undefined parameter in js - javascript

I am receiving a type error stating that the array testA[i] is undefined whenever I add an input into the html page. I have the array set and i'm trying to add the value of currency to the array using the push method to add to the second part of the array i.e([0][currency])
function Test() {
var testA = [];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.currency = prompt("Please enter a 3-letter currency abbreviation", "");
var index = new Test();
any help as to why the array is undefined would be appreciated.
Note: I have now tried both testA.push(currency) and testA[i] = this.currency, and I still get the same error as before.
Note: the final version should have it loop through 4 different questions asked and each time adding these into an array. At the end of the loop a new variant of the array should be made and the new set of data entered will be added to it. something like
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
testA[i] = i;
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
this.currency = prompt("Please enter a 3-letter currency abbreviation", "");
testA[i][j] = this.currency;
but at this point in time I'm just trying to get it to work.

You don't use the push method on a index. You use it on the array itself.
Replace this
With this

You need to perform push operation on the array directly.
By executing testA[index] you will receive hold value. In JS it will always return undefined, if index is greater than array length.
Because your array is empty as the beginning, you are always receiving undefined.

You are mixing up two different implementation.
Either you use direct assignation.
var testA = new Array(4);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
this.currency = prompt('...', '');
testA[i] = this.currency;
Either you push new values into the array.
var testA = [];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
this.currency = prompt('...', '');
You should use the second one, which is the most simple soluce.

testA[i] = this.currency OR testA.push(this.currency)
Use Modified function below
function Test() {
var testA = [];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
this.currency = prompt("Please enter a 3-letter currency abbreviation", "");
testA[i] = this.currency; // use this.currency here if you
var index = new Test();


Service invoked too many times in a short time

I'm getting this error message to the following script. "Service invoked too many times in a short time: exec qps. Try Utilities.sleep(1000) between calls."
I've given my code below. Can you help me to stop this error message? Note: I'm using an array formula imported from another sheet. The trigger is set to work on Change.
function onEdit(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('Direct');
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var values = range.getValues();
var rows_deleted = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++) {
var value = values[i][j];
//row numbers are 1-based, not zero-based like this for-loop, so we add one AND...
//every time we delete a row, all of the rows move down one, so we will subtract this count
var row = i + 1 - rows_deleted;
//if the type is a number, we don't need to look
if (typeof value === 'string') {
var result = value.search("Remove");
//the .search() method returns the index of the substring, or -1 if it is not found
//we only care if it is found, so test for not -1
if (result !== -1) {

javascript thinks the values in two arrays don't match even though they do

This snippet of code is throwing me for a loop.
if(colList[i] != checkList[i]) {
var colTest = colList[i];
var checkTest = checkList[i];
As you can see from this screenshot from the debug the values are identical.
Any hints as to why the if statement thinks these values are different?
EDIT: Here is a screenshot showing the full arrays.
Again, I'm not sure why this matters. In fact for testing purposes I have both arrays pulling from the exact same source data.
2nd Edit:
Here is all the relevant code. Again, as you can see the arrays are identical.
var colList = sheet.getRange(startRow,watchCol,lastRow,1).getValues(); // Data set with all values to watch
var checkList = sheet.getRange(startRow,watchCol,lastRow,1).getValues(); // Data set with all the check values
function timeStamp() {
for(var i = 0; i <= colList.length; i++)
if(colList[i] != checkList[i]) {
return colList
return checkList
Here is the full code that is trying to treat it as a multidimensional array. This code does not work and returns "Cannot read property "0" from undefined. (line 13,"
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var startRow = 2; // First row with Data
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow() - startRow;
var watchCol = 2; // Column to check for changes
var checkCol = 7; // Column to check against
var timeCol = 3; // Column to put the time stamp in
var colList = sheet.getRange(startRow,watchCol,lastRow,1).getValues(); // Data set with all values to watch
var checkList = sheet.getRange(startRow,watchCol,lastRow,1).getValues(); // Data set with all the check values
function timeStamp() {
for(var i = 0; i <= colList.length; i++)
for(var j = 0; j < checkList.length; j++){
if(colList[i][j] != checkList[i][j]) {
return colList
return checkList
sheet.getRange(i + startRow,checkCol).setValue(colList[i]);
sheet.getRange(i + startRow,timeCol,1,1).setValue(new Date());
According to your screenshots it's simple.
Your's arrays doesn't contain strings, they contain array that contain string, and thus to compare is true, because two arrays will always be different, that because arrays in js are objects and when you try to compare objects it compares that references of them , not the value.
So you should make array of strings, or just to add [0] to each side in the if
As I said in the comment, you have that one index arrays inside another array, so yours are multi-dimensional arrays and you have to use 2 indexes to access its values, i = row and j = column
var checkList = [["Beef"], ["Red"], ["Career"], ["Chicken"], ["Red"], ["Kids"], ["Beef"], ["Red"]];
var colList = [["Beef"], ["Red"], ["Career"], ["Chicken"], ["Red"], ["Kids"], ["Beef"], ["Red"]];
function timeStamp() {
for(var i = 0; i < colList.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < checkList[i].length; j++){
if(colList[i][j] != checkList[i][j]) {
console.log('not equal');
} else{
As it turns out adding .String() at the end of the function creating the arrays fixed the issue and allowed them to compare correctly.

multidimensional array indexOf not working js

I'm trying to find an index of a number in a 2d array, but console gives out
Uncaught TypeError: block[((a * 10) + c)].indexOf is not a function
I think it has something to do with the way of accessing the array element, but can't seem to find the problem.
Here's the code.
var block = [];
var temp;
var del;
for(var a = 0;a < 9;a++){
for(var b = 0;b < 9;b++){
temp = parseInt(prompt("enter element number " + b + " of row number " + a));
block[a*10+b] = temp;
block[a*10+b] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
// console.log(block[a*10+b]);
for(var a = 0;a < 9;a++){
for(var b = 0;b < 9;b++){
if(typeof(block[a][b]) == "number"){
for(var c = 0;c < 9;c++){
if(c != b){
del = block[a*10+c].indexOf(b);
You have a mix of data types assigned to the block array. When the user enters a value that is not numeric, you assign indeed a nested array to one of the block elements, but not so when the user enters a valid number.
From what I think you are doing (a Sudoko game?) this might be intended: the numbers are known values in the grid, the nested arrays represent a list of values that are still possible at that particular cell.
But then in the second part of your code, you should check in which of the two cases you are, as you only want to remove array elements if the value you are looking at is indeed an array. This test you can do with Array.isArray().
There are also some other issues in the second part of your script:
The expression block[a][b] is not consistent with how you have filled that array: it should be block[a*10+b] to be consistent.
the b in .indexOf(b) is wrong: you are not looking for that value, but for block[a*10+b].
the splice() is always executed, even if the indexOf returned -1. This leads to an undesired effect, because if the first argument to splice() is negative, the index really is counted from the end of the array, and still an element is removed from the array. This should not happen: you should only execute the splice if the indexOf result is non-negative.
Below I have put a working version, but in order to avoid the almost endless prompts, I have provided this snippet with a textarea where you can input the complete 9x9 grid in one go, and then press a button to start the execution of your code:
document.querySelector('button').onclick = function () {
var block = [];
var temp;
var del;
var text = document.querySelector('textarea').value.replace(/\s+/g, '');
for(var a = 0;a < 9;a++){
for(var b = 0;b < 9;b++){
temp = parseInt(text[a*9+b]); // <-- get char from text area
block[a*10+b] = temp;
block[a*10+b] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
for(var a = 0;a < 9;a++){
for(var b = 0;b < 9;b++){
var num = block[a*10+b]; // <-- get content, fix the index issue
if(typeof num == "number"){
for(var c = 0;c < 9;c++){
if(c != b && Array.isArray(block[a*10+c])){ //<-- add array-test
del = block[a*10+c].indexOf(num); // <-- not b, but num
if (del > -1) // <-- only splice when found
document.querySelector('pre').textContent = 'block='+ JSON.stringify(block);
<textarea rows=9>
Note that there are elements in block which remain null. I suppose you intended this: as you multiply a with 10, and only store 9 values per "row", there is always one index that remains untouched.
I haven't looked over your second for loop, but you can try applying similar logic there as in the snippet I've provided. The issue is that you need to create a temporary array inside the outer for loop over values of a (but NOT inside the inner, nested for loop over values of b). Inside the for loop for values of b, then, you need to push something into that temporary array (which I called temp). Then, outside of the b for loop, but before the next iteration of a, push that temporary array temp to the block array. In this way, you will generate a 2D array.
var block = [];
var del;
for(var a = 0; a < 9; a++) {
let temp = [];
for(var b = 0; b < 9; b++) {
let num = parseInt(prompt(`Enter element ${b} of row ${a}:`));
if (num > 0) {
} else {
// block[a*10+b] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

Object Not Maintaining Assigned Values

I am looping through an array to create another array of objects in a modified format.
for (i = 1; i <= 37; i++) { // create 37 boxes for days of the month and nearby dates
room_reservations[i] = {};
var this_date = getDate();
var res_count = 0;
for (var res_index = 0; res_index < reservations.length; res_index++) {
var this_res = reservations[res_index];
// bad assignment location
// res_room = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this_res));
if (this_res.checkin <= this_date && this_res.checkout > this_date) {
for (var k = 0; k < this_res.rooms.length; k++) {
var res_room = {};
res_room = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this_res));
var this_room = res_room.rooms[k];
res_room.room_index = k;
var traveler_count = this_room.travelers.length;
console.log('traveler_count: ', traveler_count);
res_room.traveler_count = traveler_count;
//traveler_counts[i][res_room.room_name] = traveler_count;
console.log('res_room.traveler_count: ', res_room.traveler_count);
var room_name = this_room.room_name;
console.log('room_name: ', room_name);
res_room.room_name = room_name;
console.log('res_room: ', res_room);
room_reservations[i][res_room.room_name] = res_room;
Essentially, I console log the object property traveler_count and get the correct value. But when logging the entire object, the property value is incorrect. It's like it grabs the value from the next loop.
How do I fix this? It is not just the logging. The values being set are wrong in the room_reservations array. For example, I set the attribute name to res_room.room_name and the value to res_room. But the attribute name does not match the value in the object.
Please help. Thx
The problem is that you're using the same res_room object every time through the for (var k) loop. So all the properties in res_room[i] are referring to the same object, which you modify in place. You need to make a copy of the object when you assign it.
room_reservations[i][res_room.room_name] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res_room));

Text Analysis webpage does not work

For a homework assignment, I have to make a web page that has a text area. The user inputs some text, hits the analyse button, and the output is supposed to be a list of the frequency of words of a given number of characters. For example, "one two three" would be two words of three characters and one word of five characters. The text area works fine, but I can"t seem to get the output to appear.
Here is the html:
<textarea id="text" rows="26" cols="80"></textarea>
<input type="button" id="analyse" value="Analyse Text">
<div id="output"></div>
The JavaScript file has 6 functions. The first function returns an array that stores the number of characters for each word in the input textarea:
function getWordInfo() {
var text = document.getElementById("text").value;
//the variable wordArray uses a regular expression to parse the input
var wordArray = text.split("/\w\w+/g");
var arrayLength = wordArray.length;
var charArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var splitWord = wordArray[i].split("");
var wordLength = splitWord.length;
return charArray;
The second function is a simple object constructor that has a name property and a count property. The count property has a default value of 0.
function obCon(name,count) { //object constructor
this.name = name;
this.count = count;
count = typeof count !== "undefined" ? count : 0;
The third function returns an array that stores word objects. Each object has a name property and a count property. The name property is the number of characters in a word. The count property counts how many times an object with a given name property appears.
function arCon() { //array constructor
var charNum = getWordInfo();
var arrayLength = charNum.length;
var obArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
if (typeof obArr.indexOf( newOb.name === charNum[i] ) != "undefined" ) { // checks if the object needed exists
obArr.indexOf( newOb.name === charNum[i] ).count = obArr.indexOf( newOb.name === charNum[i] ).count + 1;
var newOb = new obCon(charNum[i]);
newOb.count = newOb.count + 1;
return obArr;
The fourth function is a string formatter, meant format the objects from arCon into a single readable string, then store it in an array.
function formatter() {
var strAr = arCon();
var arrayLength = strAr.length;
var formatStr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var str = "Number of characters: " + strAr[i].name + ", Number of words with this length: " + strAr[i].count;
return formatStr;
The fifth function is called for an event handler, meant to handle the click of the analyse button. On click, it is meant to get the div tag, get the formatted array, then loop though each element in the array, where it creates a p element element, pulls the formatted string, sets the p element value to the formatted string, then appends the p element to the div tag.
function analyseButtonClick() {
var div = document.getElementById("output");
var str = formatter();
var arrayLength = str.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
var par = document.createElement("p");
var format = str[i];
par.value = format;
The sixth function is an init function that handles the button click.
function init() {
var button = document.getElementById("analyse");
button.onclick = analyseButtonClick;
window.onload = init;
I have run this though a validator, and it shows me that there are no syntax errors, so it must be a logic error. However, all the functions seem to do what they are supposed to do, so I am not sure where I went wrong.
edit1: ok, have replaced the third function with four new functions. a function that returns the highest number in the array returned by getWordInfo, a function that constructs objects with name properties from 2 up to that number, a function that update the count properties of the objects, and a function that removes unused objects. here they are:
function maxNum() {
var array = getWordInfo();
var num = Math.max.apply(Math, array);
return num;
function objArrCon() { //object array constructor
var num = maxNum();
var array1 = [];
for (var i = 2; i === num; i++) {
var myObj = new objCon(i,0);
return array1;
function objArrParse() { //updates the object with word info
var array1 = getWordInfo();
var array2 = objArrCon();
var loopLength1 = array1.length;
var loopLength2 = array2.length;
for (var i = 0; i < loopLength1; i++) {
for (var m = 0; m < loopLength2; m++) {
if (array2[m].name === array1[i]) {
return array2;
function objArrTrun() { //removes unused objects
var array1 = objArrParse();
var loopLength = array1.length;
for (var i = 0;i < loopLength; i++) {
if (array1[i].count === 0) {
array.splice(i, array1);
return array1;
still does not work, but im getting there!
I have written this in jQuery because 1) it's not my homework assignment and 2) it would be good practice (for you) to translate it back into normal JavaScript. You'll need to rewrite the event handler, along with the two getters/setters ($("text area").val() and $("tbody").append()).
Your main problem is that you have made your solution too complicated! If all you want to do is display the number, Y, of words with length, X, then you should do the following:
Grab the value of the text area and store in text
Remove all non-alphanumeric characters.
Split the text string wherever one or more spaces is present and store it in text
Loop through the array and map each array element, based on its length, to wordMap
Loop through wordMap and append it to wherever in the DOM you want the results to be
$("#analyze").click(function () {
var text = $("textarea").val().replace(/[^\d\w ]+/g," ").split(/[ ]+/);
// this grabs the value of the text area, replaces all non-numerical
// and non-alphabetical characters with "", and then splits it into an array
// wherever one or more spaces is present.
var wordMap = {};
// makes an object that will be used as an associative array
text.forEach(function (d) {
// loops through the array
// if there is no key called d.length in wordMap
if (!wordMap[d.length])
wordMap[d.length] = 1; // set its count to one
wordMap[d.length]++; //otherwise, increment it
// loop through all the properties of wordMap
for (var x in wordMap) {
$("tbody").append("<tr><td>" + x + "</td><td>"
+ wordMap[x] + "</td></tr");
<textarea placeholder="type something..."></textarea>
<button id="analyze">Click to analyze</button>
<div id="results">
<th>Length of Word</th>
<th>Number of Occurrences</th>

