How can I scrape data from LinkedIn without using any api - javascript

If you view the source of any LinkedIn profile then you can see information in this form
I don't know how to get this data
Here the first name is Danish
How can I get this record using jQuery or Javascript if I send GET request using jQuery on user links and get all the HTML, is it possible? or any solution for this problem

You shouldn't. You will be breaking their Terms. User their API.


How to get part of a link and input it into website with javascript

So I'm trying to make a website where you put in a username and it will give you data about that username using an API. Right now I have it set up so you have to type the username in every time you're on the website, but I was wondering if it's possible to put the username in the link and still be able to retrieve it to put it into an API and use the API's response in the website?
For example, would it be possible to have something like to be able to get the part after ?username= and to save it to a string or something to put into the API using JavaScript or jQuery? Any help would be appreciated :)
why don't you saving username in cookie/storage/session after user input?your ways is complex and unreliable.or may be you could use the rest url format like this: http://{username} or{user}/api then your backend always retrieves username from this path and you needn't add parameters manually.

Return data from SQL based on user input without reloading form - Classic ASP

I am working on adding a new feature to an existing Classic ASP application. In this feature the user will scan a bar-code which will input its value into a text field in a form within a bootstrap modal. The scanner is configured to send a TAB as well after the data.
What I need is a way to query the database on field exit and populate other fields in the modal with data from the query that is based on the scanned value. I need to do this without reloading the page or closing the modal so the user can verify this information and make changes before saving the form.
What is the best way to do this? I have no issue writing the SP, but do not have any idea how to call it and then return it's values. Can I possibly use JavaScript/PHP for this?
You will need to use some ajax
Basically you would send a request to your .asp script which will run the stored procedure then send a response using Response.Write.
Then parse that response in jquery.
Unlike ASP Classic, AJAX is a new technology so it works better with JSON.
There aren't many JSON libraries
You can use json2.asp:
Or if you want you can try it XML, but its unpopular these days and more tedious to parse.
You mentionned PHP, that's not a bad idea because, it's all built in for you see:
Hope this helps

how to save changes on website with textbox

Im new at web developing.
I want something like:
A website, that everyone can enter. on the website u have 2 parts: one is filled with textbox so any user can write something in it and click button 'save comment'. He other side is filled with the execution of that button(it displays added text comment -but not just for a moment but that text is saved on that website). Simple as that...
Do i use java script?
Ive been looking for the answers but kinda didnt know how to ask gooogle bout that
scheme on that website:
-textbox--------------/--constant text-
--add comment button--/--wrote by user-
You have many possible ways to do that. One of the ways is to use html with jquery and send the result via web service (.asmx for instance) and save that result in a database (MSSQL for instance). So everytime you load the page you can get those saved results and display it on the relevant page. Another way is to use php with mysql or to use java...
If you don't want to use databases and server side code you can save the results in a cookie and then display those results in the page.

I have been given a cust_key I can use to import and display data from an API and need specific examples

I am barely getting around in HTML5, and trying to do PHP and AJAX and js all at the same time. LOL. I have been given a cust_key and an API that produces an XML output based off the criteria you send in via a url. To integrate this feature to your site you will need to be able to pull information from an XML file. I have an html table built, and the radio buttons, ... now I'd like to GET the info from the remote site (how do I attach my cust_key to results from all the radio buttons?) and display the results on my own site?

Facebook API get Fanpage ID inside Page Tab

I created a Facebook App (Page Tab). This App can be added to Fanpages.
In this App, I make a call with Javascript to get the right JSON Data for my App.
The data is specific to the FB-Site where my App was been added.
I.e. when Coca-Cola adds my App to their Fan Page, I need to know that is coca cola - to get the right data.
Now, my Idea is when creating the Page Tab, save the ID from the Page. And when making a call to get the data in the page tab sending the Fanpage ID as a parameter.
I hope it is reasonably clear what I mean.
My Question is, how got access to ID of the Page?
Best with Javascript. Or is this not possible?
I would appreciate any tip!
This would be very easy with the PHP SDK. A signed_request parameter will get passed on to your iframe, and the PHP SDK offers a function called getSignedRequest() to parse it:
For example:
$sr = $fb->getSignedRequest();
echo $sr['page']['id'];
With JavaScript it would be a lot more complicated. You could try to get the signed_request parameter like this: How to retrieve GET parameters from javascript? - But you would have to deal with the parameter on your own. HereĀ“s how to parse the parameter on your own with PHP:
No Facebook SDK needed in that case, btw. And it should also work with PHP <5.4.

