calling a Google Cloud Functions with parameters from browser using Javascript - javascript

I am trying to stream some events in batches from a mobile web site to BigQuery, and I am trying to trigger a Google Cloud Function to do this via parameters.
I've reached the point to initilise de script, but how do I call a Google Cloud Function with param?
<script src=""></script>
function start() {
// 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library.
'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
// Your API key will be automatically added to the Discovery Document URLs.
'discoveryDocs': ['$discovery/rest'],
// clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required.
'clientId': '',
'scope': 'profile',
}).then(function() {
// 3. Initialize and make the API request.
return gapi.client.people.people.get({
'resourceName': 'people/me',
'requestMask.includeField': 'person.names'
}).then(function(response) {
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
// 1. Load the JavaScript client library.
gapi.load('client', start);

I hope you found a solution for it... but I usually do:
var getPeople = gapi.client.people.people.get({
'resourceName': 'people/me',
'requestMask.includeField': 'person.names'
getPeople.execute(function(response) {
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);


VueJS access to a variable from another method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to access the correct `this` inside a callback
(13 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm using Vuejs and i would i have two methods one is to make a call and another one is to hangup
i would like to access to device variable that i have in makeCall methods from hangup
error : Cannot set property 'device' of undefined at eval
this is my code :
export default {
components: {Modal},
data: () => ({
device: '',
showModal: false,
output: ''
collection: {
methods: {
this.showModal = true
this.form.output += `${digit}`
let screen = document.getElementById('output').value
this.form.output = screen.slice(0, -1)
console.log("Requesting Access Token...");
// Using a relative link to access the Voice Token function
.then(function (response) {
console.log("Got a token.");
console.log("Token: " +;
// Setup Twilio.Device
this.device = new Twilio.Device(, {
// Set Opus as our preferred codec. Opus generally performs better, requiring less bandwidth and
// providing better audio quality in restrained network conditions. Opus will be default in 2.0.
codecPreferences: ["opus", "pcmu"],
// Use fake DTMF tones client-side. Real tones are still sent to the other end of the call,
// but the client-side DTMF tones are fake. This prevents the local mic capturing the DTMF tone
// a second time and sending the tone twice. This will be default in 2.0.
fakeLocalDTMF: true,
// Use `enableRingingState` to enable the device to emit the `ringing`
// state. The TwiML backend also needs to have the attribute
// `answerOnBridge` also set to true in the `Dial` verb. This option
// changes the behavior of the SDK to consider a call `ringing` starting
// from the connection to the TwiML backend to when the recipient of
// the `Dial` verb answers.
enableRingingState: true,
debug: true,
this.device.on("ready", function (device) {
console.log("Twilio.Device Ready!");
this.device.on("error", function (error) {
console.log("Twilio.Device Error: " + error.message);
this.device.on("connect", function (conn) {
console.log('Successfully established call ! ');
// $('#modal-call-in-progress').modal('show')
this.device.on("disconnect", function (conn) {
console.log("Call ended.");
// $('.modal').modal('hide')
var params = {
To: document.getElementById('output').value
console.log("Calling me " + document.getElementById('output').value + "...");
if (this.device) {
var outgoingConnection = this.device.connect(params);
outgoingConnection.on("ringing", function () {
.catch(function (err) {
console.log("Could not get a token from server!");
The error was due to how this works in JS. The function declaration in the promise was creating a different this context than the main function. The function keyword sets this based on where it is called, whereas arrow functions set this based on where it is defined in the code.
All you need to do is replace the function(response){} declaration in the getAPI promise .then with an arrow function, and it will work fine.
console.log("Requesting Access Token...");
// Using a relative link to access the Voice Token function
.then((response) => {
Try replacing these lines - to use an arrow function in the .then

API key not valid error when trying to get profile data

I'm trying to test Google login API. I want to retrieve some basic data after the client logs.
I created a Google API Console project and client ID (
Here is google official code (
<script type="text/javascript">
function handleClientLoad() {
// Loads the client library and the auth2 library together for efficiency.
// Loading the auth2 library is optional here since `gapi.client.init` function will load
// it if not already loaded. Loading it upfront can save one network request.
gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);
function initClient() {
// Initialize the client with API key and People API, and initialize OAuth with an
// OAuth 2.0 client ID and scopes (space delimited string) to request access.
apiKey: '5v2RzP7-xyQGNjxrD5suoPL9',
discoveryDocs: ["$discovery/rest?version=v1"],
clientId: '',
scope: 'profile'
}).then(function () {
// Listen for sign-in state changes.
// Handle the initial sign-in state.
function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
// When signin status changes, this function is called.
// If the signin status is changed to signedIn, we make an API call.
if (isSignedIn) {
function handleSignInClick(event) {
// Ideally the button should only show up after gapi.client.init finishes, so that this
// handler won't be called before OAuth is initialized.
function handleSignOutClick(event) {
function makeApiCall() {
// Make an API call to the People API, and print the user's given name.
resourceName: 'people/me'
}).then(function(response) {
console.log('Hello, ' + response.result.names[0].givenName);
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
<script async defer src=""
onreadystatechange="if (this.readyState === 'complete') this.onload()">
<button id="signin-button" onclick="handleSignInClick()">Sign In</button>
<button id="signout-button" onclick="handleSignOutClick()">Sign Out</button>
ClientId and apikey are from my google api.
I receive error 400
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"links": [
"description": "Google developers console",
"url": ""
I don't understand what's wrong whit my api key. I followed all the steps from google documentation.
It seems you are using the client secret as API key. Isn't it?
To obtain an API key you must create it.
Under credentials (dev console) click on create credential, and then 'API Key'

Google Calendar API getting 'Cannot read property 'signIn' of null'

I'm trying to use Google's Calendar API to get info on specific calendar. I keep getting this error Cannot read property 'signIn' of null. I'm using the example online here
Any idea why this is happening? And can someone give me a more simple way to get calendar data? Basically I want to know which rooms in my calendar feed are free to book. Can I do this using the calendar API?
const CLIENT_ID = '';
const SCOPES = [""];
app.factory('getCalendar', ['$q', function($q){
return function checkAuth() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
function handleClientLoad() {
gapi.load('client:auth2', initClient);
function initClient() {
"client_id": CLIENT_ID,
"scope": SCOPES
}).then(function () {
function updateSigninStatus(isSignedIn) {
if (isSignedIn) {
console.log("You are authorized");
} else {
console.log("You are not authorized");
function listUpcomingEvents() {{
'calendarId': 'primary',
'timeMin': (new Date()).toISOString(),
'showDeleted': false,
'singleEvents': true,
'maxResults': 10,
'orderBy': 'startTime'
}).then(function(response) {
return deferred.promise;
} //return ends here
Try using gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.listen(updateSigninStatus); instead of gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn();. You may refer with this sample code on how to use the Google JavaScript Client API Library to authenticate and interact with the API.
Also check this related SO thread and see if it helps.
Any idea on how to check which rooms on your calendar are available or not?
You may check on this link: Google Calendar Api, Is meeting Room available?
You will need to be authenticated as a user that has read-access to the room. Then you can take the resourceEmail field of the Calendar Resource API and use it as a calendarId in the events.list() Calendar API call.

Twitter authentication in Codebird JS

I am very new to integrating social sites into a website. I somewhat managed to integrate Facebook, but I have no idea how to integrate Twitter.
I want to login through a Twitter account, then get the username and some other data from Twitter. I have a consumer key and consumer secret. I'm not sure how to proceed from here, and my Google searches haven't helped so far.
I am trying with codebird js:
$(function() {
$('#twitter').click(function(e) {
var cb = new Codebird;
cb.setConsumerKey("redacted", "redacted");
{ oauth_callback: "" },
function (reply, rate, err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error response or timeout exceeded" + err.error);
if (reply) {
// stores it
cb.setToken(reply.oauth_token, reply.oauth_token_secret);
// gets the authorize screen URL
function (auth_url) {
window.codebird_auth =;
function(reply) {
But I get
Your credentials do not allow access to this resource
How can I resolve this and get the user data? I am open to using an alternate Twitter implementation.
You cannot call cb._call( "account_verifyCredentials"... there.
The code only has a request token, NOT an access token, which you will only receive after the user authorizes your app (on the Twitter auth popup).
You are using the "callback URL without PIN" method, as documented on the README. So you'll need to implement that example code on your page.
Also, this essentially requires that you store the oauth credentials somewhere. In my example below, I've used localStorage.
$(function () {
$('#twitter').click(function (e) {
var cb = new Codebird;
cb.setConsumerKey("CeDhZjVa0d8W02gWuflPWQmmo", "YO4RI2UoinJ95sonHGnxtYt4XFtlAhIEyt89oJ8ZajClOyZhka");
var oauth_token = localStorage.getItem("oauth_token");
var oauth_token_secret = localStorage.getItem("oauth_token_secret");
if (oauth_token && oauth_token_secret) {
cb.setToken(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret);
} else {
"oauth_requestToken", {
oauth_callback: ""
function (reply, rate, err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error response or timeout exceeded" + err.error);
if (reply) {
console.log("reply", reply)
// stores it
cb.setToken(reply.oauth_token, reply.oauth_token_secret);
// save the token for the redirect (after user authorizes)
// we'll want to compare these values
localStorage.setItem("oauth_token", reply.oauth_token);
localStorage.setItem("oauth_token_secret", reply.oauth_token_secret);
// gets the authorize screen URL
"oauth_authorize", {},
function (auth_url) {
console.log("auth_url", auth_url);
// JSFiddle doesn't open windows:
$("#authorize").attr("href", auth_url);
// after user authorizes, user will be redirected to
// then follow this section for coding that page:
Also made a JSFiddle

Use custom image for google signin button

I want to provide users a facility to sign in with google. However, I want to use my image(only image, no css) as "sign in with google" button. I am using the following code:
<div id="mySignin"><img src="images/google.png" alt="google"/></div>
I am also using gapi.signin.render function as mentioned on google developer console. The code is:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
function render(){
gapi.signin.render("mySignIn", {
// 'callback': 'signinCallback',
'clientid': '',
'cookiepolicy': 'single_host_origin',
'requestvisibleactions': '',
'scope': 'profile'
The problem is that google signin popup is not opening and I cannot figure out how to solve it. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
<script type="text/JavaScript">
* Handler for the signin callback triggered after the user selects an account.
function onSignInCallback(resp) {
gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', apiClientLoaded);
* Sets up an API call after the Google API client loads.
function apiClientLoaded() {{userId: 'me'}).execute(handleEmailResponse);
* Response callback for when the API client receives a response.
* #param resp The API response object with the user email and profile information.
function handleEmailResponse(resp) {
var primaryEmail;
var jsonobj=JSON.stringify(resp);alert(jsonobj);
var uid=;
var user_name1=;
for (var i=0; i < resp.emails.length; i++) {
if (resp.emails[i].type === 'account') primaryEmail = resp.emails[i].value;
/* document.getElementById('response').innerHTML = 'Primary email: ' +
primaryEmail + '<br/>id is: ' + uid; */
To use an image as your "Google Sign-in" button, you can use the GoogleAuth.attachClickHandler() function from the Google javascript SDK to attach a click handler to your image. Replace <YOUR-CLIENT-ID> with your app client id from your Google Developers Console.
HTML example:
<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>">
<image id="googleSignIn" src="img/your-icon.png"></image>
<script src="" async defer></script>
Javascript example:
function onLoadGoogleCallback(){
gapi.load('auth2', function() {
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: '<YOUR-CLIENT-ID>',
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: 'profile'
auth2.attachClickHandler(element, {},
function(googleUser) {
console.log('Signed in: ' + googleUser.getBasicProfile().getName());
}, function(error) {
console.log('Sign-in error', error);
element = document.getElementById('googleSignIn');
For those who come to here trying to get the button work out: The code below should do the trick.
It looks like the 'callback' method doesn't seem to work not sure if this is something to do with Vue as I am building it on Vue, or Google changed it as this was posted 5 years ago. Anyways, use the example below.
window.onload =() =>{
var GoogleUser = {}
gapi.load('auth2',() =>{
var auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: '<client-unique>',
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: 'profile'
auth2.attachClickHandler(document.getElementById('googleSignup'), {},
(googleUser) =>{
console.log('Signed in: ' + googleUser.getBasicProfile().getName());
},(error) =>{
console.log('Sign-in error', error);
Change 'client_id' to your client id, and element id to your customized button id.
I hope this saves time for anyone!
Plus: I ended up using the code below, which is clearer:
window.onload = () => {
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
let auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: '<client_id>',
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: 'profile email'
document.getElementById('googleSignup').addEventListener('click',() => {
auth2.signIn().then(() => {
let profile = auth2.currentUser.get().getBasicProfile();
... profile functions ...
}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Google Sign Up or Login Error: ', error)

