Can I Use Tumblr.js Without Node.js? - javascript

Reading the official documentation for Tumblr.js, it seems to require Node.js. I'd like to trigger a dialog box and let my app access the user blog. Can I make calls with vanilla JavaScript? I'd appreciate your help. I've been looking around the web and there is little information. Thanks.
<button onclick="loginTumblr();"> Connect Tumblr </button>
function loginTumblr(){
//get user info + token

The answer is "probably," but it certainly won't be secure. Accessing an API from from the client side is risky because you'll have to expose your app's private credentials to the end user.
What you said regarding needing node is not necessarily correct; you could use any server side scripting (e.g., PHP) to safety call the api.

In all cases, make sure you are not exposing your keys or endpoints where other people could use your keys to access your personal account.
If you learn OAuth and CORS, you might be able to write an axios or fetch client. Node's "request" module is not easy to reverse engineer into client-side JS code. The browser versions I've seen don't support the OAuth addon it uses.
If you deploy to or a VPS, or write an Electron desktop client, you could use the node, golang, or python clients in the backend to proxy tumblr requests.
If you deploy to netlify, you could use the node or golang netlify functions to proxy tumblr requests.
If you deploy to any VPS environment or use serverless/lambda/cloudfunctions, you could proxy tumblr requests in most of the available cloud libraries.
I suspect you could compile the golang or c client to webassembly and expose their functions to JavaScript, but I don't recommend trying this.


Why Next.js API?

Im starting with Next and I'm kind of confused about how it works the SSR and the API. When should I use the API folder in pages instead of having my own server with a database? Does Next server for SSR will have any conflict if I had my server in Node for example?
The point is to provide a simple, scalable alternative to running your own server.
When you deploy API routes via Vercel, it will provision AWS Lambda functions on the backend to form your API.
These functions are sort of like individual snips of code that get run on demand when you have traffic.
You're right in the sense that there isn't too much difference. Just an alternative way to deploy your API. The main purpose is to make it easy and reduce the management associated with running a server.
For most use cases, it should work well but please note it doesn't have support for Websockets.
You're free to use API routes, or your own server. It doesn't matter and won't impact on the SSR.

Can I create web api using express.js and not have node.js installed?

I am currently in the process of creating a portfolio website for myself but due to hosting restrictions, I cannot make use of Node.js.
I know Angular can run on any web server, but is it possible to make use of Express.js to create web api's with relying on Node.js to run these web api's using Express.js?
If not, is there an alternative solution to create web api's that I can call using Angular and later for my mobile version of my website?
Please note that my shared hosting runs using cPanel.
As per definition Express.js, or simply Express, is a web application framework for Node.js so you can't do that. Alternatives would be to use a different backend language.
That also depends if your server supports them, for example, you can go with .NET CORE
You cannot use Express without NodeJS by definition so you have to deploy your backend somewhere else in you want to use it.
I suggest giving a look Firebase: you could write your backend using http cloud functions in express without paying anything until a reasonable amount of traffic (after that, is pretty cheap). You could also get rid of cPanel and deploy your frontend there via Firebase hosting.
Maybe you can try to build at first a web application with express. Of course you can create a web app without express if you need it. With express and Node.js I created a MySQL REST API. With HTML and Ajax you can fetch the Data from the API. So you can create two applications. One application where you need to run Node.js because it`s much easier to create a REST API with express. The second one is fully without Node.js.
Maybe there are better solutions, but inside each Web Application you can than but you can then access this API in any web application using jQuery. It doesn't matter if it is written with PHP, ASP.Net Core, Java EE / EE4J. You can also access this API in Ruby, Angular, React, Vue etc. using an AJAX request.
In some scenarios you can't start Node.js as a server because an application is already running on apache2 or nginx. There this would be a workaround to use something like this. For example, one could also integrate applications with HTML+JS in a CMS system that accesses other database tables and thus extend such a system without an iframe.
So can be helpful for few scenarios. Now just doesn't get around the actual goal of doing without Node.js completely or even express. But why are there REST APIs? So that you can query the data and incorporate it somewhere else. Otherwise you would have to build a REST API with another technology. Especially in the example of accessing MySQL with JavaScript, this would not be quickly feasible.
If you are looking for a similar solution to separate the web app and the REST API, but you don't need Node.js, then you should really build a REST API with .Net Core or with another technology, depending on what is possible and installed on your server. It could be Java or PHP behind it or Ruby.
The API that provides the REST access does not have to be written in JavaScript. You only need to be able to access it with JavaScript. So you can use many different approaches to access JSON data. I hope that in the short time with my bad English I have explained the basic idea, how to proceed stylistically and where advantages exist in REST interfaces.
With this, it should be self-explanatory that you don't have to use NodeJS and Express, but with JavaScript it's a pleasant solution. Only you have to ask yourself if a JavaScript application has to provide this interface at all or if in the end only a JavaScript application has to access this interface. Very big difference.
For backend rest api you can use golang with gorilla framework. Golang simple keyword and easy to important point is performance. If your server support golang you can use golang for backend..
ExpressJS is NodeJS framework so it's impossible to create an API without NodeJS.
Angular is front-end framework so you can host it on web hosting server.
If you need to create back-end APIs, you can use other clouding host servers that support NodeJS.
It's fairly simple to build this with just the net/http package. Set up a router that handles various commands and deal with the response accordingly.

Using Active Directory (with LDAP) to authenticate on an angularjs/javascript fronted - what should the flow of the process be?

I'm working on a project in which we need to authenticate the user in an application by using his/hers windows credentials. Frontend is using Angularjs and backend java.
After doing a sensible amount of research, I discovered that there is no way on the the frontend to obtain directly the Windows user & pass due to security concerns.
But I'm thinking that the whole process should start here, from the frontend, by obtaining these two encrypted credentials or at least a token and sending them to the backend in order to kickstart the ntlm authentication process.
And also, not sure if the user should have to log in the app by typing his windows credentials or if it should automatically be done with ntlm passthrough.
I do not have a good grip on the concept, and that is because most of the related sources that I found are referring to backend solutions (C# 80% of them), but almost nothing for fronted. So, I humbly require some clarifications on this topic. Is there some sort of middleware or npm package that I should use in order to obtain the user & pass, or what would you advise?
Web servers expose certain server variables to code handling requests they serve.
For me, using IIS, these are described here:
Since I am using IISNode; my node.js environment is completely embedded into IIS; I have access to these server variables. As the link described, each programming language seems to have their own way to access these variables.
So I would doubt it if Java does not have those as well. The exact code to use will depend on you back end.
But a quick search for "java server variables" already yields me the following: for the java access manager. for old school JSP.
How can I obtain server variables using apache wicket 1.54? for java wicket server.
So have a look at the documentation of your specific web server software or Java API.
There should be a list and example code of how to access these.
Once you obtain this data server side, you can do the LDAP query and then return the results client side.

Connect to (open) LDAP with javascript or jQuery and no Node.js

I have a pure js/html POC web application and I am trying to authenticate users through ldap. I can't seem to find any info on how to do this, is this even possible?.
The only answers I see come around by using node.js like and ldapauth but I was trying to avoid node.js since I'm not comfortable with and for time limitations.
As far as I know, you can't initiate a LDAP connection from javascript in a browser without using third party application/extension/...
LDAP is a protocol such as http, and you have to use this protocol to authenticate against a directory.
There are different solutions though :
Use basic authentication which uses a LDAP directory as the users backend
Expose an api which will make the authentications (available in mostly every language : php, nodejs, python, perl, etc.)
Use a third party product which will handle that for you (LemonLdap::NG for example, which will have a portal, and your application will be accessible through the LL::NG proxy)

How to efficiently develop client-side code for a web app without installing a local backend?

One of my team members is working only on client-side (Javascript) development for a web app with a large and complex backend.
I would like to avoid the need for him install and configure a local copy of the backend.
However, I wouldn't want him to need to push every small change to the dev server just so that he can test it.
We thought about getting the client to make the requests directly to the dev server, instead of to the same domain (the localhost) but this doesn't seem practical due to cross-domain request policies and authentication problems (cookies aren't getting sent).
What are some elegant solutions for developing clients without having a local backend?
Depending on how complicated your backend is, you might be able to create a mock backend using a lightweight web framework like Sinatra. I've had some success with this technique, but the services I've been mocking have been fairly simple. In some cases the mock backend mostly serves static JSON files.
I use Charles Proxy to map the URIs of the dev server's web services to localhost (where I run a light weight web server that serves up my static development code).

