Convert Array to JSON Array - javascript

How do I convert
because this type of data i have to send to my webservice

For getting an array with objects, you could split the strings and build a new object with the wanted property and the numerical value.
var data = ["ID:2","ID:3","ID:4"],
result = (s) {
var p = s.split(':'),
t = {};
t[p[0]] = +p[1];
return t;

var newArrayOfObjs> {
var obj = {};
var splitItems = item.split(':');
obj[splitItems[0]] = splitItems[1];
return obj;
You'll have to split the string on ':' and set the 0th element as key and 1st element as value.

var aryExample = ["ID:2","ID:3","ID:4"], aryNew = [];
for( var i in aryExample ) {
That should do it.


Filter Multidimensional Array

I have my dataset configured as
var x = [
I want to write some function which give the output of filtered data.
For example
var y ="Initiation"
and i get the whole line of {"phaseName":"Initiation","phaseID":"595e382f1a1e9124d4e2600c"}
Use Array#filter
var x = [{
"phaseName": "Initiation",
"phaseID": "595e382f1a1e9124d4e2600c"
"phaseName": "Execution",
"phaseID": "595e38321a1e9124d4e2600d"
function filter(phaseName) {
return x.filter(item => {
return item.phaseName === phaseName;
You can also use a simple for loop:
var x = [{
"phaseName": "Initiation",
"phaseID": "595e382f1a1e9124d4e2600c"
"phaseName": "Execution",
"phaseID": "595e38321a1e9124d4e2600d"
var y = "Initiation";
function samplefunction(value) {
var newArr = new Array(); //creating a new array to store the values
for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(x).length; i++) { //looping through the original array
if (x[i].phaseName == value) {//check if the phase name coresponds with the argument
newArr.push(x[i]); //push the coressponding value to the new array
return newArr; //return the new array with filtered values
var result = samplefunction(y);
You could test all properties for the wanted value and filter the array.
function filter(array, value) {
return array.filter(function (object) {
return Object.keys(object).some(function (key) {
return object[key] === value;
var data = [{ phaseName: "Initiation", phaseID: "595e382f1a1e9124d4e2600c" }, { phaseName: "Execution", phaseID: "595e38321a1e9124d4e2600d" }];
console.log(filter(data, "Initiation"));

unwanted keys in JSON object

hi i am creating a JSON object after executing a loop. the problem is the JSON object have additional keys. i don't want that keys. that keys are generated by me. for arraigning the json according my requirement. this is code i am using for create my JSON object
var bankdata = data;
var updatebankdata = {}
for (var key in bankdata) {
var id = +key.substr(key.length - 1);
if (isNaN(id)) {
updatebankdata[0] = updatebankdata[0] || {};
updatebankdata[0][key] = bankdata[key];
} else {
var uniqid=$("#bankaccount"+id).attr("uniq_id");
updatebankdata[id] = updatebankdata[id] || {};
var field = key.substring(0, key.length - 1);
updatebankdata[id][field] = bankdata[key];
updatebankdata[id]["uniquid"] = uniquid;
return updatebankdata;
my bank data is like
{bankname1: "new", micrcode1: "mkkk", comments1: "commentsfvfdv", bankname2: "bankfgname", micrcode2: "micrfgcode"…}
i want to change it into like this way
[{bankname1: "new", micrcode1: "mkkk", comments1:
"commentsfvfdv"},{bankname2: "bankfgname", micrcode2: "micrfgcode"}]
but still it getting like this .its not good
{"0":{bankname1: "new", micrcode1: "mkkk", comments1:
"commentsfvfdv"},"1":{bankname2: "bankfgname", micrcode2: "micrfgcode"}
what is the mistake in my code?
You need to use an array instead of an object. Like so:
function func(data) {
var bankdata = data;
var updatebankdata = []; // ARRAY instead of Object
for (var key in bankdata) {
var id = +key.substr(key.length - 1);
if (isNaN(id)) {
updatebankdata[0] = updatebankdata[0] || {};
updatebankdata[0][key] = bankdata[key];
} else {
var uniqid=$("#bankaccount"+id).attr("uniq_id");
updatebankdata[id] = updatebankdata[id] || {};
var field = key.substring(0, key.length - 1);
updatebankdata[id][field] = bankdata[key];
updatebankdata[id]["uniquid"] = uniqid; // CHANGED to "uniqid" to match variable declaration above, not the key on the left is still "uniquid"
return updatebankdata;
Then you can get result like:
JSON.stringify(func({name: 'someval', val: 123}));
var updatebankdata = [];
then push your object to array like this

Serialize/Reg ex

I use serialize function to get all the values of my form.
My problem is how can i extract only the value in the generated url string of the serialize function and split it into an array.
var input = $('#addForm').serialize();
deviceBrand=itemBrand&deviceModel=itemModel&deviceSerial=itemSerial&deviceType=Desktop&deviceStatus=Available&deviceDesc=item+description //generated url string
i need string function to extract each string between "=" and "&" and put each String into an array.
Don't use serialize, use serializeArray. It creates an array of objects of the form {name: "xxx", value: "yyy" } that you can process more easily.
var input = $("#addForm").serializeArray();
var values = => x.value);
You can also make an object with all the name: value properties:
var object = {}; => object[] = x.value);
try this code to unserialize the string,
$.unserialize = function(serializedString){
var str = decodeURI(serializedString);
var pairs = str.split('&');
var obj = {}, p, idx, val;
for (var i=0, n=pairs.length; i < n; i++) {
p = pairs[i].split('=');
idx = p[0];
if (idx.indexOf("[]") == (idx.length - 2)) {
// Eh um vetor
var ind = idx.substring(0, idx.length-2)
if (obj[ind] === undefined) {
obj[ind] = [];
else {
obj[idx] = p[1];
return obj;

how can i transmission array to object with lodash?

I have an array like as below
var arr = [ 'type=A', 'day=45' ];
var trans = { 'type': 'A', 'day': 45 }
Please write easiest and most efficient way :)
You could split the string and check if the value isNaN for string or take the numerical value.
var array = [ 'type=A', 'day=45', 'bar=0' ],
object = Object.create(null);
array.forEach(function (a) {
var p = a.split('=');
object[p[0]] = isNaN(p[1]) ? p[1] : +p[1];
The solution using Array.prototype.reduce() function:
var arr = [ 'type=A', 'day=45' ],
trans = arr.reduce(function(r, s){
var parts = s.split('=');
r[parts[0]] = isNaN(parts[1]) ? parts[1] : +parts[1];
return r;
}, {});
Iterate over each item in the array
Split on =
Add value to object, at key index
var arr = [ 'type=A', 'day=45' ];
var object = {};
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var currentItem = arr[i].split('=');
var key = currentItem[0];
var value = currentItem[1];
object[key] = value;
There's probably a million different ways to this, this way uses two different functions. the call runs on every element, splitting (and parsing) the element (if it matches a character regex). It then uses Lodash's .fromPairs function, which converts an array made up of 2 element arrays to return an object.
var arr = ['type=A', 'day=45'];
var obj = _.fromPairs(, function(item) {
var parts = item.split('=');
var digits = /^\d+$/;
if (digits.test(parts[1])) parts[1] = parseInt(parts[1]);
return parts;
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Create new array of objects by grouping array of objects based on property value of each object in javascript

I have an array of objects like below, I want to create new array of objects by grouping array of java script objects based on property value of each object in java script
Here I want to group objects based on Group ID and store it into an array of object with unique group ID.
This is my object:
var Object = [
{"Name":18,"GroupID":4,"ComplexObject":4}`object8` ];
You can try this way by checking the group id and pushing it to the array object.
var data = [
console.log("Original Data : ", data);
var previousGroupId;
var newObject = new Object();
for(index in data){
var groupId = data[index].GroupID;
if(groupId != previousGroupId){
var newGroup = "GroupId" + groupId;
newObject[newGroup] = new Array();
for(index in data){
if(data[index].GroupID == groupId){
var customObject = {
"GroupID" : groupId,
"Name" : data[index].Name,
"ComplexObject" : data[index].ComplexObject
previousGroupId = groupId;
console.log("Grouped data : ", newObject);
var new_arr = [];
Objects.forEach(function(object) {
if (new_arr.length <= object.GroupID) {
new_arr[object.GroupID] = [];
Update: if you want the length of the array, just use:
var new_arr = [];
Objects.forEach(function(object) {
if (new_arr.length < object.GroupID) {
new_arr[object.GroupID - 1] = [];
new_arr[object.GroupID - 1].push(object);
and you will get this:

