Unit Testing Angular Js with Jasmine - javascript

I have a piece of angular code that does a post request to the cloudant, returns a response, builds a URL with it and does a get request with the same. The get request returns an array buffer through which i build a PDF file to be rendered in the front end.
Could someone please let advice me on how to unit test this as unit testing along with rest API is a new territory for me . PFB my code
$scope.viewfile = function(name) {
method : 'POST',
url : '/search/searchFiles',
data : {'currentdropdownvalue' : name} ,
if (!angular.isUndefined(data.docs[0])){
$scope.file = data.docs[0]._id;
var fileUrl = $scope.cloudantUrl + $scope.file +"/"+ $scope.file;
$http.get(fileUrl {responseType:'arraybuffer'})
.success(function (response) {
var file = new Blob([response], {type: 'application/pdf'});
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
$scope.content = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(fileURL);
$scope.contentType = "application/pdf";
$scope.contentWords = null;
console.log("Printing Error inside Post of view " , data);
$scope.content = null;
$scope.contentWords = "File is not available for the selected Name";
console.log("Printing Error inside view " , data);

Ideally you should probably use $httpBackend but I usually just end up putting a spy on these functions. Heres some sudo code using spyOn:
it('Should test viewFile', function() {
spyOn($http, 'POST').andReturn(mock_data);
spyOn($http, 'GET').andCallFake(function(fileUrl) {
expect(fileUrl).toBe($scope.cloudantUrl + $scope.file +"/"+ $scope.file);
$scope.viewFile(mocked_name).then(function() {


AngularJS $location.search() doesn't return anything

I am using AngularJS 1.6.4
The url of my homepage is http://localhost:8080/AsumForum/
I am trying to display a success message if user has registered successfully to my web site. If the user is registered, I will redirect him to the home page, and my url looks like this: http://localhost:8080/AsumForum/?registered=true.
The thing is, $location.search() never finds registered=true. I have tried making $locationProvider compatible with HTML5, but that doesn't work either.
Here is my registration.js:
var app = angular.module('reg',[]);
app.controller('valid', ['$scope','$location','$http',
$scope.send = function(){
var date = new Date();
url: 'http://localhost:8080/AsumForum/webapi/users/register',
dataType: 'json',
method: 'POST',
data: $scope.user,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then(function success(response){
$scope.res = response.data;
$scope.satus = response.status;
console.log('RES: '+$scope.res+'\nSTATUS: '+$scope.status);
}, function error(response){
$scope.res = response.statusText;
console.log('Error: +'+$scope.res);
And here is my login.js
var app = angular.module('mainPage',[]);
$scope.message = '';
var show = $location.search();
for(var i in show){
$scope.message="Successfull registered! You can now log in.";
Logs don't return anything. Using console.log(show) returns [object Object].
Do I really have to use routing to pass parameters, or can it be done like I tried?
Note 1: Redirecting with $location.url('http://localhost:8080/AsumForum/?registered=true); doesn't work for me.
Note 2: Using location.search instead of $location.search returns ?registered=true.
Just try the following
you have missed the parameter name in $location.search()

Loading XML File with Angular

I have Web Api calls that I make via angular $http , What I need to do are some various options.
Call Web Api endpoint which will then create an XML file on the file system of which I need to be able to have my Angular application display the XML in another window - would this be done a specific way with angular?
Like to Also be able to stream in memory the xml to be in angular as a string for me to decide how to parse thoughts?
I do see code like below, which is "nice" , but I don't want to just convert xml to json
angular.module('myApp',[]).factory('DataSource', ['$http',function($http){
return {
get: function(file,callback,transform){
$http.get( file, {transformResponse:transform} ).
success(function(data, status) {
console.log("Request succeeded", data);
}).error(function(data, status) {
console.log("Request failed " + status);
var AppController = function($scope,DataSource) {
var SOURCE_FILE = "timer.xml";
xmlTransform = function(data) {
console.log("transform data");
var x2js = new X2JS();
var json = x2js.xml_str2json(data);
return json.TimerStatus;
setData = function(data) {
console.log("setdata", data);
$scope.dataSet = data;

AngularJS - $http.get request gets cancelled

I'm trying to get data from a server in my AngularJS app, using $http.get. But when I execute the request, it seems to get cancelled by something. It happens with every link I use. Local files are working.
Below the code from Controller.js:
.controller('configController', [
'apiService', '$http', function (apiService, $http) {
var vm = this;
vm.isActive = isActive;
vm.addPortal = addPortal;
function addPortal() {
apiService.getServerData('someUrl', "1.0")
.then(function (result) {
var test = result.data;
.catch(function (result) {
And the Service.js:
.service('apiService', [ '$http', function ($http) {
var service = {
getServerData: getServerData,
return service;
function getServerData(portalUrl, appVersion) {
// var url = "http://../.../.svc/GetSetting?alias=...&AppVersion=1.0";
var url = "http://xml.buienradar.nl";
//var url = "test.json";
//var url = "xml.xml";
// "http://" +
// portalUrl +
// "/.../.../.svc/GetSetting?alias=" +
// portalUrl +
// "&AppVersion=" +
// appVersion;
return $http.get(url);
Executing this code will show the alert("ERROR: " + result) from the controller class. Data from the result:
result: Object config: Object data: null headers: (c)
status: -1 statusText: ""
__proto __: Object
Network in browser shows the call is cancelled:
More info:
- I'm using Phonegap (tested without and doesn't work either)
- AngularJS 1.4
Ok, found the answer. I called window.location.reload() in the same function, and that conflicted. So, now I added it to the .then() function in the request.

Returning success using res.send

I am using combination of Node and Angualr JS alongwith express-4
In my code I am trying to send newSourceId via res.send . I am able to get the newSourceId but when I send it using res.send it gets into error instead of getting in to success.
I also tried using res.sendStatus(newSourceId) but no luck!
Following is the Node JS part:
var newSourceId = -1;
).then(function(result) {
attributes: [['obv_id','id']],where:{prpsl_id:req.body.pId},order: [["obv_id","DESC"]],limit: 1
}) .then(function(rows) {
console.log("Obv_Id is = "+rows[0].dataValues.id);
This is the Angular JS part:
$scope.updateObsDet = function(obs_detail,index) {
var url = "/";
if(obs_detail.sourceId == null){
url += "addObservationDetail";
headers:{'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'},
var str = [];
for(var p in obj)
str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
alert("New observation added"); //should come in here
alert(data); //getting in here
} else {
url += "updateObservationDetail";
data = {
PS: I can not change the angular Part of the code, changes need to be done in the Node JS part.
yes you can set json response try this
var http = require('http');
var app = http.createServer(function(req,res){
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
res.send(JSON.stringify({ a: 1 }));

How to connect jsReport in AngularJS?

I have a problem now about JSReport.. It assumed that I already have an API...What I want now is how to link it with my Client Side which uses AngularJS.
If I use Postman it will return a pdf file which is what I want. But my problem is how to show it is my page when i post it using angularjs..
I have a code like this :
$scope.Print = function () {
var _result = result;
var _print = function () {
var data = { "template": { "shortid": "byQtwHLPQ" } };
return $http.post("", data).then(function (result) {
return result;
authServiceFactory.print = _print;
Now I have that Code and its not working... I assumed it has no return so I remove the return and just post but still it didn't work and even downloading the pdf didn't work on it.
Anyone can help Please...
Use like this one..
var parameter = { "template": { "shortid": "ZkMoslfdX" }};
PrintService.Print(parameter).then(function (result) {
var file = new Blob([result.data], { type: 'application/pdf' });
var fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);
$scope.content = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(fileURL);
var reportUrl = "";
var _print = function (parameter) {
return $http.post(reportUrl, parameter, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' }).success(function (response) {
return response;
The main idea is that the result.data is converted into a blob and create an objectURL so that it is readable and to the object tag and $sce.trustAsResourceUrl used to trust angular to your URL
<object data="{{content}}" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:80%"></object>
I refer to this post AngularJS: Display blob (.pdf) in an angular app for clarification just read that one.

