the functions' log in the code above this line of text gets called 4 times almost instantly, as you would expect.
Here I process the urls and do the actual API calls:
function ProcessUrl(url) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
console.log('Function being called');
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
console.log('Done doing the API call');
The "function being called" log gets called almost instantly 4 times as well, the problem is that the 'Done doing the API call' seems to run synchronous since the logs appears slowly one a time in a constant rhythm of ~0.5 seconds.
Is there a way to run these onreadystatechange parallel? This would speed up the process greatly.


Execute A Function When All xmlHttpRequests Are Complete

I have a website which gets data from an API. So it makes some post and get requests to a server once the website is opened. Let us assume it makes 5 different xmlHttpRequests as soon as the page loads but we cannot exactly know the time each call takes from start to finish.
Call to one endpoint takes 2 seconds to complete and the other one takes 1 second to complete. So that means after 2 seconds both the calls are said to be finished.
I want to execute a function after all the xmlHttpRequests are complete because I am using window.performance.getEntries() to fetch all the requests initiated by the webpage and send it to my server as I am doing a web analytics project in which I need to access the times taken by each network request and convert the data into a chart.
Is there any event that can be attached to the window as shown below to listen for all the network calls and execute my piece of code when all are finished.
window.addEventListener("load", function (event) {
//execute some code here
In the load event I am not able to capture all the requests by using performance.getEntries() because load fires before the ajax calls are finished.
As shown above I ask. Is there any trick or any event or anything in JavaScript by which we can wait untill all the XMLHTTPREQUESTS are finished and then execute some code.
We can track browser AJAX calls using the code below :
const ajaxCallStatus = () => {
window.ajaxCalls = 0; // initial ajax calls
window.ajaxEndpoints = []; // keeping track of all ajax call urls (endpoints)
const origOpen =; = function() {
this.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
if (!window.ajaxEndpoints.includes(event['currentTarget'].responseURL)) {
switch (window.ajaxCalls) {
case 0: // when ajax calls finish this runs
origOpen.apply(this, arguments);
ADD DATA FUNCTION - Used for sending data to some backend.
function addData(arr, origOpen) { = origOpen;'url', data)
.then((res) => console.log(res))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
I would suggest you to wrap your requests in promises and then use Promise.all(...) like so:
const makeRequest = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
resolve(xhttp.responseText); // On success, resolve the promise
} else {
reject(); // On failure, reject it
};"GET", "filename", true); // Needs to be set to your needs. This is just an example
// This waits until all promises are resolved
const [result1, result2] = await Promise.all(makeRequest(), makeRequest());
// do stuff here with your results
PS: Basic Ajax example is from here, but just swap it for yours and create parameters or similar to make the requests you actually need
You could use a library like Axios for Ajax requests, which already returns Promises by default. Check it out here:

webdis connection time for second client

I am using webdis ( I ran the webdis as directed in the website and included the following javascript code to connect:
var previous_response_length = 0
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"GET", "http://localhost:7379/SUBSCRIBE/hello", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = checkData;
function checkData() {
if(xhr.readyState == 3) {
response = xhr.responseText;
chunk = response.slice(previous_response_length);
previous_response_length = response.length;
When I open up the connection in a web page and opens up two tabs, it takes the secondly opened tab about 10 seconds to start subscribing and listening to messages published. Is there anyway to reduce that wait time for the second client to connect and make it instant? Anything I could add?

Async calls using AngularJS

We are making multiple HTTP requests using Angular:
$scope.GetTest1 = function () {
$http.get("/test/GetTest1/").success(function (response) {
$scope.res = response.aaData;
$scope.GetTest2 = function () {
$http.get("/test/GetTest2/").success(function (response) {
$scope.res = response.aaData;
$scope.GetTest3 = function () {
$http.get("/test/GetTest3/").success(function (response) {
$scope.res = response.aaData;
// This is called from an onclick of a button
$scope.LoadAll = function () {
We assumed that these were all called async, however, we have log4net enabled and we log the datetime when the 'gets' are received, and the times for all 3 are:
This was an unexpected surprise as we assumed the time would all be within 1 second. ie async.
Not sure if we're missing something,
Sorry, question is, how do we make these async calls?
I suppose that the reason of that perhaps is on the server side. I had almost the same result when server could serve only one request from one client. If response from server fulfils your $http requests in one second then that could be a problem. Please check your network statistics and if you see that they were called simultaneously but were served not immediately then it's server side problem.
You can easily track this on browser's devtools' timeline

Meteor - How to Retry Failed HTTP Request without Losing Context?

In my Meteor 1.0 app, I'm running a batch of server-side HTTP requests in order to retrieve fixture data in a synchronous fashion. Once a request completes and computations are run on that data, startNumber is incremented (by 5000) and the request is re-run with that new value. This loop system will continue until the API returns a blank response array, signifying all the data has been captured. This HTTP request is part of a larger, complex function that helps set the context of the request.
functionName = function(param1,param2,param3) {
// ...
// ...
var startNumber = 1;
do {
var request ="GET", "https://url-to-api-endpoint",
{ params:
"since": startNumber
timeout: 60000
if(request.statusCode === 200) {
var response =;
// perform calculations on the response
} (while response.length>0);
// ...
// ...
The do-while loop system is working fine, except that every few iterations the request is returning with Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND. The URL is perfectly valid, and it appears these errors are resulting from a finicky/unreliable API as sometimes the same exact request will go through or error out. I want to replay failed requests in order to make sure my app is retrieving data chronologically before proceeding.
How can I replay a failed HTTP request as though it were being run for the first time? In other words, without losing the current context of all the variables, etc., in functionName?
FYI, incase someone else ends up in this predicament, I solved this problem by wrapping the HTTP request in a try-catch block. In the case of an error such as getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND or ETIMEDOUT, the error gets caught. Within the catch block, I call the functionName and pass in parameters for the current state (i.e. the current startNumber) - this allows me to essentially "replay" the request all over again.
// ...
// ...
try {
var request ="GET", "https://url-to-api-endpoint",
{ params:
"since": startNumber
timeout: 60000
} catch(err) {
console.log(err + '\nFailed...retrying');
// ...
// ...

Abort elasticsearch request using elastic.js

Is there a way to cancel requests/queries to Elasticsearch using elasticjs? The web app I am working on performs a request/query every 5 seconds, but I would like to cancel the request if for some reason the response doesn't show up in 5 seconds (so the browser doesn't pile up a bunch of requests that are unnecessary since the queries are happening repeatedly). I understand this would not prevent Elasticsearch from completing the query, but I would like to at least cancel the request in the browser.
var request = ejs.Request().doSearch();
var dataFromElasticsearch;
request.then(function (data) {
dataFromElasticsearch = data;
setTimeout(function () {
if (!dataFromElasticsearch) {
//do something here to cancel request
}, 5000)
Per documentation for elasticsearch.js (3.1, at the time of writing):
...calling the API will return an object (either a promise or just a plain object) which has an abort() method. Calling that abort method ends the HTTP request, but it will not end the work Elasticsearch is doing.
Specifically for your example:
setTimeout(function () {
if (!dataFromElasticsearch) {
}, 5000)

