Toggle component in react on button click - javascript

I have 4 components. I only want to render one at a time. I have buttons in my nav, when i click one it should render that component and then hide the other 3 (i.e. set them to null)
This is easy with 2 components. I just have a toggle function like so:
toggle() {
this.setState(prevState => ({
showTable: !prevState.showTable
I have tried to adapt this for now where I have this:
showComponent(component) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
[component]: !prevState.component
This currently shows the component when i click the corresponding button. However, it wont hide the component once the same button is clicked again.
I have all my buttons calling this method like so:
<button onClick={() => this.showComponent('AddPlayer')}>Add</button>
<button onClick={() => this.showComponent('ShowPlayers')}>Players</button>
<button onClick={() => this.showComponent()}>Table</button>
<button onClick={() => this.showComponent()}>Matches</button>
any ideas?
{this.state.AddPlayer ?
<div className="add-container">
<AddPlayer />
{this.state.ShowPlayers ?
<div className="players-container">
<Players />

You can do this in multiple ways,
One way is, create a const with all state values and components like
const components = {
"AddPlayer": <AddPlayer />,
"ShowPlayers": <Players />,
"Something1": <Something1 />,
"Something2": <Something2 />
set value to state like
showComponent(componentName) {
this.setState({displayedTable: componentName});
and inside render simply
Using Switch case
switch(this.state.displayedTable) {
case "AddPlayer":
return <AddPlayer />
case "ShowPlayers":
return <Players />
render () {
return (
{ this.renderComponent() }


Switching classes between items from the list in React

im doing this simple ecommerce site, and on the product page you have different attributes you can choose, like sizes, colors - represented by clickable divs, with data fetched from GraphQl and then generated to the DOM through map function.
return (
<div className="attribute-container">
<div className="attribute">{}:</div>
<div className="attribute-buttons">
{ => {
if (type === "Color") {
return (
style={{ backgroundColor: item.value }}
onClick={() => addAtribute({type: type, value: item.value })}/>
return (
onClick={() => addAtribute({ type: type, value: item.value })}
Im importing external component, then I check if an attribute's type is Color (type color has different styling), then render depending on that type.
What I want to implement is that when i click on one attribute button, its style changes, BUT of course when i click on another one, choose different size or color for the item i want to buy, new button's style changes AND previously selected button goes back to it's default style. Doing the first step where buttons style changes onClick is simple, but i cant wrap my head around switching between them when choosing different attributes, so only one button at the time can appear clicked.
Here is code for AttributeButton:
class Button extends PureComponent {
this.state = {
selected: false,
render() {
return (
className={ !this.state.selected ? this.props.className : "size-selected "+this.props.className}
onClick={() => {this.props.onClick(); this.setState({selected: !this.state.selected}) }}
export default Button;
PS - i have to use class components for this one, it was not my choice.
You need to have the state selected outside of your <Button> component and use it as a prop instead. Something like:
handleSelect = (button) => {
const isSelected = this.state.selected === button;
this.setState({ selected: isSelected ? null : button });
render() {
return (
isSelected={this.state.selected === "ColorButton"}
onClick={() => this.handleSelect("ColorButton")}
isSelected={this.state.selected === "SizeButton"}
onClick={() => this.handleSelect("SizeButton")}

React List item logic handling

I'm curious to what's a more performant way of handling list logic. For example...
The Item component
export default function Item({data}) => {
return <div>
<button> Do Something </button>
The List component
export default function List({list}) => {
return <div>
{ => <Item data={item} />}
The Main component
export default function Main() {
return <div>
<List list={someList} />
If i want to do something with the button in the Item component is it better to place the logic inside the Item component like this:
export default function Item({data}) => {
const handleDoSomething = () => {
logic goes here
return <div>
<button onClick={() => handleDoSomething()}> Do Something </button>
Or should i propagate back the event to the List component and handle it there like this:
export default function Item({data, handleButtonClick}) => {
return <div>
<button onClick={() => handleButtonClick()}> Do Something </button>
export default function Main() {
const handleDoSomething = () => {
logic goes here
return <div>
<List list={someList} handleButtonClick={() => handleDoSomething()} />
What's the better to do this ? I want a better performance.
I guess that propagating back the event to the List component is better because the handler function will only be declared once, instead of once for every button that you render.
And btw, if you won't pass any custom argument to your handler function, you don't need to create an arrow function, you can just do:
<button onClick={handleButtonClick}> Do Something </button>

Modal component does not render on a custom button component

I am trying to render a custom and dynamic modal on button clicks. For example, when a "Game" button is clicked, I would like a modal to render with specfics about the game and when a "Bank" button is clicked, I would like the modal to populate with specfics about a bank.
First, when I add an onClick function to a custom button component, the modal does not render. However, when I put the onClick function on a regular button, the modal does render. How can I simply add an onClick function on any component to render a dynamic modal?
Second, I would like to populate each modal with differnet data. For example, a "Game" button would populate the modal with a title of "Game" and so on. I'm using props to do this, but is that the best solution?
Here is the code I have so far, but it is broken when I add the onClick function to components.
// Navbar.js
import { ModalContext } from '../contexts/ModalContext'
function Navbar() {
const [showModal, updateShowModal] = React.useState(false)
const toggleModal = () => updateShowModal((state) => !state)
<ModalContext.Provider value={{ showModal, toggleModal }}>
// does not render a modal
// render a modal
<button onClick={toggleModal}>Show Modal</button>
import { ModalContext } from '../contexts/ModalContext'
// Modal.js
const Modal = ({ title }) => {
return (
{(context) => {
if (context.showModal) {
return (
<div style={modalStyles}>
<button onClick={context.toggleModal}>X</button>
return null
// modalContext.js
export const ModalContext = React.createContext()
// Button.js
function Button({ label, type = 'default', icon }) {
return (
<ButtonStyle buttonType={type}>
First problem:
I think the onClick prop of the <Button> component is not pointing to the onClick of the actual HTML button inside the component.
Could you please check that? And if you think It's been set up in the right way, then can you share the code of the component?
Second Problem
Yes, there's another way to do that. And I think it's React Composition. You can build the modal as the following:
<div className="modal__header">{title}</div>
<div className="modal__body">{body}</div>
<div className="modal__footer">{footer}</div>
I think this pattern will give you more control over that component.
You are not passing the onClick prop through to the styled button component.
Given style-component button:
const ButtonStyle = styled.button``;
The custom Button component needs to pass all button props on to the ButtonStyle component.
// Button.js
function Button({ label, type='default', icon, onClick }) {
return (
<ButtonStyle buttonType={type} onClick={onClick}>
If there are other button props then you can use the Spread syntax to collect them into a single object that can then be spread into the ButtonStyle component.
// Button.js
function Button({ label, type = 'default', icon, ...props }) {
return (
<ButtonStyle buttonType={type} {...props}>
Second Question
For the second issue I suggest encapsulating the open/close/title state entirely in the modal context provider, along with the Modal component.
Here's an example implementation:
const ModalContext = React.createContext({
openModal: () => {},
const Modal = ({ title, onClose}) => (
<button onClick={onClose}>X</button>
const ModalProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = React.useState(false);
const [title, setTitle] = React.useState('');
const openModal = (title) => {
const closeModal = () => setShowModal(false);
return (
<ModalContext.Provider value={{ openModal }}>
{showModal && <Modal title={title} onClose={closeModal} />}
Example consumer to set/open a modal:
const OpenModalButton = ({ children }) => {
const { openModal } = useContext(ModalContext);
return <button onClick={() => openModal(children)}>{children}</button>
Example usage:
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
<OpenModalButton>Modal A</OpenModalButton>
<OpenModalButton>Modal B</OpenModalButton>

Hiding items in React

So basically I want to hide a Button when I press on it.
const Button=()=>{
const [hideButton, setHideButton]= React.useState(false)
function Button(){
<button onClick={setHideButton}> </button>
Initially make it true to show the button. hide it based on click.
const Button=()=>{
const [hideButton, setHideButton]= React.useState(true)
function handleClick(){
{hideButton && <button onClick={handleClick}>Click</button>}
Or just put !(Not) before hideButton -> !hideButton and make it true on button click.
const Button=()=>{
const [hideButton, setHideButton]= React.useState(false)
function handleClick(){
{!hideButton && <button onClick={handleClick}>Click</button>}
<ChildComponent hideButton={hideButton} handleClick={handleClick}/>
function ChildComponent ({hideButton, handleClick}) {
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Child Button</button>
{!hideButton && <p>
This is content/paragraph which will be hidden
based on based on button click from parent component.
You can change as per your requirement i have passed function and state variable to child component. child button will toggle your content of child component and parent button hide itself once clicked.
Just conditionally render the button so it doesn't render if hideButton is true:
{!hideButton && <button onClick={setHideButton}> </button>}
It is needed to use React hook for doing this.
const Button=()=>{
const [hideButton, setHideButton]= React.useState(false)
function hide(){
{!hideButton && <button onClick={hide}> </button>}
There are several things going wrong here.
This is the way your code should look (one of many ways)
const Button = () => {
const [hideButton, setHideButton] = React.useState(false)
function handleHideButton() {
return (
{!hideButton ? <button onClick={handleHideButton}>Hide</button> : null}
What you were doing wrong:
const Button=()=>{
const [hideButton, setHideButton]= React.useState(false)
// You're creating this function called Button, but should be called something esle like handleHideButton
function Button(){
// You should be setting this to true when the button is clicked.
// here you should be calling the handleHideButton function defined above. Calling setHideButton isn't a good option here.
<button onClick={setHideButton}> </button>

How to filter data, using checkboxes, without using redux

I am using React to display book titles that I want filtered by category. I want the titles filtered once a checkbox next to the category name is clicked. I am not using a submit button.
I am somewhat new to React and read the documentation about "lifting state," but I haven't been able to get that to work. I have not yet read the Hooks or Context API documentation. Perhaps that's the solution, but it seems what I'm doing isn't complex enough for that...maybe not?
class Checkbox extends Component {
state = {
checked: false
handleClick = (e) => {
this.setState(() => ({ checked: !this.state.checked }))
render() {
const name =;
return (
<label className="form__group">
<input type="checkbox" checked={this.state.checked} onChange={this.handleClick} className="form__input" />
<span className="form__faux-input"></span>
<span className="form__label">{name}</span>
function Sidebar({ categories }) {
return (
<div className="sidebar">
<div className="controls">
<div className="filter">
<h2 className="filter__heading">Filter By Category</h2>
<form className="filter-form">
? <Spinner />
: => (
<Checkbox key={item} name={item} />
<div className="form__group">
<button className="btn btn--rectangle btn--green">
<span className="btn-wrapper">Reset</span>
class App extends Component {
state = {
books: null,
categories: null
async componentDidMount() {
const { books, categories } = await getBooks();
this.setState(() => ({
books: books,
categories: categories
render() {
const { books } = this.state;
const { categories } = this.state;
return (
<div className="App">
<Header />
<main className="main">
<div className="uiContainer">
? <Spinner />
: <Card books={books} />
I dont 100% understand the question, but if you want to make a section like
[x] cats
[x] dogs
[ ] rabbits // dont show rabbits
Then you can keep the selection and the result part in one react element, if you dont understand the 'lifting state up' section
the state should contain an array of objects like this:
allow: true,
title: 'cat'
{allow: false, title: 'rabbit'}]
To update the list use something like this:{title, allow}) => (
<TickBox onClick={() => this.toggleAnimal(title)} value={allow}/>
toggleAnimal function should find the animal using the title, and update the state
Then you can filter out all the not allowed animals
.filter(animal => animal.allowed)
.map(a => <p>{a.title}</p>)
lifting state up
At this point you have 1 component, and the render function looks like this:
<h1>Please select the animals</h1>
{ => <div><tickbox onClick={() => this.handleToggle(title)} /><title></div>)
<h1>Here are the filtered animals</h1>
animals.filter(a => a.allow).map(animal => animal.title).map(/* to JSX */)
It would be prettier and more responsive if the root component would look like this:
render () {
<SelectAnimals toggle={handleToggle} animals={this.state} />
<ShowFilteredAnimals animals={this.state} />
handleToggle (title) {
As so can see, the SelectAnimals gets a function as an argument, it can communicate with it's parent, by calling props.toggle (with the title as argument)
So SelectAnimals would look like this: => (
<TickBox onClick=(() => {props.toggle(animal.title)}) /> // HERE
So when the tick-box fires a click event, it calls an arrow func. that calls props.toggle function with the title
In the parent of SelectAnimals, the parent element binds a handler function to SelectAnimals.toggle like this:
handleToggle (title) { // the child element called this function, it just got copied
PS: I made some renames in my code the handleToggle function can be the same as toggleAnimals
The parent component App needs to be able to tell Card what the selected category is, assuming Card is where the list renders.
To do that, you can:
1) create a callback function inside <App>:
_setCurrentCategory(selection) {
this.setState({currentCategory: selection})
2) pass it to <Checkbox /> as a prop and use it in an onChange:
class Checkbox extends Component {
render() {
const {name, setCurrentCategoryCallback } = this.props
return (
<label className="form__group">
onChange={() => setCurrentCategoryCallback(name)}
<span className="form__faux-input"></span>
<span className="form__label">{name}</span>
.. this will change the state in the parent so that you can then
2) then pass the state from <App /> to <Card />:
^^ assuming that this is where the filtered list will render. Inside the Card component, you can filter/order then render the list as you please since it now has both the list of books, and the currently selected category.
This is very loosely coded, but hopefully you get the idea!
also, when deconstructing you don't need to do this:
const { books } = this.state;
const { categories } = this.state;
you can instead do this: const { books, categories} = this.state since they are both coming from state :)

