I need to keep element reference to pass on - javascript

When the user clicks on <a> tag it calls a function like the following:
<a href="#" onclick="func1(this)">;
This function generates HTML for a modal that needs to reference the first button.
func1(elem) {
html='<div class="modaldiv">' +
'<a href="#" onclick="func2(e.srcElement)">'+
When the link inside the modal is clicked, func2() should save text into a data attribute inside the first link, but this is not working, returning:
"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier "

First, don't use inline HTML event handling attributes (onclick, onmouseover, etc.), here's why.
But, your actual problem is that you are not properly declaring your function.
This: func1(elem)
Needs to be this: function func1(elem)
Next, you <a> elements must have some content for someone to see and click on and they must then be closed, which you didn't have.
function func1(elem) {
html='<div class="modaldiv">' + 'click me too'+ '</div>';
document.body.innerHTML += html;
click me
If you rework your answer to use modern standards, the proper modern way to do this would be:
// Get references to DOM elements
var a1 = document.getElementById("firstAnchor");
a1.addEventListener("click", func1);
// Callback for first link:
function func1(e) {
// Store original source element
var src = e.srcElement;
// Formally create new elements and configure them
var d = document.createElement("div");
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = "#";
a.textContent = "Click me too!";
// By hooking up to a wrapper function, we can have that function
// pass arguments to the actual callback function:
a.addEventListener("click", function(){
// Add new elements to the document
function func2(firstSrc){
console.log("func2 invoked and e.srcElement from first link is: ", firstSrc);
click me


how to add a (click) function inside the .ts

I am working on a solution to rewrite links in an HTML element.
I get HTML information via a JSON string 'spanClass1'. In this string I need to rewrite a class to a link. This works wonderfully. Unfortunately, I use hash routing in Angular and can only link further via the toDocument() function. It doesn't work via a normal link name tag
Via span.className.replace(/\D/g, '') I get the ID I need to link to the page.
Unfortunately I was not able to define an Angular (click) function including the ID to the page.
Also, I can't manipulate the code in the .html, only in the .ts.
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = spanClass1;
div.querySelectorAll('[class^=doc-]').forEach(function (span) {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = '/suche#/document/' + span.className.replace(/\D/g, '');
anchor.href = span.className.split('doc-')[1];
anchor.innerHTML = span.innerHTML;
span.parentNode.replaceChild(anchor, span);
spanClass1 = div.innerHTML;
toDocument(id) {
window.open('/suche#/document/' + id);
"spanClass1": "blablablablabla <span class=\"doc-158 \">Radleuchter,</span> blablablabla"
How do I add a (click)="toDocument(123)" function to the <a> tag inside the Component.
It seems that you want to add a event listener to a div you are creating at run time. A possible approach is to use the Renderer2 API, as provided by the Angular Team.
In this case, your code would look like the following:
In the constructor:
construct(private _renderer2: Renderer2, ...) { ... };
In the method where you create the div:
var div = document.createElement('div');
this._renderer2.listen(div, 'click', (event) => {
// Code to be run here or callback.
div.innerHTML = spanClass1;
Furthermore, I would advise some caution on changing the DOM directly. It's best to use the renderer for this since it comes with built it methods that are far safer and expose less risks.
You want to add an event listener to each a and listen for the click event. There are a few pieces of your code that I don't fully understand, but it's basically this:
function toDocument(id) {
window.open('/suche#/document/' + id);
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = spanClass1; // what is this?
div.querySelectorAll('[class^=doc-]').forEach(function (span) {
var anchor = document.createElement('a');
var id = span.className.split('doc-')[1];
anchor.href = '/suche#/document/' + span.className.replace(/\D/g, '');
anchor.innerHTML = span.innerHTML;
anchor.addEventListener('click', function() {
span.parentNode.replaceChild(anchor, span);
spanClass1 = div.innerHTML;

Passing json object in href function - JavaScript

I need to pass a json object to function, which is as mentioned below in a href, but this JS code is not getting evaluated. So can anyone suggest a workaroud or a solution for this?
function function_test(option,jsonObj){
function function_prepare_div(){
var str ="";
var jsonResposneObj = getJson();//function to get jsonResponseObj
str += "<a href='function_test( " + i + "," + jsonResposneObj.dataObj[i] +")'>1. " + jsonResposneObj.dataObj[i].objName + "</a></br>";
return str;
P.S. I cannot return the jsonResponse after function call.
Instead of using inlined JS, append the element using proper DOM methods, and then attach an event listener.
Eg something like
const a = container.appendChild(document.createElement('a'));
a.href = function_test(1, jsonResponse);
a.textContent = '1. ' + function_test(1, jsonResponse);
(make sure function_test returns a URL)
Functions (or any JavaScript for that matter) don't belong in an <a href=""> in the first place.
Hyperlinks are for navigation, not JavaScript hooks. Using them just to trigger some JavaScript is an incorrect use of the <a> tag. It was commonplace 20+ years ago (before we had web standards), but is woefully outdated and downright incorrect today. Using a hyperlink to trigger JavaScript is semantically incorrect and can cause issues for people who rely on assistive technologies (like screen readers) to navigate a page.
Just about any element that is valid in the body of a web page supports a click event and most are better suited to what you want to do.
What you need to do is register your function as the callback to the click event of some element, like this:
// An example of a JSON response
var jsonResponse = '{"key1":10,"key2":true,"key3":"foo"}';
// Get reference to any element that supports a click event that
// can be safely used as a JavaScript trigger
var span = document.getElementById("fakeLink");
// Set up an event handling callback function for the click event of the element
span.addEventListener("click", function(){
// Call the function and pass it any arguments needed
processJSON(1, jsonResponse, this);
// Do whatever you need to do in this function:
function processJSON(val, json, el){
console.log(val, json);
el.textContent = val + json;
/* Make element look & feel like a hyperlink */
#fakeLink { cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline; }
#fakeLink:active { color:red; }
<span id="fakeLink">Click Me</span>
var json = {
foo: 'bar'
var func = function(data) {
$('body').append("<button onclick='func(" + JSON.stringify(json) + ")'>BUTTON</button>");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

javascript pass media EventListener to html (html5) media.currentTime

*update here is my code edit as you see working) https://codeshare.io/a3ZJ9g
i need to pass on a javascript varible to a html link...
my original question was here HTML5 video get currentTime not working with media events javscript addEventListener
working code:
var media = document.getElementById('myVideo');
// durationchange
var isdurationchange = function(e) {
var x = document.createElement("a");
media.addEventListener("timeupdate", isdurationchange, true)
that code works
but i need it to echo the currentTime value to the html page such as
document.write("<a href=/time.htm?currentTime='.media.addEventListener("timeupdate", isdurationchange, true).'>link</a>;);
so it would print out
<a href=time.htm?currentTime=currenttimefromjavascript>link</a>
thank you
i did read:
how to pass javascript variable to html tag
How can I pass value from javascript to html?
someone suggested:
// insert the `a` somewhere appropriate so it can be clicked on:
const a = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
a.textContent = 'Link to current time';
const isdurationchange = function(e) {
a.href = `\\time.htm?currentTime=${media.currentTime}`;
but where does that go?
document.write tries to write to the current document. If the document has already been processed, the document will be replaced with a blank one with your argument. You don't want that; use the proper DOM methods instead.
If, for an element you create dynamically, you want to change its href on every timeupdate, you would do:
// insert the `a` somewhere appropriate so it can be clicked on:
const a = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("a"));
a.textContent = 'Link to current time';
const isdurationchange = function(e) {
a.href = `\\time.htm?currentTime=${media.currentTime}`;

Javascript - passing a variable to event handler

Apologies if my problem sounds trivial to JS experts.
I've created an image slider (carousel) and, while loading thumbnails, I'm trying to create a reference to a full-size image, so that when a thumbnail is clicked - the image opens in another div.
The relevant code within window.onload handler is:
for (var i = 0; i < numImages; ++i) {
var image = images[i],
frame = document.createElement('div');
frame.className = 'pictureFrame';
/* some styling skipped */
carousel.insertBefore(frame, image);
} /* for */
My first attempt was to add "onclick" at the end of the for loop:
frame.onclick= function () {
var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage');
largeImage.style.display = 'block';
var url=largeImage.getAttribute('src');
document.getElementById('slides').style.display = 'block';
document.getElementById("slides").innerHTML="<img src='url' />";
However, this may only work with hard-coded ids (e.g. 'largeImage').
Ideally, I need to pass image.src as a parameter but this (frame.onclick= function (image.src)) will not work.
My next thought was to put all logic of getting image.src to a separate function and displaying it with frame.onclick= myFunction;
However, I came over an example:
<input type="button" value="Click me" id="elem">
elem.onclick = function(event) {
// show event type, element and coordinates of the click
alert(event.type + " at " + event.currentTarget);
alert("Coordinates: " + event.clientX + ":" + event.clientY);
And here it is above me to understand why in this example a handler can accept a parameter.
What would be a correct way of assigning an image to the onclick event? Or is there a better way of turning a thumbnail into href?
While it might not be the best way, you could place the full size image path as a data-attribute on your thumbnail.
<img id="thumbnail" src="thumbnailpath" data-fullSizeImage="fullSizePath">
Then on your onclick, you could access the thumbnail element and get it's data- attribute.
function onClick(event){
var fullSizePath = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-fullSizeImage");
//Do whatever you want with fullsizepath
Code is untested; but, something like that should work based on my experience.
data attributes are a very flexible custom attribute for developers to use. Essentially you start with "data-" and then append a name to represent the attribute. Here is the documententation link.
You can create a closure (that is, an anonymous function) and register it as an event handler to access variables from outside the event handler inside the event handler itself:
for (var i = 0; i < numImages; ++i) {
/* create element */
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
console.log('The index is ' + i);
However, this will not quite work, since the variable i is changed every time the loop increases it, and closures don't "capture" the current value, only the reference itself, so at the end i will be equal to numImages for each event listener.
If you're using ES6 you can overcome this by using let (or const) to prevent this behavior:
for (let i = 0; i < numImages; ++i) {
/* create element */
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
console.log('The index is ' + i);
If using ES6 is not an option, you can still accomplish this in ES5 and earlier by wrapping the inside of your loop in a function that takes i as a parameter, which makes sure each event handler references different variables, since these parameters are different variables for each iteration:
for (var i = 0; i < numImages; ++i) {
(function (index) {
/* create element */
element.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
console.log('The index is ' + index);
})(i); /* pass in i here, which will be assigned to the index parameter */

Javascript, have links all auto open in new tabs

I have a very simple javascript which turns book isbns in to clickable URL links to Amazon.com. What I am trying to do is add a function that when "clicked" opens all the URL links in new tabs. This saves me the time of clicking every single link.
Is this doable? =)
<div><b>ISBN Hyperlinker</b></div>
<textarea id=numbers placeholder="paste isbn numbers as csv here" style="width:100%" rows="8" >
<div><b>Hyperlinked text:</b></div>
<div id="output" style="white-space: pre"></div>
//the input box.
var input = document.getElementById('numbers');
var output = document.getElementById('output')
var base =
//adding an event listener for change on the input box
input.addEventListener('input', handler, false);
//function that runs when the change event is emitted
function handler () {
var items = input.value.split(/\b((?:[a-z0-9A-Z]\s*?){10,13})\b/gm);
// Build DOM for output
var container = document.createElement('span');
items.map(function (item, index) {
if (index % 2) { // it is the part that matches the split regex:
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.textContent = item.trim();
link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
link.setAttribute('href', base + item);
} else { // it is the text next to the matches
// Replace output
output.innerHTML = '';
handler(); // run on load
You can trigger a click event manually, like:
But that's just an example to show you easily that it would work with your given code. I would suggest having a button like "Open All Links" and having that button use a selector to gather up all the links and then loop through them and call the click method on each one. You would be making things easier on yourself giving the outer container (the output div) an ID that you could use as the initial outer selector.

