mobile phone number verification - javascript

I'm working on a project and i want verify users phone number on my website,but all i found is validate 10 digit phone number,so am confuse because in my country here in nigeria we use 11 digit as our phone number so how can i verify that also.
function phonenumber(inputtxt)
var phoneno = /^\+?([0-9]{2})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{4})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
return true;
return false;
the code above is only for 10 digit how can i make it for 11 or is their any other way.

According to your code the current format which can be validated is
If you need to allow user enter the 11 symbols number you need to slightly change current regexp in this way:
var phoneno = /^\+?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{4})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/;
It will now allow the 'xxx-xxxx-xxxx' format. (pay attention to the dashes position it is important in this case).


Trying to make a language translation app

I am trying to make a translation app that can translate a number between 1-30 from english to its german/french counterpart. I think I am somewhat on the right track, ive made the arrays with all the translations, but the problems I am having is I don't know how to correlate the number the user puts in via a prompt, to one of the values in the array, example:
User is prompted for number between 1-30, user is prompted for language French/German = Translation
This is what I am trying to do. Bellow is what I have so far, feel free to nit pick, but bear in mind I am new to Javascript so there is probably a lot wrong.
function translate() {
if (lang = "French") {
} else {
var x=translate
var number=(Number(prompt ("What is your number? Must be between 1-30")));
var lang=(prompt ("What is your language? Must be 'French' or 'German'. Case Sensitive."));
var frenchTranslation = ["Please enter a number between 1-30", "un","deux","trois","quatre","cinq","six","sept","huit","neuf","dix","onze","douze","treize","quatorze","quinze","seize","dix-sept","dix-huit","dix-neuf",
"vingt","vingt et un","vingt-deux","vingt-trois","vingt-quatre","vingt-cinq","vingt-six","vingt-sept","vingt huit","vingt-neuf","trente"];
var germanTranslation = ["Please enter a number between 1-30","Eins","Zwei","Drei","Vier","Fünf","Sechs","Sieben","Acht","Neun","Zehn","Elf","Zwölf","Dreizehn","Vierzehn","Fünfzehn","Sechzehn","Siebzehn","Achtzehn","Neunzehn",
Right, so first of all, you need to add some input validation to know what the user has selected. I recommend storing it somewhere, then you should make sure that it's in the correct range. Just use an if statement to check if the number is >= 0 && <= 30. After that when you're trying to use console.log you need to use array index of the correct number.
Here's my solution, you can improve on it a lot.
var frenchTranslation = ["Please enter a number between 1-30", "un","deux","trois","quatre","cinq","six","sept","huit","neuf","dix","onze","douze","treize","quatorze","quinze","seize","dix-sept","dix-huit","dix-neuf",
"vingt","vingt et un","vingt-deux","vingt-trois","vingt-quatre","vingt-cinq","vingt-six","vingt-sept","vingt huit","vingt-neuf","trente"];
var germanTranslation = ["Please enter a number between 1-30","Eins","Zwei","Drei","Vier","Fünf","Sechs","Sieben","Acht","Neun","Zehn","Elf","Zwölf","Dreizehn","Vierzehn","Fünfzehn","Sechzehn","Siebzehn","Achtzehn","Neunzehn",
function translate()
const yournumber = Number(prompt("Enter your number (1-30)"));
const language = prompt("Choose a language - German or French");
if(yournumber < 1 || yournumber > 30) {
alert("Too hard");
else {
if(language === "French") {
if(language === "German") {

how to detect mobile numbers in a string using javascript

To be honest, this sound like a duplicate post, but this is totally different from other post.
I'm building a chat room, where i would like to detect mobile number in user sending messages and warn the users that sending mobile numbers in the chat room is not safe and its against our policy.
There are few posts shows how to detect US number. But what about Indian numbers? they are 10 digit numbers.
var input = "hey im emily, call me now 9876543210"
I have to detect the number in all these formats.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
98765 43210
+91 9876543210
Some smart users always comes up with a smart way to come around those filters used in the client side javascript. So i have to be well prepared to detect all the method they use.
Example Message :
"hey this is emy, call me now 9876543210"
Expected output : pop up saying, hey buddy, sending numbers in the room is not safe and not allowed here.
Note: The string message should be allowed to send upoto 5 digit numbers, without getting the alert pop up. Or if you have any better idea? suggest me and we can make it work. Thanks
Here's a regex for a 7 or 10 digit number, with extensions allowed, delimiters are spaces, dashes, or periods:
Although you need to add conditions for special numbers like 911, 100, 101
In your test cases the length of phone number is 10:
So try the following code:
let input = "hey im emily, call me now 9 876543210";
let matched = input.match(/\d+/g).join('');
let phoneNumberLength = 10;
if (matched.length >= phoneNumberLength) {
console.log(`we've found a phone number. The number is ${matched}`);
} else
console.log(`The message does not contain phone number`);
Try to adjust this code as it is desired
This code is intended to get desired results with test case by #tibetty:
let input = 'hi dude, please call my cell phone +86 13601108486 at 300pm"'
let matched = input.split(' ');
let maxIndex = matched.length - 1;
let filtered = matched.filter((s, i) => {
if (i != maxIndex && isNumeric(s) && isNumeric(matched[i + 1]))
return true;
if (isNumeric(s))
return true;
return false;
console.log(` The number is found ${filtered.join(' ')}`);
function isNumeric(n) {
return n.match(/^(?:[+\d].*\d|\d)$/);
try this one:
function phonenumber(inputtxt)
var phoneno = /^\d{10}$/;
return true;
return false;

What regex should i use to validate a number pattern?

For this first validate I try to validate an input of 4 digits, however when i try to run it and enter 4 digits the error still shows up:
function pCodeValidate() {
var pCode = document.getElementById("postcode");
var pCodePattern = /^\d{4}$/;
if (!(pCodePattern.test(pCode))){
errorList("post code must be 4 digits")
The second one validates a mobile number with the pattern "04dddddddd, where d is a digit". this is my code:
function mNumberValidate() {
var mNumber = document.getElementById("mobilenumber");
var mNumberPattern = /^\d{10}$/;
if (!(mNumberPattern.test(mNumber))){
errorList("invalid mobile number");
For this second part what regex should I use to enforce "04" being the first value in the input?
The problem with your first function is that you are not using the regex to test the value of the input, you are trying to test a reference to the input itself. Change the following line:
var pCode = document.getElementById("postcode");
to get the value:
var pCode = document.getElementById("postcode").value;
In your second function you have the same problem, which you'd fix the same way:
var mNumber = document.getElementById("mobilenumber").value;
// --------------------------------- add this part >-^^^^^^
Then the regex you need for a phone number starting with 04 is as follows:
That is:
^ - beginning of string
04 - the literal characters "04"
\d{8} - any 8 digits
$ - end of string
(Dodgy demo:

Regex: Check if string contains SSN in any part of the string

Can any one tell how to check if a String contains a social security number (SSN) using REGEX
Example data:
(1): my ssn is 123-44-8686
validate this ==> Need to return as true, since it contains a number in SSN format (XXX-XX-XXXX)
(2) my ssn is nothing ==> Need to return as false, since it does not contain a number in SSN format
No need to use REGEX.
Hopefully Something like this will work
var str = "123-44-8686";
var res = str.split("-");
if(res.length == 3){
var ssn1=res[0];
var ssn2=res[1];
var ssn3=res[2];
alert("valid formate");
alert('Invalid formate');

Extract substring out of a user input phone number using Javascript

I am getting phone number input from user as +XXX-X-XXX-XXXX that (+XXX as country code), (X as city Code), (XXX as 1st 3 digits) and , (XXX as 2nd 4 digits). I used regular expression to confirm the entry as in following code;
function validate(form) {
var phone =;
var phoneRegex = /^(\+|00)\d{2,3}-\d{1,2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$/g;
//Checking 'phone' and its regular expressions
if(phone == "") {
inlineMsg('phone','<strong>Error</strong><br />You must enter phone number.',2);
return false;
if(!phone.match(phoneRegex)) {
inlineMsg('phone','<strong>Error</strong><br />Enter valid phone <br />+xxx-x-xxx-xxxx (or) <br />00xxx-x-xxx-xxxx.',2);
return false;
return true;
Its working very fine but the problem is that
EDIT : If the user inputs as +XXXXXXXXXXX (all together) and hit enter or go to another field, the input it self set according to the Regex that is +XXX-X-XXX-XXXX.
Can some one guide me with some example how to do this task.
Thank you
Set the element's onblur method a callback as follows:
var isValidPhoneNumber = function(string) {
var reformat = function(string) {
* > reformat('example 123 1 1 2 3 123-45')
* "+123-1-123-1234"
var numbers = string.match(/\d/g);
return '+' + [
var reformatPhoneNumber = function() {
var inputElement = this;
var value = inputElement.value;
if (isValidPhoneNumber(value))
inputElement.value = reformat(inputElement.value);
// complain to user
Here are two example ways you could set the onblur callback handler:
document.getElementById('yourinputelement').onblur = reformatPhoneNumber;
<input ... onblur="reformatPhoneNumber"/>
You can augment reformatPhoneNumber with more validation code if you'd like, or just constantly validate the number as the user is typing it.
To only do this if your phone number is of the form +ABCDEFGHIJK, then add an string.match(/^\+\d{11}$/)!==null to your if statement. (^,$ mean the start and end of the string, \+ means a plus sign, and \d means a digit 0-9, repeated exactly {11} times). Specifically:
function isPlusAndEleventDigits(string) {
* Returns whether string is exactly of the form '+00000000000'
* where 0 means any digit 0-9
return string.match(/^\+\d{11}$/)!==null
Try shaping the input:
result = subject.replace(/^((\+|00)\d{2,3})-?(\d{1,2})-?(\d{3})-?(\d{4})$/mg, "$1-$3-$4-$5");
Then do next procedure.

