Obtaining rendered borders of a crooked svg-object - javascript

I need to know whether an svg-object is adjacent to another one or not. Therefore I need to get its borders.
Those objects can be a rect or a path. This is fairly easy when they are straight, but I don't know how to do this when they're curved or crooked.
An example of what I mean can be found here or a short example here:
<svg id="mysvg" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 200 512 512">
<path d="m 223.40414,282.21605 35.53211,-3.88909 0,-18.73833 -19.79899,-0.17678 c -5.83251,7.19542 -10.70707,15.0451 -15.73312,22.8042 z" id="pB"></path>
If I use the Box corners, I create a virtual straight rectangular, which adjacent objects are not equal to the adjacents of the rendered object.
How can I do that?

The Snap library offers some nice utilities for your problem. Your question does not define what "adjacent" should really mean. Here is a function that sets a threshold for the maximal distance between to paths:
var threshold = 1;
function isAdjacent (id1, id2) {
var s = Snap("#mysvg");
var first = s.select('#' + id1);
var second = s.select('#' + id2);
var len = first.getTotalLength(first);
var p1, p2;
for (var at = 0; at <= len; at += threshold) {
p1 = first.getPointAtLength(at);
if ( Snap.closestPoint(second, p1.x, p1.y).distance <= threshold) {
return true;
return false;


Subtracting SVG paths programmatically

I'm trying to find a way to subtract a SVG path from another, similar to an inverse clip mask. I can not use filters because I will need to find the intersection points of the compound path with other paths. Illustrator does this with the 'minus front' pathfinder tool like this:
The path of the red square before subtracting:
<rect class="cls-1" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="184.93" height="178.08"/>
After subtraction:
<polygon class="cls-1" points="112.83 52.55 185.43 52.55 185.43 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 178.58 112.83 178.58 112.83 52.55"/>
I need this to work with all types of shapes, including curves. If it matters, the input SVGs will all be transformed into generic paths.
You might use paper.js for this task.
The following example also employs Jarek Foksa's pathData polyfill.
paper.js example
var svg = document.querySelector("#svgSubtract");
// set auto ids for processing
function setAutoIDs(svg) {
let svgtEls = svg.querySelectorAll(
"path, polygon, rect, circle, line, text, g"
svgtEls.forEach(function(el, i) {
if (!el.getAttribute("id")) {
el.id = el.nodeName + "-" + i;
function shapesToPath(svg) {
let els = svg.querySelectorAll('rect, circle, polygon');
els.forEach(function(el, i) {
let className = el.getAttribute('class');
let id = el.id;
let d = el.getAttribute('d');
let fill = el.getAttribute('fill');
let pathData = el.getPathData({
normalize: true
let pathTmp = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", 'path');
pathTmp.id = id;
pathTmp.setAttribute('class', className);
pathTmp.setAttribute('fill', fill);
svg.insertBefore(pathTmp, el);
function subtract(svg) {
// init paper.js and add mandatory canvas
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.id = "canvasPaper";
canvas.setAttribute('style', 'display:none')
let all = paper.project.importSVG(svg, function(item, i) {
let items = item.getItems();
// remove first item not containing path data
// get id names for selecting svg elements after processing
let ids = Object.keys(item._namedChildren);
if (items.length) {
let lastEl = items[items.length - 1];
// subtract paper.js objects
let subtracted = items[0].subtract(lastEl);
// convert subtracted paper.js object to svg pathData
let subtractedData = subtracted
precision: 3
let svgElFirst = svg.querySelector('#' + ids[0]);
let svgElLast = svg.querySelector('#' + ids[ids.length - 1]);
// overwrite original svg path
svgElFirst.setAttribute("d", subtractedData);
// delete subtracted svg path
svg {
display: inline-block;
width: 25%;
border: 1px solid #ccc
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/path-data-polyfill#1.0.3/path-data-polyfill.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/paper.js/0.12.0/paper-full.min.js"></script>
<button type="button" onclick="subtract(svg)">Subtract Path </button>
<svg id="svgSubtract" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<rect class="cls-1" x="0" y="0" width="80" height="80" fill="red" />
<path d="M87.9,78.7C87.9,84,86,88,82.2,91c-3.8,2.9-8.9,4.4-15.4,4.4c-7,0-12.5-0.9-16.2-2.7v-6.7c2.4,1,5.1,1.8,8,2.4
Path normalization (using getPathData() polyfill)
We need to convert svg primitives (<rect>, <circle>, <polygon>)
to <path> elements – at least when using paper.js Boolean operations.
This step is not needed for shapes natively created as paper.js objects.
The pathData polyfill provides a method of normalizing svg elements.
This normalization will output a d attribute (for every selected svg child element) containing only a reduced set of cubic path commands (M, C, L, Z) – all based on absolute coordinates.
Example 2 (multiple elements to be subtracted)
const svg = document.querySelector("#svgSubtract");
const btnDownload = document.querySelector("#btnDownload");
const decimals = 1;
// set auto ids for processing
function setAutoIDs(svg) {
let svgtEls = svg.querySelectorAll(
"path, polygon, rect, circle, line, text, g"
svgtEls.forEach(function(el, i) {
if (!el.getAttribute("id")) {
el.id = el.nodeName + "-" + i;
function shapesToPathMerged(svg) {
let els = svg.querySelectorAll('path, rect, circle, polygon, ellipse ');
let pathsCombinedData = '';
let className = els[1].getAttribute('class');
let id = els[1].id;
let d = els[1].getAttribute('d');
let fill = els[1].getAttribute('fill');
els.forEach(function(el, i) {
let pathData = el.getPathData({
normalize: true
if (i == 0 && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'path') {
let firstTmp = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", 'path');
let firstClassName = els[1].getAttribute('class');
let firstId = el.id;
let firstFill = el.getAttribute('fill');
firstTmp.id = firstId;
firstTmp.setAttribute('class', firstClassName);
firstTmp.setAttribute('fill', firstFill);
svg.insertBefore(firstTmp, el);
if (i > 0) {
pathData.forEach(function(command, c) {
pathsCombinedData += ' ' + command['type'] + '' + command['values'].join(' ');
let pathTmp = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", 'path');
pathTmp.id = id;
pathTmp.setAttribute('class', className);
pathTmp.setAttribute('fill', fill);
pathTmp.setAttribute('d', pathsCombinedData);
svg.insertBefore(pathTmp, els[0].nextElementSibling);
function subtract(svg) {
// init paper.js and add mandatory canvas
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.id = "canvasPaper";
canvas.setAttribute('style', 'display:none')
let all = paper.project.importSVG(svg, function(item, i) {
let items = item.getItems();
// remove first item not containing path data
// get id names for selecting svg elements after processing
let ids = Object.keys(item._namedChildren);
if (items.length) {
let lastEl = items[items.length - 1];
// subtract paper.js objects
let subtracted = items[0].subtract(lastEl);
// convert subtracted paper.js object to svg pathData
let subtractedData = subtracted
precision: decimals
let svgElFirst = svg.querySelector('#' + ids[0]);
let svgElLast = svg.querySelector('#' + ids[ids.length - 1]);
// overwrite original svg path
svgElFirst.setAttribute("d", subtractedData);
// delete subtracted svg path
// get data URL
function getdataURL(svg) {
let markup = svg.outerHTML;
markupOpt = 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + markup.replaceAll('"', '\'').
replaceAll('\t', '').
replaceAll('\n', '').
replaceAll('\r', '').
replaceAll('></path>', '/>').
replaceAll('<', '%3C').
replaceAll('>', '%3E').
replaceAll('#', '%23').
replaceAll(',', ' ').
replaceAll(' -', '-').
replace(/ +(?= )/g, '');
let btn = document.createElement('a');
btn.href = markupOpt;
btn.innerText = 'Download Svg';
btn.setAttribute('download', 'subtracted.svg');
document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', btn);
return markupOpt;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/paper.js/0.12.0/paper-full.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/path-data-polyfill#1.0.3/path-data-polyfill.min.js"></script>
<button type="button" onclick="subtract(svg)">Subtract Path </button>
<svg id="svgSubtract" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect class="cls-1" x="0" y="0" width="80" height="80" fill="red" />
<path id="s"
c0,2.1,0.4,3.7,1.1,5.1c0.8,1.3,2,2.5,3.8,3.6c1.8,1.1,4.6,2.3,8.3,3.6c6.2,2.2,10.5,4.6,12.9,7.1C86.7,71.4,87.9,74.7,87.9,78.7z" />
<path id="o" d="M30.2,22.4c0,8.3-5.8,12-11.2,12c-6.1,0-10.8-4.5-10.8-11.6c0-7.5,4.9-12,11.2-12C25.9,10.8,30.2,15.5,30.2,22.4z
M12.4,22.6c0,4.9,2.8,8.7,6.8,8.7c3.9,0,6.8-3.7,6.8-8.7c0-3.8-1.9-8.7-6.7-8.7C14.5,13.8,12.4,18.3,12.4,22.6z" />
<circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="10%"></circle>
This is a nontrivial problem in general.
It can be solved easily (little code) if you can accept rasterizing the shapes to pixels, perform the boolean operation there, and then vectorize back the result using marching squares + simplification.
Known algorithms to compute instead a somewhat exact* geometric result are quite complex and difficult to implement correctly while keeping them fast.
Clipper is an easy to use library to perform this kind of computation in C++, with ports to Javascript.
Please note that what is difficult is to correctly handle edge cases (e.g. when input lines are partially overlapping or vertices fall exactly on a line and when the result includes zero-area parts).
Code that only reasons about cases in which crossings are clear is a lot easier to write, but unfortunately can produce results that are macroscopically wrong when those edge cases do actually happen.
Floating point math is too unpredictable to be used for these computations... see for example https://hal.inria.fr/inria-00344310/document for a detailed discussion of the kind of issues that will be present when using floating point math for exact geometric computation.
Even a "simple" equation like the one that tells if three points are collinear, clock-wise or counter-clokwise behave crazily when computed with floating point math... (images from the paper)
(*) The coordinates of the intersection of two segments with integer coordinates cannot, in general, be represented exactly by double-precision numbers; thus the result will still be an approximation unless you use a numeric library with support for rationals.

Parse SVG transform attribute with typescript

How do I parse the transform attribute of svg elements using typescript?
That is, how can I parse all the numbers and operations in the string at svg.g.transform in the following:
<svg viewBox="-40 0 150 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<g fill="grey"
transform="rotate(-10 50 100)
translate(-36 45.5)
scale(1 0.5)">
<path id="heart" d="M 10,30 A 20,20 0,0,1 50,30 A 20,20 0,0,1 90,30 Q 90,60 50,90 Q 10,60 10,30 z" />
<use xlink:href="#heart" fill="none" stroke="red"/>
Use the https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGGraphicsElement aka. SVGLocatable and SVGTransformable interfaces/API that is implemented by the native DOM elements.
These elements have a .transform property that corresponds to the transform attribute. This property has the type https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGAnimatedTransformList and you want to look at the statically defined baseVal.
The transform list has an attribute numberOfItems and a getItem method. It may have a .lengthproperty and [] array accessor and it may be iterable in your browser, but don't count on that.
Each item has the type https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGTransform
The .type property tells you which instruction was used.
Therefore, here is how you can parse and then manually synthesize the transform attribute again:
// javascript js equivalent declaration:
// function getAttributeTransform_js(nativeSVGElement) {
// typescript ts declaration
function getAttributeTransform_ts(nativeSVGElement: SVGGraphicsElement) {
// this definition works in ts and js
const tl = nativeSVGElement.transform.baseVal;
const st = [];
for (let i = 0; i < tl.numberOfItems; i++) {
const t/*: SVGTransform*/ = tl.getItem(i);
switch (t.type) {
case SVGTransform.SVG_TRANSFORM_UNKNOWN: break;
// A matrix(…) transformation
// Note: this is the most general transformation, capable of representing more transformations than the other combined.
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_MATRIX, the matrix contains the a, b, c, d, e, f values supplied by the user.
// Note: instead of comma (,), whitespace separation would also be allowed
st.push(`matrix(${t.matrix.a}, ${t.matrix.b}, ${t.matrix.c}, ${t.matrix.d}, ${t.matrix.e}, ${t.matrix.f})`);
// A translate(…) transformation
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_TRANSLATE, e and f represent the translation amounts (a=1, b=0, c=0 and d=1).
st.push(`translate(${t.matrix.e}, ${t.matrix.f})`);
// A scale(…) transformation
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_SCALE, a and d represent the scale amounts (b=0, c=0, e=0 and f=0).
st.push(`scale(${t.matrix.a}, ${t.matrix.d})`);
// A rotate(…) transformation
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, a, b, c, d, e and f together represent the matrix which will result in the given rotation.
// When the rotation is around the center point (0, 0), e and f will be zero.
angle float A convenience attribute for SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY. It holds the angle that was specified.
This is the hardest case since the origin information is lost!
We need to recompute it from the matrix.
from https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2093314/rotation-matrix-of-rotation-around-a-point-other-than-the-origin
matrix.a = cos_angle = c;
matrix.b = sin_angle = s;
Note that by the laws of geometry: c^2+s^2 = 1 (c and s are coordinates on the unit circle)
matrix.e = -x*c + y*s + x;
matrix.f = -x*s - y*c + y;
Using Mathematica/Wolfram Language:
"Assuming[c^2+s^2==1,Solve[e == -x*c + y*s + x&& f == -x*s - y*c + y,{x,y},Reals]//Simplify]//InputForm"
(you can use WL for free here: https://develop.wolframcloud.com/objects/c26e16f7-44e7-4bb6-81b3-bc07782f9cc5)
{{x -> (e + (f*s)/(-1 + c))/2, y -> (f - c*f + e*s)/(2 - 2*c)}}
const e = t.matrix.e, f = t.matrix.f, c = t.matrix.a, s = t.matrix.b;
const originx = (e + (f*s)/(-1 + c))/2;
const originy = (f - c*f + e*s)/(2 - 2*c);
st.push(`rotate(${t.angle}, ${originx}, ${originy})`);
// A skewx(…) transformation
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY, a, b, c and d represent the matrix which will result in the given skew (e=0 and f=0).
angle float A convenience attribute for SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY. It holds the angle that was specified.
// A skewy(…) transformation
// For SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY, a, b, c and d represent the matrix which will result in the given skew (e=0 and f=0).
angle float A convenience attribute for SVG_TRANSFORM_ROTATE, SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWX and SVG_TRANSFORM_SKEWY. It holds the angle that was specified.
return st.join(','); // instead of comma (,), whitespace separation is also allowed
// example
const r = <SVGRectElement>document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect");
// the parseable syntax for the transform attribute is pretty relaxed
r.setAttribute("transform", "translate(1, 0),rotate(0.5), scale(1 2)");
// note that the browser may canonicalize your syntax
// EDGE canonicalizes the transform to read:
// 'translate(1) rotate(0.5) scale(1, 2)'
// basically equivalent:
Your example:
function createElementFromHTML(htmlString) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = htmlString.trim();
// Change this to div.childNodes to support multiple top-level nodes
return div.firstChild;
<g fill="grey"
transform="rotate(-10 50 100)
translate(-36 45.5)
scale(1 0.5)">
<path id="heart" d="M 10,30 A 20,20 0,0,1 50,30 A 20,20 0,0,1 90,30 Q 90,60 50,90 Q 10,60 10,30 z" />
// gives
// 'rotate(-10, 49.99999999999982, 99.99999999999972),translate(-36, 45.5),skewx(40),scale(1, 0.5)'
Note that you should use .getAttribute("transform") to let the browser synthesize the string form of an SVGTransformList for you, instead of using my script above!
Note that we cannot retrieve the origin argument of "rotate" perfectly, because there is no API for it. It has to be computed from the 2d-homogeneous (rotation) matrix.
Inspired by:
Parse SVG transform attribute with javascript
See also:

Animate svg paths on hover in all browsers

Im new to SVG and paths on HTML5 and I have some issues with an animation im trying to do:
In the next link its a preview of what im trying to do: http://jsfiddle.net/fxwL68hr/1/
The problem is: only works on Google Chrome and Firefox Developer Edition.
In summary: When I hover the SVG, all the triangles do an animation. However triangles 3 and 4 actually change the paths coords to create a bigger triangle. How I can animate this change of coords in those triangles without using css d: path() so it can work in all (or at least the majority of) browsers.
The next link is a : CodePen with my solution
I'm not very sure you will like it.
In the HTML I'm adding a defs element with the target path for triangles 3 & 4:
<svg id="svg" class="svg_bg" width="50%" viewBox="0 0 100 75">
<path id="t3Target" d="M 100 75 L 0 0 L 0 75 Z" />
<path id="t4Target" d="M 100 75 L 100 0 L 0 0 Z" />
<path id="triangle1" class="triangle1" d="M 17.5 28.5 L 55 75 L 81 75 Z"></path>
<path id="triangle2" class="triangle2" d="M 36.5 8 L 54.5 75 L 87 75 Z"></path>
<path id="triangle3" class="triangle3" d="M 110 -25 L 38 75 L 77 75 Z"></path>
<path id="triangle4" class="triangle4" d="M 49 75 L 84 75 L 120 41.5 Z"></path>
For the triangles 3 & 4 I'm using JavaScript.
let rid = null;
let shapesRy = [];
class Shape{
this.target = getArgsRy(path_a);
this.vals = getArgsRy(path_b);
this.morphingPath = morphingPath;
this.memory = [];
for(let i=0; i < this.vals.length; i++){
this.memory[i] = [];
this.memory[i][0] = this.target[i].slice();
this.memory[i][1] = this.vals[i].slice();
updateValues() {
for(let i = 0;i < this.memory.length; i++){
let dist_x = this.target[i][1] - this.vals[i][1];
let vel_x = dist_x/10;
this.vals[i][1] += vel_x;
let dist_y = this.target[i][2] - this.vals[i][2];
let vel_y = dist_y/10;
this.vals[i][2] += vel_y;
let dist_x = this.target[0][1] - this.vals[0][1];
if (Math.abs(dist_x) < .01) {
rid = null;
updatePath() {
let d=`M${this.vals[0][1]},${this.vals[0][2]}`;
for(let i = 1;i < this.vals.length -1; i++){
d += `L${this.vals[i][1]},${this.vals[i][2]}`
d +="Z";
this.morphingPath.setAttributeNS(null, "d", d);
shapesRy.push(new Shape(t3Target,triangle3,triangle3));
shapesRy.push(new Shape(t4Target,triangle4,triangle4));
function Frame() {
rid = window.requestAnimationFrame(Frame);
shapesRy.map((s) => {
function() {
if (rid) {
rid = null;
shapesRy.map((s) => {
for(let i = 0;i < s.memory.length; i++){
s.target[i] = s.memory[i][1].slice();
function eAction(){
if (rid) {
rid = null;
shapesRy.map((s) => {
for(let i = 0;i < s.memory.length; i++){
s.target[i] = s.memory[i][1].slice();
function getArgsRy(path) {
let d = path.getAttribute("d").replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ""); //remove breaklines
if (d.charAt(0) == "m") {
d = "M" + d.slice(1);
let argsRX = /(?=[a-zA-Z])/;
let args = d.split(argsRX);
let ArgsRy = [];
args.map(arg => {
let argRy = arg
.replace(/\-/g, " -")
.split(/[ ,]+/);
argRy.map((p, i) => {
if (p == "") {
argRy.splice(i, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < argRy.length; i++) {
argRy[i] = parseFloat(argRy[i]);
return ArgsRy;
This is a blog post where I'm explaining the code: Morphing in SVG - first steps
There is an additional problem with the CSS animation for the triangles 1 & 2 (your CSS) since CSS transforms on SVG elements are extremely buggy.
You may want to read this article: Transforms on SVG Elements
Alternatively you may want to use JavaScript for all 4 triangles.
There always is a finite transform from one triangle to another. The math behind that is non-trivial, but with a bit of fiddling around with the grafical transformation tool for example of Inkscape, you can find it. That way, I got to the following:
triangle 3: matrix(0, 1.92308, -1,0.634615, 75, -120.673)
triangle 4: matrix(0, -2.14286, 2.98507, -2.30277, -123.881, 352.708)
Addendum: I have done the appropriate math now. I've even described it already in the context of another answer: Draw circle svg orthogonal projections. While in that answer, three points were used to describe a square that then underwent an orthogonal projection, the mathematical content is just this: take three separate points (not in one line) as source and another three points (same constraints) as target, and the function generate() quoted in that answer will give you the transform matrix.
The animation has to run between the neutral matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) and the one above as a transform property. See it working in this fiddle.
Downside: according to Can I Use, IE does not support CSS transforms on SVG elements, but that was also true for your first two triangles.
In addition, why don't you use a CSS transition instead of an animation? You go from one state to a second and back. Describe the base state and the hover state and transition: transform 1s ease does the rest.

How to achieve progressive animate for svg line

I am trying to achieve progressive animation for svg line path. I am using path like as M L M L ..... .. do to this problem the animation will not work perfectly.
Here is my code,
var distancePerPoint = 1;
var drawFPS = 100;
var orig = document.querySelector('path'), length, timer;
var a = document.querySelector('svg');
a.addEventListener('mouseout', stopDrawingPath, false);
function startDrawingPath(){
length = 0;
orig.style.stroke = 'green';
timer = setInterval(increaseLength,600/drawFPS);
function increaseLength(a){
var pathLength = orig.getTotalLength();
length += distancePerPoint;
orig.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", length + ' ,2000');
if (length >= pathLength) clearInterval(timer);
function stopDrawingPath(){
orig.style.stroke = '';
<svg id="asd" width="706" height="600">
<path stroke="red" stroke-width="2" d="M 0 239.34 L 105.75 299.25 M 105.75 299.25 L 211.5 279.28 M 211.5 279.28 L 317.25 259.31 M 317.25 259.31 L 423 259.46 M 423 259.46 L 528.75 99.55 M 528.75 99.55 L 634.5 199.40000000000003 " />
If I add line path as M L L L L mean it will work perfectly what I expected.. but I need this same behavior in M L M L M L...
how to achieve... without using css
Do you mean that you want the subpaths to animate one after the other, instead of all at the same time?
The answer is you can't. The dash pattern begins/resets at the start of each subpath (each move 'M'). There is no way around this other than:
Fixing the path by removing the unnecessary 'M' commands, or
splitting the lines into separate paths, then triggering them one after another.
You're trying to animate the line using the 'stroke-dasharray' property. but that applies to each line primitive separately, and not the whole path. As you can see in the result. Every M component in the path will reset the internal stroke length values in the svg path renderer.
A more straight forward solution would be to animate the path data itself. Or just add path elements in the animation frame.

Find the centroid (simple mean) of a set of latlngs

I would like to use client-side JavaScript to find the centroid of a set of latitudes + longitudes (actually Google LatLng objects), using a simple mean calculation.
I see that similar questions has been asked many times before on Stack Overflow, but I can't find a straightforward answer for JavaScript. (This may just be a fail of my Googling, apologies if this is a duplicate.)
I have something like this, but it doesn't work for the case where you're averaging, say, latitudes of 179 and -179, and so the centroid should be 180 rather than 0.
var avg_lat, avg_lng;
for (var i = 0; i < google_latlngs.length; i++) {
avg_lat += google_latlngs[0].lat();
avg_lng += google_latlngs[1].lng();
avg_lat = avg_lat / google_latlngs.length;
avg_lng = avg_lng / google_latlngs.length;
I need to do this efficiently in client-side JavaScript, and my points are unlikely to be more than a few km apart, so great-circle distance or anything fancy really isn't necessary in this case.
Thanks for your help.
UPDATE: OK, any method for finding a centroid in JavaScript will do.
If you are dealing with 2 points only, make sure the difference between your two latitude points is less than or equal to 180 before applying your function. You can do this by adding or subtracting by 360, which would change -179 to 181 (or 179 to -181). When you get your final result, add/subtract by 360 until the final value is within your desired range.
If you want this to work with more than two points, we'll have to do some geometry. We treat each latitude point as a point on a unit circle with a certain distance x and y from the origin and certain angle a (the latitude):
We must average all the x's and y's and then take the angle of the resulting point to get our final latitude for the centroid. Here is the JavaScript:
var latXTotal = 0;
var latYTotal = 0;
var lonDegreesTotal = 0;
var currentLatLong;
for (var i = 0; currentLatLong = google_latlngs[i]; i++) {
var latDegrees = currentLatLong.lat();
var lonDegrees = currentLatLong.lng();
var latRadians = Math.PI * latDegrees / 180;
latXTotal += Math.cos(latRadians);
latYTotal += Math.sin(latRadians);
lonDegreesTotal += lonDegrees;
var finalLatRadians = Math.atan2(latYTotal, latXTotal);
var finalLatDegrees = finalLatRadians * 180 / Math.PI;
var finalLonDegrees = lonDegreesTotal / google_latlngs.length;
I'm not sure that I've correctly understood the algorithm, but I'll try:
var avg_lat, avg_lng;
for (var i = 0; i < google_latlngs.length; i++) {
avg_lat += (google_latlngs[0].lat() > 0 ? google_latlngs[0].lat() : 360 + google_latlngs[0].lat());
avg_lng += (google_latlngs[1].lng() > 0 ? google_latlngs[1].lng() : 360 + google_latlngs[1].lng());
avg_lat = avg_lat / google_latlngs.length;
avg_lng = avg_lng / google_latlngs.length;
If this is correct then average between -44 and +45 is 180.5 - that's I'm concerned about. I'd say that average for -44 and +45 is 0.5. Correct me if I'm wrong.

