Specify code to run before any Jest setup happens - javascript

The tl;dr is:
1) How can I have Jest use the native require function to load all modules in my tests anywhere.
2) Where / how would I go about modifying (ie replacing with the esm loader) https://github.com/standard-things/esm the require function in one place, before any tests run, so all tests will use the modified require.
I'd like to use the esm-loader with my Jest test files. In order to do so, I need to patch the require function globally, before any test code runs, with something like
require = require("#std/esm")(module, { esm: "js", cjs: true });
How do I tell Jest to execute that code before anything else is touched or requested?
I tried pointing both setupTestFrameworkScriptFile and an setupFiles array entry to a file with that in it, but neither worked (though I did confirm that both ran).
Alternatively, I'm firing off these tests with an npm script
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
Is there some CLI magic whereby I can just load a module and then run jest?
Edit - the testEnvironment and resolver options make me wonder if this is ever even using the actual Node require function to load modules, or instead using its own module loader. If so I wonder if this is even possible.

So this one was a bit tough to get working. The solution is quite simple but it took me a while to get it working. The problem is that whenever you use any module in jest
Setup Files
Setup Framework Files
Test Files
Module files
They are all loaded in below way
({"Object.":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){/*Module code inside*/
If you have a look at node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:495:510
const dirname = (_path || _load_path()).default.dirname(filename);
localModule.children = [];
localModule.parent = mockParentModule;
localModule.paths = this._resolver.getModulePaths(dirname);
localModule.require = this._createRequireImplementation(filename, options);
const transformedFile = this._scriptTransformer.transform(
collectCoverage: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverage,
collectCoverageFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageFrom,
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageOnlyFrom,
mapCoverage: this._coverageOptions.mapCoverage },
this._createRequireImplementation(filename, options); gives every module a custom require object. So you as such don't get the native require function at all, anywhere. Once jest has started every module loaded from then on will have jest's custom require function.
When we load a module, the requireModule methods from the jest-runtime gets called. Below is an excerpt from the same
moduleRegistry[modulePath] = localModule;
if ((_path || _load_path()).default.extname(modulePath) === '.json') {
localModule.exports = this._environment.global.JSON.parse(
(0, (_stripBom || _load_stripBom()).default)((_gracefulFs || _load_gracefulFs()).default.readFileSync(modulePath, 'utf8')));
} else if ((_path || _load_path()).default.extname(modulePath) === '.node') {
// $FlowFixMe
localModule.exports = require(modulePath);
} else {
this._execModule(localModule, options);
As you can see if the extension of the file is .node it loads the module directly, else it calls the _execModule. This function is the same code that I posted earlier which does the code transformation
const isInternalModule = !!(options && options.isInternalModule);
const filename = localModule.filename;
const lastExecutingModulePath = this._currentlyExecutingModulePath;
this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = filename;
const origCurrExecutingManualMock = this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock;
this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = filename;
const dirname = (_path || _load_path()).default.dirname(filename);
localModule.children = [];
localModule.parent = mockParentModule;
localModule.paths = this._resolver.getModulePaths(dirname);
localModule.require = this._createRequireImplementation(filename, options);
Now when we want to modify require function for our test, we need _execModule to export our code directly. So the code should be similar to loading of a .node modules
} else if ((_path || _load_path()).default.extname(modulePath) === '.mjs') {
// $FlowFixMe
require = require("#std/esm")(localModule);
localModule.exports = require(modulePath);
} else {
But doing that would mean patching the code, which we want to avoid. So what we do instead is avoid using the jest command directly, and create our own jestload.js and running that. The code for loading jest is simple
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
cli = require('jest/bin/jest');
Now we want to modify the _execModule before the cli loads. So we add below code
const jestRuntime = require("jest-runtime");
oldexecModule = jestRuntime.prototype._execModule;
jestRuntime.prototype._execModule = function (localModule, options) {
if (localModule.id.indexOf(".mjs") > 0) {
localModule.exports = require("#std/esm")(localModule)(localModule.id);
return localModule;
return oldexecModule.apply(this, [localModule, options]);
cli = require('jest/bin/jest');
Now time for a test
sum = require('../sum.mjs').sum;
test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
test('adds 2 + 3 to equal 5', () => {
expect(sum(3, 2)).toBe(5);
And a sum.mjs file
export function sum (x, y) { return x + y }
Now we run the test
The solution is available on below repo
You can clone and test the solution by running npm test.

setupFiles worked for me. Add this in package.json:
"jest": {
"setupFiles": ["./my_file.js"]

I tried using node -r #std/esm run.js where run.js is just a script that calls jest, but it does not work and crashes here : https://github.com/facebook/jest/blob/master/packages/jest-runtime/src/script_transformer.js#L305.
From what I understand from this line means that it is not possible because jest compiles the module using the native vm module. The above lines (290):
if (willTransform) {
const transformedSource = this.transformSource(
!!(options && options.mapCoverage));
wrappedCode = wrap(transformedSource.code);
sourceMapPath = transformedSource.sourceMapPath;
} else {
is the code called when you are specifying transforms in your jest config.
Conclusion : until esm are supported ( and they will be under the .mjs extension ) you cannot import es modules in jest without specifying a transform. You could try to monkey patch vm but I would really advise against this option.
Specifying a jest transform is really not that hard, and for es modules it's really as simple as using babel-jest with the right babel config :
Below a package.json with minimal settings
"dependencies": {
"babel-jest": "^21.2.0",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs": "^6.26.0",
"jest": "^21.2.1"
"jest": {
"testMatch": [
"transform": {
"^.+\\.(js|jsx)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest"
"testEnvironment": "node",
"testURL": "http://localhost",
"moduleFileExtensions": [
"babel": {
"plugins": ["babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]


Babel doesn't update the change in plugins

I am using babel with jest for testing nodejs and instrumentation. The problem I am facing is babel is somehow caching(my guess) the transformed code and doesn't update even after changes in plugins code. The reasoning behind my guess is if I run jest with new test, it shows the change. But after the first time, it shows the same output, even though I have changed the custom plugin code in babel.
This is my babel.config.js
module.exports = function (api) {
const presets = [];
const plugins = [
/** this is just for minimal working purposes,
* for testing larger applications it is
* advisable to cache the transpiled modules in
* node_modules/.bin/.cache/#babel/register* */
return {
And this is the babel-instrumentor.js
console.log("Loaded babel plugin");
module.exports = function ({ types: t }) {
return {
name: "log-functions",
visitor: {
Function: {
enter(path) {
let name = "anon";
if (path.node.id)
name = path.node.id.name;
I also couldn't find any cache folder in node_modules which is supposed to be in

How to get babel-node to convert files referenced by Workers to commonjs? (like babel does)

In an Express.js app, I'm using Babel to precompile to commonjs before starting it. The compilation step looks like this:
babel ./src --out-dir dist
node ./dist/bin
As part of the project I have a file called my-worker.js where I use import syntax:
# my-worker.js
import { parentPort, workerData } from 'worker_threads'
import axios from 'axios'
And that is used by other-file.js:
const worker = new Worker(__dirname + '/my-worker.js', { workerData: ... })
This works fine. Babel converts all the files to commonjs, and loading the worker script works.
When I use #babel/node, this doesn't work:
babel-node ./src/bin
I get the warning:
(node:4865) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
Along with the error:
Cannot use import statement outside a module
I don't want to use "type": "module", since then I have to explicitly name file extensions, and also I'm not sure that import X, { y } from ... syntax is supported (which I like).
If I change my worker file to be my-worker.mjs, and change the new Worker statement accordingly, then that works with #babel/node, but not with my production build since filenames are changed back to .js.
How can I get #babel/node to load and cache (I guess this is what it needs to do?) files loaded by a Worker? Why does this work with #babel and not with #babel/node?
My .babelrc file looks like this:
"presets": [
"useBuiltIns": "usage",
"corejs": 3,
"targets": {
"node": "13"
"modules": "commonjs"
The #babel/register API can help dynamically transpile a script source, as pointed out in https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/10972#issuecomment-572608142
You can use this approach with eval mode to make a single-file script. This might be useful if you use babel-node to run a command-line utility script.
import { isMainThread, Worker, workerData } from "worker_threads";
function createTranspiledWorker(filename, options) {
const transpile = `
return new Worker(transpile, { ...options, eval: true });
async function main() {
const w = createTranspiledWorker(__filename, { workerData: { hello: "world" } });
const exit = new Promise(resolve => w.on("exit", resolve));
await exit;
function worker() {
console.log("worker", workerData);
if (isMainThread) {
} else {

`window` is not being exposed to Jest

I have a test that imports a component that in turn imports a helper file that uses the window object to pull out a query string parameter. I get the following error about window:
FAIL src/js/components/__tests__/Controls.test.jsx
● Test suite failed to run
ReferenceError: window is not defined
import { Unwrapped as Controls } from '../Controls'
describe('<MyInterestsControls />', () => {
it('should render the component with the fixture data', () => {
const component = shallow(
loadingFlags={{ controls: false }}
Controls.jsx imports ./helpers/services.js which contains the following:
import * as queryString from 'query-string'
const flag = queryString.parse(window.location.search).flag || 'off'
^^^^^^ this seems to be the problem
I have attempted to import jsdom:
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'
And implemented the solution presented here at the top of my test file:
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const jsdom = new JSDOM('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
const { window } = jsdom;
function copyProps(src, target) {
const props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(src)
.filter(prop => typeof target[prop] === 'undefined')
.map(prop => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, prop));
Object.defineProperties(target, props);
global.window = window;
global.document = window.document;
global.navigator = {
userAgent: 'node.js',
copyProps(window, global);
However, I still get the error and it seems JSDOM's window object isn't exposed to the test.
How can I properly expose global objects like window or document to a Jest test?
Relevant package.json
"scripts": {
"test:watch": "NODE_ENV=test jest --watch"
"devDependencies": {
"jest": "^20.0.4",
"jest-mock": "^21.2.0",
"jsdom": "^11.0.0",
"jest": {
"verbose": true,
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"statements": 50,
"branches": 50,
"functions": 50,
"lines": 75
"testEnvironment": "jest-environment-node"
As mentioned by #RiZKiT in the comment below, since Jest v27.0 the default test environment has changed from "jsdom" to "node".
Your problem relies on the configuration.
In the moment you set:
"testEnvironment": "jest-environment-node"
You are changing the default configuration from Jest which is browser-like to jest-environment-node (Node.js-like) meaning that your test will be run under a Node.js environment
To solve it either you set your testEnvironment to jsdom
Or you remove the testEnvironment from your configuration, so it will take the default value in yourpackage.json:
"jest": {
"verbose": true,
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"statements": 50,
"branches": 50,
"functions": 50,
"lines": 75
This is what they say in the documentation
testEnvironment [string] # Default: "jsdom"
The test environment that
will be used for testing. The default environment in Jest is a
browser-like environment through jsdom. If you are building a node
service, you can use the node option to use a node-like environment
## Do you need the `node` environment?
As I could see, your tests are meant to be run under a browser-like environment.
If you ever need an explicit Node.js environment, better you isolate that case using #jest-environment:
* #jest-environment node
test('use node in this test file', () => {
Or the other way around, if you are meant to run the tests under a Node.js environment:
* #jest-environment jsdom
test('use jsdom in this test file', () => {
const element = document.createElement('div');
## Conclusion
With this you can avoid importing jsdom manually and setting global variables. jsdom will mock the DOM implementation automatically.
If you need to change the environment for your tests, use the notation #jest-environment.
You could try doing
global.window = new jsdom.JSDOM().window;
global.document = window.document;
See Expose jsdom to global environment #2460
It seems like one of the contributors declared that he is not planning to expose jsdom to global under the Jest environment.
However, you could use Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {value: '…'} API to approach it, like the developer from Facebook do. In your case it could be like:
Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', {
value: {
search: ...
Here you can find examples of how to do this:
DOM Testing React Applications with Jest
For example:
import {jsdom} from 'jsdom';
const documentHTML = '<!doctype html><html><body><div id="root"></div></body></html>';
global.document = jsdom(documentHTML);
global.window = document.parentWindow;
You can simply mock location:
global.location = {search: 'someSearchString'}
Also note, that global in your test is the global context for the file to test (global === window)
Note this will only work if your module make the window.location call after the test has been finishing import all the modules.
export default () => window.location
So if your module looks like this:
const l = window.location
export default l
it will not work. In this case you could mock the module using jest.mock.
I am not sure, but I think you could do it with jest.fn():
global.window = jest.fn(() => {
location: { ... }
Maybe even as window = jest.fn(...).
In my case, I was injecting a custom environment file's value into a Vue.js component using Ruby on Rails. So, I was getting a base URL for assets as undefined in a Jest snapshot. The solution was to include a setup file in jest.config.js → setupFiles as an array like below.
setupFiles: [
process.env.BASE_DOMAIN = process.env.BASE_DOMAIN || 'http://localhost:3000/'
window.TestsConfig = {
"CLOUD_FRONT_BASE_URL": "https://cdn.site.com"

Gulp task for ng-constant multiple environments

I have been trying to get this to work maybe I'm missing something. I am using ng-constant and setting up different environments end point as mentioned in the ng-constants issue
However I am using gulp and the configuration looks like
gulp.task('environmentsapi', function () {
return ngConstant({
stream: true,
development: {
constants: {
"ENV": {"api": ""}
production: {
constants: {
"ENV": {"api": "https://productionapplink/"}
// Writes config.js to dist/ folder
I cant figure out how to call the different end points in the different gulp tasks like the example in the link ngconstant:development etc. How can i run this within the task environmentsapi, since this task is shared in all environment builds. Please let me know how to do this.
gulp.task('build', function () {
runSequence('clean', ['sass', 'scripts', 'bower_components', 'environmentsapi' //How can I run ngconstant:development here? ], 'wiredep')
Simply create new tasks that set flags!
Here I'm using the development flag that defaults to true.
var development = true;
gulp.task('prod', function () {
development = false;
gulp.task('environmentsapi', function () {
const apiEndpoint = development ? '' : 'https://productionapplink/';
return ngConstant({
stream: true,
constants: {
'ENV': {api: apiEndpoint}
Now, using gulp build will build your application with the ENV.api set to '', your development endpoint.
And calling gulp prod build will make your output use an ENV.api set to 'https://productionapplink/'.
As discussed in the comments section, the solution above is quite perfect when you only have two environments, but it quickly gets out of hand when the number of environment grows.
In that case, I suggest using a different approach, the Pirate way, using yargs.
Here would be your new gulpfile.js:
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const endpoints = {
'dev': '',
'prod-org': 'https://productionapplink.org/',
'prod-com': 'https://productionapplink.com/',
'prod-gov': 'https://productionapplink.gov/'
gulp.task('enviornmentsapi', function () {
const apiEnpdoint = typeof argv.env === 'undefined' ? endpoints.dev : endpoints[argv.env];
return ngConstant({
stream: true,
constants: {
ENV: { api: apiEnpdoint }
Use it like follows:
gulp build uses the default api URL: ''
gulp build --env=prod-org uses 'https://productionapplink.org/'
gulp build --env=prod-com uses 'https://productionapplink.com/'
I hope this could work for you this time!

How can I add Font Awesome to my Aurelia project using npm?

I have been following the Contact Manager tutorial and would like to add Font Awesome to the project. Here's what I have done so far:
npm install Font-Awesome --save
Added the following to aurelia.jsonunder the dependencies array of the vendor-bundle.js:
"name": "font-awesome",
"path": "../node_modules/font-awesome",
"resources": [
But when running au run --watch I get the error:
Why is it looking for the .js file?
Don't add font-awesome resources to aurelia.json - you'd need font files too, which Aurelia don't process. Instead, take the following steps.
First, if you added anything for font-awesome already to your aurelia.json file, remove it again.
Add new file prepare-font-awesome.js in folder \aurelia_project\tasks and insert the below code. It copies font-awesome resource files to output folder (as configured aurelia.json config file; e.g. scripts):
import gulp from 'gulp';
import merge from 'merge-stream';
import changedInPlace from 'gulp-changed-in-place';
import project from '../aurelia.json';
export default function prepareFontAwesome() {
const source = 'node_modules/font-awesome';
const taskCss = gulp.src(`${source}/css/font-awesome.min.css`)
.pipe(changedInPlace({ firstPass: true }))
const taskFonts = gulp.src(`${source}/fonts/*`)
.pipe(changedInPlace({ firstPass: true }))
return merge(taskCss, taskFonts);
Open the build.js file in the \aurelia_project\tasks folder and insert the following two lines; this will import the new function and execute it:
import prepareFontAwesome from './prepare-font-awesome'; // Our custom task
export default gulp.series(
prepareFontAwesome // Our custom task
Finally, in the <head> section of your index.html file, just add the following line:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="scripts/css/font-awesome.min.css">
That's all; now you can use font-awesome icons in any Aurelia view modules (html files).
Note that this works for any complex third party library which requires resources which you have to manually include.
Simple default settings method
Here are the 4 simple steps I use to bring in Font-Awesome to an Aurelia project that uses the CLI.
1) npm install font-awesome --save
2) add copyFiles to build of aurelia.json
"build": {
"copyFiles": {
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/*": "/fonts/"
3) add bundling to dependencies array of aurelia.json
"dependencies": [
"name": "font-awesome",
"path": "../node_modules/font-awesome/css",
"main": "font-awesome.css"
4) include the import for the css file (mine lives in the app.html)
<require from="font-awesome.css"></require>
Specifying a custom font location
As I was serving my files from a different location I needed to be able to tweek the font location configured. As such, below are the steps involved if you need to do the same and specify where the fonts are stored. I am using .less
1, 2) As above.
3) Instead of adding to the bundling, you need to reference the font-awesome less file within your own less file (mine is called site.less) and then set the #fa-font-path to your custom location.
#import "../node_modules/font-awesome/less/font-awesome.less";
#fa-font-path: "fonts";
4) There is no 4, with this method as long as you have your own compiled equivalent site.css file referenced already (with the import) you don't need to add anything else.
Funny I was trying to get the same thing working this morning. This is all I had to do in my aurelia.json dependencies for it to work:
"name": "font-awesome",
"path": "../node_modules/font-awesome/",
"main": "",
"resources": [
Then in my html I had:
<require from="font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"></require>
Not actually answering to your question of how to integrate Font Awesome in your application using NPM, but there is an alternative, clean way to get it in your application: using the CDN.
As mentioned in other answers, Aurlia currently doesn't support bundling resources other than js, css and html out-of-the-box using the CLI. There's a lot of discussion about this subject, and there are several, mostly hacky, workarounds, like some suggested here.
Rob Eisenberg says he's planning on getting it properly integrated in the Aurelia CLI, but he considers it low priority because there's a simple workaround. To quote him:
Of course there is interest in addressing this. However, it's lower priority than other things on the list for the CLI, in part because a simple link tag will fix the problem and is much easier than the work we would have to do to solve this inside the CLI.
Source: https://github.com/aurelia/cli/issues/248#issuecomment-254254995
Get your unique CDN link mailed here: http://fontawesome.io/get-started/
Include this link in the head of your index html file
Don't forget to remove everything you might have already added to try to get it working: the npm package (and its reference in your package.json), the reference in your aurelia.json file, any custom tasks you might have created, any <require> tags,...
importing css/fonts automagicly is now supported.
"name": "font-awesome",
"path": "../node_modules/font-awesome/css",
"main": "font-awesome.css"
<require from="font-awesome.css"></require>
Checkout this "Issue" https://github.com/aurelia/cli/issues/249
Happy codding
I realized/read the comments this does not copy the font files.
Here is an updated build script (es6) that will copy any resources and add the folder to the git ignore. If you want the typescript version check here
import gulp from 'gulp';
import transpile from './transpile';
import processMarkup from './process-markup';
import processCSS from './process-css';
import { build } from 'aurelia-cli';
import project from '../aurelia.json';
import fs from 'fs';
import readline from 'readline';
import os from 'os';
export default gulp.series(
function copyAdditionalResources(done){
function readGitIgnore() {
let lineReader = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('./.gitignore')
let gitignore = [];
lineReader.on('line', (line) => {
lineReader.on('close', (err) => {
function copyFiles(gitignore) {
let stream,
bundle = project.build.bundles.find(function (bundle) {
return bundle.name === "vendor-bundle.js";
// iterate over all dependencies specified in aurelia.json
for (let i = 0; i < bundle.dependencies.length; i++) {
let dependency = bundle.dependencies[i];
let collectedResources = [];
if (dependency.path && dependency.resources) {
// run over resources array of each dependency
for (let n = 0; n < dependency.resources.length; n++) {
let resource = dependency.resources[n];
let ext = resource.substr(resource.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
// only copy resources that are not managed by aurelia-cli
if (ext !== 'js' && ext != 'css' && ext != 'html' && ext !== 'less' && ext != 'scss') {
dependency.resources.splice(n, 1);
if (collectedResources.length) {
if (gitignore.indexOf(dependency.name)< 0) {
console.log('Adding line to .gitignore:', dependency.name);
fs.appendFile('./.gitignore', os.EOL + dependency.name, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err) } });
for (let m = 0; m < collectedResources.length; m++) {
let currentResource = collectedResources[m];
if (currentResource.charAt(0) != '/') {
currentResource = '/' + currentResource;
let path = dependency.path.replace("../", "./");
let sourceFile = path + currentResource;
let destPath = './' + dependency.name + currentResource.slice(0, currentResource.lastIndexOf('/'));
console.log('Copying resource', sourceFile, 'to', destPath);
// copy files
function readProjectConfiguration() {
return build.src(project);
function writeBundles() {
return build.dest();
I believe that bundles.dependencies section is for referencing JS libraries.
In your case, a bit of additional work will be needed. According to Aurelia CLI docs, you can create your own generators as well, which comes in handy for us.
Add some new paths to aurelia.json:
"paths": {
"fa": "node_modules\\font-awesome",
"faCssOutput": "src",
"faFontsOutput": "fonts"
Create a task for css bundling...
au generate task fa-css
Modified task file: aurelia_project\tasks\fa-css.js|ts
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as changedInPlace from 'gulp-changed-in-place';
import * as project from '../aurelia.json';
import {build} from 'aurelia-cli';
export default function faCss() {
return gulp.src(`${project.paths.fa}\\css\\*.min.css`)
/* this ensures that our 'require-from' path
will be simply './font-awesome.min.css' */
...and another for copying font files:
au generate task fa-fonts
Modified task file: aurelia_project\tasks\fa-fonts.js|ts
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as project from '../aurelia.json';
export default function faFonts() {
return gulp.src(`${project.paths.fa}\\fonts\\*`)
Add these new tasks above to the build process in aurelia_project\tasks\build.js|ts:
export default gulp.series(
// custom tasks
After doing these steps, au build should embed font-awesome.min.css into scripts/app-bundle.js and copy necessary font files to ./fonts folder.
Last thing to do is to require font-awesome within our html.
<require from ="./font-awesome.min.css"></require>
You don't need more much this:
in aurelia.json
"dependencies": [
"name": "bootstrap",
"path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/",
"main": "js/bootstrap.min",
"deps": ["jquery"],
"resources": [
"name": "font-awesome",
"path": "../node_modules/font-awesome/css",
"main": "",
"resources": [
"copyFiles": {
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff": "fonts/",
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2": "fonts/",
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf": "fonts/",
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf": "fonts/",
"node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg": "fonts/"
See section Setup for copying files
i hope help you.
For those who wish to use the sass version of font-awesome
1) Install font-awesome
npm install font-awesome --save
2) Copy font-awesome's fonts to your project root directory
cp -r node_modules/font-awesome/fonts .
3) Include the font-awesome sass directory in the aurelia css processor task
# aurelia_project/tasks/process-css.js
export default function processCSS() {
return gulp.src(project.cssProcessor.source)
includePaths: [
}).on('error', sass.logError))
4) Import font-awesome in your app scss
# src/app.scss
#import 'font-awesome';
5) Require your app scss in your html
# src/app.html
<require from="./app.css"></require>

