check if input form value (int) is less than expected - javascript

My question is about validating a form. I am doing a validation of two fields, one of them receives the value in decimal, example ($ 500.00), is already with mask.
In this field that receives the value, it can not be less than 300.00.
If it is smaller 300.00, a message will appear saying the value has to be greater than 300.00.
Summary: The validation checks that it is empty, but does not check if the (number) int is less than $ 300
I'm using it this way (there's more code, in short):
function valid_simulation(form1) {
if (form1.valor.value == ' ') {
alert("value is not valid");
return false;
if (form1.valor.value <= 300) {
alert("value is not valid");
return false;
Thanks for any help.

Your basic concept is correct: set the message when the if statement test is falsy. Something like the following:
function showFormError(message) {
if (isInvalid) { showFormError("We have a problem.") }

If the dollar mark is the issue, You can split it and validate.
var userInput = $("#inputData").val();
if(userInput.includes("$")) {
var splitArray = userInput.split("$");
if (typeof splitArray[1] && parseFloat(splitArray[1]) < 300){
alert("Amount Not valid");


Find the output using typeof function

I am writing a code. And here I have a problem how can I fix that. I have an input line, it takes a string or a number. So I need to check what is the output and get the answer. I need to give a simple solution. So I can't use functions or something like that.
let input = prompt('Enter your text.');
if (typeof input === "string") {
alert("You have string.");
} else if (typeof input === "number" && input > 30) {
alert("number more than 30");
} else if (typeof input === "number" && input < 30) {
alert("number less then 30");
prompt will always return a string.
If you want to check whether the string is composed purely of numerical values, you could use a regular expression:
if (/^[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/.test(input)) {
// then it's purely numerical
const num = Number(input.trim());
// perform more operations on the number
} else {
// it's not composed of only numerical characters
If you don't want to use a regex, you can use Number alone, but then you'll also include values like Infinity which might not be desirable, and since Number('') gives 0, you'll have to check for that separately:
const num = Number(input);
if (input.trim().length && !Number.isNaN(num)) {
// then it's a number, use num
Another approach that I'd recommend is to avoid prompt entirely. Consider using a proper modal instead, such as a form with an input box and a submit button.
In such a case, if you want to require a numeric input, just do:
<input type="number">
I had a similar problem a few weeks ago and this is what I did:
function testNumber(test) {
if (isNaN(test) === false) {
console.log("this is a number");
} else {
console.log("this is not a number");
testNumber(4); // number
testNumber("4") // number
testNumber("string") // not a number
You can replace "test" for a variable if you don't want to use a function
if (isNaN(myVar) === false) {}
And you may want to add more checks if you want to differentiate between 4 and "4"
You can do
let input = prompt('Enter your text.');
if(isNaN(Number(input))){alert("You have string.")};
if (Number(input) > 30) {
alert("number more than 30");
} else if (Number(input) < 30) {
alert("number less then 30");
So it can change all Stringed-numbers to numbers and check if they are number with the isNaN function

Javascript Eval() thinks first value is a function

I am writing a function that will evaluate expressions in an input field and return the sum.
Currently is working but I am running into an error that I just cannot figure out. Here is my code in Plunker.
function linkFunction(scope) {
var PO = 10;
scope.value = PO;
scope.result = '';
scope.Evaluate = function (input) {
if (input.match(/[a-zA-Z]/g) != null) { //to check if user has inputted a letter between a-z, case sensitive.
return alert("You must only use numbers, not letters")
} else if (input.match(/[!"^£$&[{}\]?\\##~<>_'|`¬:;,=]/g) != null) { //to check if user has inputted a special symbol
return alert("You must only use the symbols specified")
} else if (input.match(/\.\d*\.+/g) != null) { //to check if user has inputted a doubled decimal eg 10.2.2
return alert("You can only use 1 decimal point")
} else if (input.match(/\.{2,}/g) != null) {//to check if user has inputted a two decimals eg 10..1
return alert("You cannot put two decimals one after another")
// if (input.match(/\d*\(\d\W\d\)/g) != null){
// }
var percentPattern = /[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+%/g;
var expressionResults = input.match(percentPattern);
if (scope.enablePercentage) { //if parameter = 1, then do this code.
if (expressionResults != null) { //if user has entered into the input field
if (expressionResults.length > 1) { //if you user has finished the RegEx (%, is the end of the RegEx, so code will think its the end of the array, therefore you cannot add another %)
return alert("Too many % values");
} else {// user has met all requirements
var percentageValue = parseFloat(expressionResults) * PO / 100;
input = input.replace(expressionResults, percentageValue);
} else if (expressionResults != null) { //if parameter = 0, then do this code. Parameter is off, but user has entered percentage
return alert("You cannot use %");
scope.result = eval(input);
If you write 10(5+3) it gives you an error
TypeError: 10 is not a function
Obviously if a user ran this code they would expect to see the value 80.
Eval thinks that 10() is a function.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem. Thanks
eval expects you to pass it JavaScript, not algebra.
If you want to multiply two values together then you must use a Multiplicative Operator.
10 * (5+3)

What is wrong with this number script?

I'm very new to JavaScript and I want to do an input check.
Here is my script:
function checkInp()
var x=document.forms["myForm"]["num"].value; // Get the value
if (isNaN(x))
alert("Not a number!"); // Check if the input is a number
return false;
var valuex=document.forms["myForm"]["num"].value; // Get the value, i don't know if i have to re-write this variable, if no, please comment.
Number(valuex); // Make the input a number
if (valuex.value > 480) {
alert("Too high!"); // See if the number is greater than 480. If yes, say that, if not, return normally.
return false;
else {
I don't know what happens, but the script doesn't work since I added the second part (to check if the number is greater than 480).
Please help me, with full example if possible.
If i'm not wrong, i thnk you need just to do like this:
If(valuex > 480)..
The way I'll doing it:
Document selectorQuery is more understandable
Dont get the value multiple time
Use ParseInt to transform your var on number
Don't forget to return true if success
function checkInp() {
var x = document.querySelector('input[name="num"]').value;
if (isNaN(x)) {
alert("Must be a number");
return false
} else if (x > 480) {
alert("Must be under 480");
return false
return true

JAVASCRIPT HELP - code not working

My code isn't working, can someone please tell me what the problem is?
I'm guessing it's the for loop, but I cannot find the problem.
username = prompt("Please enter a your username:");
for (var i = 0; i < username; i++) {
if(isFinite(username.charAt(i))) {
result = true;
document.write("The username consists of one or more numbers." + BR);
else {
result = false;
document.write("The username must consist of one or more numbers." + BR);
You have two problems in your code:
In the for loop, use the length of the variable to establish the stop condition
for (var i = 0; i < username.length; i++)
BR is not defined
Working code:
From the output I can probably assume you just want to check if username consists of at least one number, actually: a digit.
// iterate over the input
for (var i = 0; i < username.length; i++) {
// check if it is a number (not a digit but that's the same here)
if (isFinite(username.charAt(i))) {
result = true;
// The requirement "one or more numbers" is fulfilled,
// we can break out of the loop
else {
result = false;
// print something according to "result"
if(result === true){
document.write('The username consists of one or more numbers.');
} else {
document.write('The username must consist of one or more numbers.');
You have to go over the full length of the string to find out if there's no number but not if you want to find out if there is any number in it.
Now, if you want to test if it consists of only digits you have to reword the requirements, they are a bit too ambiguous now.
Additional hints:
you need to check the input, you always have to check user input!
you need to be aware that JavaScript strings are UTF16. Rarely a problem but gets easily one if you iterate over JavaScript strings.
String.charAt() returns a character, not a number. Don't rely on the automatic conversions in JavaScript, you way too easily shoot yourself in the foot if you rely on it but also if you don't, so be careful.
please don't use document.write, use either the console if available or change the text-node of an HTML element.
With these points in mind you may get something like this:
// make a list of digits
var digits = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'];
// ask the user for a username
var username = prompt("Please enter a your username:");
// check input
if (username.length === 0) {
console.log('no username given');
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < username.length; i++) {
// indexOf searches for the same type, that's why the digits above
// are strings with quotes around them
if (digits.indexOf(username.charAt(i)) >= 0) {
result = true;
// The requirement "one or more numbers" is fullfilled,
// we can break out of the loop
else {
result = false;
// print something according to "result"
if (result === true) {
console.log('The username consists of one or more numbers.');
} else {
console.log('The username must consist of one or more numbers.');
The above is one variation of many and could easily give rise to a heated discussion on some forums (not here! Of course not! ;-) ) but I hope it helps.
Use a regex for such shenanigans:
var username = prompt("username plz kk thx");
var result = /[0-9]/.test(username);
document.write("The username " + (result ? "consists" : "must consist") + " of one or more numbers");

If condition for comparing integer and float does not working

I am using one If condition in javascript ,
var iid = "c_poqty_"+itemid;
var calculatedQuantity = document.getElementById(iid).value;
if(! isNaN(actualQuantity)) {
if(actualQuantity >= calculatedQuantity) {
return true;
} else {
alert("You must enter the order qty same or greater than the calculated PO Qty");
return false;
} else {
alert("Please Enter valid number");
return false;
Here, calculatedQuantity is always in float and while actualQuantity can be integer,
I have one testcase:
calculatedQuantity = 1.0
actualQuantity = 1
Appreciate for your help!
Actually, I suspect they're both strings. Certainly calculatedQty is, as you've retrieved it from the value of an input field, and the value property's value is always a string. Use parseInt and/or parseFloat so you're comparing numbers rather than strings.
console.log("1.0" > "1"); // "true"
console.log(1.0 > 1); // "false"

