Ajax success function not receive data - javascript

Below is webmethod of my web form which is returning a List of data and it works fine:
public static List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity> salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton(string InvoiceNo)
List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity> list = new List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity>();
list = SalesInvoiceManager1.salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton(InvoiceNo);
return list;
But in below Ajax function, I can't retrieve the data. When I bind data to textbox in ajax success function, it displays Undefined text in Html textBox.
function salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton() {
var InvoiceNo = $("#txt_InvoiceNo").val();
async: false,
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "/AjaxRequestToServer.aspx/salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton", //URI
data: "{InvoiceNo:'" + InvoiceNo + "'}",
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
document.getElementById("txtTotalDiscount").value = data.discountamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalTaxableValue").value = data.taxableamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalCGST").value = data.cgstamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalSGST").value = data.sgstamt;
document.getElementById("txtGrandTotal").value = data.grandtotal;
error: function (xhr) {
if (xhr.statusText == "Invalid Request") {
Here is Data Layer and the stored procedure:
public static List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity> salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton(string InvoiceNo)
List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity> SalesInvoiceFinalCalculation = new List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity>();
DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(Util.ConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "sp_salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton",
new SqlParameter("#InvoiceNo", InvoiceNo));
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity list = new SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity(dr);
return SalesInvoiceFinalCalculation;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
And this is my entity Class:
public class SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity
public int InvoiceNo { get; set; }
float totalprice { get; set; }
float discountamt { get; set; }
float taxableamt { get; set; }
float cgstamt { get; set; }
float sgstamt { get; set; }
float grandtotal { get; set; }
public SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity() { }
public SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity(DataRow dr)
InvoiceNo = Convert.ToInt32(dr["InvoiceNo"]);
totalprice = float.Parse(dr["totalprice"].ToString());
discountamt = float.Parse(dr["discountamt"].ToString());
taxableamt = float.Parse(dr["taxableamt"].ToString());
cgstamt = float.Parse(dr["cgstamt"].ToString());
sgstamt = float.Parse(dr["sgstamt"].ToString());
grandtotal = float.Parse(dr["grandtotal"].ToString());
why is data is not received in success function!

First of all, using async: false it is a bad practice because it's freeze your window during to your request. Don't use it.
The issue is that you have to return a json object from your server-side method in order to receive response in success callback function of your ajax method.
public static string salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton(string InvoiceNo)
List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity> list = new List<SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity>();
list = SalesInvoiceManager1.salesInvoiceFinalCalculaiton(InvoiceNo);
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list);
Web requests work with json format.

Finally resolved it. I forgot to mentioned
entity all variables and document.getElementById("txtinvoicevalue").value=(data.d[0].totalprice); this should be instead of

I think the problem is, that you're trying to send a Java Class to your JavaScript file. You can only send simple data types numbers, letters. As I understand, you're trying to access the member variables of SalesInvoiceFinalCalculationEntity.
If that's the case, you need to send it as a JSON object and get the data like this and then parse it.
The idea behind AJAX is to make the experience for the user better by not freezing the website using asynchronous requests. By calling the AJAX call with
async: false
removes the idea behind AJAX. You could then simply make a normal call to the server.

Use this:
Serialize your list and return it as a string.
Then, in your javascript:
success: function (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
document.getElementById("txtTotalDiscount").value = data.discountamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalTaxableValue").value = data.taxableamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalCGST").value = data.cgstamt;
document.getElementById("txtTotalSGST").value = data.sgstamt;
document.getElementById("txtGrandTotal").value = data.grandtotal;

success: function (data.d) rather than success: function (data). If I recall when using webmethods the return object is within data.d and not simply data.
Also, despite what other answers say. When using the [webmethod] attribute and jquery ajax, you do not have to convert your response object to json. It will do so automatically.


fetching an Object from Action Item and displaying on View without Page refresh Using Ajax and Javascript

public class vendorData
public int VCode { get; set; }
public string currency { get; set; }
public IActionResult OnGetVendorCode(string VendorName)
var VendorMaster = _context.VendorMaster.ToList();
var VendorCodes = from O in VendorMaster where O.CompanyID == Company && O.VendorName == VendorName select O.VendorCode;
var currency= from O in VendorMaster where O.CompanyID == Company && O.VendorName == VendorName select O.Currency;
vendorData vendorData = new vendorData();
vendorData.VCode = VendorCodes.FirstOrDefault();
vendorData.currency = currency.FirstOrDefault();
return new JsonResult(vendorData);
function GetPOVendorCode(ID) {
data: { VendorName: ID },
url: '/Purchase/POGenerals/Create/?handler=VendorCode',
type: 'GET',
success: function (data) {
const myJSON = JSON.stringify(data);
How can I access each object item through my Ajax call? and save it in a variable so that I could use that on my page? Is there any other better way? I am using ASP razor pages and trying to update other text boxes of the purchase order when I select the vendor name
The response data is the correct object so that no need use JSON.stringify(data);.
Also the response data is camel case format.
In summary, just use data.vCode to get the value.

Ajax with formData dose not bind child's array of objects in asp.net controller

Hi I am trying to send files and some object in ajax call, using form data
here is my ajax call
type: "POST",
url: "/Post/SharePost",
processData: false,
contentType: false,
headers: getAjaxHeaderWithToken(),
dataType: "json",
data: getDataToPost(),
here is my getDataToPost() method
function getDataToPost() {
var dataToPost = new FormData();
for (var i = 0; i < savedPictures.length; i++) {
var savedPictureToPost = { PictureId: savedPictures[i].PictureId};
dataToPost.append("vm.SavedPictures[" + i + "]", JSON.stringify( savedPictureToPost));
here is my controller
public ActionResult SharePost(SharePostVM vm, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> unsavedPictures)
and here is my SharePostVM
public class SharePostVM : BasePostVM
public SharePostCategories SharePostCategories { get; set; }
public decimal? Price { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Available Date")]
public string DateAvailableFrom { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<PictureVM> SavedPictures { get; set; }
As you can see in my controller, I need to send files as well, but I just exclude the method for making it simple. Basically, I need to send files and object with an array of object. I can bind files and the property of SharePostVM like price and DateAvailableFrom by appending like dataToPost.append("vm", "priceValue"), but I can't bind the SavedPictures in SharePostVM. How can I bind them? I know I can retrieve from Request on server side but I just want to know if i can bind them. I have also tried without JSON.stringfy() but it still does not work..
Thanks guys
Try like this:
var pictureId = savedPictures[i].PictureId;
dataToPost.append("SavedPictures[" + i + "].PictureId", pictureId);
// ... and so on if you want to bind other properties than PictureId
Also in the getDataToPost function that you have shown in your question there's no return statement but I guess this is just a typo here and in your actual code the function returns a value.

Cannot post complex object

I have the function on my view:
function setMessengerState() {
var serviceURL = $("#messenger-set-state-url").val();
var data = {
messengerState: g_messengerState,
type: "POST",
url: serviceURL,
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: successFunc,
error: errorFunc
function successFunc(data, status) {
function errorFunc(data, status) {
This is how the JSON.stringify(data) is formated on Chrome debugger:
And this is the value of $("#messenger-set-state-url").val():
The controller method:
public async Task<ActionResult> SetMessengerState(MessengerStateInfo messengerState)
var user = User.ApplicationUser();
if (user == null)
return null;
bool success = await MvcApplication.Messenger.SetState(user, messengerState) != null;
return Json(success, JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet);
And, finally, this is MessengerStateInfo and ConversationStateInfo:
public class MessengerStateInfo
public bool IsOpen { get; set; }
public ICollection<ConversationStateInfo> ConversationStates { get; set; }
public MessengerStateInfo()
ConversationStates = new ConversationStateInfo[0];
public class ConversationStateInfo
public string PartnerId { get; set; }
public bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
I cannot find where I'm doing it wrong. The post never gets to the controller method. I tried before with basic (string) parameters and it works just fine, but it simply doesn't get through with complex objects.
Thank you for writing a detailed question that allows reproducing the problem.
The model binder expects your ICollection to be writable, but arrays are not writable in this manner. Do a simple experiment:
ICollection<int> a = new int[0];
A "Collection is read-only" exception will be thrown.
Now, how do you fix this. Change your MessengerStateInfo class definition to the following:
public class MessengerStateInfo
public bool IsOpen { get; set; }
public ICollection<ConversationStateInfo> ConversationStates { get; set; }
Here we removed the constructor, which allows the model binder to create a new instance of List<> type. This one, of course will be read-write and the binding succeeds.
Here are relevant code snippets from the model binder source code. This one is from System.Web.ModelBinding.CollectionModelBinder<TElement> class:
protected virtual bool CreateOrReplaceCollection(ModelBindingExecutionContext modelBindingExecutionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, IList<TElement> newCollection)
CollectionModelBinderUtil.CreateOrReplaceCollection<TElement>(bindingContext, newCollection, () => new List<TElement>());
return true;
And this one is one is from System.Web.ModelBinding.CollectionModelBinderUtil:
public static void CreateOrReplaceCollection<TElement>(ModelBindingContext bindingContext, IEnumerable<TElement> incomingElements, Func<ICollection<TElement>> creator)
ICollection<TElement> model = bindingContext.Model as ICollection<TElement>;
if ((model == null) || model.IsReadOnly)
model = creator();
bindingContext.Model = model;
foreach (TElement local in incomingElements)
As you can clearly see from this code, if the collection not empty Clear method is called on it, which, in your case leads to an exception. If, on the other hand the collection is null, new List<> is executed which results in a brand new (writable) object.
Note: implementation details may differ depending on software version. The code above may differ from the actual code in the version of the library that you are using. The principle remains the same though.
Here is a tip how to find the reason faster than typing the question to Stackoverflow.
Put a breakpoint on public async Task<ActionResult> SetMessengerState(MessengerStateInfo messengerState) and observe that the breakpoint is not hit. Open chrome console and take notion of the error icon.
Click on the icon to see the error message at the bottom.
Now click on then link in the error message, you'll see this screen:
Finally click on the request in the "Name" column. You will see this:
This gets you the actual error message with the stack trace. In most cases you will be able to tell what's wrong from this message. In this particular case you will immediately see that an array is tried to be cleared and fails.
The error is actually modifying ICollection<ConversationStateInfo> object in ConversationStates = new ConversationStateInfo[0];
Changing it to List should solve the issue.
Set $.ajaxSettings.traditional to true. I already have the same problem, and works for me
$.ajaxSettings.traditional = true;
$('#btn').click(function () {
var array = [];
var url = '/Controller/Action';
$.post(url, { array : array });

How to call page method with a parameter through in a javascript event?

I have method like this in my .cs :
public static void GetServiceInformation(IInfo x) //IInfo is an interface
x.l_power = true;
x.lb_InboxCount = UserTrans.GetInbox(int.Parse(emp_num), 0);
Now i want to call this method through a javascript method as a page method but it doesn't work .
<script type ="text/javascript">
function GetInfo() {
window.onload = setTimeout("GetInfo()", 3000);
<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true">
My .cs :
public partial class AppMaster : Log, IInfo //My page
public string Inbox
return hpl_Inbox.NavigateUrl;
hpl_Inbox.NavigateUrl = value;
public string Draft
return hpl_Draft.NavigateUrl;
hpl_Draft.NavigateUrl = value;
public string New
return hpl_New.NavigateUrl;
hpl_New.NavigateUrl = value;
public string Approved
return hpl_Approved.NavigateUrl;
hpl_Approved.NavigateUrl = value;
//------- etc
My interface :
public interface IInfo
string Inbox { get; set; }
string Draft { get; set; }
string New { get; set; }
string Approved { get; set; }
string archive { get; set; }
string search { get; set; }
string cand { get; set; }
string pri { get; set; }
string power { get; set; }
string admin { get; set; }
string help { get; set; }
bool l_cand { get; set; }
bool l_pri { get; set; }
bool l_power { get; set; }
bool l_admin { get; set; }
string lb_ApprovedCount { get; set; }
string lb_InboxCount { get; set; }
string lb_archive { get; set; }
string lb_DraftCount { get; set; }
function GetServiceInformation(x) {
type: "POST",
url: "page.aspx/GetServiceInformation",
data: "{'x':'" + x + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: on_sucess,
error: on_error
function on_sucess(data, status) {
function on_error(request, status, error) {
Sorry, if it doesn't work
Answer Edit Based On Chat Discussion
First, thanks for clarifying your question. It was bit hard to understand the problem you were trying to solve. The reason? Because your code wasn't clear enough and that usually happens when there are design issues. That's effectively what your facing here a bit of a design issue. First, I'll point out some mistakes...
In this javascript function...
function GetInfo() {
this is NOT an instance of your page. So there's no use to make your page implement an interface...
public partial class AppMaster : Log, IInfo{}
and expect that a javascript call would page an instance of System.Web.UI.Page to your class (not to mention an implementation of the IInfo interface). You can blindly ditch this approach because it's a permanent design issue and it's not even going to work.
Now, if what you want is to serve the page, then do some further processing and finally send the results of this processing back to the client asynchronously using javascript/ajax you have a couple of approaches here:
Using SignalR which is my favourite approach (but you already stated your solution doesn't meet the requirements to use SignalR)
Using jQuery ajax which is also a very valid approach
Now, I'll explain the second approach
Using jQuery Ajax
Simply render the page as you would normally do in ASP.NET. Then on the client-side, when the page loads, make an ajax request to start processing the information you want to display. You can start the request as soon as the page loads to make the processing on the server
type: 'POST',
url: 'AppMaster.aspx/GetServiceInformation',
data: "{}",
contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(d) {
//load data received
error: function() {
//process the error
In the success handler you need to load the values received from the ajax call on your web controls. Then change your IInfo interface to a concrete object in a separate code file. But, remember that this class should NOT hold any references whatsoever to your web controls
public class JSInfo
string Inbox { get; set; }
string Draft { get; set; }
string New { get; set; }
string Approved { get; set; }
string archive { get; set; }
string search { get; set; }
string cand { get; set; }
string pri { get; set; }
string power { get; set; }
string admin { get; set; }
string help { get; set; }
bool l_cand { get; set; }
bool l_pri { get; set; }
bool l_power { get; set; }
bool l_admin { get; set; }
string lb_ApprovedCount { get; set; }
string lb_InboxCount { get; set; }
string lb_archive { get; set; }
string lb_DraftCount { get; set; }
then change your page method to...
public static JSInfo GetServiceInformation()
//you need to get the emp_num from session
//construct the JSInfo object
JSInfo info = new JSInfo();
//get the data from the database
var data = UserTrans.GetInbox(int.Parse(emp_num), 0);
//set the properties of the JSInfo...similar to the line below for each property...Draft, New, Approved, etc
info.Inbox = data.Inbox;
//return the object to the client
return info;
Notice that you need to get the emp_num value from Session since you stated in the chat discussion that this value comes from a Session variable. Now, going back to the success handler of your jQuery ajax call which executes soon after the response is received back from the server. You will receive a json object in the handler parameter d with the properties of the JSInfo class that you just sent from the server. Then you set the controls on the page...
success: function(d) {
//and keep doing the same for the rest of the controls
That should be a neater solution. Of coure, I cannot cover every single details here. But for sure you will get the idea. If not, let me know if I need to expand on something.
If your page implements the interface, you don't have to pass it! In your c# code write:
If you need to pass values from JavaScript to page method, define each property as a parameter and pass values to the page method:
public static string GetServiceInformation(int value1, string value2)
l_power = value1;
something = value2;
return "some string to indicate the result of call";
<script type ="text/javascript">
var v1 = 15;
var v2 = "some value";
function GetInfo() {
PageMethods.GetServiceInformation(v1, v2, success, fail);
window.onload = setTimeout("GetInfo()", 3000);
in which success and fail are the names of two JS functions that will be called after the request is completed. Note that a page method can return a string value to inform the client about what happened on the server.
I can only think of one method.
You should somehow marshal the this object, and send it as parameter. I mean you should write a method that marshalls an object to equivalent json or xml, and POST that to your server.
I believe you can do it as you did above only through a clean API and compiler tool between C# and javascript to implement RPC just like GWT was written for java and javascript.
Can you do a little test?
Declare a public class JSInfo: IInfo{} in your page code, and in your web method declare that parameter of yours as JSInfo.
As JSInfo implements IInfo, your program logic can work with it without any problem.
Just to let you know, your code does not work because you cannot serialize interfaces as they
are not concrete types, if you think about it, interfaces have no real correlation in XML schema. There's no way to represent the data. Base classes will work however.
If you fill bad in declaring the JSInfo in the asp.net page class, then create a class called
WebMethodsHelper and declare your JavaScript WebMethod Interfaces (Adaptors) there.
public class JSInfo: IInfo{
private ControlsCollection controls;
public JSInfo(ControlsCollection constrols){
this.controls = controls
private void FillObjects(){
//iterate through controls and extract you data to you
//class properties/fields
public void Update(ControlsCollection controls){
public void Update(JSInfo info, ControlsCollection controls){
//populate your object based on info
//then extract data from page controls
public class MyPage: System.Web.UI.Page{
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
if(!IsPostBack && Session["info_obj"])
Session["info_obj"] = new JSInfo(this.Controls);
public static string GetServiceInformation(JSInfo data)
JSInfo info = new JSInfo(this.Controls);
//or if you stored the info in the session
JSInfo info = (JSInfo)Session["info_obj"];
info.Update(this.Controls, data);
The JSInfo is just to give your IInfo interface some structure so it can be serialized.
From JavaScript you should be able to call you page method like this:
<script type ="text/javascript">
function GetInfo() {
var info = new JSInfo();
PageMethods.GetServiceInformation(info, onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(result) {
function onError(result) {
alert('error: ' + result);
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
setTimeout("GetInfo()", 10 * 1000);
}, false);
Not that you should have a ScriptManager at the top of your page
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" EnablePageMethods="true" runat="server" />
The ScriptManager is responsible for giving you the PageMethods class in the JavaScript, along
with other things.
Also, confirm the following:
The page method must have the System.Web.Services.WebMethod attribute. [WebMethod]
The page method must be public. [WebMethod] public ...
The page method must be static. [WebMethod] public static ...
The page method must be defined on the page (either inline or in the code-behind). It cannot be defined in a control, master page, or base page.
The ASP.NET AJAX Script Manager must have EnablePageMethods set to true.
function GetServiceInformation(x) {
type: "POST",
url: "page.aspx/GetServiceInformation",
data: x, //Attention: there is no {}
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: on_sucess,
error: on_error
function on_sucess(data, status) {
function on_error(request, status, error) {
And then
<script type ="text/javascript">
function GetInfo() {
var myInfo = {
Inbox: "",
Draft: "",
New: "",
l_cand: ""
......//Attention, you should make this class corresponding to your server class IInfo
window.onload = setTimeout("GetInfo()", 3000);
Referred to #anotherdie. And tell you how to transfer "X"
In your .js
function GetInfo() {
var parameter = {};
parameter.name = "test";
parameter.id = 123;
parameter.state = true;
function (res) {
if (res == true) {
//do some
} else {
//do some
}, function(err){
alert("ERROR: "+err._message);
in your apsx.cs (you can return a string, a list, a bool, an int or a json object //for json use json.net http://james.newtonking.com/json) for this i'll return a bool.
using System.Web.Services;
public static bool GetServiceInformation(ClassData parameters)
//do some
return true;
catch(Exception ex)
return false;
in a interface ClassData .cs
public string name { get; set; }
public int id { get; set; }
public bool state { get; set; }
public ClassData(){}
public ClassData(string _name, int _id, bool _state)
this.name = _name;
this.id= _id;
this.state = _state;
I do the following :
Create New Page and called it : Counts.aspx
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
emp_num = int.Parse(Session["empnum"].ToString());
string res = GetCounts(emp_num);
protected string GetCounts(int empNum)
string outbox = UserTransaction.getoutboxCount(empNum, 0);
string inbox = UserTransaction.getinboxCount(empNum, 0);
string archive = UserTransaction.getarchivecount(empNum, 0);
string draft = UserTransaction.getdraftcount(empNum, 0);
return outbox + "~" + inbox + "~" + archive + "~" + draft + "~";
and in my main page :
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc() {
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else {
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var split = xmlhttp.responseText.split('~');
var outbox = split[0];
var inbox = split[1];
var archive = split[2];
var draft = split[3];
document.getElementById("lbl_DraftCount").innerHTML = draft;
document.getElementById("lbl_InboxCount").innerHTML = inbox;
document.getElementById("lbl_ApprovedCount").innerHTML = outbox;
document.getElementById("lbl_archive").innerHTML = archive;
xmlhttp.open("GET", "Counts.aspx", true);

Javascript Deserialize is returning the class name instead of actual object

So I'm running GetServerUpdateProgress() in the controller from a $.ajax call on my page. While debugging I can confirm that the variable: myobj is being properly created and filled with the correct data.
But when on the $.ajax success, I'm not getting the data in json format, instead I'm getting
a string of "TrackerMVC.ClassLib.UpdateAJAXProgress" - the objects type.
I've done this in the past with a .svc webservice and didn't have any problems getting the object values using this exact same method.
Any ideas? Thanks!
public UpdateAJAXProgress GetServerUpdateProgress()
string BASE_URL = "http://localhost:55094";
string url = BASE_URL + "/Home/UpdateProgress";
WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create(url);
wr.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials; // uses current windows user
var myojb = new UpdateAJAXProgress();
var response = (HttpWebResponse)wr.GetResponse();
var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var objText = reader.ReadToEnd();
myojb = (UpdateAJAXProgress)js.Deserialize(objText, typeof(UpdateAJAXProgress));
return myojb; // during debugging this object has the correct values in the correct format
public class UpdateAJAXProgress
public int Completed { get; set; }
public int Total { get; set; }
type: "POST",
async: false,
url: '#(Url.Action("GetServerUpdateProgress","Charts"))',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
console.log(data); // data being returned is: "TrackerMVC.ClassLib.UpdateAJAXProgress"
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
You're misusing MVC.
You should declare your function as returning ActionResult, then return Json(myobj).
If you return a non-ActionResult from an MVC action, MVC will convert it to a string by calling ToString().

