JQUERY DOM: Select Elements Created After Dom Load - javascript

I am working on a project where I need to change the value of all select inputs of a certain class when a function is called. The problem is some of the select inputs do not exist when the dom is first loaded, they are created dynamically via Javascript.
The function works fine for selecting all the select inputs that exist when the page was loaded, but does not work for any select inputs that were added to the dom dynamically.
I understand event binding with .on but in this particular case I am not trying to key off of an event like click. I want to get all elements of this class when this function is called.
Here is the code I am using to create the new select elements.
var this_cell = document.getElementById('produce_batch_line_td['+x+']');
var new_select = document.createElement("select");
new_select.name = "produce_batch_line["+x+"]";
new_select.id = "produce_batch_line["+x+"]";
new_select.className = "produce_batch_line["+invoice_number+"]";
var new_option = document.createElement("option");
new_option.text = "test";
new_option.value = "test";
Here is the code I am using to select all select elements of this class.
function SetDetailValue(invoice_number, obj) {
$(".produce_batch_line\\["+invoice_number+"\\]").each(function() {
this.value = obj.value;
How can I get items of this class added to the dom dynamically?

Check this link. I have put one that already exist. And when you click add button it creates dynamicly as well. When you Click the set button it finds them with a java query and puts them into a for loop that changes each ones value one by one.
Here is the DEMO


How to get any column of any row of a Table in HTML?

Suppose there is Table with variable number of rows of fixed number of columns, and suppose each row has a button too, now I want to select for example a column's value(let's say this selected column is textarea, so I select it's content) when that row's button is clicked.
For example in above image I want that if submit is pressed than all data of 'textarea' of corresponding row should be stored in a variable.
You can use the jQuery closest() function to find an element near the clicked button. Add click handlers to the buttons and then traverse up to find the textarea.
var thisRowsTA = $(this).closest("textarea");
A simply way is to:
Put an ID pattern to your textareas, like: txt_area_1, txt_area_2, txt_area_3.
Then, on the Click Event of your buttons, make them catch the corresponding textarea in their row. Use the ID patterns to do this.
Post your code for further help.
You will need to ad an event handler for each button. Inside of that you can write something like this.
function eventHandler(e){
var row = this; // start at the button
while(row.nodeName != 'TR' && row.parent){
// go up till we find the row
row = row.parent;
var textArea = row.querySelector('textarea');
var value = textArea.value;
// do something with supplied feedback.
In order to attach the handlers, you would do something like this.
function attachTableEvents(){
var table = document.querySelector('table'); // or more specific selector if needed
var buttons = table.querySelectorAll('button');
for (var i = buttons.length; i--;){
Counting on the DOM structure is really BAD.
I would put an attribute in my controls that holds the line number. Then when clicking an element you can easily query the DOM by element type and the property value to get any elements in this line.
Later if you change to DIVs or change structure your will still run correctly

How to get data element of checkbox on change event

I've got a dynamic table of items with checkboxes next to each item. When a user selects a checkbox I want to grab the "Name" item from the table and add it to a textbox. See image:
The way I'm trying to accomplish this is by adding a "change" event to every checkbox and populating it's "data-name" element with the name of the text.
#foreach (var item in Model.Items)
<td><input type="checkbox" name="selectBox" data-name="#item.Name" /></td>
As you can see I'm populating data-name with the item name as a way to get around pulling it directly (which I don't know how to do). Now in javascript/jquery I'm tying an event to every checkbox and attempting to get the data element using the following code:
$('input[name=selectBox]').change(function (item) {
var text = $(item).attr('data-name');
When the code runs the event is firing for all checkboxes, but "text" is undefined when I expect it to be the name data.
Looking for an answer to my method of doing this AND/OR a better way involving skipping the data element all together and getting the name value directly. Thanks for looking.
Try this:
var text = $(this).data('name');
The first parameter of your change function is the event, not the element itself. Also, jQuery automatically sets the function scope (this) to the element being changed.
See Documentation
In your case item is event object not DomElement, you can get element through event property currentTarget
$('input[name=selectBox]').change(function (item) {
var text = $(item.currentTarget).attr('data-name');
or use this because this refer` on current Element, it is the same as in previous example but shorter
$('input[name=selectBox]').change(function (item) {
var text = $(this).attr('data-name');

jQuery Cloned django-selectable Autocomplete Dropdowns Not Working

As the title states, I have a django-selectable autocomplete form field on my page, that I am trying to clone dynamically after page load. The cloning part works, but the autocomplete fields do not function. I don't know the internals of django-selectable, and I'm still learning jQuery so I am lost as far as figuring out how to "fix" the autoselect functionality.
My general approach is this: I render the form widget using django template variable inside a div container, and I clone the div container.
<div class="autocomplete" id="autocomplete_{{ form.instance.id}}">{{form.autocomplete_dropdown}}</div>
// This works, just the cloned form lacks "autocomplete" functionality.
var autocompleteArray = theDiv.find('.autocomplete');
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone();
Based on SunnySydeUp's comments I made the following revisions:
// Clone the div and all its contents
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone(true, true);
// Get the children of the div
var acCloneChildrenArray = acClone.children();
// iterate through the children array, modify ids where they exist to make them unique
// e.g., unique id contained in idSuffix.
for (var i = 0; i < acCloneChildrenArray.length; i++) {
// if it has an id, make it unique
if (acCloneChildrenArray[i].getAttribute('id')) {
var ident = acCloneChildrenArray[i].getAttribute('id')
acCloneChildrenArray[i].setAttribute('id', ident+'_'+idSuffix);
Now the data and events are copied, but they are tied to the prototype/master dropdown. That is, clicking one of the cloned objects actually triggers the dropdown for the master. I guess the question comes down to how to attach the event handler dynamically to the new dropdowns?
Final working code (has a minor bug--duplicated dropdown button, but the autocomplete and dropdown functionality works, per SunnySydeUp's solution).
// Clone the div
// We leave clone deepcopy flags at default==false
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone();
// Get the children of the div
// You don't need to set unique id's on the children, it's irrelevant.
// Bind the new selectable fields to the event handlers.
I haven't used django-selectable before but I'm guessing it uses javascript/jQuery to make the autocomplete work. When you call clone, it doesn't clone the javascript for the dropdown. Try doing:
var acClone = autocompleteArray.clone(true);
Passing in true will make jQuery also copy the data and events on that input.
Clone documentation

Adding an item to an editable menulist when it is typed in by the user

I am creating a menulist popup list dynamically. I the editable and open attributes to true. What I would like to be able to do is to be able to add a new menulist item when the user types in an item that is not already present. Is this possible? If so, how?
I am creating the list like so:
var ml = document.createElement("menulist");
var mp = document.createElement("menupopup");
var mi = document.createElement("menuitem");
//add as many items as i feel
When the value is changed, the alert function is fired when the item is changed but when I type in anything, it is not fired. Basically, I want to eventually pass the value to a funcntion I call from here to add the item to the list.
First of all, you should seriously consider using addEventListener instead of changing attributes like oncommand:
ml.addEventListener("command", function(event) {
}, false);
If you want to be notified about changes in the text field then you should add an event listener to the text field:
ml.inputField.addEventListener("input", function(event)
alert("Text field value changed");
}, false);
Note that this has to be done after the element is added to the document, before that the inputField property will not be defined (corresponding XBL binding didn't apply yet).
For reference: menulist.inputField, input event

How to get values from dynamically added (using javascript) elements?

On my aspx page I dynamically create html controls on client side using javascript. For example, after page load you can click button in a browser, by clicking button html input and select elements appear. You may click once again, and this elements (input and select) will added again. So, you can create so many inputs and selects as you want (all this using javascript, no postbacks)
After user created some inputs and selects and entered some information in it, he posted form. I want on server side to find all this dynamically added elements and perform some actions depends on values in this controls.
How can I find dynamically added elements, and what is the best and elegant way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
In the Javascript that creates the new elements, increment a counter each time an element is created. Add the value of the counter to the name of the input element so each element has a unique name.
Add the final value of the counter to a hidden form field when the form is posted.
In your server side code, create a loop that starts at zero and continues until you have reached the value of the counter. Within the loop, fetch the posted value of the corresponding form field.
When you add the elements, assign unique IDs to them, and then retrieve their values using Request.Form["UniqueIdHere"] (C#) or Request.Form("UniqueIdHere") (VB.NET).
Create a loop that loops through each input and select object, that grabs the name/id of the current object and its corresponding value. Then add those items to an array and once the loop is completed, pass those values to your aspx file.
You can view an example with this approach at: http://jsfiddle.net/euHeX/. It currently just alerts the values, but you could easily modify it to pass the values as a parameter via ajax to your handler aspx file. The code will add new inputs or select boxes based off of the input provided. This would of course be modified to reflect your current setup.
<div id="dynamic"></div>
<input type="button" id="submit-form" value="Submit>>">
JavaScript (using jQuery):
function createInput(type){
for(var i=0; i<5; i++){
var obj = '<input type="text" id="'+i+'" class="dynamicContent">';
}else if(type==1){
var obj = '<select id="'+i+'" class="dynamicContent"><option>--Select--</option></select>';
function getContent(){
var inputArray = [];
var o = $(this);
var oType;
if(o.is("input")){ oType = "input"; }
if(o.is("select")){ oType = "select"; }
var oID = oType+o.attr("id");
var oValue = o.val();
// Set type to 0 for input or 1 for select
var type = '1';
If you're using jQuery you can use .live() to achive this like a peace of cake!
I don't know if your controls will survive the postback the way you're creating them, but a good technique for accessing dynamically generated controls (assuming that you've figured out how to persist them) is to do something like the following:
Add a panel to your page. Add your dynamically created controls to this panel.
In the OnClick event handler (or other method), do something like the following:
foreach (DropDownList ddl in Panel1.Controls.OfType<DropDownList>())
//put code here
foreach (TextBox txt in Panel1.Controls.OfType<TextBox>())
//put code here

