How to await axios response before emitting response in vuejs - javascript

I have a small component in vuejs for file uploading (using axios). I am trying to emit the response from the file upload like this:
methods: {
upload (){
axios.put(URL).then(response => {
console.log('response', response)
this.$emit('uploaded', response)
}).catch(error => {
But in this code, even though the console.log() response shows up fine, the emit shows undefined. I think the emit is getting called before the response is ready.
Is there anyway to use async/await to solve this issue?

console.log response shows up fine but the emit shows undefined.
Not sure what you mean by that, because if the response is available inside of console.log it should also be available inside of this.$emit. (Unless this.$emit itself is giving you undefined in which case you have scoping issues, but that shouldn't be the case as you seem to be using arrow functions).
I think the emit is getting called before the response is ready
It is inside of a callback so it should only get called once the request completes.
But if you want to try async / await then do this:
async upload() {
try {
let response = await axios.put(URL);
console.log('response', response)
this.$emit('uploaded', response)
} catch(error) {
// error


API response 404 not found Handling

I am working on a project with API. API response is 404 not found. I need to handle this status code without a new page. I want to add an window.confirm("not found"). However, I couldnt do that, because when API says 404 there is no response so I couldn't check the response. How can I do that without using new page? How can I handle that? Here is my response code:
const response = await instance.get(`?q=${q}&appid=${appid}`);
if (!response) {
It never prints "ceren". I tried response ==="", response ===null,, and so on
The response object is never null. It's an object that, along with many other keys, includes the status. Moreover, if the request fails, it will throw an error (due to the await, though outside of this function it will be a Promise rejection), so you can just catch that:
return instance.get(`?q=${q}&appid=${appid}`).then(/*...*/).catch((error) => console.log('Request failed!'));
Or, if you must use an await:
try {
const response = await instance.get(`?q=${q}&appid=${appid}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Request failed!');

Data part of Response is a long script instead of desired json object

I am building a web app using laravel and vuejs. I have made a axios get request to get a list of users .
I am getting a Promise object, and from what i have read. Reason for getting a promise object is because it's an async request.
I have tried .then() to get data part of the response. But i am getting a huge script instead of desired data.
Initially what i did was
var res = axios.get('/allUsers');
That time i came to know about promise object and read about.
When i checked network in dev tools, status code is 200 and i can see list of users. So i guess my request is successfully completed.
What should be done to get the list of the users. That list i will be using to update my UI.
Depending on what you're getting back for data there are a few ways to handle this. You may need to convert the data after the you get receive the response.
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
// do something with the data
}).catch(err) {
if you're seeing the data come through properly in the response and you're getting what you need without doing that then just do
axios.get('some url').then(res => {
// do something in here with the data here
also make sure you're getting back json if that's what you're looking for. check your response to see if its html or json because they can be handled a bit differently
as an "Edit" you could also handle this with async await so you dont end up in callback hell
async function fetchData() {
try {
const res = await axios.get('some url');
// next step might not be necessary
const data = await res.json();
// do something with the data
console.log(data); // if converting it was necessary
console.log(res); // if not converting
} catch (err) {

How do I catch a server code error using Axios

I have made a GET request to an API which rejects GET requests with a 400 error (and "Invalid request") response; and while I can catch and handle the response data, there is another error line which I can't catch:
GET https://API address/test 400
My code is as follows:
try {
let res = await this.axios.get(API)
} catch (error) {
I did also try this as a promise chain (with a catch) - but same result and I was thinking that wrapping everything in a try catch would do the trick.
My API code (hosted on Firebase) is as follows:
exports.test = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
cors(request, response, () => {
if (request.method !== 'POST') {
return response.status(400).send('Invalid request.')
response.status(200).send("Hello from Firebase!");
First line is when I send a POST request, and the rest comes back after the GET request:
How do I handle that GET error? And where is it coming from?
If I correctly understand your question, it seems you are calling the Cloud Function with a wrong URL.
You use
as shown in the first version of your question,
when you should use
since your Cloud Function is defined with
exports.test = functions.https.onRequest()
You'll find the corresponding doc here:
Update following your comment:
It is normal that GET shows an error since you have the following code:
if (request.method !== 'POST') {
return response.status(400).send('Invalid request.')
Since GET is not a POST you enter this if and get a 400 error...

Need clarification on calling Meteor methods asynchronously

So i've been doing some reading and I think I have a general grasp on this subject but could use some insight from someone more experienced. I've been trying to write a simple RSS reader in Meteor and have been facing some issues with calling the Meteor method asynchronously. I currently define the method on the server(synchronously) and call it on the client(asynchronously). What I don't understand is that when I try to make the on the server, I return an undefined value passed to my client if I pass a callback into the request. But when I make the API request synchronously everything seems to work fine. Is this the normal behavior I should expect/the way I should be making the API call?
getSubReddit(subreddit) {
const url = '' + subreddit + '/.rss';
const response = HTTP.get(url, {}, (err, res) => {
if(!err) {
return res;
} else {
return err;
Here's the method defined on the server side. Note that logging res.content shows that I'm actually getting the right content back from the call. I've tried reading some other answers on the topic and seen some things about using Future/wrapAsync, but I'm not sure I get it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The HTTP.get is doing async work, so callback passed to it will be called out of this meteor method call context.
To get desired result you should do it like this:
getSubReddit(subreddit) {
// IMPORTANT: unblock methods call queue
const url = '' + subreddit + '/.rss';
const httpGetSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(HTTP.get);
try {
const response = httpGetSync(url, {});
return response.content;
} catch (err) {
// pass error to client
throw new Meteor.Error(...);

Angular 2 Http get not triggering

As said in the title, nothing is happening when I subscribe to my observable. There is no error in the console or during the build. Here is my code :
My service
getBlueCollars(): Observable<BlueCollar[]> {
return this.http.get(this.defaultAPIURL + 'bluecollar?limit=25').map(
(res: Response) => {
return res.json();
My component
ngOnInit() {
data => {
this.blueCollars = data;
console.log('Inner Blue Collars', this.blueCollars);
err => console.log(err)
console.log('Value BlueCollars : ', this.blueCollars);
So the second console.log is triggering with "Value BlueCollars : Undefined", and the log in my subscribe is never showed. As well, I can't see the request sent in the Networt tab of Chrome.
So I tried to simplify everything with the following code :
let response: any;
this.http.get('myUrl').subscribe(data => response = data);
console.log('TestRep: ', response);
Same problem here, no error, response is undefined. It seems the subscribe is not triggering the observable. (The URL is correct, it is working on my swagger or with postman.)
I'm on Angular 2.4.9
So I tried to copy/past the code of my request on a brand new project, everything is working fine. The request is triggered and I can get the JSON response correctly. So there is something maybe on the configuration of my project that is forbiding the request to trigger correctly.
Ok just found what was going on. I am using a fake backend in order to try my login connexions that is supposed to catch only specified URL. However for wathever raison it was catching all the requests, so that explain everything. Thx for your help everybody.
Try adding a catch block to your service code:
getBlueCollars(): Observable<BlueCollar[]> {
return this.http.get(this.defaultAPIURL + 'bluecollar?limit=25')
(res: Response) => {
return res.json();
.catch(err => Observable.throw(err))
Don't forget to
import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';`
I imagine this will result in the error that'll give you an idea where your code is going wrong.
The reason the console.log outside the subscribe call is undefined is because the subscribe/http call is happening asynchronously and so, in effect, the order (in time!) the code is running is:
1) the observable is subscribed to (and then waits for a response)
2) the outer console log runs with blueCollars undefined
3) when the response (or error) comes back from the http request (potentially after several seconds), only then will the inner assignment of this.blueCollar = data happen (and the inner console log), OR an error will get logged
Apart from that the subscribe code looks fine...!

