canvas and pattern fabric.js and perspective.js - javascript

Currently I am working on tile vitualizer project in which the user can upload their own image and select the floor area and apply any tiles on their wish to have a look of their room based on tile and bought it. I have created pattern using selected tile image and create path on canvas and apply fill style to have a look but it is not feel like a floor.
What I am getting is
So, I tried perspective.js to get some realistic result.
I can make the tile repeated image looks like floor using points but we have some transparent space in canvas while applying the canvas as pattern it missed some floor space because of being transparent.
Result using perspective.js
How to overcome this problem? Sorry for my bad English. Thanks in advance.


How to transform image from 3d to 2d perspective

I want to be able to correct images so you look at it from the orthogonal plane. I have seen This question but do not know how to put the calculations into JavaScript code to perform the action.
So to upload an image, select four points on the image to become the new corners and then to crop.
For example, I want to select the four corners of the piece of paper in this image and then crop it to make it look as if I am looking at it directly.

Best method to sketch dimensions and obtain area of shape drawn

I'm trying to develop a very simple sketch program that can draw the dimensions of buildings. For example, if I want to draw a 24'x24' house, it would simply be a square with each side representing 24'. I've read that SVG/Javascript may be ideal, but I'm looking for some specific guidance.
Here is a link to a 30 second video showing exactly what I need:
I'm able to draw those shapes by clicking in one spot and then moving the mouse to another location to draw a wall, then click again to produce a third corner, and then a final time to close the shape. I'd need the area to be calculated too.Preferably the dimensions of each side would be able to be shown as labels.
Here's an example of an image I'd like to be possible:
Click Here
Can you think of anything to help me build a simple version? Any feedback is huge, thanks a lot.

Colour of two overlapping circles

I'm creating a planning tool for a game. Imagine two 2D static gun emplacements with different ranges and damage per second. I want to draw these ranges with different colours according to damage, in a scale similar to this
I got that part working with CSS border radiuses. My problem is that if ranges overlap, the overlapping area doesn't show the combined damage.
I found heatmap.js but it doesn't allow you to set a different radius for each point. I also can't find a way to turn off the gradient... the damage of these guns at its maximum range is the same at its minimum range. I realise that's sort of the point of a heatmap normally haha but I'm not too sure what I should be googling.
I had a think about a PHP solution which would create a greyscale image using varying levels of opacity to represent different damage. I'd then loop through all the pixels and recolour them according to the scale. But that would be far too slow. It needs to update in as close to realtime as possible as the user drags the guns around the screen.
There's probably a very simple way to do this, a CSS filter maybe, but I can't find anything. Any ideas? Thanks!
CSS is the wrong tool for this job -- you really ought to be doing stuff like this using SVG or Canvas. It'll be a lot easier to achieve complex graphical effects using a proper graphics system than trying to hack it with shapes created in CSS.
For example, in SVG, you would simply need to use the fill feature to fill each area with whatever colour you wanted. See an example SVG image here. It's an SVG Venn diagram where the overlap areas are completely different colours to the parent circles. Canvas has similar functionality.
You might also want to consider using a Javascript library such as RaphaelJS or PaperJS to help you with this. (using Canvas would imply that you're using some Javascript anyway, and it will make SVG easier to work with too).
However if you must do it using CSS, if you want elements to show through so the colours are merged when they overlay each other, then you'll want to use some sort of opacity effect.
Either opacity:0.5 or an rgba colour for the background.
That's as good as you'll get with CSS; you won't be able to get arbitrary colours in the overlap portions; just a combination of colours from the layered opacity effects.
If you look at the code of heatmap.js, you'll see that it works like this:
Paint circles onto a canvas, using a radial gradient from transparent to some percent opaque (depending on the strength of the point).
Color-map that grayscale image (converting each gray value to one of an array of 256 colors).
Your problem could be solved in the same way, but painting a circle of constant opacity and variable radius in step 1.

Freeform drawing over an image using <canvas> and javascript

I have been trying to find a good resource to point me in the correct direction and I'd really like someone to help me in this regard.
I'm developing an app that uses phonegap, js and html5. One component of this app is to have an image that can be overlayed with freeform scribbles.
I'm not sure if its the canvas object I should be using and if so how do I go about implementing a drawing solution.
You create a and position it absolute over image.
can have transparent pixels (alpha=1.0) and those pixels will display the underlying image.
Then you flip pixels accordingly your scribbling to black etc. You need to listen to touch events, transform their coordinates to coordinates and then use canvas.getContext() draw operation to manipulate pixels hitting in those coordinates.
If you need further assistance please ask individual questions for each part as a complete solution would be longish source code and outside the scope of simply answering the questions.

How to create jigsaw puzzle from an image using javascript

I googled it but didn't find a good answer. Specifically, I want to learn:
to slice an image into curved pieces
to create individual objects from those pieces (i assume that i need
this to reassemble)
There are several pieces to this puzzle. :)
The first piece is SVG and its Canvas. That's what you'll need to draw, because otherwise you can't make a curved piece out of a picture. Only rectangles are possible with standard HTML/CSS.
The second piece is an algorithm for generating jigsaw pieces from the picture. Google should help you with that if you can't figure one out by yourself (though it doesn't seem very complicated).
The rest should be straightforward.
Added: A quick Google search gave just such a jigsaw engine in the first result. Check out the source of that.
I'll assume the image you want to saw to pieces is a raster image with a resolution that you will use for the puzzle pieces, call that /picture/. Also, I assume you have the edges along which you wish to saw in a second raster image with the same dimensions, call that /raster/. Then your problem amounts to determining all connected areas in the raster. Each pixel of the raster gets annotated with the id of the jigsaw piece it belongs to, initially 'none', -1 or whatever. Then your algorithm scans across all pixels in the raster, skipping pixels that already belong to a piece. For each unassigned piece it executes a flood fill, "coloring" the pixels with the pieces id (e.g. number). In a second scan, after allocating an image for each piece, you add the corresponding pixels of the image to the piece. As part of your first pass you can maintain for each piece id the bounding box. That allows you to allocate the the images for the pieces to their proper dimensions.
You need a suitable convention to deal with border pixels: e.g. border pixels to the right belong to the piece if they have the same x-position, but are above they also belong to the piece.

