Get all information for login from form using javascript - javascript

Is it possible to get all the necessary information to log in using javascript?
I have a form object:
var form = getForm(); //some special function :-)
console.log(form.action); // ""
console.log(form.method); // post
//next step get inputs for login name and psw, for example: name and ps
So, I can simulate post
name: admin
psw: harrypotter
BUT! Some web pages have another secret attribute stored in form html, like this:
action: login
I am looking for some automated method which can extract all informations need for login.
Do you have some idea how??
Thanks for any help.

You can use iteration to look at all of the properties of a element. You can then save these values to an array and then access the array to find values, such as action.
for (var i = 0; i < elem.attributes.length; i++) {
var attrib = elem.attributes[i];
if (attrib.specified) {
console.log( + " = " + attrib.value);


How to store data in an array that is stored in a variable?

Following is my problem:
I am testing a system now, that has multiple ID's in every request. There are 2 ID's I want to store in an array and let them run again a response later.
Following is the Body I recieve
"id" = 1234;
"Name" = "Meier"
So, I store the ID normally with
var body = JSON.parse(responseBody);
with that I can store 1 ID in the variable, but can't put a second one in it. For that I would have to duplicate the request, set a second variable, change code everytime the needed cases are changed.
What I want to know now is: How can I store multiple ID's in a Environment Variable to compare them with a response at the end of the collection?
I'm not entirely familiar with postman, but if I'm understanding correctly and you want to store up the Id's from the response then you could use something like -
var body = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var storedIds = postman.getEnvironmentVariable("ID");
if(storedIds) {
} else {
storedIds = []
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("ID", storedIds);
From my own googling, it appears you cannot store arrays in environment variables in postman. Therefore you could try doing something like this -
var body = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var storedIds = postman.getEnvironmentVariable("ID");
if (storedIds) {
storedIds = storedIds.concat(',' +
} else {
storedIds =
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("ID", storedIds);
Then when you want to read it back out to loop over it or whatever you want to do you can use
var idsArray = postman.getEnvironmentVariable("ID").split(',')
which will split the string up to give you an array.

Shopify Access a product with its id on thank you page without using '/admin' in url

I am trying to access a specific product using its id from the below url,
Its giving me 404 error.
Although, I am able to access all products as below:
I have to access the product which was just processed in checkout process.
I have its id as below:
var products = Shopify.checkout.line_items;
products will contain an array of product id's only which are processed in checkout.Now I need to access all other properties of these products.
I can surely do this:
But it requires Authentication.
Any thoughts?
From the frontend, you need to have the product handle to get the JSON object:[handle].js
(Note that the returned values from the .js and .json endpoints are quite different from each other!)
Like you point out, the Shopify.checkout.line_items array of objects only has the product IDs, not the product handles. We're not completely out-of-luck, though, because we can get the entire list of products in the store including the product handles by hitting the /products.json endpoint.
Of course, this means grabbing a potentially huge JSON object just to get information that we should've had included in the checkout line items... but unless there's some alternate source of the line item information available on the checkout page, looping through the entire list may be what you need to do.
So your end code would look something like this:
Checkout.jQuery.getJSON( // Or whatever your preferred way of getting info is
for(var p = 0; p < prodlist.length; p++){
var prod = prodlist[p];
// Find if Shopify.checkout.line_items contains, left as exercise for the reader
'' + prod.handle + '.js',
/* Whatever needs to be done */
Hope this helps!
var shop =;
var lineItems = Shopify.checkout.line_items;
var url = 'https://' + shop + '/products.json?callback=?';
var requiredData = [];
if(lineItemProduct.product_id =={
This is how I solved it, If it helps anybody :)

Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm setting Look Up field

I am attempting to use the Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm() method to open a new custom entity form and programatically set an entity look up field. I am following an example on very closely but getting nondescript error. Any help with actually setting the field or possibly finding the logs for the error would be appreciated.
The code example I am following.
function OpenNewContact() {
var parameters = {};
//Set the Parent Customer field value to “Contoso”.
parameters["parentcustomerid"] = "2878282E-94D6-E111-9B1D-00155D9D700B";
parameters["parentcustomeridname"] = "Contoso";
parameters["parentcustomeridtype"] = "account";
//Set the Address Type to “Primary”.
parameters["address1_addresstypecode"] = "3";
//Set text in the Description field.
parameters["description"] = "Default values for this record were set programmatically.";
//Set Do not allow E-mails to "Do Not Allow".
parameters["donotemail"] = "1";
// Open the window.
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("contact", null, parameters);
The function I have created to do the same with my custom entity is as follows :
function createNewService() {
var locationId = trimBrackets(;
var primaryField =;
var entityLogicalName =;
var parameters = {
cw_location: locationId,
cw_locationname: primaryField,
cw_locationtype: entityLogicalName
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("cw_service", null, parameters);
the name of the entity I am opening a form work = cw_service (this isn't the problem as I can open a blank form with Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("cw_service");)
the name of the field I am trying to set is cw_location.
I'd post a picture of the error message but I don't have the reputation yet to do that.
For simple lookups you must set the value and the text to display in the lookup. Use the suffix “name” with the name of the attribute to set the value for the text.
Don’t use any other arguments for simple lookups.
For customer and owner lookups you must set the value and the name in the same way you set them for simple lookups. In addition you must use the suffix “type” to specify the type of entity. Allowable values are account, contact, systemuser, and team.
For your example, it is a simple lookup, I suppose. So, Please try using the code below:
var parameters = {
cw_location: locationId,
cw_locationname: primaryField
For more information, Please visit Set the value for lookup fields.

Looking for general feedback on a URL-parsing script of mine (Javascript)

I'm fairly new to Javascript, and assembled the following (part is from an example online, rest is by me):
This works reliably, I'm just wondering how many best-practices I'm violating. If someone is nice enough to provide general feedback about the latter part of this script, that would be appreciated.
The two included functions are to (1) capture the incoming website visitor's referral data on a page, including URL query strings for analytics, and store it to a cookie. (2) When the visitor completes a form, the script will read the cookie's URL value, parse this URL into segments, and write the segment data to pre-existing hidden inputs on a form.
Example URL this would capture and parse:
function storeRef() { //this function stores document.referrer to a cookie if the cookie is not already present
var isnew = readCookie('cookiename'); //set var via read-cookie function's output
if (isnew == null) {
var loc=document.referrer;
createCookie('cookiename',loc,0,''); //create cookie via function with name, value, days, domain
function printQuery() { //function to parse cookie value into segments
var ref=readCookie('cookiename'); //write cookie value to variable
var refElement = ref.split(/[?&]/); //create array with variable data, separated by & or ?. This is for domain info primarily.
var queryString = {}; //From
new RegExp("([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?", "g"),
function($0, $1, $2, $3) { queryString[$1] = $3; }
//write segments to form field names below.
document.getElementsByName('example1')[0].value = refElement[0]; //exampleX is a form hidden input's name. I can not use getElementById here.
//need to be able to manually define these, which is why they aren't in a loop, though I'm not sure how to loop an array referenced in this way
document.getElementsByName('example2')[0].value = queryString['utm_source'];
document.getElementsByName('example3')[0].value = queryString['utm_medium'];
document.getElementsByName('example4')[0].value = queryString['utm_term'];
document.getElementsByName('example5')[0].value = queryString['utm_content'];
document.getElementsByName('example6')[0].value = queryString['utm_campaign'];
document.getElementsByName('example7')[0].value = queryString['utm_adgroup'];
document.getElementsByName('example8')[0].value = queryString['utm_kw'];
document.getElementsByName('example9')[0].value = queryString['kw'];
document.getElementsByName('example10')[0].value = queryString['mt'];
document.getElementsByName('example11')[0].value = queryString['mkwid'];
document.getElementsByName('example12')[0].value = queryString['pcrid'];
Thank you!
why would you need to use a cookie to store the data for that, if unless you wanna keep track of the visitors visiting to your site?

How to insert data, in key value pairs, into HTML

I have returned a form with some key value pairs populated. Depending on user interaction I want to insert some of them into my HTML. I have found some answers using AJAX but could not workout how to access the key value pairs via javascript. I do not want to use jquery yet as I want understand how javascript and the DOM works first. Below is an idea of what I want to do
function changeanchor(urlitem) {
document.getElementById("urlanchor").innerHTML = "";
while ($urls as $url) {
if (urlitem == $url->item) {
document.getElementById("urlanchor").innerHTML .= $url->urlanchor;
I know "$urls as $url" etc is PHP but I thought it was the easiest way to explain what I need to do.
I use PHP to generate the function call but I am unable to get it to display here it (pieces of code do not display)
Like so?
function changeanchor(urlitem) {
document.getElementById("urlanchor").innerHTML = "";
for (i in urls) {
var url = urls[i];
if (urlitem == url.item) {
document.getElementById("urlanchor").innerHTML += url.urlanchor;
urls was never defined so this code won't execute unless urls stores a bunch of url objects with those properties.
In order to create a url object that acts like the one you try to use, either use JSON to pipe it to the JavaScript or make an object:
var urls = [
'item': 100,
'urlanchor': 'foo'
}, {
'item': 200,
'urlanchor': 'bar'
are you asking about the setting key value pair data in a dome object then,
$('body').data('foo', 52);
link for help:-

