Remove an attachment of a Gmail email with Google Apps Script - javascript

Using Google Apps Script (, I know from the docs, how to send, forward, move to trash messages, etc. but I don't find how to remove a file attachement of an email, i.e.:
keep the text content (either in HTML or just plain text would be fine)
keep the original sender, keep the recipient
keep the original message date/hour (important!)
remove the attachment
If it's not possible via the API, is there a way to resend the message to myself, while keeping 1, 2 and 3?
Note: the GmailAttachment class looks interesting and allows to list recipients:
var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0, 10);
var msgs = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads);
for (var i = 0 ; i < msgs.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < msgs[i].length; j++) {
var attachments = msgs[i][j].getAttachments();
for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {
Logger.log('Message "%s" contains the attachment "%s" (%s bytes)',
msgs[i][j].getSubject(), attachments[k].getName(), attachments[k].getSize());
but I don't find how to remove an attachment.
Note: I've already studied many other solutions for doing this, I've already read nearly every article about this (solutions with dedicated web services, with local clients like Thunderbird + Attachment extractor plugin, etc.), but none of them are really really cool. That's why I was looking for a solution to do it manually via Google Apps Script.

Looks like messages will have to be re-created-ish:
Messages are immutable: they can only be created and deleted. No message properties can be changed other than the labels applied to a given message.
Using Advanced Gmail Service with the Gmail API insert() you can hack your way around it using: Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, userId)
This advanced service must be enabled before use.
Example: [fill in the EMAIL_ID with an email_id or in whatever way you want to get the email]
function removeAttachments () {
// Get the `raw` email
var email = GmailApp.getMessageById("EMAIL_ID").getRawContent();
// Find the end boundary of html or plain-text email
var re_html = /(-*\w*)(\r)*(\n)*(?=Content-Type: text\/html;)/.exec(email);
var re = re_html || /(-*\w*)(\r)*(\n)*(?=Content-Type: text\/plain;)/.exec(email);
// Find the index of the end of message boundary
var start = re[1].length + re.index;
var boundary = email.indexOf(re[1], start);
// Remove the attachments & Encode the attachment-free RFC 2822 formatted email string
var base64_encoded_email = Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(email.substr(0, boundary));
// Set the base64Encoded string to the `raw` required property
var resource = {'raw': base64_encoded_email}
// Re-insert the email into the user gmail account with the insert time
/* var response = Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, 'me'); */
// Re-insert the email with the original date/time
var response = Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, 'me',
null, {'internalDateSource': 'dateHeader'});
Logger.log("The inserted email id is: %s",
This will remove the attachments from the email and re-insert it into your mailbox.
edit/update: New RegExp to work with html&plain-text only emails - should now work on multiple boundary strings


Google Script to Fill out HTML Form

I have created a script in google scripts, to take a spreadsheet and fill out multiple google docs successfully. I am trying to apply this logic to filling out an HTML form, basically, we need user-generated info (in our google sheet) to fill out an HTML form on a web page.
How would I get the following function to not only open but write in the data?
This is where I am at (just using an example webpage):
function testNew(){
var js = " \
<script> \'', '_blank', 'width=800, height=600'); \; \
</script> \
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(js)
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Now loading.'); // If you use this on Spreadsheet
// DocumentApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Now loading.'); // If you use this on Document
// SlidesApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Now loading.'); // If you use this on Slides
This is an example of what I did with the google docs, trying to replicate in forms:
function myFunction() {
var data = Sheets.Spreadsheets.Values.get('google sheet ID HERE', 'A2:R300');
// google doc template id, already got deal memo
var templateId = 'google doc ID HERE';
// loop through the values "i" is looping the rows, "#" is the column example: 0=a,1=b
for (var i = 0; i < data.values.length; i++) {
var date = data.values[i][0];
var email = data.values[i][1];
// grab the google doc template, create a copy, and generate the new id
var documentId = DriveApp.getFileById(templateId).makeCopy().getId();
// change the name of the new file
DriveApp.getFileById(documentId).setName(companyName+ '-' + projectName+ '-' + 'Insurance Report');
// get the document body as a variable
var body = DocumentApp.openById(documentId).getBody();
// replace values with google sheet data
body.replaceText('##Date##', date);
body.replaceText('##Email##', email);
I have many functions that I have written that interact with a lot of third party forms and websites. Don't let it fool you that all that a form is, is a human-readable way to "POST" to a url. The easier way to do this is to use the UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options) function in Google Apps script.
I use Chrome but other browsers have this functionality as well:
open Chrome, navigate to the form and then press F12 to open up the developers window.
Click on 'Network'
fill out the form manually and then review the traffic in the 'Network' window and find the POST that your browser sent to the site,
With that highlighted, you will see a couple other tabs for 'Headers','Preview','Response'
In the 'Headers' tab, scroll to the bottom and it will show you what the request looked like. Screen shot this and send these variables through the UrlFetchApp.fetch() to the website as the 'payload' and formatted like the function below.
Look at the 'Request URL' at the top of that same 'Headers' tab and you will use that as the URL below:
function senddatatoform() {
var url = ''; // this is the 'request url' as shown in your browser (not always the url of the form).
var payload = {
datapoint1: datapoint1value,
datapoint2: datapoint2value,
... //continue with all required post data
var options = {
method: "POST",
payload: payload
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,options);
/*this is where what you need to do next might vary -- if you're looking for a 'success' page, you might write some code here to verify that the http response is correct based on your needs.

Add attachment by url to Outlook mail

The context
There is a button on the homepage of each document set in a document library on a SharePoint Online environment. When the button is clicked, an Outlook window opens with the title and body set and all the files in the document set should be added as the attachments.
The code
Here's the code I have so far:
var olApp = new ActiveXObject("Outlook.Application");
var olNs = olApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI");
var olItem = olApp.CreateItem(0);
var signature = olItem.HTMLBody;
signature.Importance = 2;
olItem.To = "";
olItem.Cc = "";
olItem.Bcc = "";
olItem.Subject = "Pre filled title";
olItem.HTMLBody =
"<span style='font-size:11pt;'>" +
"<p>Pre filled body</p>" +
olItem.HTMLBody += signature;
olItem.GetInspector.WindowState = 2;
var docUrl = "https://path_to_site/Dossiers/13245_kort titel/New Microsoft Word Document.docx";
The Problem
When I run this code, an Outlook window opens with everything set correctly. But on the line where the attachment is added I get following very vague error message:
SCRIPT8: The operation failed.
I thought it could be the spaces in the url so I replaced them:
docUrl = docUrl.replace(/ /g, "%20");
Also didn't work (same error) and providing all parameters like this also didn't work:
olItem.Attachments.Add(docUrl, 1, 1, "NewDocument");
Passing a path to a local file (e.g. C:/folder/file.txt) or a publicly available url to an image does work. So my guess is it has something to do with permissions or security. Does anybody know how to solve this?
PS: I know using an ActiveX control is not the ideal way of working (browser limitations, security considerations, ...) but the situation is what it is and not in my power to change.
You cannot pass a url to MailItem.Attachments.Add in OOM (it does work in Redemption - I am its author - for RDOMail.Attachments.Add). Outlook Object Model only allows a fully qualified path to a local file or a pointer to another item (such as MailItem).

Removing Edit Access from a Sheet using email from a cell

I am trying to figure out how to remove someone from a spreadsheet using google app scripts.
Essentially, I have a central spreadsheet with information such as emails, names, UID's etc on it. I am trying to pull the email from this spreadsheet and use the removeEditor function to remove that email from another spreadsheet. You can view the code below.
var officerIDrow = officerID + 1;
var Tracker = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('P_Tracker'); //the button is on the same sheet as this, this is why it is get active.
var PTBooking = SpreadsheetApp.openById("1JPS69ko99dQTEwjplF_l2l2G_T8RyHjxCyMxXd_AV_s"); //Referring to the other sheet where the email will be removed from editors.
var EmailAddressRange = "F" + officerIDrow; //This is the column where the emails are stored. The officer ID row refers to the user inputted value in a dialog. Don't worry about this, I have already checked to see if this is the issue,
var EmailAddress1 = Tracker.getRange(EmailAddressRange);
var EmailAddress2 = EmailAddress1.getValue();
var EmailAddress3 = Utilities.formatString(EmailAddress2); //In my desperation, I was trying to see if setting it as string would help.
This isn't the full version of the code. If you'd like to see it, you can click here. But all that matters is above, everything else works fine.
The code above runs fine until it hits the last line where it tries to remove the email. The error message that appears says: "Invalid email: ". I'm assuming after the "email:" bit, it should display what has been pulled. But it doesn't! I have no idea why it isn't finding and using the email to remove people.
Can anyone spot any issues?
This basic test worked for me. It could read email address from the spreadsheet then remove editors from the external sheet. I tried to copy your example, but I don't know how the officerIDrow works, but I assume it's a number. So just stored a number as a var
function myTest() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID HERE");
var idRow = 11;
var tracker = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("tracker");
var emailCell = "F"+idRow;
var emailAddress = tracker.getRange(emailCell).getValue();
var editors = ss.getEditors();
I've left the Logger bits in as it will help point you at what script is doing at each point.
The email address in the cell must be plain, such as

Google Apps Scripts - Extract data from gmail into a spreadsheet

this is the first script i try to write from scratch. It's been no good up to now so i'm going to ask for some help.
Case: I recieve e-commerce confirmation emails from e-commerce sites no reply email address. In the email's body they send email address from buyers. I want to send an automated mail to the body's email address.
How i plan to do this (any suggetions to eliminate steps will be thanked).
Use a rule to tag incoming emails with a unique tag.
Use that tag to identify emails in gmail with a script, go one by one and extract the info i need. Use regex with the emails body content to extract the email address i need to send the automated emails. Plan is to get: subject, date, email from body.
Write all that info to a spreadsheet.
Get rid of unique tag info to prevent duplicate runs.
Then use form mule addon to send emails from the spreadsheet.
So far, i've dealt with steps 1 (easy), and been stuggling with steps 2 and 3 (im not a coder, i can read, undestrand and hack. writing from scratch is a completely different thing). Ive dealt with 4 before i think this is the best way to deal with it.
With the script i extract info to the spreadsheet, with the addon i use the info from the spreadsheet to send emails.
This is the code ive written so far. I've left the regex part for later cause i cant even write anything into the spreadsheet yet. once i get that working, ill start working in the regex and "remove the label" aspects of the script.
function myFunction() {
function getemails() {
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("Main tag/subtag");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var messages=threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var message=messages[j];
var subject=message.getSubject();
function tosp(message){
var body=message.getBody()
var date=message.getDate();
var subject=message.getSubject();
var id= "my spreasheet id";
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id);
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
Any help would be appreciated.
Following is the code I wrote and tested that performs the steps 2, 3 and 4 mentioned by you perfectly well.
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MyLabel");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i=0; i<threads.length; i++)
var messages = threads[i].getMessages();
for (var j=0; j<messages.length; j++)
var msg = messages[j].getBody();
var sub = messages[j].getSubject();
var dat = messages[j].getDate();
ss.appendRow([msg, sub, dat])
One of the faults in your code was that the appendRow function accepts an array of elements specified within [ ] brackets.
Depending on where you're attaching this script, your line of code:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id);
is not necessary if the script is being written in the script editor of the Spreadsheet where you want these emails to be logged. However, if there are multiple sheets in that spreadsheet, you can replace my line
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
Another suggestion is that the current code will give you messages in HTML format. Hence, if you want to get the message in plain text as you see it, use:
var msg = messages[i].getPlainBody();
Now you can write another function for regex and pass the message msg to that. Hope this helps!
I made a ready-to-use script, explaining how to use it (from the start) as well, for those who need more assistance.
It's on gmail-to-google-sheets-script repository. Just read the content and follow the instructions.
How to use
Create a new Google Sheet
Access menu Tools > Script Editor
Copy the content from to editor, replacing the sample code there
Replace the value on SEARCH_QUERY to your real query (Do your search on gmail first, copy and paste the search terms there)
Select saveEmails on menu (near "run" and "debug" buttons)
Click on "Run" button
It will ask for authorization at first run, proceed accepting it (it's your Gmail account authorizing your Google Script account)
After run, the results will be applied to you sheet
Changing fields
If you want to save different message attributes, take a look at gmail-message class and change your script file the code below comments with a ✏️ (pencil).

parse pdf document javascript

I have a pdf document embedded inside a webpage in and want to get a specific field inside the pdf document using Javascript...plain Javascript...
JavaScript in a PDF can call JS in a web page and visa versa, if BOTH are set up for it. You can see Acrobat's documentation here.
Check out the HostContainer specification, starting on page 486. In the PDF you'd need script something like:
var document = this; // hurray for closures.
this.hostContainer.messageHandler = { onDisclose: function() {return true;},
onMessage: function(msgArrayIgnored) {
// build a JSON string of field/value pairs
var outgoingMessage = "{ ";
for (var i = 0; i < this.numFields; ++i) {
var fldName = document.getNthFieldName(i);
var fld = document.getField(fld);
var val = fld.value;
// you'll probably need to escape 'val' to be legal JSON
outgoingMessage += fldName + ": \"" + val + "\";
// stick in a comma unless this is the last field
if (i != this.numFields-1) {
outgoingMessage += ", ";
outgoingMessage += "};";
this.hostContainer.postMessage( [outgoingMessage] );
In the HTML, you need to set up something similar. Lets assume your pdf is embedded in an object tag, and that element's id is "pdfElem". Your HTML script might look something like:
var pdf = document.getElementById("pdfElem");
pdf.messageHandler = function(message) {
var fldValPairs = eval(message);
Later, any time you want to inspect the PDF's field info you post a message, and the PDF will call back to pdf.messageHandler with its JSON string wrapped in an array:
pdf.postMessage(["this string is ignored"]);
There's probably a bug or two lurking in there somewhere, but this will put you on the right track.
Webpage JavaScript will not be able to interact with the PDF form fields. You can however make a PDF form post to a web page form processor and then obtain the values in the form fields.

