JS - Have function repeat until condition met - javascript

this seems simple but I'm still having difficulty (I'm relatively new).
I have a function replaceNextParameter() which goes through a string and replaces text between two strings I notate as sub1 and sub2. A string may have 0, 1 or many sub1 and sub2 present. I would like it to execute function replaceNextparameter until there are no more sub1 and sub2 present and return the result.
Here is my code:
function findAllParametersInString (string, sub1, sub2, parameterAndInputArray) {
newString = string
if (newString.indexOf(sub1) > -1 && newString.indexOf(sub2) > -1) {
newString = replaceNextParameter(sub1, sub2, newString, parameterAndInputArray);
return newString
Here is a live example of what it should do.
const paramsArray = [
{param: "company", input: "COMPANY"},
{param: "url", input: "URL"},
const sampleMessage = "BlaBlaBla {{company}} and {{url}}"
findAllParametersInString(sampleMessage,'{{', '}}', paramsArray);
//Should return "BlaBlaBla COMPANY and URL"
Any idea how to fix it? Currently it only returns "BlaBlaBla COMPANY and {{url}}"

I suggest you to use your param value as key, and your input value as value in one single object. Like this:
var params = {
company: "COMPANY",
url: "URL"
and now use this simple function:
var sampleMessage = "BlaBlaBla {{company}} and {{url}}";
function replace(str, map) {
for (var key in map) {
str = str.split('{{' + key + '}}').join(map[key]);
return str;
replace(sampleMessage, params); // -> "BlaBlaBla COMPANY and URL"
You can use parameters for {{ and }} in replace function

Although late, yet I hope this solution might be suitable for someone.
The best solution I think, since it's string you want to deal with, is to use regular expression.
Although I'm not sure what the parameterAndInputArray is for though.
So I would use this (although a better regex can be created):
let newstring = oldstring.replace(/sub1/gi,replacement1).replace(/sub2/gi,replacement2)
where replacement[1/2] will be the character to be replaced eg('#') or empty quotes ('') if sub[1/2] are to be removed.

function findAllParametersInString (string, sub1, sub2, parameterAndInputArray) {
newString = string
while (newString.indexOf(sub1) > -1 && newString.indexOf(sub2) > -1) {
newString = replaceNextParameter(sub1, sub2, newString, parameterAndInputArray);
return newString
Did the trick based off of #Flemming


How to get value in $1 in regex to a variable for further manipulation [duplicate]

You can backreference like this in JavaScript:
var str = "123 $test 123";
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, "$2");
This would (quite silly) replace "$test" with "test". But imagine I'd like to pass the resulting string of $2 into a function, which returns another value. I tried doing this, but instead of getting the string "test", I get "$2". Is there a way to achieve this?
// Instead of getting "$2" passed into somefunc, I want "test"
// (i.e. the result of the regex)
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, somefunc("$2"));
Like this:
str.replace(regex, function(match, $1, $2, offset, original) { return someFunc($2); })
Pass a function as the second argument to replace:
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, myReplace);
function myReplace(str, group1, group2) {
return "+" + group2 + "+";
This capability has been around since Javascript 1.3, according to mozilla.org.
Using ESNext, quite a dummy links replacer but just to show-case how it works :
let text = 'Visit http://lovecats.com/new-posts/ and https://lovedogs.com/best-dogs NOW !';
text = text.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^ ]+)/g, (match, link) => {
// remove ending slash if there is one
link = link.replace(/\/?$/, '');
return `${link.substr(link.lastIndexOf('/') +1)}`;
document.body.innerHTML = text;
Note: Previous answer was missing some code. It's now fixed + example.
I needed something a bit more flexible for a regex replace to decode the unicode in my incoming JSON data:
var text = "some string with an encoded 's' in it";
text.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function() {
return String.fromCharCode(arguments[1]);
// "some string with an encoded 's' in it"
If you would have a variable amount of backreferences then the argument count (and places) are also variable. The MDN Web Docs describe the follwing syntax for sepcifing a function as replacement argument:
function replacer(match[, p1[, p2[, p...]]], offset, string)
For instance, take these regular expressions:
var searches = [
'test([1-3]){1,3}', // 1 backreference
'([Ss]ome) ([A-z]+) chars', // 2 backreferences
'([Mm][a#]ny) ([Mm][0o]r[3e]) ([Ww][0o]rd[5s])' // 3 backreferences
for (var i in searches) {
"Some string chars and many m0re w0rds in this test123".replace(
new RegExp(
function(...args) {
var match = args[0];
var backrefs = args.slice(1, args.length - 2);
// will be: ['Some', 'string'], ['many', 'm0re', 'w0rds'], ['123']
var offset = args[args.length - 2];
var string = args[args.length - 1];
You can't use 'arguments' variable here because it's of type Arguments and no of type Array so it doesn't have a slice() method.

How to produce replacement for several substrings with single regex?

There is a source string containing some of the following substrings:
It is necessary to replace them correspondingly to
I do that the following way
var output = input;
var re1 = /first/;
var re2 = /second/;
output = output.replace(re1, "third")
output = output.replace(re2, "forth")
The question is how to do that with single regular expression?
You can do it with a function passed to .replace():
output = output.replace(/first|second/g, function(word) {
return word === "first" ? "third" : "fourth";
You could probably do something like this; using an anonymous function:
var input = "This is the first... no second time that I tell you this!";
var result = input.replace(/first|second/g, function(m) {
case "first":
return "third";
case "second":
return "forth";
The variable m will contain the match, passed to a switch where you can add more replacements if you need.
It is impossible unless you pass a function as the second argument.
var a =function(a){if(a=="first"){ a="third" }else{ a="forth"} return a}
output = output.replace(/first|second/g, a);
Then you may as well just write a one liner.
output = output.replace(/first/g, "third").replace(/second/g, "forth");

regex to find a string that comes after =

I´m really new to regex and I have been looking around to find an answer but either it dont work or I get some kind of error so I will try to ask the question and hopefulyl somebody can guide me through it :)
I have a string that can look like this:
str = "car[brand=saab][wheels=4]"
I have no idea if you can get several different matches directly or if you need different .match() but anyhow.
I need everything before the first [] in 1 variable.
Then i need saab in another, and 4 in a third.
.replace with a callback function is your tool of choice when parsing custom formats in javascript. Consider:
parse = function(s) {
var result = {};
s.replace(/^(\w+)|\[(.+?)=(.+?)\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
result[$2 || "kind"] = $1 || $3;
return result;
str = "car[brand=saab][wheels=4][price=1234][morestuff=foobar]"
// {"kind":"car","brand":"saab","wheels":"4","price":"1234","morestuff":"foobar"}
You can use this regex:
You can then grap matching group #1, #2 and #3
Live Demo: http://www.rubular.com/r/XNZfHcMAp8
In Javascript:
str = 'car[brand=saab][wheels=4]';
console.log('match::' + str.match(/([^[]*)\[[^=]+=([^\]]*)\]\[[^=]+=([^\]]*)\]/));
I think this should work :
Explainations :
([^[]) First, you match everything that is not a [.
(?:...)+ Then, when you find it, you're starting repeting a pattern
\[[^=] Find everything that is not an =, and discard it.
([^\]]) Find everything that is not a ] and capture it.
Try it like
var result = "car[brand=saab][wheels=4]".match(/([^\[]+)\[brand=([^\]]+)\]\[wheels=(\d)\]/)
Result would be
[ "car[brand=saab][wheels=4]", "car", "saab", "4" ]
you could do it with match in one shot, and get an array back.
below lines were tested in chrome console:
str = "car[brand=saab][wheels=4]";
["car", "saab", "4"]
function getObject(str) {
var props = str.split(/\[(.*?)\]/g),
object = {};
if (props.length) {
object.name = props.shift();
while (props.length) {
var prop = props.shift().split("=");
if(prop.length == 2){
object[prop[0]] = prop[1];
return object;

Format a JavaScript string using placeholders and an object of substitutions?

I have a string with say: My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.
%XXX% are placeholders. We need to substitute values there from an object.
Object looks like: {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"}
I need to parse the object and replace the string with corresponding values. So that final output will be:
My Name is Mike and my age is 26.
The whole thing has to be done either using pure javascript or jquery.
The requirements of the original question clearly couldn't benefit from string interpolation, as it seems like it's a runtime processing of arbitrary replacement keys.
However, if you just had to do string interpolation, you can use:
const str = `My name is ${replacements.name} and my age is ${replacements.age}.`
Note the backticks delimiting the string, they are required.
For an answer suiting the particular OP's requirement, you could use String.prototype.replace() for the replacements.
The following code will handle all matches and not touch ones without a replacement (so long as your replacement values are all strings, if not, see below).
var replacements = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"},
str = 'My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.';
str = str.replace(/%\w+%/g, function(all) {
return replacements[all] || all;
If some of your replacements are not strings, be sure they exists in the object first. If you have a format like the example, i.e. wrapped in percentage signs, you can use the in operator to achieve this.
However, if your format doesn't have a special format, i.e. any string, and your replacements object doesn't have a null prototype, use Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(), unless you can guarantee that none of your potential replaced substrings will clash with property names on the prototype.
Otherwise, if your replacement string was 'hasOwnProperty', you would get a resultant messed up string.
As a side note, you should be called replacements an Object, not an Array.
How about using ES6 template literals?
var a = "cat";
var b = "fat";
console.log(`my ${a} is ${b}`); //notice back-ticked string
More about template literals...
Currently there is still no native solution in Javascript for this behavior. Tagged templates are something related, but don't solve it.
Here there is a refactor of alex's solution with an object for replacements.
The solution uses arrow functions and a similar syntax for the placeholders as the native Javascript interpolation in template literals ({} instead of %%). Also there is no need to include delimiters (%) in the names of the replacements.
There are two flavors (three with the update): descriptive, reduced, elegant reduced with groups.
Descriptive solution:
const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
const replacements = {
name: 'Mike',
age: '26',
const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
placeholderWithDelimiters => {
const placeholderWithoutDelimiters = placeholderWithDelimiters.substring(
placeholderWithDelimiters.length - 1,
const stringReplacement = replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] || placeholderWithDelimiters;
return stringReplacement;
Reduced solution:
const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
const replacements = {
name: 'Mike',
age: '26',
const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(/{\w+}/g, placeholder =>
replacements[placeholder.substring(1, placeholder.length - 1)] || placeholder
UPDATE 2020-12-10
Elegant reduced solution with groups, as suggested by #Kade in the comments:
const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
const replacements = {
name: 'Mike',
age: '26',
const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
(placeholderWithDelimiters, placeholderWithoutDelimiters) =>
replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] || placeholderWithDelimiters
UPDATE 2021-01-21
Support empty string as a replacement, as suggested by #Jesper in the comments:
const stringWithPlaceholders = 'My Name is {name} and my age is {age}.';
const replacements = {
name: 'Mike',
age: '',
const string = stringWithPlaceholders.replace(
(placeholderWithDelimiters, placeholderWithoutDelimiters) =>
replacements.hasOwnProperty(placeholderWithoutDelimiters) ?
replacements[placeholderWithoutDelimiters] : placeholderWithDelimiters
You can use JQuery(jquery.validate.js) to make it work easily.
$.validator.format("My name is {0}, I'm {1} years old",["Bob","23"]);
Or if you want to use just that feature you can define that function and just use it like
function format(source, params) {
$.each(params,function (i, n) {
source = source.replace(new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "g"), n);
return source;
alert(format("{0} is a {1}", ["Michael", "Guy"]));
credit to jquery.validate.js team
As with modern browser, placeholder is supported by new version of Chrome / Firefox, similar as the C style function printf().
%s String.
%d,%i Integer number.
%f Floating point number.
%o Object hyperlink.
console.log("generation 0:\t%f, %f, %f", a1a1, a1a2, a2a2);
BTW, to see the output:
In Chrome, use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + J or F12 to open developer tool.
In Firefox, use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + K or F12 to open developer tool.
#Update - nodejs support
Seems nodejs don't support %f, instead, could use %d in nodejs.
With %d number will be printed as floating number, not just integer.
Just use replace()
var values = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"};
var substitutedString = "My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.".replace("%NAME%", $values["%NAME%"]).replace("%AGE%", $values["%AGE%"]);
You can use a custom replace function like this:
var str = "My Name is %NAME% and my age is %AGE%.";
var replaceData = {"%NAME%":"Mike","%AGE%":"26","%EVENT%":"20"};
function substitute(str, data) {
var output = str.replace(/%[^%]+%/g, function(match) {
if (match in data) {
} else {
var output = substitute(str, replaceData);
You can see it work here: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/DyCwk/.
If you want to do something closer to console.log like replacing %s placeholders like in
>console.log("Hello %s how are you %s is everything %s?", "Loreto", "today", "allright")
>Hello Loreto how are you today is everything allright?
I wrote this
function log() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var rep= args.slice(1, args.length);
var i=0;
var output = args[0].replace(/%s/g, function(match,idx) {
var subst=rep.slice(i, ++i);
return( subst );
res=log("Hello %s how are you %s is everything %s?", "Loreto", "today", "allright");
<span id="console"/>
you will get
>log("Hello %s how are you %s is everything %s?", "Loreto", "today", "allright")
>"Hello Loreto how are you today is everything allright?"
I have added a simple variant as String.prototype useful when dealing with string transformations, here is it:
String.prototype.log = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var rep= args.slice(0, args.length);
var i=0;
var output = this.replace(/%s|%d|%f|%#/g, function(match,idx) {
var subst=rep.slice(i, ++i);
return( subst );
return output;
In that case you will do
"Hello %s how are you %s is everything %s?".log("Loreto", "today", "allright")
"Hello Loreto how are you today is everything allright?"
Try this version here
This allows you to do exactly that
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/stringinject
GitHub: https://github.com/tjcafferkey/stringinject
By doing the following:
var str = stringInject("My username is {username} on {platform}", { username: "tjcafferkey", platform: "GitHub" });
// My username is tjcafferkey on Git
I have written a code that lets you format string easily.
Use this function.
function format() {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw "No arguments";
const string = arguments[0];
const lst = string.split("{}");
if (lst.length !== arguments.length) {
throw "Placeholder format mismatched";
let string2 = "";
let off = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
if (off < arguments.length) {
string2 += lst[i] + arguments[off++]
} else {
string2 += lst[i]
return string2;
format('My Name is {} and my age is {}', 'Mike', 26);
My Name is Mike and my age is 26
Another solution if you're using node.js is StackExchange's own formatUnicorn utility function (https://www.npmjs.com/package/format-unicorn):
let x = {name:'jason', food:'pine cones'};
let s = '{name} enjoys a delicious bowl of {food}';
let formatted = x.formatUnicorn(s);
Also, a bit of an edge case, but if you aren't using Node but you do just happen to be writing a userscript for SE sites, then formatUnicorn will already be on the String prototype.
As a quick example:
var name = 'jack';
var age = 40;
console.log('%s is %d yrs old',name,age);
The output is:
jack is 40 yrs old
Here is another way of doing this by using es6 template literals dynamically at runtime.
const str = 'My name is ${name} and my age is ${age}.'
const obj = {name:'Simon', age:'33'}
const result = new Function('const {' + Object.keys(obj).join(',') + '} = this.obj;return `' + str + '`').call({obj})
document.body.innerHTML = result
const stringInject = (str = '', obj = {}) => {
let newStr = str;
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
let placeHolder = `#${key}#`;
if(newStr.includes(placeHolder)) {
newStr = newStr.replace(placeHolder, obj[key] || " ");
return newStr;
Input: stringInject("Hi #name#, How are you?", {name: "Ram"});
Output: "Hi Ram, How are you?"
const strFormat = (str, ...args) => args.reduce((s, v) => s.replace('%s', v), str);
// Use it like:
const result = strFormat('%s is %s yrs old', 'name', 23);
Lots of good/similar answers here. I wanted the ability to easily get a nested key in an object (or perhaps some JSON data structure) for substitution, so I took the following simple approach:
const getKey = (d, path) => {
// path can be a string like 'key1.key2' or an iterable of keys
if (typeof(path) === 'string') {
path = path.split('.')
return path.reduce((x, y) => x[y], d)
const inject = (str, obj) => str.replace(/\${(.*?)}/g, (x,g)=> getKey(obj, g));
// Example
> const str = 'there are ${a} ways to ${b.c}'
> inject(str, {'a':'many', 'b': {'c': 'skin a cat'}})
'there are many ways to skin a cat'
Some inspiration from this and this.
This is a merged solution of Gerson Diniz and Shubham Vyas.
It is possible to pass a set of arguments or an object.
function strSwap(str) {
if (!str) return null;
let args = [];
for (let a of arguments)
if (!args.length) return null;
// replacement by object - {{prop}}
if (!!(args[0].constructor && args[0].constructor.name.toLowerCase() === 'object')) {
for (let i in args[0]) {
let n = `{{${i}}}`;
str = str.includes(n) ? str.replaceAll(n, args[0][i] + '') : str;
// replacement by placeholders - %s
else {
str = args.reduce((s, v) => s.replace('%s', v), str);
return str;
// ---------------------
console.log(strSwap('Hello %s, my name is %s.', 'alice', 'bob'));
console.log(strSwap('Hello {{a}}, my name is {{b}}. Hello {{b}}.', {
a: 'alice',
b: 'bob'

JavaScript - string regex backreferences

You can backreference like this in JavaScript:
var str = "123 $test 123";
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, "$2");
This would (quite silly) replace "$test" with "test". But imagine I'd like to pass the resulting string of $2 into a function, which returns another value. I tried doing this, but instead of getting the string "test", I get "$2". Is there a way to achieve this?
// Instead of getting "$2" passed into somefunc, I want "test"
// (i.e. the result of the regex)
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, somefunc("$2"));
Like this:
str.replace(regex, function(match, $1, $2, offset, original) { return someFunc($2); })
Pass a function as the second argument to replace:
str = str.replace(/(\$)([a-z]+)/gi, myReplace);
function myReplace(str, group1, group2) {
return "+" + group2 + "+";
This capability has been around since Javascript 1.3, according to mozilla.org.
Using ESNext, quite a dummy links replacer but just to show-case how it works :
let text = 'Visit http://lovecats.com/new-posts/ and https://lovedogs.com/best-dogs NOW !';
text = text.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^ ]+)/g, (match, link) => {
// remove ending slash if there is one
link = link.replace(/\/?$/, '');
return `${link.substr(link.lastIndexOf('/') +1)}`;
document.body.innerHTML = text;
Note: Previous answer was missing some code. It's now fixed + example.
I needed something a bit more flexible for a regex replace to decode the unicode in my incoming JSON data:
var text = "some string with an encoded 's' in it";
text.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function() {
return String.fromCharCode(arguments[1]);
// "some string with an encoded 's' in it"
If you would have a variable amount of backreferences then the argument count (and places) are also variable. The MDN Web Docs describe the follwing syntax for sepcifing a function as replacement argument:
function replacer(match[, p1[, p2[, p...]]], offset, string)
For instance, take these regular expressions:
var searches = [
'test([1-3]){1,3}', // 1 backreference
'([Ss]ome) ([A-z]+) chars', // 2 backreferences
'([Mm][a#]ny) ([Mm][0o]r[3e]) ([Ww][0o]rd[5s])' // 3 backreferences
for (var i in searches) {
"Some string chars and many m0re w0rds in this test123".replace(
new RegExp(
function(...args) {
var match = args[0];
var backrefs = args.slice(1, args.length - 2);
// will be: ['Some', 'string'], ['many', 'm0re', 'w0rds'], ['123']
var offset = args[args.length - 2];
var string = args[args.length - 1];
You can't use 'arguments' variable here because it's of type Arguments and no of type Array so it doesn't have a slice() method.

