How to append object-key value form one array to other array? - javascript

I have an existing array with multiple object. With an interval I would like to update the existing array with values from another array. See the (simplified) example below.
I've serverall gools:
Copy the value of fan_count form the new array, to the current array with the key "fan_count_new"
If a object is removed or added in the New array, it have to do the same to the Current array.
As far I can see now, I can use some es6 functions :) like:
object-assign, but how to set the new key "fan_count_new"?
How to loop through the array to compare and add or remove + copy the fan_count?
Current array:
"fan_count": 1234,
"id": "1234567890",
"picture": {
"data": {
"url": ""
"fan_count": 4321,
"id": "09876543210",
"picture": {
"data": {
"url": ""
}, ...
New array:
"fan_count": 1239,
"picture": {
"data": {
"url": ""
"id": "1234567890"
"fan_count": 4329,
"picture": {
"data": {
"url": ""
"id": "09876543210"
}, ...

You can remove elements which doesn't exists in new array by using array.filter and you can loop through the new array to update the same object in the current array:
var currArr = [
"fan_count": 1234,
"id": "1234567890",
"fan_count": 4321,
"id": "09876543210",
"fan_count": 4321,
"id": "09876543215",
var newArr = [
"fan_count": 1234,
"id": "1234567890"
"fan_count": 5555,
"id": "09876543210"
currArr = currArr.filter(obj => newArr.some(el => ===;
newArr.forEach(obj => {
var found = currArr.find(o => ===;
if (found) {
found.fan_count_new = obj.fan_count;
Later on I realised that is was better to turn it around, add the fan_count form the currArr to the new one. This because it is easier to handle new objects, and you dont't have to deal with deleted objects. So, anybody how is looking for something like this:
newArr.forEach(obj => {
var found = currArr.find(o => ===;
if (found) {
console.log('found: ', found.fan_count, obj.fan_count)
obj.fan_count_prev = found.fan_count;
obj.fan_count_diff = Math.round(obj.fan_count - found.fan_count);
if (typeof obj.fan_count_prev === "undefined") {
obj.fan_count_prev = obj.fan_count;
obj.fan_count_diff = 0


Porblem on Getting Array Inside of Array

I have a problem on an object inside of an array and I wanted to display only that as an array.
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
expected output
const final= [
"data": "fruits"
"data": "things"
const final = => {})
map over the array and return a new object using the details property. If you don't return a new object, your new array will still carry references to the objects in the original array. So if you change a value of a property in that original array, that change will be reflected in the new array too, and you probably don't want that to happen.
const data1=[{id:"01",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"fruits"}},{id:"02",info:"fefef",sub:"hieei",details:{data:"things"}}];
// Make sure you return a copy of the
// details object otherwise if you change the details
// of the original objects in the array
// the new mapped array will carry those object changes
// because the array objects will simply references to the old objects
const out = => {
return { ...obj.details };
Map through the array and extract its details property:
const data1 = [
"id": "01",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "fruits"
"id": "02",
"info": "fefef",
"sub": "hieei",
"details": {
"data": "things"
const res = => e.details)
Using map and destructuring will simplify.
const data1 = [
id: "01",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "fruits",
id: "02",
info: "fefef",
sub: "hieei",
details: {
data: "things",
const res ={ details: { data } }) => ({ data }));
// if you just need the details object
const res2 ={ details }) => details);

Reverse Traverse a hierarchy

I have a hierarchy of objects that contain the parent ID on them. I am adding the parentId to the child object as I parse the json object like this.
public static fromJson(json: any): Ancestry | Ancestry[] {
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
return as Ancestry[];
const result = new Ancestry();
const { parents } = json;
parents.forEach(parent => {
parent.parentId =;
json.parents = Parent.fromJson(parents);
Object.assign(result, json);
return result;
Any thoughts on how to pull out the ancestors if I have a
The data is on mockaroo curl (Ancestries.json)
As an example, with the following json and a = 5, I would create and array with the follow IDs
['5', '0723', '133', '1']
"id": "1",
"name": "Deer, spotted",
"parents": [
"id": "133",
"name": "Jaime Coldrick",
"children": [
"id": "0723",
"name": "Ardys Kurten",
"grandchildren": [
"id": "384",
"name": "Madelle Bauman"
"id": "0576",
"name": "Pincas Maas"
"id": "5",
"name": "Corrie Beacock"
There is perhaps very many ways to solve this, but in my opinion the easiest way is to simply do a search in the data structure and store the IDs in inverse order of when you find them. This way the output is what you are after.
You could also just reverse the ordering of a different approach.
I would like to note that the json-structure is a bit weird. I would have expected it to simply have nested children arrays, and not have them renamed parent, children, and grandchildren.
let data = [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Deer, spotted",
"parents": [
"id": "133",
"name": "Jaime Coldrick",
"children": [
"id": "0723",
"name": "Ardys Kurten",
"grandchildren": [
"id": "384",
"name": "Madelle Bauman"
"id": "0576",
"name": "Pincas Maas"
"id": "5",
"name": "Corrie Beacock"
const expectedResults = ['5', '0723', '133', '1']
function traverseInverseResults(inputId, childArray) {
if(!childArray){ return }
for (const parent of childArray) {
if( === inputId){
return []
} else {
let res = traverseInverseResults(inputId, parent.parents || parent.children || parent.grandchildren) // This part is a bit hacky, simply to accommodate the strange JSON structure.
if(res) {
return res
let result = traverseInverseResults('5', data)
console.log('results', result)
console.log('Got expected results?', expectedResults.length === result.length && expectedResults.every(function(value, index) { return value === result[index]}))

Filter array based property value [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Get JavaScript object from array of objects by value of property [duplicate]
(17 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a JSON file containing 13k objects. I need to get only the objects which have the events { name: "Submitted"} property from it. events is an array of objects which contain multiple name properties. Here is a screenshot of how it looks:
"_id": "03c319a5-86d4-4ce6-ba19-1a50584cecb4",
"_rev": "21-7cb67ebb46c485ff443995fc27bdd950",
"doctype": "application",
"events": [{
"name": "change",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "change",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "submitted",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "edited",
"time": 1532547503182
This is how I get all the object inside the json file:
$.getJSON("export.json", function(data) {
var data = [];
var arrays = data;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) {
Now I need to push all the objects which have events[name:submitted] I get in arrays[i] into the doc[]. How can I filter the results?
You can filter your array of the object by filter method.
$.getJSON("export.json", function(data) {
var data = [];
var arrays = data;
var newArray = arrays.filter(function (el) {
return == 'Submitted';
You can also do in one line using ES6 arrow function
var newArray = arrays.filter(el => === 'Submitted')
You can use filter(), checking each element in the events array to see if the name is equal to submitted:
const object = {
"_id": "03c319a5-86d4-4ce6-ba19-1a50584cecb4",
"_rev": "21-7cb67ebb46c485ff443995fc27bdd950",
"doctype": "application",
"events": [{
"name": "change",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "change",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "submitted",
"time": 1532547503182
"name": "edited",
"time": 1532547503182
const filtered = => === 'submitted')

Loop through JSON array of objects and get the properties based on the matching IDs from objects

My target is if the id from digital_assets and products matches then get the value of URL fro digital_assets and ProductName from products object. I'm able to traverse through the object and get the values of digital_assets and products but need some help to compare these two objects based on IDs to get the value of URL and ProductName. Below is what I've done so far.
var data = [{
"digital_assets": [{
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
}, {
"products": [{
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002", "AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
$.each(data, function () {
var data = this;
$.each(data.digital_assets, function () {
var dAssets = this,
id = dAssets['id'];
// console.log(id);
$.each(data.products, function () {
var proData = this,
prod_id = proData['id'];
// console.log(prod_id);
$.each(prod_id, function () {
var arr_id = this;
Do I need to create new arrays and push the values into the new arrays? Then concat() these array to one. ? Bit lost any help will be appreciated.
Here is one way you can do this via Array.reduce, Array.includes, Object.entries and Array.forEach:
var data = [{ "digital_assets": [{ "id": "AA001", "url": "" }, { "id": "AA002", "url": "" } ] }, { "products": [{ "id": ["BB001", "AA001"], "ProductName": "PROD 485" }, { "id": ["BB002", "AA002"], "ProductName": "PROD 555" } ] } ]
const result = data.reduce((r,c) => {
Object.entries(c).forEach(([k,v]) =>
k == 'digital_assets'
? v.forEach(({id, url}) => r[id] = ({ id, url }))
: v.forEach(x => Object.keys(r).forEach(k =>
? r[k].ProductName = x.ProductName
: null))
return r
}, {})
You can use Array.prototype.find, Array.prototype.includes and to achieve this very gracefully.
let data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
// Find the 'digital_assets' array
let assets = data.find(d => d['digital_assets'])['digital_assets'];
// Find the 'products' array
let products = data.find(d => d['products'])['products'];
// Return an array of composed asset objects
let details = => {
return {
id :,
url : a.url
name : products.find(p =>
changed answer to fit your needs:
var data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
let matchingIds = [];
let data_assetsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("digital_assets")
let productsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("products")
data_assetsObject["digital_assets"].forEach(da => {
productsObject["products"].forEach(product => {
if ({
url: da.url,
productName: product.ProductName
working fiddle:
Hope that helped. If you dont want to use a new array, you could also store the respective data within the element you are looping through.
I think i know why i got downvoted. My example works by making data an object, not an array. changed the snippet to show this more clearly.
Why is data an array anyway? Is there any reason for this or can you just transform it to an object?
Edit nr2:
changed the code to meet the expectations, as i understood them according to your comments. it now uses your data structure and no matter whats in data, you can now search for the objects containing the digital_assets / products property.
using map.
var myobj = data[0] {
return {
url: x.url,
ProductName: data[1].products.filter(f => > -1).map(m => m.ProductName)

cannot update an array of elements via a 2d iteration

I have two arrays of object, the first array (printerChart, around 80 elements) is made of the following type of objects:
printerBrand: 'Mutoh',
printerModel: 'VJ 1204G',
headsBrand: 'Epson',
headType: '',
compatibilty: [
The second array (items, around 500 elements) is made of the following type of objects:
"customData": {
"brand": {
"value": {
"type": "string",
"content": "hp"
"key": "brand"
"printer": {
"value": {
"type": "string",
"content": "c4280"
"key": "printer"
"name": "DT8 XLXL",
"image": {
"id": "zLaDHrgbarhFSnXAK",
"url": ""
"brandId": "xxxxx",
"companyId": "xxxx",
"createdAt": "2018-03-26T14:39:47.326Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-04-09T14:31:38.169Z",
"points": 60,
"id": "dq2Zezwm4nHr8FhEN"
What I want to do is to iterate via the second array and, if the part of the name of an item (i.e. DT8) is included in an element of the array 'compatibility' of the first array, I would like to include a new properties to it from the element of the first array: printerBrand. I have tried but somehow the iteration doesn't take place correctly. This is what I tried:
items.forEach((item) => {
printerChart.forEach((printer) => {
if (printer.compatibilty.some(compatibleElem => ( {
item.printerBrand = printer.printerBrand;
} else {
item.printerBrand = '';
What am I doing wrong?
You do
Shouldn't you be doing
I suggest to initialize item.printerBrand with an empty string and use a nested approach of some for getting a brand and to exit the loops, if found.
This prevents to get an empty string even if there is a brand to assign.
items.forEach((item) => {
item.printerBrand = '';
printerChart.some(printer => {
if (printer.compatibilty.some(compatibleElem => {
item.printerBrand = printer.printerBrand;
return true;

